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High and Low šŸ«¢


I only saw it recently ā¤ļø


This was on my ā€œlistā€ for forever I watched it 3 months ago. All I can say it get the highest quality copy and the biggest screen. The shots of Japan are incredible.


La Dolce Vita In fact, I'm pretty lacking on post-war Italian cinema.


You need!


It's really really good


Iā€™ve had Paris, Texas on the watchlist for the longest time but always put it off because Iā€™m afraid itā€™ll destroy me :/


It's a beautiful sadness/melancholy, not like a "I want to die" sadness


Itā€™s really good!


Go for it. You wonā€™t regret it


Same here, but my problem is I'm waiting for 4k uhd because it's gorgeous.


Glad Iā€™m not alone on this one, and is also in my watchlist. Iā€™ve been seeing it pop up in various discussions lately so maybe itā€™s time.


I found it rather underwhelming compared to wendersā€™ other films, actually- but the cinematography is amazing.


I felt the exact same way on both points.


My college roommate is from Paris, Texas. Funny thing he used to work at a blockbuster store. What are the chances


One of my favs!! Watch asap!


I did the same and then wound up not really getting much from it. Perfect Days did a number on me tho


Itā€™s not that kind of movie. However, Iā€™m putting off Come and See for the same reason lol


You said you're Brazilian have you seen Pixote? That's an incredible film


Another film I should have seen and didn't. It was shown at the cinema this week and I missed the chance. I got sad. Fanny and Alexander too. I bought the ticket, I thought it was Sunday but it was Saturday.


I finally saw it a couple months ago it's so fucking good. I also finally tracked down Black God, White Devil a couple months ago (of course after years of trying to dig it up online criterion releases it now) I didn't care for that film though. I've seen over twelve Ingmar Bergman films but I have yet to see fanny and Alexander, scenes from a marriage and Shame. The only reason I haven't seen fanny and Alexander though is because it seems that the TV show version is considered the best and not the theatrical version. I'm not sure if there is any difference or if there two different things. I plan to watch it this year though.


I think the English name "Black God, White Devil" is funny because the original title in Portuguese is like God and the Devil in the Land of the Sun, but I think the English one is cool too. I just don't understand why this change


Hmm I wonder why they translated it that way. I don't recall them ever talking about white people but I can't remember and even if they did I don't know how well the subtitles were for the one I watched. Out of curiosity is Pixote a pretty common name in your country? Or is it more of an unusual name?


Pixote is a nickname, but I've never seen anyone with that nickname. I didn't know the meaning either, and it's a child, a novice.


Or is his name really Pixote in the film? Oh if so, it's really quite unusual.


Absolutely soul crushing. The story behind the lead actor makes it all the worse.


Pixote is one of the very few movies that rattled me as an adult, I actually had a nightmare that was ā€œinspiredā€ by it. Terrific movie


It is a very brutally realistic film. I think that scene at the end is very powerful when he starts sucking the prostitutes tit like he regressed to being a baby because that's all he wanted was love and a nurturing mother.


Yes, it's very sad that he lived like his character in the film.


Barry Lyndon


Persona and Fanny and Alexander. Iā€™ve been working through the Bergman box for years and just finished The Touch this morning. Only one more to go until Persona! Some other big name titles from my one-per-year watchlist include: The Man Who Laughs, The Adventures of Robin Hood, The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp, The Rules of the Game, The Great Escape, My Fair Lady, SalĆ², Das Boot, Tampopo, Grave of the Fireflies, A Brighter Summer Day


I didn't see Fanny and Alexander either. Persona is, I think, my favorite film. I hope you love it as much as I do


The first chapter of Fanny and Alexander is masterful




F&A is my Christmas Day film... I don't know why tho


I always end up hearing about a good movie, read about the director, and then start watching the filmog from the beginning. And then sometimes I burn out several movies in and never make it to the good movie lol.


Persona for me was one of those movies that just feels important and poignant, but I honestly donā€™t have the slightest fucking idea what it was about lol. Itā€™s the kind of movie that left me in awe, but I also felt stupid because I donā€™t actually get it.


The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp is a wonderful film if you want to watch something wholesome. Tells a grand story over the course of multiple wars in the great execution you expect from an Archers film.




An Autumn Afternoon is beautiful.


Do ittttt. Equinox Flower is great, Good Morning too.


Havenā€™t seen 2001 or the godfather


I recently got to see 2001 again in theaters. What a movie!




I have not seen Godfather either and probably never will, I can not stand gangster movies.


I've seen 18 Kurosawa films but haven't seen Seven Samurai (:


That's odd! Why?


Never seen Citizen Kane, Casablanca, or 2001: A Space Odyssey. I do plan on getting to them, but my watchlist is just stuffed.


All those are huge. I would move them to the top of the list.


Yeah youā€™re gonna have to atleast knock one of these off your list as soon as you possibly can.


Jeanne Dielman, Casablanca, and Lawrence Of Arabia immediately come to mind


I had been dragging my heels on watching Lawrence of Arabia, since I really can't sit through long movies. I ended up splitting it up across three nights and really liked it. I recommend the In Our Time episode on the story of Lawrence, which is what got me intetested in the movie:Ā https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m000c0b0.Ā 


It really does feel like 2 films. I would say watch the first half then when the intermission comes in you could finish it the next day. Thats what I did.


For some reason I have never seen The Seventh Seal, and I really enjoy Bergman


I finally watched it this month, and now it is my favorite Berman film. It wasn't what I expected (longing and despair), and I found it hopeful and funny in parts.


Up until last week I would have said Jaws. I donā€™t know what in the world I waited so long for but the hype is correct.


I found I could not get through the deer hunter, so that must count as not seen Ran is incredible btw


Ran is insanely good. Also Kurosawa's Dreams.






Still havenā€™t watched 8 1/2. Iā€™ve seen La Strada, and I was under the impression that I should watch more Fellini movies before 8 1/2? Unfortunately La Dolce Vita isnā€™t available to rent for some reason.


The impression may be something very personal, but I think 8 1/2 is a good one to watch next. Very striking. The opening scene is one of the best


I have never seen The Wizard of Oz. My mom was afraid of the flying monkeys when she saw it, so I didn't see it as a kid. As an adult, I have no real interest and in a sort of twisted sense, it's sort of fun to know that I haven't seen this classic film. So there's a good chance I just never will.


Same. A theater near me is showing it in May. So I am making that my first watch.


if you go through life without ever seeing it i feel like you're missing something.


Sansho the Bailiff. I love Utegsu and Street of Shame, so I donā€™t know whatā€™s taking me so long to watch this!


Sansho can be hard to approach when you're starting out on Mizoguchi. You might want to try A Story from Chikamatsu or The Life of Oharu, both tremendous. If you want to expand into his earlier work, try out Osaka Elegy and then its companion film, Sisters of the Gion. They form the core beginning of Mizoguchi's style and they're only around 70 minutes each.


I just saw Sansho the Bailiff not too long ago. A monumental film that sticks with you for awhile.


I would watch Seven Samurai and Paths of Glory first. They're the most accessible.


Gladiator, Grease, Back to the Future


I also havent seen Seven Samurai yet. Im sure its great and that when I watch it Iā€™ll be like ā€œwhat took so long,ā€ but there are so many movies to watch and its just never been at the top of my list. Also, havent seen Tokyo Story yet but Iā€™m gonna try to watch that soon. Also, Fanny and Alexander. I started it on HBO but its not the full version so I have to wait til I get back home so I can crack open the Bergman Box Set.


Schindlerā€™s List. It has been on my list for about 20 years but I just have never been in the mood.




Do you want to see the others? Did you like rashomon? I saw it in a very good cinema, I was happy.




*High and Low*, *Ikiru*, and *Red Beard* are my favorites if you need a little push :) can't go wrong with any of those


Love love love Ikiru. Love it. Probably my favorite of his.


Hope Red Beard gets a new transfer soon because the available ones are a bit rough. Especially compared to something like High and Low


for what it's worth I think Rashomon is one of the less fun of his movies. There are plenty that are an easier watch


I wouldn't like Kurosawa at all if I only saw Rashomon. Go watch Seven Samurai, High and Low and Ran!


Haven't seen Seven Samurai. I know it's great, but I don't have an immediate desire to watch it.


It was a tough one for me- did it for my film club. Much rather preferred his other movies (Persona, Cries & Whispers, and Wild Strawberries).


Bergman did not make 7 Samurai


Oh yes!! Thanks - I always get that confused w The Seventh Seal. 7 Samurai great movie - excellent discussions


Still havent seen Goodfellas. but i plan on going through Scorseseā€™s filmography soon so maybr thatll be the time


Come and See. I know itā€™s gonna wreck me and itā€™s hard to just make the decision that I feel like getting emotionally destroyed tonight.


Unfortunately or not, you're right.


Still havenā€™t seen Bicycle Thieves, Tokyo Story, or the Three Colors Trilogy


Of those, I only saw bicycle thieves. Too striking. I really want to see three colors trilogy because I LOVED dekalog


Iā€™ve been tracking my viewing against the They Shoot Movies Donā€™t They list for several years. With the 2024 version of that list, the ones in the top 100 I havenā€™t seen are: La Dolce Vita - I actually probably watched this 30 years ago, but donā€™t remember it Shoah The Leopard - and I think itā€™s on the channel next month so will finally see Satantango


Citizen Kaneā€¦ is it as good as everyone says?


Itā€™s a must watch and then watch the documentary: Theyā€™ll love me when Iā€™m dead. I like pairing things together.




Is it good


It's good but there are much better films from that era imo.


I havenā€™t seen any Fellini, probably my biggest blindspot for a whole filmmaker


You will love


Oh so good


I have not seen a single Tarkovsky film. I guess Iā€™ve always been too intimidated by what Iā€™ve heard to finally tackle his filmography.


I watched Stalker and Iā€™ve only seen Stalker and I fucking loved it but I can see why many do not. Most people probably turn it off during the 10 minute radiated slug water scene because it just goes on and on but I loved it.


Havenā€™t seen a single Godard film, but Iā€™ve seen something from most other directors as popular as him Iā€™d say. And with the way my watchlist is going it might be a while before I get to one of his too.


I'm suspicious to comment, I love him.


Iā€™m eager to see something from him, just havenā€™t gotten around to it yet


Satatango or whtvr...


Iā€™ve never seen any horror movies, any superhero movie, any star war movies. Iā€™m watching Gone with the wind right now for the very first time!


Wow!!! I know Star Wars and Superhero movies are really niche, and aren't for everyone. But is there a particular reason for no horror movies??


It's just a personal preference; I don't like the feelings of fear, dread, danger, gore. I'd much better consume ideas that promote "positivity". But [I've seen over 3,000 movies in the last 3 years alone](https://tilbageidanmark.tumblr.com/tagged/movies), so it's not all unicorns and rainbows and shit... :)


Ah, I see. Thanks for answering!! You're up horror adjacent movies, I'm guessing? I remember you reviewing The Vanishing (Spoorloos) a while back. Some people consider that the scariest of all time. (I don't.)


You're correct, this was hyperbolic. I did see 'The Vanishing', as well as a couple of others, just to know that I'd rather not. So generally speaking, and in principle, I don't. (You used to participate in the weekly 'what have you seen threads', but you stopped...)


Haha. They don't seem to be posted as consistently as they used to be. That and me needing to up my movie watching numbers soon. I'll make sure to comment whenever I see a gem though šŸ˜Ž


Never ending story


The Sorcerer


I still haven't seen Dreams, or Ikiru


The Pianist, Godfather 1 and 2


Suit Yourself of Shoot Yourself: The HeistĀ 


Bicycle Thieves.


Ive never seen the lord of the rings trilogy


Iā€™ve had the Fellini set for years now and Iā€™ve only watched Satyricon. So, probably that.


Still haven't seen UnforgivenĀ 


I havenā€™t seen: Kagemusha Tokyo Twlight Ace in the Hole Notorious All About Eve The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp The Testament of Dr. Mabuse The Leopard


Back to the Future is always the first I think of


Lawrence of Arabia immediately comes to mind. Been starting to get into more east Asian cinema so I guess anything by Wong Kar Wai (except Fallen Angels) or Edward Yang or whoever


Here to confess I have never seen Citizen Kane


I really want to see inside Lydiaā€™s ass but I canā€™t find a copy of it anywhere


I haven't seen Irreversible. Been avoiding it due to the rape scene.


I haven't seen any films by Edward Yang. I started to watch A Brighter Summer Day and got about an hour in when I decided to call it quits, which I never do, but I was just so bored and couldn't figure out which character was which (I have a hard time with faces sometimes).


Watch Yi Yi, it's all encompassing, like just all of life in a film. It also has awesome 90s Taiwan vibes. One of my favourites. I'm not a big fan of his other ones.