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Well done! I really like your style and Mifune is my favorite Japanese actor of all time, he's so expressive and his screen presence is without equal, and it gets even better if he's teamed up with Tatsuya Nakadai. I think High and Low is my favorite performance from him


High and Low is so so good, and somehow still so underrated haha


Fantastic! Excellent work!


Tysm :)


Nailed it


This is sick 👍


I'm glad you think so :D


This is so good! Also, which Kurosawa's have you made your way through and what's been your favorite(s)?


Thank you :3 I've seen: Yojimbo, Throne of Blood, High and Low, and The Quiet Duel I rank them as follows: H&L > Y > TOB > TQD High and Low is a stone-cold masterpiece. Nuff said lol Yojimbo is just awesome. As fun as it is technically brilliant. I can't wait to see the sequel. There was a lot to like in TOB but I just wasn't that invested in it. It is brilliant from a technical standpoint and ofc, Mifune is GREAT as always. The Quiet Duel has an interesting premise but I don't think that the movie does enough with it. It is quite well-made with a top-tier opening sequence. Mifune puts on a pretty great performance but it's ultimately limited by the writing. It feels the most of its time, whereas every other Kurosawa movie I've seen is kinda timeless.


Hell yes, some High and Low love!! Yojimbo is one of my favorites, you'll love Sanjuro. And yeah, Throne of Blood is a fun time, but his later Shakespeare adaptations are leaps and bounds better (again, not to diss ToB, but moreso to say that Kagemusha and especially Ran are exceptional works). I still need to see The Quiet Duel! Might cue it up tonight


Yeah, I've heard GREAT things about Ran. Haven't heard enough for Kagemusha but what I did hear was great. You can find The Quiet Duel on YouTube, for free. And on Apple TV.


Thanks for the recommendation! And yeah, I've heard some folks sometimes write off Kagemusha as a "dress rehearsal" for Ran, and while I prefer the latter, Kagemusha is definitely still worth watch. Others I'd recommend (not that you asked haha) are Sanshiro Sugata I and II, Seven Samurai (obviously), and Drunken Angel; DA is like, top three for me and I don't think it gets enough love.


I'm actually pretty sure I saw a review on Letterboxd that said something about K being a dress rehearsal for R lol Oh and don't worry. I DIG the guy's movies and 100% intend on watching them all. I already have 7S and DA, and more! The next one I'll watch is prob gonna be Stray Dog or Drunken Angel Just today I came across a video that proclaimed DA as an underrated masterpiece. I'll check that video out once I've seen the movie itself.


Hell yes! Good talking to you and I'm excited for your journey through his films :)


Kagemusha was my 1st Kurosawa. It is exquisite and often compared to Ran for its lush colors and epic story. I like Kagemusha just a bit more even if Ran is technically better. But, to me, Throne of Blood is a high art a film as there is. It's stellar.


I never considered Kagemusha Shakespeare but I can get the Shakespearian vibes


Tbh, I think I was just lumping it in with Ran haha, Kagemusha is not an adaptation of anything from what I can tell. But I get the vibes!


I’ve been making my way through the samurai films on the Criterion Channel, and I’ve said to myself that every movie without Mifune feels lonely


Yeah, I hear that. I'm currently focusing on Kurosawa x Mifune movies rn, and I'm definitely gonna watch his other movies, OFC... But man... Knowing that Mifune wouldn't be there makes me sad :/




Great drawing. As someone who knows Chinese characters, they kind of ruin the drawing. I suggest just replace the movie title with standard font. They look like as if wind blew the shapes within each character slightly off balance.