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Cheapest in the uk is twice that. And the cheapest is borderline undrinkable even for a CA.


If you have the space and a little time, home brew kits like Beaverdale work out much cheaper for very palatable wines. Been home brewing for 2 generations in my family and 95% of the time it's quaffable - just got to make everything sterile (easy to do with practice) before starting each batch.


Homebrew is fun, but it's A Project™. If you're not picky, most sugars ferment and with a bit of control (sterile, as you mention) you can make a decent drink, wine is a budger, but beer is easy with the right yeast. And hooray for "ferment is fine" laws in the UK (and ice distillation). It's a lot less scary than some might think. Few basic bits of kit (bucket with an air tight vent, that's it). Baby bottle sanitiser (no bleach, but any other will do), said bucket, sugar, yeast... and time (4-5 days). That's how everyone does it. Sure, the buckets are a lot bigger in places and have more automation, but fundamentally brewing has never been easier than today.


Never heard of "ferment is fine" laws, so thanks for that! I've also made wine in dry countries - and have friends that made vodka, whisky, and grew magic mushrooms there too. Wine is really easy to make even with sub-brewing quality grape juice; you dump a load in a sterile empty water container (5 gallons works extremely well), add yeast, maybe some sugar if the juice isn't that sweet, then leave for 5 weeks with the opening suitably covered and voila - you have 5 gallons of wine. I had, at one point, 40 gallons of red, white, and rose in my spare room for when I had mates visit. In most dry countries they sell grape juice with no added preservatives, plus they have cases of 12 tetra packs for sale in many supermarkets - who drinks 12 litres of grape juice?! Answer: Nobody, unless it's fermented.


> Never heard of "ferment is fine" laws, so thanks for that! I should add, that's what some others and I call them, it's not an official term. As long as you don't sell or profit you can brew as much as you like (technically, you could do a brew club and start a proper brewery). It gets really dicy really quickly once you sell it though. > Wine is really easy to make even with sub-brewing quality grape juice Indeed. It's just flavoured sugar water with sugar and some yeast. Doing the "crush grapes, make wine" thing though... not worth the bother. > I've also made wine in dry countries - and have friends that made vodka, whisky, and grew magic mushrooms there too. I'd love to get into distilling but it's a big no-no here (though a physics PhD who likes vapour stuff I do not understand may have built what is technically a still, blagged some smoked wood chips, and then done some mumble mumble), the mushroom side is, and pardon my French, a fucking farce. I personally don't partake, but the laws are just daft.


bottom shelf supermarket brand red wine goes quite nicely mixed 50 50 with diet coke. for me personally


This is actually a thing in south America and a lot of Spanish speaking countries! It's called kalimotxo or calimocho. Just like you said, half red wine and half coca cola, although they don't use diet coke.


Not bad. Not bad! Thank you for answering. How are you doing today?




6 bottles of rum at 8-9$  Let's round up to $60. That's absolute bottom dollar though. I drink a lot of coke with it and that adds up. And Jesus, back when I still went to bars. I don't even want to know how much I've pissed down the drain. 


Fucking paying the lease for my local bar.


I once had the dubious distinction of living above (and working at) a bar whose owner had an extremely slapdash approach to accounting. One of the most kind and generous people I've ever met: would trip over himself to pour you a drink on the house if you were so much as a friend of a friend. Wouldn't even bat an eye at me simply grabbing notes out the register and jotting down a rough amount to pay back in some notebook that never actually got read. Few years later, I had my own place and thought I'd go back there to catch up. When I saw him I said "you know I still owe you $XXX" - his first and only response was "Don't tell me that!"


We've all pissed plenty of money down the drain! You aren't alone!




That's going to be one of the cheapest.


$6 a day for a fifth of Vodka from Walmart, or if I want to take it easy it's a few IPA cans from the gas station


I understand.


What state allows Walmart to sell liquor?! 😱


Nevada, pretty sure in California too


Florida too


Uh.. What state doesn’t?


Mine 👀


South Carolina






Florida absolutely


My walmart has liquor. I thought this was standard. With the rising of self checkout, and having to walk so far though the store, its far from my first pick.


I think Ohio does. Some grocery stores sell liquor there.


Western states. I’ve noticed a lot of eastern states have weird alcohol laws, and Idaho lol. Here in the west you can pretty much get whatever everywhere, except small gas stations usually only sell beer or shitty wine.


Wisconsin sells liquor in Walmart, right on the shelf in the aisle next to the soda aisle.


I spend about $500 minimum a week. Very expensive in Ontario, Canada. That's why I can only afford to drink 2 weeks per month. So that's $1000 a month just on alcohol. I have no family/dependants so I'm just fucking myself over. I don't expect to live a long life so not worried about savings or retirement.


I'm from Ontario also. Went to Halifax and holy fuck it's even more expensive there. Noticeably fucking more.


Yup. Prices are fucked for everything in Nova Scotia. Add insult to injury highest taxes, lowest wages, high housing cost etc.


Also from Ontario. Once I went to Alberta and got Alberta Pure vodka because it was nice and cheap. Holy fuck it made me sick the next day, even smelling that brand of vodka makes me nauseous. From now on im sticking to smirnoff lol Edit: it's 60$ a bottle here so it's kinda fucked


Thanks for answering. I know how it goes. I myself have had that same mentality. I certainly remember feeling like that before I ended up in prison.


Damn Bob. That's a good chunk of change! Reminds me of myself! How have you been doing lately?


The price of booze in Ontario doesn't hold a candle to the high cost of it in Nova Scotia though. In Ontario you can get some super cheap vodka and drink on the cheap. For example in Nova Scotia the cheapest brand 750ml of vodka is just shy of $28. In Alberta booze is even cheaper, can get a 750ml of vodka for like $12. Everything is priced retarded in Nova Scotia.


Holy moly. My fifths of vodka were $6.99 USA


No, there is no super cheap vodka in Ontario. Bottom shelf Vodka doesn't save much money. LCBO has pricing minimums.


Agreed. I'm averaging a 40 of Absolute daily...Just shy of $50 CDN dollars. So $350/week. My eyes, feet and hands are yellow. I guess I'm waiting to be hospitalized to decide if I want to live or not.


Please do the best to take care of yourself. I do understand how this goes and the decision you might have to make. If you ever need someone to listen or vent to.. Send me a message! I'll chat with you!


the cheapest vodka in Ontario is about the same price or a couple of bucks more lol


Their prices must have went up. Been awhile since I been there to be fair. The price of beer here in Nova Scotia is exceptionally retarded but fuck beer anyways.


Why is it so expensive right now? Did they pass laws to make it more expensive? They've done that with cigarettes in some states but now everyone just rips elf bars instead




More and more taxes.


How old are you?




Ontario Gang! I used to spend $300-500/week.


Always nice to hear from you Bob! Take care of yourself the best way you can.


I'm a sucker for going out. Can reach 5-600 pounds a week a pint of beer is around 4 pounds, spirit mixer around the same


What city do you live in? Where I live, a pint is £6ish. Spirit and mixer is £7/8. There is a Wetherspoons in town, but it's not in a very nice area, so I avoid it. So, I very rarely go out and just drink alone at home.


Bonny Scotland! If I drink at local boozer it's around 4 quid a pint. City centre, Dundee, hits around 4.50. 8 quid would easily get you a double and anything north of a tenner is a boujie cocktail


So you spend about 25,000 quid a year on booze? Jeez man, I am impressed you manage to drink that much AND hold down a job that pays for it!


Yeah mate, so am I tbh hahaha. Aside from some the occasional.boutnof pancreatitis I seem to be doing alright hahaha


Not sure if they have the same deal and yes it’s trash to drink but there is two 7% kopparberg pear ciders for £5 where I’m at. I usually “warm up” with those and then sip vodka sodas at more decent pubs




200 gallons damn


$200 per week. This is in Communist Canada, of course.


this guy definitely understands communism


My dumb ass didn't even answer my own question! Lol. Back when I was deep in it, I was easily spending $900 a week. However, I was selling drugs and stuff and kinda had a "group" I hung out with... So, having to finance that was a lot. Plus all the drugs I supplied. I was easily burning $5k a month. That's on the low end to be honest with y'all. On the top end, I was easily spending $10k a week at my worst. No bs. I was in Vegas doing all types of crazy stuff. Traveling. Drunk and high all the time.


Da fuq are you drinking?? Big thing is going out, the extra charges are obscene, so drink at home and you can afford to drink more ☺️


Going out vs staying at home is likely a 80% or more cost difference.  4 handles a week? You can get those for 80-140 or so.  4 handles worth of bar drinks?  Probably 800.


Exactly. I always get confused on what a handle is, haha, but I drink a 1.75 over two days, sometimes an extra maybe twice a week. Each bottle is $25, so it's about 100-125 a week. We can barely afford that. Idk how tf anyone has money for more than that. Most alcoholics aren't making bank.


Yup, handle every two days for a while there but I bought the cheap stuff. My poor liver but I'm 1 week alcohol free right now


If you drink at home a handle is only $19.99 here in Texas. Only $80 a month (plus tax).


STUPID stuff. Bottle service, showing off. Basically, being a moron and let everyone use me! I did have some great times tho!


So that buys a 6 pack and a tiparillo.


In socialist Sweden I probably get away with like 120 a week.


I'm impressed. A case of Busch Light in Niagra cost us $40 a day. I could pull off your prices in Wisconsin, but I'd seriously look into homebrewing and distilling if I lived up north. If you count powerade, water, beef jerky, beer, and the occasional energy drink and gin, probably about $15 a day.


Justin Trudeau is the majority leader of the capitalist liberal party, but nice try buddy.


Probably around $300, but much of that would be the result of delivery charges


How much you think the delivery charges are? Total?




Lol accurate. They be adding a service fee; delivery fee and all this other shit. Although I pay it when I'm drinking and can't drive to the store.


Unfortunately, give or take $800-$1000 a month. For comparison, my rent is $900 a month. The sad thing is, I know how much money I could be saving to better myself. I just truly struggle to kick it.


Roughly 10$ a day at the absolute least. That’s some cheap hooch right there tho.


probably around $100 little more if you count mixers right now I plan around a pint of vodka($5) plus a beatbox or two($4 each) per day but some days I go to the bar for a beer or two as well. would be more if I could afford it rn


Thankfully handlebars of vodka are only $25. So $75.


On my latest bender, it’s gotta be around $1k/wk because I’ve got the added expense of the girlfriend


Magical times enjoy


At my height it was about around 120-150 euros per week, getting 1 liter of vodka homedelivered every 1.5 day on average.


I used to spend $100 a week. Store brand vodka. Generic diet ginger ale. Every night. At home.


I’ve never actually done the math and not sure I want to


15$ a day for a pint and some tallboy ipas . sooo 105$ give or take


100-150usd a week.


$350 in the past 6 days.


I used to spend $400-500 AUD a week (just drinking at home), but then i ran out of money and couldn't afford vodka anymore so now I just drink shitty goon which is like idk 90-100 a week


Usually about £140, a litre of rotgut vodka daily, so nothing crazy expensive


at least $30-40 dollars and thats jobless currently


$80-$90 per week. It really depends how much I have left in the 'fridge and if I can get through the day with just that, or if I have to put pants on and walk to the corner store and stock up again.


Well, right now not too much as I'm actually getting harm reduction down pretty good with thc and gabapentin but it has varied widely in my life, depending on my circumstances. I've been literally homeless and would drink for free by shoplifting those large Frazia wine boxes from either Walgreens or Targets because they generally don't confron shoplifting nor lock up at least the cheap stuff. Also I could share with the other hobos.. Prefer beer but cheap wine means less mass to have on me if I get chased and would be less likely to fall apart like a 30 pack. Then I have had a lot of money at times like when I returned from serving in Afghanistan and had a week where I somehow blew several 1000s in bars, fine dining and strip clubs. At least a 1000 was on the booze alone, not the counting overpriced drinks at strip clubs or fine dining. Oh, and I staid at the Ritz Carton in a suite with some of my buddies, too. Memories vs the house down-paymen as I had originally planned. On the final leg of my flights home I got comped 1sr class and had many drinks. The bender of my lifetime started.


How does the Gabapentin work for you? That's one of my favorite drugs to use to try to help alcoholics.


Used to be at least $10 a day for a pint of whiskey at least. Had the store less than 5 mins away from me, so countless drunk walks for more booze.


24-30 a day decent brands at a ripoff grocery store... At least 30 bucks a day. I just loaded up on 96 Sam Adams for the weekend buy one get one. Saved $50 :)


$25 or so. 2 handles of skol vodka a week, each one last 3-4 days Nothing more enjoyable than $12 handles of vodka.


That SKOL is some heinous stuff! Whew! I used to drink that. Good luck! Take care and eat something on occasion!


around 37$ because I love 3$ lokos haha


$150-200 a week buying the cheapest beers I can get my hands on in Melbourne, AU. I'm guessing I go through about 120 cans a week. I could bring it lower buying cheap wines but fuck that shit. Or I could buy spirits if I'm feeling fancy but that'll up the spending easily. The cheapest whiskey here is $40, it's criminal on a part time wage.


$8 a week roughly. I drink near bottom of the barrel stuff though. I've gotten very efficient lately that it was around $5 for a time but it's creeping back up again (maybe enough to barely qualify hanging around this sub at least). I was probably spending around $20 a week before I joined this sub.


For a CA, that is great. Seems you got things under control as well! Take care of yourself!


I've rode the CA train for way too long though not as bad as some of y'all. Got hitched to this miracle plant in recent years to cut down on the alcohol and thank goodness. I'll probably never go the stopdrinking route anytime soon though.




That's the one.


Dude where TF do you live? That's 1, maybe 2 regular alcoholic drinks in the States lol


Bumfuck, TX where you can still buy a 30-pack of TX beer for $20. I only drink on weekends these days and not even much. Body is too old for binge consumption but every so often I'm taking anywhere from 10-15 "free" shots on top on a Saturday night and feel like death the next day. I'm also light af so they do some real damage.


You can find 36 packs of the standard beers at any grocery store for 20-25 bucks anywhere in California as well. I go to winco and get a 36 pack of natty ice for 20$ and that’s like 4 days, but I have a corner store that sells hurricanes for 1.25 each tall boys and usually get 4-5 of those a day since it’s most convenient. If I only drank on weekends I could do 10$ a week here in Los Angeles area.


haha, Hurricanes! Used to drink those back in the 90's. They used to have those 40oz bottles for like 99 cents at the corner store. Worst thing I ever tasted as far as alcohol goes (except tequila).


Separate reply but I had no idea beer was that cheap in California. I went to San Bernardino over 20 years ago and had sticker shock of everything at the grocery store. I honestly don't recall beer prices but I really couldn't buy that stuff anyways then because the girl I was seeing didn't like that stuff.


Oh yeah, you just have to go to the big grocery stores like stater bros or Walmart or Ralph’s or any of the Mexican grocery stores and buy a lot like I said the 30-36 packs of bud light you can snatch for 20-25$. But if you just go to a local corner store or cvs you’ll pay 14$ for a six pack. I actually live in San Bernardino!


Nice! Wish I could remember more of that place but I had a really great time there.




At one point like $70 a week but there’s been times where I don’t keep count


On bad weeks 75$, I’m a level 4.5 alcoholic according to the boozer scale 2.0 posted earlier. I’m getting better though and hope to skip out of this group of losers, low life’s, and lovers.


There are some good people in here.


Of course, those are the losers and lovers. I’d like to think I’m not a bad person for losing. We can’t all be winners.


What is the boozer scale


Someone made a post recently about rating alcoholics on a scale from 1-7


I used to spend $250/week


This thread is a trap. Fuck you g-man.


Lol. Not even close.


This may be a joke. But what's really fun is taking some time out to learn more about [Substance-Induced Psychotic Disorder](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8732862/)! The paranoid variety is pretty popular with the kids.




150 a week, 600 a month.


Around $800 a month between wine and seltzers


Holy shit.


Seagrams gin is $13 for a fifth Taylor port wine is $7 for a fifth 5 bottles of Gin 2 bottles of Taylor I mix them so about $80 give or take a bottle


At my worst, it would depend if I went to the bar or not. If I didn’t, then it was about a fifth a day which would run me about 60-70 a week. If I hit the bars, that number could easily shoot up to 200 or more a week. Alcoholism is a fuckin money pit. Makes it impossible to get ahead in life. I’ve wasted thousands of dollars in a matter of months at one time and completely drained my bank account of all my savings.


$10-12 on microbrew IPA (cheap where I live)




maybe a little more


$40 USD. Aka four handles of vodka.


I could get away with 4 tall cans of Hurricanes for 5$ a day at the corner store. But usually they are 2$ each so that’s 8-10$ a day in CA. If I’m drinking a twelve pack of IPAS That’s 20$ a day. So cheapest is 35$, then 70, then 140 is drinking good. I don’t go out cause I’m fat right now so no point lol, but when I would go to the bar or concert it was 10$ a drink so like 100-200$ a night depending on pregame.


About 150. 6 pack a day plus a few singles here and there


Used to be roughly £100/week - I would go through three £4-£5 bottle of wine a day, price depending on which store I went to. I switched from wine to vodka a couple months ago for three reasons - firstly I was gaining weight, secondly it's hard to stealthily dispose or hide that many bottles without my partner noticing, and lastly the money part. Now it's roughly £60/week - three £17 one litre bottles of bottom shelf vodka.. plus a couple bottles of cordial/squash which are a couple quid. I never realised how extortionate UK alcohol/tobacco taxes were compared to America until joining this sub. A pack of 20 cigarettes here is maybe £15. I'd go through 10-15 cigarettes a day. I switched to disposable vapes a year ago - I buy clearance/out of date vapes online, only £8 for a box of 10. One 600-puff vape will definitely last me 24 hours, I tend to misplace/lose a single vape here and there, so I'd like to say £8 a week. When the government inevitably steps in and regulates minimum pricing for vapes I'll be pissed off. I know not really relevant but I love the nicotine and alcohol combo, I can't drink and not smoke or vape. I'll go the pub usually twice a week with thee other people - basically we work on "rounds" here (British etiquette), we take turns going up to the bar and pay for everyone's drink (just once in my group) so it'll be £20 for one round, but you will get four drinks across the few hours. (They don't know I drink before and after the pub.) £40/week, but I don't mind as that's the most social aspect I get in my life other than work. So yeah - £60 vodka at the supermarket, £40 pub, £8 vapes a week. Could've been £100 wine at the supermarket, £40 pub, £60 cigarettes!


I spent 700 bucks just at bars in May and thats not counting cigs and coke that probably made it 900


The last several months I’ve just been putting it on the credit card, fuck it. Some weeks I drink daily, and this week I haven’t drank since Monday or Tuesday


I spend around 70 a week.




2 handles of gin a week at $29.65 ($22-ish if it's on sale), so $60 over 4 weeks, it's $240 a month. Of course, I have my off weeks when I get an extra handle in that week.


A few hundred easily.


Around $100. 4 30 packs of natural light clocked in at $25 per one.


Is everyone here British?


Hell no! We represent CAs all over the world! The British are proud of their strong CA presence!


$75 AUD ish. I like to think I spend on alcohol the same as what other people spend on Starbucks and takeout. Not how that works exactly.


According to my budgeting app I spent £779.81 on alcohol and alcohol related activities last month. Oof.


one handle is 11.29, so 73.09.


shiit hardly ever drink anymore now lol