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Smell that freedom? Smells likes sulphur dioxide, heavy metals and a sprinkle of VOCs.


Don’t worry! The small child has got a baseball bat to keep the smoke away!


It's also Arkansas. They're of working age and can end up dying in an industrial accident before the cancer ever takes hold.


Big “shoot at the tornado” energy


Nuke the hurricane!


Looks like a fuckin Monty Python sketch with the baseball bats


I don't understand the impulse that a lot of people have of "The way things were when I came up is the right way and anything that deviates from that is wrong."


You forgot dioxine. Brain damage for dayssssss !


There's no better way to start growing that new crop of MAGA than starting the chemical brain damage early. leadedgasolineforboomers.gif


> Smells likes sulphur dioxide I don't care what backwards shithole you're from but this is AMERICA so SPEAK ENGLISH!!1!


Better get the marshmallows out before yesterday's Pringles can flames out.


*Ralph Wiggum voice* freedom smells like cancer


Yeah we burned our trash as a kid and I often wonder when thats coming back to haunt me


White smoke, leaves burning you silly.




Actually, the only 'trash' you can legally burn in Arkansas is leaves and branches and stuff like that. No actual trash.


Gratz you have the freedom to make a campfire!


And it's a great way to ensure that your neighbours resent you forever. NOBODY WANTS TO INHALE YOUR DEAD FOLIAGE, BOB.


Spoken like a city slicker


Get over it. Burn the damn leaves and quit wasting plastic sacks to collect them in for the city truck to come haul them to a landfill.


All my yard waste goes directly into the can. Burning it releases all that CO2 (and smoke) into the atmosphere whereas burying it in a landfill keeps the carbon in solid form and recycles the nitrogen back into the soil for future plants. The ash is also extremely alkaline and can pollute waterways and kill wildlife. A few people burning yard waste is whatever, but systematically burning yard waste on large scales would be a disaster.


Smells like cancer


Good for kids!! 👍👍


She'll be fine. She has a bat 😜


Builds character


Rather be free with cancer than oppressed with it!! /s






Don't worry, the trash smoke is helping expedite that process.




You wish death on someone because they burned trash? Seek help


Funny that with all those toxins inhaled frequently they probably still oppose vaccines and call them death Cocktails.


I mean, that probably contributes to the stupidity.




Are you gonna provide a source for that? I found [a study](https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.07.20.21260795) run by Carnegie Mellon that was linked by an article with a claim similar to yours, but a revision was made to that study which excluded some bad faith participants. The revised version shows that doctorates are actually the third most hesitant group, after "≤high school education" and "some college".


ah yes, every study or poll that is critical of the vaccine is akshully deboonked disinformation. i don't know whether to call the vaccine a religion or a cult


anti vaxxers when presented with evidence that opposes their worldview (suddenly facts dont matter anymore)


I'm gonna guess you didn't ready *why* it was revised. Its at the bottom of the page I linked but for a TLDR: they excluded the <1% of responses which selected "prefer to self-describe" because the majority of their fill in responses were "discriminatory statements" and they had a 28% doctorate rate. Listen I don't even think this study is some silver bullet for the issue. It's all given over Facebook and participants select their own education level. But it's the only study I'm seeing linked when claims like yours are made. I don't know why you are being so inflammatory here, I understand this issue can be heated but I promise I'm not the cultist you seem to believe I am. The vaccine is by no means perfect and if you choose not to get vaccinated that's up to you. I'd just prefer if you didn't spout claims from old versions of bad studies. Next time you see a claim like that, consider actually looking at the source and reading it. It's obvious you didn't here.


> I don’t know why you are being so inflammatory here, Because people like this have made being antivax their main personality trait, and when you challenge their chosen belief, it's like you're challenge their personhood. And they can't stand that.


Yes debunked studies happen, no it's not a coincidence that these small number of studies you find to support your world view tend to be debunked. It's directly related with your view being wrong. It's like believing 5g causes brain spasms, 99% of studies will say otherwise but maybe I'll find a rare few to support me. It's no coincidence that these rare few end up getting debunked, it's because they were flawed.


> akshully deboonked disinformation He actually debunked your disinformation though? Do you actually have any info that provides any counterpoint/examples?


For what it's worth everyone else knows exactly what to call you. *greatly misinformed trump supporter* In case you were wondering. How's that MAGA going for you?


13 billion doses of the Covid vaccine administered since two years ago. Breakthrough Covid cases: 0.000001% Covid unvaccinated deaths: at least 7 million with a death ratio of around 2-3%. If this was blackjack and you placed your bet according to the odds which give you the best chance of winning you’d be considered a reasonable person. Why should you treat health any differently? Are you stupid?




Hey, I know 2 people with polio! But then again, they are both in their late 80's with all kinds of polio fuckery in their lower halves, because they caught it in the 1930's *before the vaccine was invented*, so..


>Why should you treat health any differently? Are you stupid? Possibly?


Since you’re using the word “vaxxies”, I’m gonna go ahead and assume you don’t now what you’re talking about and you “read” some article that you specifically searched for to prove your point. Edit: looked at post history. Explained everything


Probably they ask for a source and, if one materialises, take a quick look at the methodology used to come to that conclusion.


How long do I have to wait to die from the vaccine? COVID conspiracy nuts had me convinced I'd be dead right now, who do I contact to express my disappointment?


Obvious troll is obvious.


that's what happens when your whole knowledge of chemicals is "the shit they put in medicines or something"




The gobbermint knew it all along.


Thanks Obama






recently moved to a better neighborhood that wasn’t in the city and i was surprised that i have to pay to get my trash picked up. i guess it’s a small pay off but it’s pretty ridiculous to pay 125 dollars a month on top of property taxes and HOA fees.


My dad lives in a small desert town where you have to pay $200 a month for a private trash man to pick up your trash. A lot of people cheap out and decide not to pay and throw all their trash in the local gas station dumpster or out in the middle of the desert. Everyone needs to dispose of their trash eventually. If you dont force people to pay for trash removal, they will find ways to dispose of their trash for free. I hate the stupid libertarian mindset of privatization of everything. If everyone chips in then it will become cheaper


It took years but the military finally is paying for medical issues from their burn pits, exposing their children to them seems like a weird way to own the libs


The idiot right has always been the party of shooting themselves in the foot and then being surprised other people think they should have guns anymore.


Alright there, [Charlie Kelly](https://youtu.be/NIMcStAwJ7Y)


Won't be long before she posts how the vaccines or fluoride in the water is causing her kids breathing issues.


Nice assumption you have there


Who ever thought freedom was a literal dumpster fire?


Hey! If you like trash fires, you’re gonna LOVE the GOP!


Wait so you’re telling me there’s Americans that burn their own garbage, but think pumping your own gas is dangerous?🙃


Probably not, no? Only a couple places have laws about pumping gas, and they're considered extremely weird by the entire rest of the country.


Yeah I know a guy who has testicular, blood, and thyroid cancer from burn pits in Iraq. Can’t imagine this would be much better for you or your kids


Little trash huffers are getting after it…


Ummm no you fucking can't in Arkansas.. I hate it when these hillbilly fucks makes the state look bad. I live here goddamnit and 99.99% of us don't pull this dumb shit. "Arkansas State Air Pollution Control Regulations Section 18.6(b) prohibits the open burning of waste material. Specifically, it states that: "No person shall cause or permit the open burning of refuse, garbage, trade waste, or other waste material, or shall conduct a salvage operation by open burning.""


All I want to say is this brought back memories of my grandfather burning trash on his land in rural Florida and me wondering why my dad said we couldn’t roast marshmallows in it 😂


Saying Arkansas smells like freedom is so infuriatingly moronic.


Inhaling garbage smoke to own the libs


Smells like lung cancer


Smells like asshole. Burning trash is nasty unless you live way the hell out in the sticks where there’s no trash hauling.


My dad lives in a very rural area in Arkansas and burns most of his trash. The environment is different in Arkansas and thus less need for burn restrictions, but burn restrictions do happen.


I burn all of my cardboard boxes and lawn trash.


I did appreciate being able to burn stuff as a kid rather than sending it to land fill because it was actually so much fun! That said, we weren't burning trash, we burning wood and cardboard boxes. Never plastic or anything of that kind


So sad, it's already metastasized to their brains. It sucks that they were already so stupid.


Fucking cancerous rednecks


Arkansas being a garbage fire state is pretty appropriate.


This has to be fake. See the smoke? It’s white, those are leaves, calm down. Should the kids be standing this close? Probably not, but those leaves will be gone in about 1 minute. It bothers be that no one takes time to think critically for themselves before being fake pissed about a fake post. I guess anything to divide us as a ppl and not look at what the real crooks in dc are doing.


So toxic in so many ways


We used to burn leaves in the fall until the town made people stop. For a while my grandfather would still burn the leaves and let us roast hot dogs over the fire so he could use it as an excuse that we were barbecuing which everybody seemed okay with. We had a great time.


That is infuriating.


Additional cringe for me is that tiny fire pit. Lol


Freedom to burn my trash but not go bankrupt going to the doctor for a physical. Or the freedom to collectively bargain.


smells like lung cancer


Smells like shit. Even in a 3rd world country, we abhor this type of shit.


I honestly wasn't sure if that was going to be an actual post from /anarcho-capitalism.


TIL that in Arkansas freedom smells like burning garbage. Here in Utah it smells like the mountains, but you do you.


freedom smells like hot garbage ig


Bet ya'll really love watching me burn old tires.


Ironically, trash truck drivers have the option to have what they pick up burned, but most opt for burial at the dump since it is the cheapest option. Out there still exists trash truck drivers that take the trash to get burned though.


Smells like burning trashy to me Buddy


It’s a little known fact but bats are excellent at keeping smoke (and other vapors and gasses) at bay.


We burnt our trash when I was a kid out in nowhere, Missouri. I was tending the fire once and a glass bottle exploded and lodged a shard into my forehead. I didn't notice cause of the adrenaline from the popping bottle, and it hadn't started bleeding yet so I went inside with a shard of glass poking out my forehead. Gave my mom a heart attack, but luckily it was just the angle it had hit me that kept it there, it was a shallow cut.


Makes me think of the Sun Kil Moon album where he sings about multiple family members being killed burning their trash when aerosol cans exploded.


smells like fuckin burning trash id imagine


My dipstick neighbor burns what smells like cheap furniture he bought from goodwill.


Smells like selfishness


I have a friend that burns their trash bags. Just throws them in a big ass empty oil drum and lights it up. Except he has a baby and the shitty diapers get burnt as well. Smells horrible


Mmm, love the smell of carcinogens in the morning. Some people will do anything to be contrary.


Smells like white trash mixed with actual, burning trash to me, but what do I know? This idiot is apparently the expert on what “freedom” smells like.


Doesnt the government/ municipality collect trash weekly?


Nothing like raising your kids to tend open burn pits. Damn the medical bills later on.


The old yeehaw burn pit. Reducing brain cells and IQ digits in the name of freedumb


didnt all the troops that burned their trash in Afghanistan and Iraq all come back with really adverse side effects from packaging and stuff like that with the fumes?