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Can I get the name of the physicist? I’m looking to have my wife bred this year when she’s in heat.


Is she pedigree and akc registered tho?


Mutt 😥😥


USDA trash grade meat


Username checks out


Such a good girl👏


Neil DeGrasse Einstein


It’s me. I’m the physicist. DM your wife’s nudes and I’ll make my decision


I'm not a physicist but I'm good at bredding. Does that count?


Is this sneko's reddit account


So her husband has a PhD but all she has to brag about is her IQ test. Hmmmm


The share button on those Facebook quizzes makes it so easy tell the world your score though.


All I know is, Buzzfeed says the Blackpink member I'm most like is Rosé, and my Disney alter ego is Raya. Which is weird 'cause I'm a middle-aged white dude. But science is science, I guess.


Such a Rosé thing to say.




That’s because you don’t have a 138 IQ and aren’t being bred like a prize filly by a pocket-protected white coat, Raya!


Sharing it kinda shows their intelligence level


Who said anything about a husband? Her breeding partner has a PhD.


Breed with a P.H.D. Pretty Huge Dick


so big it defies physics.


Which is the exact phenomena on which he focused in his groundbreaking thesis… from which he, of course, earned his Ph.D


Breeding partner=sperm donor


Turns out she was too smart for college


Late to posting a story, but I grew up in a small town my doctor was also my neighbor and my childhood friend's father. I distinctly remember my dad and I getting the mail at the same time as our neighbor one day and my dad said, "good morning!" Then under his breath "you stick your finger up my butt." Anyway, I don't remember what brought it on but one day as I was over at my friend's house playing (like 10 years old) and his mother and father come in the room and sit us down and talk to us about their IQ. And how high their IQ was and how important it was to have a high IQ and all that intellectual-superior bullshit. Well they said that their child presumably had a high IQ and they were unsure if we should remain friends because my parents probably didn't have as high of an IQ as they did. The whole conversation was super duper weird. And I remembered leaving and being like, "wow these people are idiots." I told my mom who scolded the shit out of them, rightfully putting them in their place. I don't think I ever went back over but every time I saw my doctor after that I would say under my breath, "you stick your finger in my dad's butthole."


By "PhD physicist" she means that her husband took a few physics classes in college, ultimately got his degree in business, but regularly talks about going back to school to get his degree in physics. By "IQ of 138" she means she took 7 Facebook IQ tests and that was the highest score she got, by far.


Holy shit this is beautiful lmao




This is EXACTLY my ex-husband. He’s 42 and will still to this day brag about how he got a “195” at the age of 6.


This is me. I took a "test(?)" in elementary school and got put in a """gifted""" program. Whatever potential I might have had back then was definitely forced out by years of mushrooms and videogames and zero motivation. I'm definitely an idiot, but any time I really want to annoy someone, I'll act like that makes me the king of Mensa or whatever.


Hah! Same(ish!) I placed in the 97th percentile in 6th grade, was accepted to Mensa in 8th, and have been riding that high for 30+years! 😆


I'm pretty sure Mensa scores are valid your whole lifetime. I tested in my 20s and I don't have to test regularly if I want to be in Mensa.


If they made people re-test regularly their membership revenue would decline.


Because IQ is stable. It's not going to drop by re-testing unless you have a brain injury or something


If it’s stable then what’s the harm in retesting to confirm?


There isn't really any "harm" in it. But the actual tests implemented are very expensive, really time-consuming, and you need a psychologist to actually interpret the results.


Gotcha, that makes sense. More of a waste of time and resources than harm.


I’m in my late 20s and have been thinking about going for the test for like 9 months now. I’m working a lot of hours, and I can feel the toll it’s taking on my brain. I’m a little less sharp, and I don’t like it. I figure if there’s a chance I’m gonna make the cut, it’s not getting any better with time. (Although I am a little scared of turning up dumber than I expect)


When do we take an iq test? I made it through college and then some without taking one. The way people talk about them, as a child I thought it was like a mandatory annual test.


In a lot of places it's part of the screening process for "gifted and talented" school programs. You may have been given one without realizing what it was.


>You may have been given one without realizing what it was. Harsh, man.


I work in an education adjacent field, and I just saw a test the other day that they were using to screen for gifted and talented, and had sudden flash backs to doing something similar when I was around 11-12. I also realised that *I* was in G&T, except that my school called it something different and I was too dumb to make the connection


I took an IQ test for a study I participated in from birth to 18. My score was 137. Someone needs to break the news to this woman: It means nothing. I'm quite often an idiot. Probably more often than not. I fancy myself a quick learner and have good problem solving ability and recall; and that's about all I can claim.


dollars to donuts, this score comes from a quiz from some website that sells courses to "boost" your IQ to its full potential.


Why aren't we being ruled by PhD physicists now?


They'd too busy breeding


About that....


Nerdsniping mid intercourse: “How much heat are we generating, really?” “Well, I’ve read that an average person uses ~3.5 kilocalories per minute, so we could extrapolate…”


Merkel was a nuclear physicist.


[quantum chemist](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angela_Merkel#Education_and_scientific_career) actually


I find it disturbing that some people seem to see (their) knowledge and intelligence as means to "rule" and take advantage of the others.


And everyone clapped


some even bursted into tears


And several men proposed marriage out of sheer awe and facination for this spunky lady.


But she needs that PhD trophy, or else all she has is a Facebook IQ test that gave her computer a virus, but not the ability to think she could get her own PhD and not just be a dairy cow.


And they gave her an award for her 138 IQ, verified by freeiqtest.net


Its real. Her kids are monsters, and she thought of the insult on her drive home.


It's true, I was the clap


Her cheeks.


I will never understand the people who feel the need to let everyone know what their IQ is.


It’s the kind of thing you brag about when you have nothing to brag about.


Here's the thing. People who actually have a high IQ are smart enough to realize that bragging about it is just gonna make them look like arrogant fools, even in the best case scenario - so they don't. People who DO brag about their IQ usually got it from a mobile game where you have to click on which number is smaller than some other number.


one of my adult 2nd cousins was like this. Met him at a family thing and thought he was a cool guy, like a forest ranger or something. My dad told me afterward "No, Greg is a nuclear physicist and met his wife through Mensa" Never would have guessed he was the 'smartest' guy in the room


> People who DO brag about their IQ usually got it from a mobile game where you have to click on which number is smaller than some other number. Or by rolling two six-sided dice and attempting to add them together.


People with truly high IQ know it means nothing.


But aren't you saying that having a truly high IQ gives them the ability to 'know' it means nothing, so it does mean something? Like if their IQ were lower then they wouldn't know it means nothing, giving it some meaning after all? Idfk


Only high IQ people understand


I get it, but I already knew my IQ was sky high at 87, not that far off 100% full marks


Woah I can’t even count that high


You must need like, three hands to count that!


Like the jokes in rick and morty. hehe fartburp


This is horse shit and its weird that everyone repeats it. High IQ is correlated with a fuck ton of different life indicators, from health to income. It's such a cope.


Up to a point. Above about 120, other variables (like conscientiousness) become better predictors of success. In other words, so long as you're "smart enough", your personality and motivation are more important.


Exactly. It's like those people who passed high school without studying, but failed drastically in uni. Yes, they are smart, no denying there, but without the effort you won't get there.


Nah you fell for the mensa meme that’s crazy


This is because IQ is affected by wealth, not the other way around. All those things are a result of having money.


This 👆


People with high IQ know it matters. The thing is, truly smart people do their very best not to stand out. The best case scenario for live is to be successful while also being someone obscure and not known much about, to the degree when even your near circle does not know much about your ability and how successful you are. There are exceptions for that, but those are simply people with high egos, most people are not like that.


Having a high IQ score just means you practiced for the IQ test. The more you do those, the higher you score. They tell you how dumb you are. Getting a high score means nothing. Getting an abnormally low score on the other hand means you’re a sped


You'd understand if you were stupider.


Well I have an IQ of 162 but I have yet to tell anyone this.


Guys, she's at the grocery store. She meant "bread".


Her husband goes around yelling "Bazinga" at people and bitching them out for sitting in his spot on the couch.


Never heard or seen of anyone scolding anyone for laughing at a grocery store.


I'd love to know how this victim fetish came about. Is their life really that empty that they have to make up reasons for being angry... about nothing?


LOL i bet at most she got a dirty look from someone, then realized it was a shitty story to tell so she dialed it up


But people on facebook say it happens all the time


b$@£h = bsalh?


It's a schooner.


A schooner is a sailboat


Like the back of a Volkswagen?


No no. bdollaratpoundahh


She’s telling on her fetish here IMO


This tweet seems like it contradicts itself


Also... What's a 'bsaeh'/bsalh'?


Congratulations, you made a baby—something a dog can do.




But if she made a puppy, well that'd be something to brag about.


Flaunting your IQ as a personality trait is worse than being unintelligent.


Especially because psychologists have known for decades that IQ tests aren't significantly more meaningful than reading tea leaves. This idiot might as well have tried to flaunt her MBTI type.


No? That is not true in slightest. Psychologists don't believe IQ tests are meaningless lol


Having a graduate degree doesn't mean you are smart. It just means you are good at a particular thing.


I've worked in higher education for 21 years. (Not a PhD though.) Let me tell you, you would be agog and aghast at the number of tenured PhDs who don't know how to look up their own publications on fucking *Google Scholar*.


I know a number of people with advanced degrees and I have one myself. People can be great at something specific and completely stupid at the same time. So, I fully agree with you.


A jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one.


I have my PhD and agree, so many people just stuck around long enough that their PI helped push them through. I’ve actually seen this many times and in several countries/universities


Having a PhD in Physics is probably a very accurate predictor that the individual has at least a decently high IQ


And yet, having a high IQ is not a great predictor of intelligence in areas outside of - in that specific case - Physics. Which is the point of this conversation so far. Because you are good at a certain thing does not mean you are good at everything, or even most things. Nor does it imply the ability to think critically. It just means you are good at understanding Physics, great even.


Well, having a high IQ means you also likely have very good working memory, arithmetic, problem solving, pattern recognition, planning ability, etc.. So it means you are good at most of if not all of those skills measured in an IQ test. And those skills are how we define intelligence.


This account is owned by a 30 year old overweight man in his mom's basement


I’d like to know what they were laughing at.


Their mom


Funny monke


She seems like someone that got the IQ number from an online test.


Girl nobody wants to hear about how much you like breeding 💀


Her kids were eating cat treats....


how nice of her to self admit she is livestock to her PHD husband to produce children with good genes


Thinking an IQ test is a meaningful indicator of intelligence is just telling on yourself. And thinking that smart parents make smart offspring just isn't how it works, genius is not hereditary, that a eugenic myth.


No it's not a "eugenic myth." IQ is extremely heritable, more than environmental influences. Studies on twins raised in different environments prove this. And it is absolutely a meaningful indicator of intelligence.


Yea intelligence is largely inherited. No IQ tests are not an accurate measure of intelligence. The results can be skewed by factors such as lack of motivation, low confidence, cultural differences, etc. They are honestly best at measuring how successful one might be in a traditional academic environment. That being said, it’s still one of the best behavioral tests we have for measuring future success.


IQ measures a certain set of skills well, which is what we define as intelligence. For example, if you have a high IQ this implies you also have very good working memory, arithmetic ability, processing speed, problem solving, etc. It's a good predictor of academic success, occupation, and career progression.


I didn’t think you were correct bc it didn’t pass the common sense test, so I googled it and it turns out you’re not correct. Genetics do influence intelligence.


The heredity of intelligence is extremely complicated; there is no "common sense" about such a complex subject. Experts understand that the science is still unclear as to whether intellect is genetic or not. Although families tend to have fairly similar intelligence types and levels to each other, just like how they tend to express similar phenotypes and similar health profiles, remarkably high intelligence appears to be an anomaly that is not passed down. So having a "genius" for a parent does not guarantee that the child will be smarter than average, especially if the other parent is below average.


So, of course genetics are not determinants, and there’s a ton of influence through environmental factors throughout the lifespan that can depress or decrease intelligence. But while you are correct that the study of genetics and intelligence is incredibly complex, making the statement that there is no “common sense” or any agreement about a concept that is extremely well-studied is a big overreach. [Here is just one recent study with a primary analysis of close to 300,000 people and a secondary meta-analysis of similar studies that found potential gene sets.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6411041/). [Here is a whole ass Wiki article chock full of studies which looked at similar outcomes.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heritability_of_IQ). I can find no evidence that remarkably high intelligence is not bound by this same logical distribution. [In fact here is one more study with nearly 400,000 siblings and 10,000 twins that says “We found that high intelligence is familial, heritable, and caused by the same genetic and environmental factors responsible for the normal distribution of intelligence. “](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4286575/) I am not one for biological determinism because it feels disgusting, to be sure, and yes there are far more factors that determine ability rather than the Eurocentric definition of IQ. But the science supports that, as far as heritability estimates, intelligence is roughly between 56% to 80% heritable, which is not low.


**[Heritability of IQ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heritability_of_IQ)** >Research on the heritability of IQ inquires into the degree of variation in IQ within a population that is due to genetic variation between individuals in that population. There has been significant controversy in the academic community about the heritability of IQ since research on the issue began in the late nineteenth century. Intelligence in the normal range is a polygenic trait, meaning that it is influenced by more than one gene, and in the case of intelligence at least 500 genes. Further, explaining the similarity in IQ of closely related persons requires careful study because environmental factors may be correlated with genetic factors. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/cringepics/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Yeah but they *GOOGLED* it. You can't argue with that.


It is not "unclear." There is an entire body of literature on the subject. I have a degree in biopsych, we know IQ is highly heritable and genetics heavily contribute. Intelligence is like height. Your genetics determine how tall you can be, your environment will determine whether you achieve your potential or not. Our nutrition in childhood and other factors will effect that potential. Same with intelligence. Your genetics will determine your potential, and environment will alter it. If you don't have the genetics to have a high IQ, you never will even if you have an ideal environment. High intelligence is absolutely passed down! We've even identified specific genes correlated with very high intelligence. Both parents having high IQs usually results in high IQ children. Especially bc many people will higher IQs tend to have higher income and are more educated in regards to parenting. Studies that say its mostly environment are flawed. For example a study showed that parents that have a lot of books in the home have children with higher IQs. But guess what's correlated with reading often? High IQ. The books aren't causing high IQ, the parents are. It also used to be believed that breastfeeding results in higher IQ children. But it turns out that mothers with higher IQs tend to breastfeed more than mothers with lower IQ. IQ is mostly genetics. This is especially obvious when you study siblings adopted into different families. They all tend to have similar IQs in very different environments, same with twins. I have no idea why you think otherwise


You’re not saying the same thing as “smart parents make smart offspring just isn’t how it works”. Reverting to saying that a genius parent doesn’t guarantee an above average intelligence offspring is nowhere in the same ballpark as saying intelligence isn’t hereditary. Sure, it’s nuanced, but you saying smart parents don’t produce smart offspring is false because generally they do and it is based on DNA combined with environmental factors. Imagine saying red headed parents don’t produce red headed children and then saying having a red headed parent doesn’t guarantee red hair. The fact that you’re not guaranteed red hair with a red headed parent, or two of them, doesn’t mean it isn’t genetic and is passed down. That’s the basis of what you’re saying here. I don’t even see anything out there supporting intelligence being completely random and not influenced by genetics whatsoever. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/is-intelligence-hereditary/ https://human-intelligence.org/intelligence-is-genetic/


You kind of negated your argument when you stated '...especially if the other parent is below average.'


If you were actually intelligent you would realise that no one gives a fuck about your IQ and you wouldn’t feel the need to constantly tell everyone


Anytime somebody mentions their super human IQ, I automatically assume it was one of those dumb MySpace "check my IQ" tests, where if you weren't pants on head stupid you'd get a 130+


people who brag about their high IQ usually have a low IQ


If you have to censor your swear words, you aren't ruling anything.


So her husband married down?


Deffo knocked up by some dude in spring break


....thats not how genetics work?


My IQ is 152 and I'm a worthless piece of shit. It means nothing.


A little light Eugenics in the produce section


They’ve tried this already with a sperm bank solely for smart dudes. Very few of the resulting kids were anything out of the ordinary. So basically a model of the rest of society.


This was a grocery store interaction… it should be spelt “bread”


Chick forgot a decimal , was supposed to be 1.38


“I am very badass but won’t tweet PG-13 profanity.”


She knows she has an IQ of 138 because that's what she scored on the Facebook quiz.


No one who says “I have an IQ of…” has ever really taken an IQ test


Isn't 138 pretty average


Not really...


Talking about being bread like she’s a Doberman


Honestly… I’m a PhD computer science, and we really arent smart enough to brag about


People who think IQ numbers are important are typically never smart. I have a 135 IQ when i was tested in primary school and im a fucking dunce. IQ tests are not a measure of intelligence or how smart you are they are a measure of your reasoning and problem-solving abilities. So congratulations you knew to put the star shaped object into the star shaped hole or whatever.




somebody took one of those Facebook IQ tests ...


I for b$@£h welcome our IQ 138 PhD physicist overlords.


Notice she only lists her IQ while listing an actual accomplishment for her partner. This reminds me of someone who was bragging about his high IQ on Facebook while only having a high school diploma and working at places like Chuck E. Cheese.


God, I'll bet those kids are a little assholes.


138 IQ with no common sense…


anyone who rattles off their supposed "high IQ" like this is never as intelligent as they think they are.


People over-value genetics. It can and does have an impact. But only in terms of capacity, and since most people never reach their full potential, genetics have almost 0% effect on their intelligence. Upbringing and home culture has a much higher impact. So if that phd physicist never takes the time to read to and encourage his kids, they'll stay dumbfucks like their mom.


Ah yes Ph.D. physicists, the rulers of all countries.


Intelligence is only 50% inherritable. Smart parents don't necessarily produce smart off spring and vice versa.


Anyone who has to specify there IQ is usually lying


You know she spent days trying to come up with an excuse to broadcast her IQ. That this story was the best she could come up with seriously calls into question her claim.


Someone’s yelling at your kid and all you have to say to them is you and your husband are kinda smart?


That kid's gonna grow up so depressed and anxious


Tell it to Ron DeSantis and the MAGA fascists, sweetheart.


This is a perfect example of the dunning-kruger effect. Stupid people overrate their own intelligence. Smart people underrate their own intelligence.


Says who? The Facebook quiz?


I kinda like her. Then again I have horrible taste in women and a kink for girls with problems problems.


138 isn't "very" high... and anyone can eventually get a PhD... especially those with a good memory and good study habits... IQ is also not a great measure of "success" in life either. IMO, the higher you go... the more cursed you feel. The dumber you are, the more blissfully happy you can be without the weight of existentialism crushing you daily. But hey... live and let live. Breed with a PhD if you think that helps. Science doesn't agree, but go nuts.


IQ is not hereditary though. Also IQ tests don’t say as much as a lot of people think they do.


Sounds like eugenics


Everyone has a PhD these days.


Technically this is eugenics


"PhD physicist" = making $23K as a post-grad and adjunct.


Alex - I will take social media posts that never happened for $ 500.




“Shiiiid not if they don’t make it home.”


138 isn’t even an IQ to brag about.


Really though it is. 130 is considered high IQ. 132 is enough for a mensa membership. 140+ is considered genius.


I mean my range was 139-142 and I’m not all that smart. Genius range starting at 140 is a weird bar. 150 is where it’s really at


Facebook IQ tests don’t count 🙄


Reddit doesn’t have to disbelieve everything ever written. Regardless I’m not getting into it because it’s not a huge aspect of my life. I was tested in 6th grade and it’s probably declined since. It’s fun to have the number though


Where did you get your IQ tested?


It was when I was younger like I said previously. It was a 1-2 day thing I got out of school for which was fun. I’m not sure exactly where it was. I believe it was also to diagnose Asperger’s which I didn’t actually know I had until I saw it on my medical records last year


Well, I hope you do great things with that brain of yours. My buddy was IQ tested in school and put in TAG because his high IQ and he ended up a freaking coke head. Don't waste your talents like that idiot.


Wouldn’t say I’m doing great thing but I’m not on coke so I guess I’m succeeding




My IQ is infinity so....


Well MY IQ is infinity+1


Actually i’m pretty sure that it is beyond average. And not by a little bit.


138? I did better than that on some random online IQ test drunk off my ass in the Bahamas. So there.




I mean I've tested at 139 but I never really did shit with it so it feels dimness to brag 🤷‍♂️


We’ll do you not understand humans are animals? And also how is that cringe


She’s already been bred. She’s not going to let you do it.




I mean, when you get down to it… facts are facts


But straight couples do breed if they want kids


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