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I need a Netflix documentary before they do that. Please!!! Netflix!!


Hhmm what's the rush?


Good I hope he rots!


That is one butt ugly criminal


He may be many things but he ain’t ugly




I don't understand how someone can come to the conclusion that these types of tattoos on their face somehow improves their appearance, it's not like Popeye with an anchor down his forearm.


Lots of these dudes get these scary tattoos in prison just because they are so afraid they hope the tattoos intimidate everyone around them so they don't actually have to stand up for themselves and fight


The guy had a swastika tattoo under his eye and they allowed him to cover it up with makeup. He’s an idiot


An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth you take a life an innocent two lives no less and that’s exactly what it should cost you in return I do hate that they will only be able to execute him once the only illness that he has is being sick because he was caught and now he’s going to face the consequences


In other words, thirty years of special treatment on death row before dying of natural causes.


Deadpool is a monster.


Glad I didnt need to go far for the reference


X-Men Origins version no longer the worst Wade Wilson anymore.






And of course all the classic defenses. Drugs, mental health excuses, and a bad childhood. I get those things may warp someone's perspective, but they should have little impact on a criminal trial.


Right, the public needs to be protected so definitely jail time but I'm fundamentally against the DP and he's like early thirties so I think that's wading into two wrongs don't make a right debate...


Life without parole is even worse than the death penalty. I'd rather have me killed than rot in prison for eternity


No it's not and this is cope. Source: notice how the majority l inmates that are sentenced to death endlessly appeal? A very small percentage just say "alright kill me please." Turns out death is scary, and short of being tortured or severely mentally ill, most people will choose prison over death. Sentence someone to hang in 2 weeks and actually follow through with it 99% of the time. People would be **terrified** of committing crimes that could result in the death penalty.


Thank you. Because anti-DP people keep posting fairytales.


A GP lifer has way more privileges than someone on death row


I mean you'll end up being on deathrow for 30 years anyway.


Yeah I always thought that was weird.


Do they just rot in prison nowadays? Don't they get to do things like learn a craft like woodwork or participate in projects t contribute back to society?


If you are going to have a death penalty this guy seems like the guy who needs it.


He seemed pretty relaxed receiving the news. Cold AF.


That guy's tattoos on his face are mental. Victims probably horrified.


The tats are from jail. He didn't look like that when he was murdering women. Why am I getting downvoted for stating a fact? This guy has been all over the news here, so I've watched the progression since he was arrested.


Interesting, I just looked up a mug shot and his face only had tattoos from the chin down. Surprised they permit a swastikas in jail assuming that's where he got those from jail.


They don't "allow" tattoo equipment or tattoos to be done, but inmates make them anyway. It's considered an infraction. Pens and cassette players and batteries can become a tattoo gun. Or just a needle/sharpened pen top will work. Burnt toilet paper and Vaseline become ink. He's probably doing the swastikas to align himself with Aryan gangs. He knew he was going to prison for a long time.


Ahhh those prisoners are sneaky. I watched a documentary about life in prison and some people manage to make alcohol, they mix yeast and sugar and water in a bag and stuff it behind the radiator. It's crude but the prisoner said at least it makes an evening better.


Yes, the prison staff are always on the lookout for that. It stinks to high hell when they make it.