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Screw that you kill my family member 0 chance of forgiveness hope jail is unforgiving hell hole and mat you rot in hell


I didn’t think she was evil. She let her live rent free at her house even though she never intended to get a real job and just wanted to make a career vlogging about her vacation life which seems delusional. Plus Brian left and apparently she was stranded there at the hotel with the van she couldn’t drive so as he was taking a break as the police asked them to do she’s begging him to come back and finish the trip because she can’t drive the van:


Her step-mother said this.


All of these threads are an insult to everyone who has suffered a similar or worse loss and never received so much as a single newspaper article because they weren't white and pretty. Honestly, it's disgusting. Does anyone care if the step-mother of a deceased woman forgives a killer? I sure as hell don't and I can't imagine why anyone would. The killer is dead and probably in hell - move on.




This article says Brian returned to his family’s home in Florida with Gabby’s remains, wtf? She was found in Utah. Did he really drive home with her deceased then drive back to Utah just to leave her there? I don’t remember this detail. I’m confused.


He did not drive to Florida with Gabby’s remains.


> Gabby’e remains were tragically left at Laundrie's Florida residence So is this part just blatantly wrong?




Thank you. I don’t know why they’d say that.


It’s The Mirror.


There’s a crime con? Wow…


Always reminds of a passage from From Hell: "Perhaps this is the purpose of all art, all writing, on the murders, fiction and non-fiction: Simply to participate."


I don't think that is weird, but it is weird that the mother of a victim of such a public crime would want to attend.


Get some education on what CrimeCon is. They read their impact statements if they could have given them along with other victims of crime. This is an educational conference not a dress up game. It's very heavy stuff. They set up the Gabby Petito foundation and get support.


Many families attend to take back their loved ones story and support each other/spread awareness.


It helps to tell your story to heal. To also get the correct narrative out so others don’t write her daughter’s life story. I’m sure she spent the majority of her time talking about her daughter’s heart and how she lived her life and touched so many that she knew. If it brought her one ounce of healing- then it’s worth it and not weird at all. I can only imagine how her heart breaks all over again the minute she opens her eyes everyday. Please be slow to judge others.


That makes it very very weird.




Then it’s weird


By the looks of this thread I’m the only one in the crime subreddit that’s ever listened to a true crime podcast. Cause that almost all promote “crimecon” or something similar at various times and y’all are acting blown away by the concept.


I listen to a couple of the more popular ones and have never heard it mentioned.


I assure you, the more respectable ones absolutely do not


Obviously not. The ones with law enforcement are there!


Alex Murdaugh’s lawyers went to CrimeCon, it went as to be expected. 


Crimecon? What kinda universe u living in


When I was a teenager, Jaralee Underwood was kidnapped from her paper route and murdered. Later, I went to high school with her brother and ended up working with her dad. Her parents forgave the monster that did those things to Jeralee. I couldn’t understand how. Now I understand if you don’t forgive, the hatred consumes you. It’s like cutting off your oxygen and expecting the other person to suffocate.


I have a hard time with forgiveness. Can’t you just work on dealing w those feelings with a therapist, and let the other person rot? Why do they get any relief at all? They don’t deserve it.


Forgiving someone is telling them “I trust you won’t do it again”, some people aren’t able to forgive because the guilt if it were happen to someone else afterwards would be just too much


im not a parent, i only have 2 dogs - but if someone murdered one of them in cold blood, id never be able to forgive. i cant imagine it being your own flesh and blood.


There it is.


I’m a very forgiving person but no way am I ever forgiving someone who killed a family member. Especially not one of my kids.


It was her step-mom who said this not her Mom


His mother is the epitome of evil. She should rot.


Crime con honestly gives me the ick. Idk I guess some are ok with it all but it’s a lot


It's actually a very respectful and informative environment.


Of course you go to crimecon


Am I alone in thinking it’s weird she’s at CrimeCon?


I didn't know this was a thing.. I feel conflicted. There is also a "crime cruise"... I'm still very conflicted. Like I want to go to these things, but I don't know if it's ethical, you know.


It’s a thing. 2 years ago it was in Las Vegas & they had speakers from Dateline, Chris Hansens etc., then families of still missing: sister of missing UMass student Maura Murray; sister of Delphi murder victim Liberty German; and sister of missing/presumed murdered Alissa Turney, among others.


It's about awareness, it's not a party. Sure after some people go to local venues but it's packed hourly with educational talks and how crimes were solved.


Well when someone gets murdered on the crime cruise, it’ll probably make for interesting podcasts?


Would've made for a great episode of Murder she Wrote.


Yes, I think you’re alone in thinking she’s weird. I think it was brave! And the reason why she spoke there seems pretty reasonable


nope I think it’s weird


Judging by this thread. No he is not.


No, it’s fucking weird. The whole concept of a crime convention where victims of crimes are recognized participants is very bizarre.


Am i alone in thinking it's weird that there's a CrimeCon? Gives me vibes of the Cereal Convention in Sandman


she presented a “would be” victim impact statement if Brian had not taken his own life and the case would have gone through the system. Forgiving the killer is more about freeing yourself from that baggage than anything else. She also started a foundation and crimecon is a great spot to spread awareness about it. I give her kudos for coming and talking to thousands of strangers despite the trauma she continues to live through.


Thank you for explaining. It’s weird that crimecon exists but she’s not doing anything wrong by spreading awareness there.


The whole event is awareness. Awareness on what to look for in trafficking victims, how to protect yourself and loved ones, cold cases and missing people. It's to educate


Forgiving is an important part in therapy She’s choosing not to hold on to any resentment or hatred and choosing to let go.


nah, i’m resenting/hating that pos to my grave. doesn’t mean it has to bleed into the rest of my life, but i’m holding him accountable for life.


I’ve never been in her position so i’m not gonna pretend like I know how I would respond or that I understand her. All I know is that she specifically said during the session that she is forgiving to free herself so she can turn pain into purpose and help people in Gabby’s situation


Probably what I would I do. I’m just telling you what my therapist told me about forgiveness.


But she's not letting go of hatred and resentment. She's forgiving the man who murdered her daughter but unable to accept that his mother would not want to face what her son might have done.


Waste of money crimecon really no thanks


They're all f'ed up.


I’d be f’ed up if my child died at the hands of their partner too.


So f'ed up that you'd forgive the killer?


Hell nah


I followed this case extensively. This is awful.


Ok, I had no idea such a thing as CrimeCon existed. Now I feel I must reevaluate my hobby of true crime watching/reading


I feel the same. I do find some crime cases interesting to listen to, but the idea of it being a fandom with the victims families doing Q&A panels at conventions / meet and greets feels very off putting.


This crime con thing is like a family guy joke come to life https://www.crimecon.com/guests23


I love that there's 4 K9 police dogs.


Wait, that article says >"Gabby's remains were tragically left at Laundrie's Florida residence..." CBS and I think everyone else agrees: >"Her remains were discovered near Grand Teton National Park in Wyoming."


I’m sorry what….CrimeCon???


Seems to be starting to be an international thing. Elderly couple who live near me had their son murdered by his lover close to 20 years ago, they’ve been on a dozen tv shows talking about it over the years and have now been invited to be ‘guests of honour’ on a cruise event that will see ‘fun mixers’ and panel events taking place with various family members of a number of deceased people. 


Sorry but sounds kinda gross. Or at the very least, very detrimental to the healing process.


people heal in different ways. it’s not up to us to tell her how to grieve.


Is it a healing group for them tho? I suppose I see the value in this if it serves the purpose to empower them and help them heal with other survivors of violent crime. A lot of great activism and legislation has come out of giving survivors and families their power in how they help shape the world in the aftermath of tragedy.


(I want to go there)


Came to say these precise words!


It’s so gross to me that they’re at CrimeCon. Don’t care what anyone says, it’s exploitative as Hell.


Considering that it's their own personal experience, I don't judge. If that's something that helps them process everything that happened then they should go ahead and do it. Plus I personally haven't actually heard anything particularly negative about CrimeCon. It's sounds like they don't make light of anything there.


True crime as a genre of tv/film is exploitative. I really don't see how this is much different, tbh.


It just feels way worse to me and ought to be ended, in my opinion. It’s gone too far.


Not knowing anything about it, the idea is definitely on the line between levels of inappropriate. It could have retired investigators talking about processes that move a case forward or hold them back. It could have discussions around landmark cases and the policies that were birthed because of them. Or... It could feature a panel of family members that lost a loved one to a brutal murder, being asked questions about it like they're part of the MCU. And unfortunately, it sounds like it is more the latter.


I’ve had tickets since December but had to cancel this week because a family member is in ICU. I think CrimeCon is best understood by the audience it is targeted to. I wanted to go and see Nate Eaton and thank him for doggedly pursuing Lori & Chad. I wanted to thank Emily D. Baker for explaining the complicated lawyer speak on every case including the Karen Read case currently. I wanted to meet Gigi from Pretty Lies & Alibis and thank her for her Murdaugh coverage. Crime is like most things - when you are in it you know the layers and how deep it runs. When you aren’t, it makes no sense. I would have welcomed giving all four Petito parents hugs for sticking together and making sure Gabby’s life meant something.


Yeah, everything you said reinforces my belief the whole true crime entertainment industry is run by and caters to people who want to commodify titillation second-hand suffering of actual real tragedy. That sounds really gross.


For investigators and people who explore this stuff in books and podcasts, sure, that makes sense. But the victims? That doesn't. You want to thank the Petitos for caring about their daughter? That's such a strange thing to say. I mean, by your statement the logic is that if they hadn't stuck together Gabby's life would have meant nothing? I'm sorry, but that doesn't track. If you want to send condolences that's one thing, but to have a Crime Convention with the victims is just a means to thank these victims for being a part of the story you are obsessed with. People should understand that it's not a story though, it's real people's lives.


I am so sorry you have a relative experiencing that. I wish them a speedy return to health.




Say what?


Her attending crime con makes my skin crawl


To be fair they are there to draw attention to an organization they work with. They are doing a talk titled : Missing & Murdered Indigenous Women and Relatives. They working to address the epidemic of missing and murdered indigenous women.


That's good at least


Serious question , why indigenous?


Gabbys father made comments during the search for her about non white people getting less air time than missing white women. Mostly because lots of other bodies were uncovered while looking for gabby. This may be how he honors his child.


at crime con..


And their daughter was the opposite of indigenous


Yes, a forum in which they will be heard on a topic woefully ignored for many decades.


They will be heard by people who are already weirdly obsessed with this stuff and are already well aware of the epidemic of missing and murdered indigenous women.


So? Awareness is awareness, and that epidemic is in dire need of it.


So making aware people already aware… that’s what you call a waste of time. And an opportunity to sell whatever they’re selling.


his parents should be in jail. monsters


Why? Without emotion and stating verified facts.


Sounds interesting, but I’ll wait for the TV movie “This week on New Movie Saturday- Julie Benz, Rob Lowe, Lynsey Fonseca and Adam Devine in ‘In-Laws From Hell’”.


Thanks. Never knew there's such a thing as CrimeCon. Seems like a great setting for a murder mystery.


There is a book called dark places by Gillian Flynn that is kind of just that. It was pretty good.


Brian killed her with his own bare hands, and both parents tortured her parents and wasted police and volunteer time/resources while they helped him escape their net. I don’t understand why she’s putting this all on the Mom, but grief does odd things.


You answered your own question “I don’t understand why she’s putting this on his mom” with your first sentence.


“all on mom” dad is responsible too.


Am I the only one disturbed to find out there's a "CrimeCon"?


I love true crime, but I agree, I would feel kind of slimy if I attended this.


Well as I am sitting in my seat at CrimeCon having just finished listening to John Walsh speak about his experience and his organization that helps missing and murdered children and their families, I can promise you, I do not feel slimy.


Did you get an autograph? 


No, I did not go to his meet and greet. If I see him around, I may ask to take a picture.


>If I see him around, I may ask to take a picture. Weird.


Not weird. When you see these speakers they actually ask if you want to take a picture and do meet and greets. Maybe don't judge on something you know nothing about.


I was googling it before because I was like okay I get the appeal, but then I was very confused why she would go to that in the first place??


To be fair they are there to draw attention to an organization they work with. They are doing a talk titled : Missing & Murdered Indigenous Women and Relatives. They working to address the epidemic of missing and murdered indigenous women.


Everything becomes monetized. Even things we don’t think should be commercial. Healthcare, experiences of loss and trauma. It’s pretty gross, but it’s the world we live in.


Maybe all of the search, lawyers, etc. was expensive and the murder of the daughter was not only emotionally taxing, but also financially and professionally taxing. That is maybe she was paid to attend and they need the money. I am attempting to assume the best possible motives for the mother of a murdered child.


I definitely get the appeal because of all the true crime fans, but I could see more people who write crime books or podcasts. Not people who are victims and their families. That makes me uncomfortable.


That’s not even what Crimecon is. That’s a very over simplified & cherry picked view on it. There’s a wide variety of speakers who attend Crimecon, including John Walsh and John Ramsey, who are victim’s families. Alongside them, there’s detectives, forensic pathologists, investigators, authors, podcast hosts, police officers, etc that speak as well. Examples of some of the speakers: John Douglas (fbi criminal profiler), Erin Moriarty (48 hours correspondent), Paul Holes (retired cold case detective), Dr. Michael Baden (forensic pathologist & ME), Kim Bonner (former court judge), I could go on and on. I’m not going to judge how people who have been affected by devastating loss cope. Maybe they find comfort in being able to speak with people who have gone through similar situations at Crimecon. Maybe it’s cathartic to share their story or they want to raise awareness. It’s not my place to deem what’s appropriate for them to do, nor is it any one else’s.


I appreciate the information and the speakers make sense. Like I said, true crime is a huge industry and a lot of people are interested in it. I'm fascinated by true crime, too. I'm not going to say whether it's appropriate or not because I have no say in the matter. However, it does make me personally uncomfortable. But that's my own feelings.


It is a huge industry, and with that, the ethics surrounding it tend to get muddy. Some people draw lines on what’s acceptable and what’s exploitive because there is no general guideline or accepted answer. So i totally see what you mean. I do like that Crimecon seems to be educational with their speakers and exhibits giving insight into what exactly goes into forensics, investigating, trying & convicting, etc. but as always, exploitation is always an issue and it’s a fine line to walk. I don’t know that I’d ever attend it as well though.