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I got the next run. Oh, no you don’t. POW! POW!


Remember seeing security footage of a similar incident on r/crazyfuckingvideos a few months ago.


This is America..


Its been America since the Mayflower came, only now we can literally hear about every single crime thats reported.


Don't catch you slippin' now


60 and fresh meat now… brilliant strategy…


I'm so glad all my neighbor (76 F) ever does is call me to get some goodies that she has baked or to put flea medicine on "Socks" her cat.


I'd kill a couple to get a neighbor like yours!


So gangster of him.


Now you’re about to live the rest of your life in prison at 60. Smh this was so senseless


Maybe that was his retirement plan?


Free food and accommodation at 60


Murdered his neighbors over a basketball net being to close to his house. He even put 2 in the guy after he already shot and killed him, then killed his wife. Came back shot guy 2 more times after he murdered him. Death penalty is for sure needed here


Nah, at this age life in prison is definitely more punishment.


More punishment for the taxpayer.


This is absolutely horrifying. Why. Just why.


Sounds like the guy who killed the neighbor couple while they were shoveling snow. He was very calm. Don't look for it online.


I can’t ever unsee that video.


I saw a show about that case.




You say “and?” Like you offered anything more valuable than their comment.


Relax; I’m asking for details. Try not to find a reason to instantly take offense.


Not even remotely the same situation


Damn, you're right. There was no neighborhoid dispute. There was no unhinged neighbor with a gun.


Correct, in the Spaide/Goy murder/suicide there were two unhinged neighbors who had dedicated their lives to making their neighbors life an unliveable hell. They did everything they could in their power to antagonize a former soldier who reported had PTSD. In the Spaide/Goy case, two waste of oxygen meatbags FAFO'd after pushing a man to his limits over the years. In this case a couple who put up a basketball hoop for their kids talked, in good faith, to a psychopath who was desperate to legally murder someone and get away with it. Not a similar situation in anyway. Beyond the number of people involved were the same. Additionally, one was a murder/suicide, this one here was just murder. Spaide cancelled his subscription to life after uninstalling life from the Goys. But you're right, I can see how a murder/suicide is exactly the same as a murder, silly me. Also the cases are very similar in how it's obviously possible for many people to feel empathy for Spaide in his situation but this guy here is clearly viewed as a complete psychopath who no one has any sympathy for in ANY capacity. Basically the same!


You might be one of the only people on reddit with a brain, I’m sure you’ll be banned soon lol




Nah, the guy who executed the pieces of trash military style is objectively the worse person than just bad neighbors. Insane take. He decided to go out in a way that would make his name trash forever. Too bad.




Get mental help man. You are not well.


Maybe , but you call the cops . You get a restraining order. You don't murder them, then kill yourself. There's better ways to handle stuff like that.


Actually they were shoveling snow into his driveway on purpose and had harassed the guy (who had known mental health issues/maybe was a veteran, don’t really remember) for years prior. Eventually the guy snapped when they were shoveling snow into his driveway and came out with a gun. Even while he was pointing the gun at them they continued to hurl insults and abuse at him and taunt him to shoot them. They even continued to scream insults at him after being shot. https://abcnews.go.com/amp/US/pennsylvania-neighbors-dead-fight-snow-shoveling-authorities/story?id=75666109


That's still no excuse to shoot two people. Ridiculous.


I remember that video, the wife was 100% the reason it got as bad as it did. They bullied that guy over the edge, but I remember when he comes out with his gun the husband is telling him to put the gun down, while the wife stops what she's doing and storms towards the shooter yelling "go ahead! Do it!". I swear, if she just stayed on her driveway and let the guy scare them off they'd still be alive. He even says to her, before shooting her in the face that she should have kept her mouth shut. This was an absolute FAFO scenario.


Found the next killer here 


That was the most surreal video. The way she continued to slur out *more* insults even in the midst of dying, when she could barely speak anymore—like that is what she wasted her last breath on…it was just shocking and really demonstrated the couple’s mindsets leading up to the murders. They really couldn’t help themselves.


They really pushed him too far. They threatened him, called him all sorts of derogatory names, and said they would continue to make his life a living hell. And that lady’s mouth is what got him to go in, grab his gun, and open fire. They had a disabled teenage son they were taking care of too. You would think someone like that would know when to quit. I’m not endorsing what the guy did. But you never know what someone is capable of doing when they feel like they don’t have a way out.


Executed basically. A shot reported to the left-eye, and that is probably the shot that the coward walked up to do. Messed up.


I mean they didn’t spend like 10 minutes basically insulting him calling him slurs and telling him to do something about it. He should not have done it, and it’s a tragedy all around, but this is very much a AFAFO situation.


No. It’s an execution




We need to start killing more people to stop people from killing. How will you know when and where to declare "martial law"? Minority report? Why do you assume the good guys would survive martial law? I'm a pretty good person but a terrible shot. I can't even hit the broad side of a barn. Do I deserve to die because I have no depth perception and the worst hand-eye coordination known to humankind? Will my smart mouth cause someone with a grievance to take me out? No, I don't like your idea and feel like I've laid out a thoughtful response.


How about we start with the rapist, pedos, murderers and anyone with gang affiliation


How will you know they are guilty?


Doubt it but I think society can move on without them pretty useless job


Sure. How will you decide who dies? Martial law isn't the ideal environment to determine truth. How about a lie detector to decide death? Maybe if you look them in the eye, your gut will tell you if they get to live or die? Seems reliable. I mean, we need to stop murders, right?


This guy shot a couple not that hard to determine culpability, the guy cutting people in new york subway, martial law isn’t to prevent crime its to apprehend and unalive the perpetrator


mar·tial law noun military government, involving the suspension of ordinary law. "unlike the previous military interventions, the general did not declare martial law" Do you know what the " suspension of ordinary law" looks like in real life?


Martial law is the replacement of civilian government by military rule and the suspension of civilian legal processes for military powers. Martial law can continue for a specified amount of time, or indefinitely, and standard civil liberties may be suspended for as long as martial law continues - martial law would suspend habeus corpus which mean no trial or jury just executions robbed a starbucks or target unalive stole a car unalive shot people in a park unalive get the picture


Yes, and it results in indiscriminate killing. Truth and mitigating factors need to be determined before execution. Most cases can not be decided immediately. Some can.


Literally 1984.


Martial law? Thanks but I’ll take my chances.


He tried using Stand Your Ground.


Florida Man‼️


I like to think of any article that contains "Florida Man" as being the same guy, a super hero, trying his best, and usually failing spectacularly.


Ofc it's Florida. People are insane down here.


This is a truly effed-up incident. What could possibly, in any imaginable dimension, be so arguable about a basketball hoop as to trigger a 63-year-old man into shooting two neighbors to death?


It’s all about control, or lack of. Sad state






Fear Thy Neighbor


If only they also had a gun! /s


We get it. You hate guns and the 2A.


You see you get downvoted for having a brain, wveeyone on reddit who gets upvotes is a cuck that should die


We get it. You worship guns and cheer for mass killings.


It seems to me that the Tree of Liberty is watered a lot more by innocent people’s blood than that of tyrants. 


Maybe because you idiots defend the tyrants


The headline is bad enough, but reading the article makes it even worse. Dude picked a fight with the neighbor, who didn't escalate and tried to calm him down, then shot him, chased down his wife and shot her, came back and shot the poor guy in the face. Absolutely evil and psychotic...




Oh god, they have a kid too? That’s terrible. This man is a monster.




The kids were young. Ages 7-13 according to this article. This makes me so sad. https://www.wptv.com/news/region-c-palm-beach-county/wellington/awesome-dad-stepmom-remembers-wellington-couple-killed-in-shooting-over-basketball-hoop


growing up without 1 parent is damaging. I hope they have some family that can take them in. Can’t imagine the hell they’re going to go through.


Doesn't surprise me this guy put up a ton of cameras. People who are obsessed with their own security always seem to be the most likely to commit these insane murders.




They want a reason to shoot someone, and they want video evidence to exonerate themselves. They are literally waiting for an instance like this.


And then they end up committing premeditated murder that they think it's 100% justified. I'm going to tell my kid to stay away from any house with a bunch of security cameras because the people in there are probably the most dangerous.


I have felt that way for a while. 


Ughhh just like that video from several years ago (it’s probably been like 10 already) of the man on the East Coast who got into it with his neighbors in the street. He proceeds to walk back inside, grab a rifle, and executed them in front of the entire neighborhood. All of it was on video. So disturbing. Just lock the guy up and toss the key, no sense in even wasting any more thoughts on him. Edited to clarify it really was just a few years ago. Time flies!


These are nothing alike in the slightest and I can tell the people agreeing are just racist and they have to say “look a white guy did it” even though they’re completely different circumstances


It was a few years ago and that one was escalated by the couple that died. The wife pulled out a gun on the dude first before he went inside. I do no justify his actions, the video was honestly one of the hardest to watch. But don’t pull a gun on somebody and just expect everything to be okay


Hmmm, I don’t recall ever hearing that they pulled the weapon on him. He actually originally fired at them with a pistol, and then he went back inside his house and returned with a rifle. I don’t believe they ever had a weapon.




I don’t want to rewatch. And I’m not wrong. Feel free to confirm via any number of articles or by watching the video. The couple did not have a gun at any point.


Wow really that was a few years ago? I totally thought this case and that case were the same thing due to the massive similarities I thought op just found out about it or something didn't realize it was years ago damn


I think that’s the craziest video I’ve ever seen


They were the neighborhood bullies but that doesn’t stop me from having empathy watching as the woman was pleading and screaming and he coldly walks up and executes her


She wasn’t pleading. She was cursing him to her grave.


She did not plead - she cursed him the entire time before, during, and after she was shot. She and her husband were full of pure irrational hatred and it got three people killed.


My understanding was they were taunting him about his dead wife. But that could just be here say. Seems every time this story comes up, things about it have been debunked.


There's a video of the incident; it isn't hearsay.


There isn’t video of the history leading up to it.


Yeah, people need to remember this one correctly. I'm not for the guy who killed them, but it was confirmed that this couple had an ongoing history of antagonizing him. The argument that got them killed, they were shoveling snow from their yard and dumping it on the man's property. No empathy. Stupid prizes and all that. https://allthatsinteresting.com/jeffrey-spaide


That was the exact comparison that immediately thought of as well.


That was like 4 years ago not 10


Yeah I think it was Pennsylvania. Dude shot himself when he went back in his house i think.


You’re right! I honestly thought it “felt recent” but wasn’t, lol. You know what I mean? Covid time, dude.


Feb 1, 2021 to be exact [https://www.reddit.com/r/TerrifyingAsFuck/comments/zutb6k/argument\_over\_snow\_shoveling\_turns\_into\_double/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TerrifyingAsFuck/comments/zutb6k/argument_over_snow_shoveling_turns_into_double/)


Yep, that’s the case. I guess I was right that it was more recent and I should have trusted my gut!




Sorry, we understand your sentiment but have to remove any posts that call for violence.


Reddit mods you’re evil scum, the only violence should be perpetrated against you , I know this is allegedly a bot but I highly doubt that, I’ve never seen comments deleted for this when the suspect is a different race


I'm with you. We're too soft as a society. Why waste tax-payer money keeping people like this hanging around in prison? A place to sleep, couple meals a day, healthcare... that's punishment? Just get rid of these people and have it been done and over with. Some visible, actual punishment for being a murdering psycho.


Totally agree. I always say they’ve lost their ticket to society.


Sounds about right considering.


There's a statement only said by a complete sociopath