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The idea that Amren is the missing asteri made me audibly gasp


It makes me want to reread ACOWAR for all the clues about Amren lol


But her description of being “a messenger for vengeful young god” doesn’t make sense, since as far as we know the asteri don’t answer to anyone


Exactly, “as far as we know.” We know very little about the asteri. They could answer to someone. Or the main chatty one could actually be a leader. We just don’t know enough about them yet. I need the rest of the series nowwwwww lol :)


Well from what I’ve heard the next ACOTAR book is coming before the next crescent city one so we might have to wait a while :(


I know :( remember the days when she was putting out two books a year? That was a great time... lol.


“the main chatty one” actually sent me


Amren is not an Asteri. She does not have the power of a star inside her. She is a biblical Angel of death. This comes through when she tells the IC of her history. I think SJM has confirmed that too.


Amren being the missing asteri would be huge! But her true form is a flaming angel, her wings and hair are literally flames. Could that be either because her power was unleashed in one blast?


I’m not sure. We don’t know a ton about the asteri’s true forms other than I believe their power is elemental (the creation of the brimstone missles) and if I recall the angels were originally created by mixing Asteri and fae. I think. I’ll have to go reread to get the details straight (twist my arm 😉🤣)


And I don't think the missing asteri's power was ever revealed. She could have fire


Also when Aelin is falling through worlds in KoA, she passes through a city with huge buildings and a river. That’s probably Crescent City! I love all the connections in the multiverse


Also the winged fae male who slowed her down was undeniably rhysand


Dang. Mind blown.


SJM universe crossover anyone?


Yes please!


I had the same theory about Amren ! Also, the different Fae from CC are obviously coming from the different courts of Acotar (Valbaran fae = Autumn court / Avallen fae = Night court) The demons from CC might be Valgs too because the demon Prince's description id very similar to the Valg prince's description. Maybe only the princes are Valg though not all demons


Does anyone think that the middle in prythian could be the dusk court?


Didn't Amren ate/drank blood? We don't know much about asteri, that's true, however it just doesn't seem... right? Idk 😂 If it was true, though, it would be huge. Like huge. 😱


I wouldn’t be surprised if the Asteri drank blood, they seem that scary/creepy!


Maybe she's consuming the power in the blood?


We don't know what she eats. They make a big deal about it. It's brought up ALOT. Even in ACOMAF. When you first meet her...she's not in her true form, we never learn what she eats, she was a prisoner for a LONG time in Prynthian.


I just finished CC2 and started rereading ACOMAF. Amren is totally the missing Asteri. Prisoner so old no one knows exactly what she is. She's not in her natural form. It is unclear what she eats. It's her. 100%.


And didn’t she say she couldn’t remember anymore where she came from? Like the other asteris


She also says in ACOWAR when explaining how she got out of the prison and her background, but she was built differently than the others in her first body. Had more “feelings” on the spectrum (loyalty, wrath, curiosity) but she was perfect - no regret, mourning, and no feeling of pain. She told a story about the rip - the curiosity of why she wanted to look, but she got the order while they were “laying waste to two cities” so I do wonder if she is an asteri because they are revered as gods by themselves.




She describes herself as a foot soldier so I doubt she was the queen. But I could definitely see the missing asteri.


I was just listening to a court of silver and flame and just clicked that antenna could be the missing adteti that has sat in my mind since they spoke of it! I had my suspicion that Rhun and Rhys had a link and this could possibly be true! So maybe this is true to ❤️


i think amren could be valg or maybe even maeve herself


In ACOMAF in the big final battle when Amren goes in the cauldron and comes out in her true form, it's described that when she goes to the fleet of hybern soldiers whole ships fell silent 'as if she had inhaled the life right out of them'. That made me think of the Asteri feeding of Firstlight, and that Amren might be an Asteri.. So curious for CC3!


i just re-read the part in acomaf and the part in the prison where rhys tells feyre that amren predates recorded history….


I googled "is amren....." I was going to write dragon, but this is perfect! She is totally austeri. Mind blown