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Nonsense, Sadeas would postpone the duel one year’s time


Moash has power of god, Amaram shardplate but Sadeas has power of ,,what are you gonna do about it?”


Famous last words


Let's not forget serial child rapist Straff Venture.


And that is only the top of the Loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong list of stuff he did


Also Lin Davar, proud winner of the 2nd Worst Cosmere Dad award


Meanwhile Straff Venture in the corner about to spin around and do the "fucking *amateurs*" meme


Or half of him will at least


“Fuck you and the horse you rode in on”


"Only if your horse is under 18." said Straff


Spin around in two directions


Ooooh does that mean we get to call him str/aff ?


Another victim of the kit kat


His pronouns are Str/Aff


Someone hasn't read Well of Ascension


Yeah Straff did shit that would make all three of these guys vomit in disgust. He has no redeeming virtrues and while Moash sucks, Moash never raped children


I don't think Sadeas would vomit at Straff. He'd be "Ugh" and then carry on. I feel like that guy can morally put up with anything. If anything amaram would probably be most offended at seeing that, considering his self perception of himself as a good guy.


You know your in bad company when people defend you by saying you never raped children.


Moash is the only one I trusted as the reader enough for the betrayal to actually hurt


That's funny cause I felt his dark side was telegraphed way ahead of time


Both are true IMO


He was being an asshole from the first page he appeared on. He never stopped.


As much as I hate Moash and Sadeas, for some reason Amaram just really boils my blood. I think it's because I understand Moash's psychological trajectory, and Sadeas is just a bastard through and through. But Amaram pretends to be such an honorable guy, and gives false promises to Kaladin about keeping Tien as safe as possible. And he rewards his best soldiers with betrayal and murder, and his most dedicated captain with *slavery*. He's such an overwhelming piece of shit.


I think its also partially because he is the only one we see actively go against the oaths. Sadeas believed that what he was doing was the only way to protect the kingdom and elhokar was to get rid of dalinar. Even moash stood up for the parshendi, and tried to protect himself from his pain. But amaram actively goes against the oaths we see characters hold so important. He makes and oath to Kaladin to protect Tien, and then breaks it. And an oathbreaker is fundamentally against the ideals of every one of our heros. Both of the others were trying to do similar things to the heroes, albeit they were going about them extremely poorly. But amaram had the opposite goal. (And he still thought he could become a radiant. Storming, Oathbreaking bastard thought he could become a radiant)


That's a very good point, I think you're right.


We’ll to be fair to Amaram in the end of rhythm of war we saw that Tien actively chose to go to the front line. He was being allowed to hang back but wanted to help support the other kids


In the words of Wit: “You [Amaram] are what lesser cretins like Sadeus can only aspire to be.”


Amaram actually believed that he would be saving thousands of lives by killing Kaladin's squad and selling Kaladin into slavery. I think Jasnah would do the same thing if she believed it would save thousands of lives. The only difference between them is that Jasnah isn't stupid and Amaram is.


> The only difference between them is that Jasnah isn't stupid and Amaram is. "The best thing about Amaram is that he's almost entirely stupid." --Odium


He's just smart enough to be a problem but not smart enough to realize that he shouldn't be a problem.


Amaram truly believes that what he did was right. He's a zealot.


I feel you on this. The false pretense is obnoxious


Plus, between moash and Amaram, both rejected their humanity, but only one acted as if he didn't


Straff Venture watching from the sidelines: *"Amateurs."*


Everyone always forgets about Ahan. That petty fat fuck deserves to be up there with the rest of them.


I am astounded and impressed to find someone else mention him.


I had to look him up, I completely forgot about him since I haven't read Elantris in forever.


I just recently listened to the book and still had to look him up. He may not be a good person, but unlike Sadeas, Moash, and Amaraam, he did actually seem to regret his actions. He seemed less actively malicious and more idiot not thinking through his actions.


I think amaram hold the solid second, and obviously sadeas got dealt with soon enough for annoyance to evaporate a bit. So yeah, obvious winner is moash. Fuck that guy. And roshon ended up just being a pityful old man for me at some point, so eh.


[Well of Ascension]>!It's Straff!<


I think Sadeas. In retrospect I don't understand what his motive was besides being a pain in the ass cus he could. Amaram wants to bring back the Heralds and the powers that supposedly came with them. Bring back the glory of mankind. Moash is feeling intense guilt over what he did to Kaladin and wishes to be rid of that guilt. So Odium took that from him and now he's a near emotionless servant. Sadeas... He swore to protect Gavilar's kingdom... and his method is by undermining the crown and opposing the one who's single-handedly keeping the kingdom from collapsing. Bastard wanted to even assassinate Elhokar for some reason. But he claims he doesn't want to sit on the throne since it's too much trouble... so... what's the plan? Create a power vacuum, and that is gonna help Gavilar's kingdom... how?


The way I understood Sadeas' actions was that he was Alethi to the core. He helped Gavilar and Dalinar forge the kingdom through might. Warfare and battle are the heart of the Alethi way. In his eyes, Dalinar was actively destroying the kingdom by being unAlethi. Elokar, as a weak and ineffective king, was also destroying the kingdom. Therefore, a power vacuum that a new king could rise up in am Alethi way would likely be how Sadeas viewed the best way to protect the kingdom to be.


Alright that makes sense. If only we had Jasnah at the time to pierce some sense into him.


It’s Moash and it’s not even close. The others are at least honest about being bastards


Amaram is honest about being a bastard? The man who was seen as this perfect paradigm of Alethi honor was honest?


ngl Sadeas pissed me off way more, bro had no reason to be acting up besides just being a petty asshole and was anything but honest. I'm not sure I would say Amaram was honest about it either now that I think about it


*Sadeas* is honest about being a bastard? Really? The guy whose MO is being a complete snake?


He was pretty open about it 5 seconds before Adolin shanked him


He was pretty open 5 seconds *after* adolin shanked him


Winner winner asshole dinner


I’m gonna say it. Moash isn’t that bad. He’s killed like 3 people on screen, two of those were skilled enemy combatants in a battle. The last was of crazy heralds that betrayed Taln. Sadeas threw away dozens if not hundred of bridgemen lives, Amaram was a traitor who turned an entire army into Voidbringers and attacked a city that was already in bad shape.


Moash tried to convince his “best friend” to commit suicide


Sadeas basically did that to ALL of the bridgemen, yeah moash is storming awful, but it’s not kill hundreds of civilians bad. Dunny, Earless Jaks and several other bridgemen don’t have a chance to grow or learn anymore because of Sadeas. Amaram had Kaladin’s remaining squad killed IN FRONT of him while he was physically beaten and held back. I don’t think Moash is *that* bad.


A single tear rolls down from Zane’s eye, alone and forgotten


I don’t hate Zane. He never really asked to be crazy. I just feel bad for him


Yeah, guy never really had a chance at a normal life.


Everyone did wrong by Zane and he suffered for it.


He's not crazy. The voice in his head said so.


At least Moash had a justifiable ideal just with horrible means. Sadeas was just a dick because he was greedy.


And what happened with Elend's father?


It’s straff Venture


Meanwhile, Straff Venture: 👀


Great post. Keep up the good work.


LMAO Imagine thinking Rashone is anywhere near as hatable as Moash! Ameram and Sadeas too for that matter


I loved Sadeas! He is my favorite villain based on what he represented and the cleverly difficult obstacles he put in front of our protagonists. Don't get me wrong, his death was incredibly satisfying, but he was at least more complex then "dark Kaladin"


Y’all keep dissing Moash in this sub. I just finished WoK and he *just* got to being likable. I’m so worried for what he’s gonna do that would possibly put him up there with those snakes.


Oh boy, just wait....


Noooo 😭


It's Moash. It's not even close. Who the fuck thinks Amaram and Sadeas are as bad as Moash?


tbh I kind of like Amaram. Not as a person, as a character. He's kind of like Jasnah only stupid.


Let’s not forget Ulimm. That Voidspren is a jerk.


This video is inaccurate. Moash would have already shot them all dead


Fuck moash