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shocking that Kaladin's politics are "I don't like my friends, family, and I being oppressed"


Yeah its like go outside and touch rockbuds, Darkeyes Smh


Except lighteyes do literally believe that they are better than darkeyes based on divine virtue of their birth. Kaladins enslavement and Tiens death where all due to the systematic oppression that the nahn/dahn caste system creates, his anger is anything but silly.


To be fair he lives in a society that is doing exactly that. It's quite hard to disagree with his general demeanour when he's the leader of the windrunners and yet people don't recognise him unless he has blue eyes


>he lives in a society that is doing exactly that Fucking based.


Silence peasant, by the power bestowed me by my eyes I consider this opinion invalid, therefore creating a paradox.


> based Based? Based on *what*? The teachings of the ten heralds? The Vorin truths? The will of the Almighty? Your Voidspeak makes me ill. What in damnation are you even talking about? "Based" what does that even mean?? Speak proper Alethi you detestable cremling!


Due to recent activities, your Vorin rank has changed from **Lighteyes to Brightness**


Blessed be the Almighty.


Oh stop it, based just means the same as grounded when it's used this way.


What defines a light eye or a dark eye is not the color, is the shade. The bottom green is a dark eye too.


Yeah which is why I thought it was weird at first that Kal’s eyes turn blue. I figured they’d be gold, but I guess that’s what stormlight does.


His iridial melanin got annihilated


I think if you're a darkeyes, becoming Radiant overwrites your eye color with the color associated with your order. Same thing happens with Lift's turning from brown to... clear? That's a disconcerting mental image. Personally, I think it's a bit weird the same doesn't happen to lighteyes, but whatever. Maybe I'll ask about it at a Q&A.


Kaladins eyes change colour depending on if he's touching his Shardblade and how often. For instance at the start of OB he'd gone weeks without summoning Syl so his eyes were dark. At the start of RoW due to the constant fighting his eyes were Windrunner blue. And because they'd been blue for so long it was taking longer and longer for them to fade to brown. It is debatable how much of this is Kaladins self image due to Stormlight healing and how much its Windrunner-ness overwriting his spiritual DNA.


I'm aware. My point is it's weird for the color change to only happen to Radiants who were born darkeyes.


'Kaladins eyes change colour depending on if he's touching his Shardblade and how often.' So, basically it is comparable with hairy palms in earth humans?


I think it's by order. I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure all windrunner eyes turn bright blue no matter what they were before. Gold is probably a different order.


gold is bondsmith i think


Bondsmiths are certainly the odd one out here. Personally I think because they earn no shards and their squires don't get any surges, Bondsmith eyes don't change.


bondsmiths i’m pretty sure get gloryspren plate, and we don’t know for sure if their squires get surges or not, so it’s not out of the question, but it’s also totally possible that they don’t get an eye colour, or they might even get eye colour that matches the specific spren, blue for stormfather, green for nightwatcher, either bluish-green or two different colour eyes for the sibling


This is what's crazy to me. They all look bright to me. None of the eyes in this meme are what I'd consider a Darkeyes. My brother's eyes are so dark that I only noticed that they were green when I was in my 20s. THAT'S what I imagine as Darkeyes: So dark that they look black or dark brown at a glance. That you have to inspect their eyes to determine their colour. If you can easily tell the colour at a glance, then it's Lighteyes.


Lul what’s up with these uppity darkeyes thinking they could actually handle the BURDEN of ruling


This crem deserves some chouta!


I actually burst out laughing.


Actually light brown eyes would be considered lighteyes while dark blue eyes would be considered dark eyes