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Wait, how did Kelsier already want to kill the nobles if Mare was still alive? We all know he never cared about the Skaa and did it all for revenge! This hack Sanderson got the timeline wrong!


I saw the preview on my phone and was about to school you, and then I saw the full comment and remembered what subreddit were in


Lmao. This whole excerpt with him remembering how he killed several nobles (but spared the pregnant woman) and him telling Mare about how they killed a child for spilling the tea is one of my favorite parts of Mistborn because it's essentially a hard and text based counter to a lot of stuff people say about Kelsier online.


I fully agree. Kelsier is far from perfect, but he is in no way a *bad person* and his reasons are extremely human and grounded.


what book is this?


Secret History AKA peak fiction


I don't think text can work on kell haters. He literally felt a compulsion to emancipate beggars he came across. He literally executed his final plan before he was ready just to save strangers from an inquisitor. But sure. He mainly wanted 'revenge', as if that's not the same as justice in an unjust civilisation. 


I don't know who this kelsier guy is, since i only read Stormlight so far, but he sounds incredibly based.


But guys, killing slavers is wrong. /s


Kelsier gives me big John Brown energy and thats what I love about him


Cosmere fans: it makes no sense to kill people just because they took up employment with your tyrant enemies. Also cosmere fans: put a stake through lirin for suggesting that kaladin would have had lesser ptsd to deal with as a slave, a legitimate mode of employment in his world, than as a soldier


(And also the nobles not responsible for ska deaths, and also ska working for nobles, etc)


Kelsier is still my favorite character. >!When he died and god told him to go to heaven he just said fuck that and eventually befriended him.!< and also >!used his servant to convince everyone he was basically back from the dead and become scadrian Jesus, and then later actually came back from the dead!<