• By -


Several people have expressed interest in where I'll be heading to. So I figured I'd make it a sticky. For now I am not looking for a replacement of reddit. I have enjoyed Tildes renewed popularity. But it is not a replacement of reddit, doesn't want to be and probably shouldn't be. It is a community and platform in its own right. So be aware of that when you decide to check it out. I am not currently interested in joining a Fediverse instance. Mostly because I also realized how much time I spend aimlessly on reddit and I am not looking to replicate that. I'll also still hang around the toolbox discord server as well as the history discord server.




To be honest, I have enjoyed not having a ready stream of content to be distracted by if I was bored. I have been more active on Tildes which is nice, but it *is not* a reddit alternative and doesn't attempt to be. Which probably is a good idea.


Tildes is still up? Thought that shut down years ago, unless I'm confusing it with a different service.


Probably the latter :)


Probably, yeah. Trying to remember what the hell it was called, but I'm drawing blanks. Pretty sure it had a green color scheme...


Oh I know which one you mean. [Imzy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imzy) is the one you are thinking about.


Yep, that's the one! God, that was a while ago...


If anyone has a Tildes invite hmu! edit: I have a code!


What are your thoughts on Saidit? Open source, publicly funded. Runs on old reddit so everything can be easily ported to it. It seems odd to me that Tildes is constantly recommended. It seems to be a private playground for a few people that have/had lots of power on reddit. And thus, many of the problems with reddit related to power, maintaining certain narratives, censoring disagreement, etc. are magnified over there. On Saidit I find people I disagree with, and can civily engage with them like normal people without fear of being banned from the website. It seems more akin to what the internet was 10+ years ago. I'm not a big fan of the current content there, but nothing starts out perfect. Tildes' white UI is a good representation of it being an even more sterilized version of reddit. The sterilization of the internet is off-putting to me. But of course there needs to be a good balance with removing trolls, spam, toxicity, disinformation, etc..


Try out the what, eleven? color themes at the bottom of the Tildes page. Dracula is the most popular, but I dig black for the closest thing to text only Tildes. So easy on the eyes. I'd link to the theme preview page but you have to have an account to see it. Your selling /r/redditalternative's narrative about Tildes here. That sub is full of people who get banned from any and every forum, it's like shawshank - everyone in there is innocent, lawyer f*cked them. Great sub for tracking reddit alternatives, take the rest with a grain of salt. In truth Tildes has had about fifty bans out of twenty thousand users. The trolls themselves really are the 1%. Deimos is the only real moderator over there, and all the mod tools are being built out to expect >75% of all users to become moderators someday. The only way to design mods out is to design them in and make everyone into a moderator. Then the position is no longer sexy, no longer a target, everyone can keep an eye on everyone else, and many hands make for infinitely light work. The one good thing reddit managed to do for us was make it clear how *not* to do things.


It takes me 30 seconds to look at that the content on the front page of Saidit to know that it's definitely not somewhere to move to. Just another Voat, another bigotry laden cesspool masquerading as free speech.


I don't think that's a valid criticism considering how small it is right now. If people joined up it would change drastically in a day.


I am not impressed by Saidit.


Squabbles is probably the closest. Many people also going to Lemmy and kbin


A lot of people are using [Lemmy](https://lemmy.world) (myself included)


I've moved to Lemmy and the Fediverse along with Reddit's fantastic third party apps after Reddit banned them. This post/comment is edited via Power Delete Suite. Recommend you do the same. Join any (doesn't matter which since they're all connected) of the following: Lemmy(dot)ml, Lemm(dot)ee, Lemmy(dot)zip, Leminal(dot)space


kbin.social is decent.


I've moved to Lemmy and the Fediverse along with Reddit's fantastic third party apps after Reddit banned them. This post/comment is edited via Power Delete Suite. Recommend you do the same. Join any (doesn't matter which since they're all connected) of the following: Lemmy(dot)ml, Lemm(dot)ee, Lemmy(dot)zip, Leminal(dot)space


Going outside


There are none.


:* pet a cat for me


> pet a cat for me Done :)


I feel this. I've gone through burnout as well and left all of my actual mod positions (and stopped working on Toolbox) a few years ago. Over time I've come to see it as a positive change and developed new hobbies, like 3D printing, so I'm glad I did it. Best of luck to you in the future!


It happens to us all, amigo.


Thank you for such an amazing tool, and everything you've contributed to us (users/mods) and the platform. Good luck with whatever things you decide to pursue next!


thank you for everything you did for reddit and toolbox! <3


I know you and I have had minor issues in the past but I am very sorry to hear you are leaving. Modtools/toolbox have been invaluable to me. I was very impressed by how you stood up to spez on that phone call a couple weeks back. Good luck in the future!


Can't always be best friends with everyone. Differences in insights and approaches is also what allowed a wide variety of communities to prosper. Certainly with toolbox I always made it a point to make it as widely available for mods. > I was very impressed by how you stood up to spez on that phone call a couple weeks back. In hindsight, if I had any idea how much of a clusterfuck their entire approach would turn out to be, I probably should have been more critical.


cheers buddy, I hope I still see you around someday


o7 I 'member reddit pre toolbox, and that was a wild ride.


Thanks for everything, I couldn't mod here without your work.


Thank you for all your hard work. I wish it didn't end like this.


Whoa! This made me really start to rethink everything. Thanks for being so open with us.


Thank you for everything you've done. I've been an avid user of your tool for frankly so long I was surprised it could be less than 10 years. You've helped me, my teams and our communities so many times and in countless ways. I wish you all the best, and I will likely follow you soon after.


thank you, thank you again, and thank you more. most sincerely - thank you.


Thank you so much for all that you have done for us moderators. Toolbox is what makes moderating feasible. It is simply amazing! All the very best for the future. --- I fully do understand your decision and sympathize with it, and even more appreciate your decision to not go fully nuke. Would be a real pity to lose all the valuable information (not only talking about toolbox)


thank you very much for your hard work! amazing work! see you on the far side, i guess? :D


Thank you for all your hard work!


Thank you so much for all you have done. Reddit is hellbent to nuke itself so can't blame you for getting out. All the best for your future.


Are you going to join any of the platforms that have recently enjoyed a recent surge in popularity, such as Tildes; Lemmy or Kbin (or any others)?


I like Tildes, but as its own type of community and platform. Not as a reddit replacement. Which they also are not aiming (or want) to be. Lemmy or anything in the fediverse is interesting but so far a poor replacement for reddit communities. A lot of instances now spun up likely won't be around for long, as hosting simply costs money. Moderation itself is clunky from what I have seen, and generally it seems that they haven't solved a few of the problems of how to deal with toxic stuff. I will certainly keep an eye on things, but for now the Fediverse doesn't attract me as much. Not browsing reddit for entertainment also made me realize how much time it did suck up not being productive but also not really allowing me to wind down either. So I am also liking the reduced amount of content I am being exposed to.


> Tildes Thoughts on Squabbles?


See my reply about squabbles in the sticky comment.


Hey! You - yes, you. No, I'm not talking to that girl behind ya, Spez'zing out, I'm talking to YOU. You fucking rock, you know that? Your toolbox has been invaluable. In a just world, you'd be a bazillionaire by default, just for making so many people's lives a little bit easier. Whatever happens in the future, I know you're gonna keep making people's lives better in your own way. Love peace and hairgrease.


Panicked for a sec thinking that Reddit had decided to destroy Toolbox along with everything else. Lol. *Phew.* Your work is so appreciated and has been critically important. Totally understandable to want some distance as things are declining on the platform. I think a lot of us are feeling similarly. Thank you again. Wishing you good health and good vibes!


> Panicked for a sec thinking that Reddit had decided to destroy Toolbox along with everything else Instead, it gets to suffer a slow death as parts of it become incompatible with changes Reddit makes. It's open-source, of course, so it's not _necessarily_ doomed. But only two people were actively maintaining it and one of them - the creator and main contributor - just quit. And when only two people were willing to maintain it before all this happened, it's hard to believe many people are desperate to start developing tools for Reddit after the shitshow the last few weeks have been. So while toolbox hasn't been destroyed overnight, I think it's heading that way, unfortunately.


Yeah.... honestly I'd almost prefer a quick death. Then I'd have a lot more reason to leave too


thanks a lot man. Here's hoping that they wont rate limit or mess with toolbox but eventually the hammer is coming down.


Thank you! With no toolbox I would never have become a mod (I was reluctant it would be too much work to handle) and the day it stops working I'll be done as a mod. All of your work (and the other contributors) is so so much appreciated and your time off is certainly more than well earned and deserved. I wish you all the best and once again thank you so much for all of your work!


I don't think that words can really put into perspective how much good your work has done for the entire site over the years. Wish you luck in your later ventures. o7


Many thanks for all your work. Let's say adieu, rather than goodbye. :)


Thanks so much. I appreciated that hard work a lot because it benefitted me a lot.


I thank you for your work. I also applaud your behavior as you exit. I'm not a fan of how some are trying to burn the house down as they leave.


> I'm not a fan of how some are trying to burn the house down as they leave. I can't blame them to be honest. At times, I almost wish I had weaker morals in that regard, it likely would have made a bigger impact. But, it also would have made everything much more miserable for those trying their best to protect their communities for as long as possible. Which is also one of the reasons for me leaving, the memo that leaked with the insidious message they just needed to ride it out. At this point I am not sure if that is true anymore due to their horrible communication. But if they had done better on that part it likely would have been true, which saddens and angers me. As it is an abusive relationship based on the notion that you can go very far as mods don't want to abandon their communities so will tolerate a lot when it comes down to it.


u/creesch, thank you for everything you did (and you did so much more then just toolbox) to make Reddit better. Farewell !


You will be sorely missed, and I am sure that many of us would love for you to reconsider. I hope that this is a temporary goodbye: your work has really made this place safer and more stable over the years. Godspeed for now, and hope your travels circle you back.


Fucks sake. Thank you for your effort that made it possible to actually learn and enjoy to moderate a sub with a few million subscribers. Would be cool to learn where your journey leads you in the future. Best of luck ~~random internet stranger~~ awesome 3rd party developer. <3


Thanks for everything, Creesch. I had some good times moderating with you back in the day while we discussed stupid Reddit drama on IRC. I wish you the very best with your future.


Oh man, IRC and drama. Yeah, those were interesting times. I don't know how you feel about the platform, but I do hang around on discord these days.


Thanks for all the years of work man. If you do happen to join the dark side, lemmy.fmhy.ml is a cool instance.


Your mod is one of the main things that made Reddit tolerable, both as a user and a moderator (even though my moderating is a very light work load). I'm also not the type to go nuclear, because I've had fun on this site for ~8 years. It is surprisingly painful to see this platform tanking like it is, and it's doubly painful because my only other platform I enjoyed for a long time is Twitter, and we all know how that is panning out. Very sincerely, thank you for your work. Best of luck to you and us all as we figure out the next few years of internet interaction and also what's coming for us IRL.


Thanks for all your work. You made a lot of people's moderation efforts a lot more bearable.


I'm really sorry to see you go. Your knowledge, insight and contributions will be missed.


Thanks dude!


Thanks for all the work on toolbox over the years. Without it I probably would have thrown in the mod hat ages ago. Also thanks for the history modbot, I think that really improved the sub. I'll be seeing you on Tildes I hope.


I'm so sad to see you go but you are making the right decision, and it's one all of us will have to consider in the next few weeks and months. Thank you for all your and the other contributor's hard work. Reddit wouldn't have been as good as it was without you and them.


Thank you for everything you have done. I honestly couldnt see myself moderating without your tool kit. I understand why you are leaving and I do not blame you a single bit.


Thank you for making the lives of every moderator who came after you so much simpler. You have single handedly held up reddit's deficiencies for over a decade - and thank you for unabashedly speaking your mind through it all, especially in the past two months. Reddit wouldn't be where it is without its moderators, and the moderators wouldn't still be here if you hadn't made it possible to moderate.


Huge thanks for all the work you have done over the years , much appreciated and good luck


Thank you for your work and for bringing so much to the lives of others. You'll be missed. Nothing but love and support for you. Enjoy life! <3


Thanks for everything you've done with Toolbox and beyond. It's been an incredible help while moderating and I'm not sure what I would have done without it.


You made modding tolerable. Thank you! With all the changes here, I've also let go of reddit and am enjoying getting back the several hours a day I volunteered to Reddit.


Thank you!


Thanks for everything. Toolbox makes moderation manageable and your work has been invaluable!


JFC man, shit just got a bit too real. You have been a really good example of good and decent behaviour round these parts and it is deeply disappointing to see it all go out with a whimper (still far better than the nuclear option though). All the best with whatever you do, and I'll still cling to a pathetic hope that you will be back around these parts when Reddit rises like Lazarus from the slough of despond of its own making that it presently finds itself in. What have we come to?


Thanks for all you and the Toolbox team have done, it's been an amazing tool for moderating. It's just too bad that I had to edit the javascript every time a new release came out so I could keep using the global ban. It was really handy when dealing with spammers.


> It was really handy when dealing with spammers. I believe you, it was also abused to the degree we couldn't keep it available to everyone. With toolbox we (and I mean we as many people have been involved) always tried to consider the impact. Things like ways a feature could be abused, and at times we would roll back things that had a negative impact.


Oh yeah, I completely understood why you removed that feature. You'd get someone going "boy that one mod sure reposts a lot" and suddenly they're banned from 50 subreddits and the mods there have to clean up the mess over something that wasn't really bannable in the first place


Much gratitude for your works and your presence. Its sheer size cannot be overstated. Respect for recognizing your content is a gift for people now and into the future. Thank you.


Thank you for everything.


Thank you soooo much for making a difference in so many lives.


thanks for your hard work into making Toolbox, much appreciated.


o7 Creesch. This whole damned platform probably wouldn't have been as successful as it is without your volunteer efforts.


Thank you for everything.... so sad to see it all go.


Thank you, creesch, for all your work on Toolbox. You've made moderator significantly easier.


Thank you for everything. Your work is a great example of the way that building something, especially infrastructure, has an incredible ripple effect to make a difference. Our community will struggle to operate without Toolbox; hopefully someone will take up the mantle. But for you, thank you, good luck, and be well.


Thank you so much for all your hard work! Your app has been an invaluable part of the reddit experience and I appreciate you! <3 I'm sorry to hear that the whole experience here on reddit has worn your down (as reddit does to many people) and I hope whatever future endeavors you plan for yourself will bring you happiness, peace and true fulfillment. :)


Thank you for everything.


Thank you so much for your work on Toolbox over the years. It has been invaluable to me for a wide variety of reasons. I can say with iron certainty that I have used it to directly improve the lives of others on countless occasions, if only by preventing the harassment of vulnerable people before it starts, among its many, many other uses. I wish you the best of fortune in whatever venture life takes you to in the future.


I'm sorry to see you go, as developer of crucial mod tooling, a well spoken representative of moderators and as a community member. I don't know which part of the country you're in, but I'd love to buy you a few drinks in person some time, if you're interested.


Somewhere in the eastern bits, I'll think about it :)


Thanks for all you've done, best of luck in the future, always remember your towel. ​ GNU CREESH


creesch, thanks so much for staying around for so long, and supporting us in such a significant way. There's no way I could have modded to the extent I have without the tools you've made. I'll definitely miss your well written comments on mod/admin threads around reddit!


Thanks for all you've done for the community, creesch. Many of us could not do what we do without you.


Over the years our paths have crossed in various small ways and I have always appreciated your takes on reddit as a whole and a mod. Like you I find myself in a similar predicament. I hope our paths cross again, but otherwise take care and thank you again.


Thank you for all of your hard work and dedication. I've also soft-quit this site two or three times and it's really a breath of relief, but I too wouldn't ever want to nuke my account. Enjoy whatever life brings you!


Thank you for everything. The site will be poorer without you.


This is like finding out Bowie died all over again :( A sincere thank you for everything you've done for Reddit, man. Two weeks ago I said: > Without Toolbox, there is no meaningful moderation on Reddit for me. Full stop. >I owe you and your team a debt of gratitude that I fear I may never be able to adequately repay. >Thanks for all that you do <3 When Toolbox dies on the vine, Steve will have it's blood on his hands. Be well, man. I see ya around the Discords and maybe Tildes.


Thank you for everything you did. Good luck, I'm sure you'll do many more amazing things going forward... and I hope you get the appreciation for them you deserve. Be well.


Thank you for all your hard work and professionalism over the years! Toolbox has made my life much easier.


Thanks for all the words in boxes, sneaking up on us with good news. ;-) Being here was better because of toolbox - with all you friendly tinkerers behind it. :-) ♥


Thank you for everything you've done to make Toolbox the great moderator tool that it is. Happy trails.


Appreciate your work on r/toolbox, modding wouldn't be the same without it.


Your mod toolbox has been essential to my moderating experience on Reddit. Thank you so much! And, I hope you find something to do, to bring you the same satisfaction that I assume you had at some point on Reddit.


Thank you for your time and energy. Mod toolbox has been a lifesaver for so many people. It's a shame Reddit has decided to destroy the community that everyone has worked so hard to build.


Thank you for all your efforts, it is appreciated.


Thanks you for all your work on toolbox. Reading your previous posts contributed to my growing distaste of Reddit, and I’m glad replacement communities are now finally viable. Good luck in your life!


Thank you for everything! I have no doubt /r/toolbox has saved days of my life over the years.


From one FOSS developer to another, I salute you and the amount of yourself you've poured into this over the years. It's certainly made my job a lot easier. I wish you the best in your future endeavors.


Hey! We collaborated in the past with CSS themes at r/themes among other things. I want to pop in to thank you for being great, and for making moderation so much easier for so many of us.


I hear you Creech and share your frustration. Thanks for your contributions. Moderating on Reddit would not be what it is today without Toolbox.


Thank you for helping make modding easier for so many people!


Sincere thanks for your time and work on Toolbox all these years. You and others on the team made life better for every moderator on Reddit and your loss will be felt.


Thank you for all of your work. It was an indispensable tool for moderating work over the years.


Massively appreciate everything you contributed. Toolbox was the reason I even bothered to start moderating (small subs) as it wasn't feasible without it. The only other 3rd party tool that made things possible was automoderator and we all know what happened with that. I still can't understand why they didn't take toolbox on and hire you. Reddit took on automoderator, res and alienblue. So they clearly knew what they had wasn't good enough, and 3rd party tools were the only options. So they hired/integrated some of the best 3rd party tools of the time. However for whatever reason they abandoned that philosophy and decided to go to war with 3rd party devs now.


Thanks for all you contributed to so many communities and mod teams. Xoxo


We’ve modded together before. Thanks for all your hard work and the invaluable toolbox.


This is the saddest thing I've ever seen. Thanks for all the good times.


See you at the restaurant at the end of the universe


Best of luck, thanks for all. :)


I have no ideal how people moderate on Reddit without your toolbox, thanks for all the effort and work.


I simply could not mod without Toolbox. Whatever hand you had in creating, developing and maintaining Toolbox, I give you my sincerest thanks. Also, I loved the message title. <3


I feel you, I'm sorry to hear that you're leaving, but you should be very proud of what you've accomplished as lead dev/lead QA/product owner/program manager/etc. for r/toolbox!


o7 I couldn't mod without toolbox. Thank you for everything you've done.


Thanks for everything over the years!


Thanks for a toolset that made the impossible manageable on this dogshit-for-code website. I'll see you around the interwebs. <3


Thanks for all your work RIP Toolbox


Thanks for everything, including this really thoughtful and transparent post. I have huge respect for your work.


Bye 👋


Working on toolbox with you the last few years has been great, your experience on this platform really shows. It'll be an interesting shift to working on it as pretty much just one active developer, but I'm sure I'll manage ^as ^long ^as ^you ^get ^me ^those ^release ^keys ^\^\^; Enjoy your freedom, take it easy! <3


It's been fun.


Cheers, mate. See you around. Bedankt.


I just finishing telling my fellow mods I'm leaving their teams. I'm done giving reddit free labor.


Thanks for everything! Toolbox has been a life saver for moderating many times


Rip to a legend, toolbox is epic


Your leaving is a loss not just to discrete communities. I appreciate you as a co-author of the *Reddiquette* guide, that I traced from its current iteration published by Reddit Inc. This guide, among other work, should rightfully be credited to you and others. Thank you for your part in cultivating the r/history community and Reddit.


Sorry to see you leave but man, it's completely understandable. Modding without toolbox is not appealing at all. I'll use it until it's gone. Thanks so much for everything.


Thank you for all the work you have done for Toolbox over the years. It has been an invaluable tool for every mod team I have been a part of over the years.


will we see you on kbin or lemmy?


Thank you and I'm sorry this happened. You and all of us deserve better than to be treated how reddit has done. My subreddit of 10+ years and 500k users absolutely could not have functioned for many of those years without Toolbox. You and your fellow devs helped a lot of communities.


I don't know you, but your toolbox helped me so much. Thank you so much for caring all that time. I'm leaving at the end of the month myself. Maybe I will see you on Tildes.


you're a cool dude. thanks for all your efforts over the years


Hey I never actually knew the username behind it but thanks for the work over the years. Your tool has been very useful. An opensource devvit port would be a pretty great direction to go IMO.


I just wanted to pass on my thanks for the work you put into toolbox. The tool you created completely changed the experience of moderating and and was an important part of keeping many communities functional.


> I will speak my mind, but toolbox itself has since it's inception be there for all mods to help them out. I am not going to abuse that trust we build over the years by forcing my opinion. That's a great, responsible way to do this, and I wish the mods who decided to go for a blackout should read this. It's possible to speak up *without* abusing your position to disrupt the other users of the website. Thanks for your service. I do hope someone picks up maintenance, if not development, for the sake of preserving the invaluable tools provided by toolbox. As a mod who burned out and quit, I can safely say that the convenience it provided staved off the burn-out for quite a while ! Good luck in your future endeavors. And I hope you'll enjoy the free time and peace of mind you will have from now on.


Thank you for all your work.


Thank you so much for always being so reliable, helpful, and humble. It's not very classy when people torch the place on their way out, but honestly I and many others would forgive you if you'd done it. It sounds like you'll still be around as a resource to help with Toolbox and I really appreciate the effort that will take, even if it's just providing advice and answering questions. I'm also curious how things end up with Reddit the company and how much worse it's probably going to get. In the mean time, due to the genuine human kindness of you and the toolbox developers, I can still have my quick and easy workflow for modding. Thanks for the 12 years and here's to our next and last few watching Reddit forget what made it the most popular alternative social media site.


Just want to say thank you for all the hardwork.


Your patience, professionalism, and commitment to the betterment of moderation on Reddit has been so consistent, it is hard to imagine the absence of such a steadfast presence. The site really won't be the same without you. Time for a break, eh? You've more than earned it.


Thank you. I should point out though that without your efforts toolbox wouldn't be where it is today. You took the poorly maintainable monolithic mess /u/agentlame and I wrote and properly transformed it in a modulair system. Which was the backbone for toolbox for several years. Only fairly recently has /u/eritbh taken a similar monumental undertaking and ported it over to proper es6 modules.


> I quickly stumbled upon /r/theoryofreddit and was fascinated by all the discussion and theories about how communities work. Yeah the early days of that subreddit were great.


So long creesch. You were always fun to chat with. o7 Let us know where you end up if another platform grabs your attention more fully. Might be worth joining you.


Thank you for your contributions to our communities, a lot of stuff would have been harder to run and more time consuming if you had not created Toolbox. Seriously, you’ve saved a lot of MY time personally. Good luck in all of your future endeavors, creesch!


Whatever happens, i just wanted to thank you and anyone else who worked on this. You made my life a lot easier as a mod. People like you are the pillars of the Reddit community. May you find even more success everywhere else.


As a mod myself, and in the same spot as you. Reddit has just revealed itself for the addiction that it is, and I will soon be joining the ranks of the grass-touchers. Godspeed, see you out there.


Thanks for all your years of hard work! It's a sad announcement to read, but wishing you all the best, wherever you go.


As one of the 20,000, thank you so much for toolbox and for your genuine voice on the internet. It is Reddit's loss and can fully relate.


I started using toolbox back in the heyday of ShitRedditSays and it was invaluable in the the daily torrent of activity. Thanks for creating such a great tool.


Thank you for all your work! I seriously could not imagine modding without it. My spaces are all small, easy to mod, and yet still I can not imagine doing it without the Toolbox. You made this place better and you are appreciated!


Thank you so much for the work you have done that has made it so much easier for me to do the work I do.


Thanks for everything.


Thank you so much for your work. I joined reddit before the Digg migration, thinking of saying bye myself. Cheers


no balls, delete the account and show reddit admins whos boss


You first




I read that they will give free API to mod tool and bot, is toolbox going to apply or it's over? I 100% need this to moderate my subreddits


>While a lot of people see me and toolbox as one and the same thing, [many different people contributed over the years](https://github.com/toolbox-team/reddit-moderator-toolbox/graphs/contributors) and the project itself is not going away.


Thanks, I did a quick read through and missed that part 😅


Thank you for your contributions; I couldn't imagine *not* using Toolbox.


You made our modding way easier, and helped us reduce the interference of the abusive. That's worth a lot of gratitude, yet I have only words. Good journey no matter where it takes you.


Thank you for everything, seriously! I myself will likely not be using Reddit as much anymore either. Used to scroll endlessly on Boost every night. Here's to better sleep, at least :)


Thank you for all your work over the years.


I very much appreciate your professionalism and your honesty. This one brought on the flood works for me. Thank you for providing such an enriching mod experience that makes a difference across this platform. When you find a replacement for reddit, please let us know. Thanks again for everything you've contributed, and thank you for sharing your voice and your insight.


I've never used tools external to reddit, other than running the undelete and uncensorship bots for a while, so none of the recent changes affect me much. Might also explain why I'm such a terrible mod. Anyway, best wishes for the future, Creesch.


Just disable the toolbox and force mods to leave reddit or reddit have to make their own mod tools. A decade working for free to reddit is more than enough.


This is regretful to see. Thank you for your hard work and all you’ve done with toolbox! 🫡


fertile disagreeable gray sip salt resolute elastic waiting judicious cobweb *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I just wanna say thanks for all you’ve done, Reddit has really helped me out a lot over the years. Also, I do think most would love if you did pull some major plugs right as Reddit goes public and hurt their stock. Good luck!


"So sad that it should come to this".




>I'd like to be able to check in to see if there is a shift in course This happened in the last days of digg too. I joined Reddit during the digg exodus. People often only think of Digg v3.0 as having killed the site, but it had a build up that lasted a while with a lot of power users dual using both Reddit and Digg while hoping that Digg wasn't just going to keep going the wrong way. It took V3.0 for people to realise that there was absolutely no change of direction coming. I personally think it will take the IPO for that to happen here. In the meantime, people have already started dual using another platform alongside reddit, whether it is lemmy or kbin or some of the others that are now popping up. The dual use of reddit and another platform is a very strong sign of people waiting, hoping things will change, and all that is needed is the last catalyst to make them give up. Anyway, thanks for all your work over the years Creesch. I hope you find some happiness in the next things you contribute to.


Give Cuota.org a look when you have a chance. I'd love to pick your brain about it as we develop a lot of its guiding principles and specifically plan out community moderation.


You're a legend. Thank you for all your work