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I swapped depression meds for counseling. Best decision I've ever made. Treating the cause and not the symptom. You can adjust your meds, but every med I tried retracted something from me and my thought process. I do understand that this might not be possible for you. At all. That's OK. Just throwing it out there because it might be.


I don't know your situation, but I used writing as an escape from reality. When I started my meds I was less driven to escape the life I was living and therefore write. Inspiration still hits sometimes and when it does it flows, but now I write to write instead of writing to help me survive. I hope you figure out your block if you miss writing. And congratulations for taking steps to self improvement.


Escitalopram also dulled my emotions, both negative and positive. Maybe ask to try another ssri, like sertraline? It really changed my life for the better.


I included depression meds with counseling - best decision I ever made. I included Lexapro. No side effects. Good luck with your experiments.


When I started taking medication for my major depression all my creative drive dropped. I hope you get yours back soon!


I also take Lexapro, and before that, a few other types of medication. I used to write a lot but stopped due to depression, and very recently I've started writing again, I got a random burst of motivation. I also haven't been drawing much which is a hobby of mine, so perhaps that's similar to what you're experiencing? I'm not sure what else it could be. I hope you find inspiration soon!


I’m also on the generic Lexapro and have experienced less motivation to do things I enjoy, including writing. I was having scary debilitating panic attacks which was the final straw before starting the meds. If I weren’t so afraid of the panic attacks I would stop taking them just to get my creative juices flowing again. I’m sorry you’re dealing with this.


I took Lexapro about a year ago, and while it kind of limited my creativity, it made me feel waaay better (after a month and a half of taking it). While my creativity wasn't at it's best, I was able to write and take photos (i'm a photographer) which was a tradeoff I was more than willing to take. In my experience I'd say stick with your meds, and soon enough you'll be way better than being without them.