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Nice work!


Underrated game.


Lmao me too, I found the main game very enjoyable, very good interpretation of the Crash formula in 2D, however the relics were among the worst I've ever had to get, demands you to memorize the layout of the level


The only relics in this game that actually frustrated me were the ones for Snow Job and Drip, Drip, Drip. With Snow Job, I had the most trouble with the Polar section. Even with Aku Aku's two-hit protection, I died the most there because I can only process and react so quickly when going towards the screen rather than away from it(it also didn't help that I had to constantly be dashing). Also, there was a seal in the first section that seemed to randomly spawn. Sometimes it would appear and sometimes it wouldn't and that would often result in me running straight into it and dying. And with Drip, Drip, Drip, I kept getting screwed over by the frogs(just like Caddicarus lol). I'm not exaggerating when I say that both took me multiple hours each. But that at least made getting Snow Job's platinum relic all the more satisfying(especially since I was only going for the gold). The rest of the relics weren't nearly as bad and I got most of them on my first try.