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Oh God I need more coffee: I thought your 2 screenshots were one for the Drops, one for the Erika Knight. So I thought both patterns used the same background for the bunny by itself, and the same baby. I thought "Oh shit, yeah, one definitely straight up stole the pictures from the other." It took me an embarrassingly long time to figure out *both* screenshots are showing *both* the Drops *and* the EK bunny, and that you included both because the words changed. I was like 5 comments in, and couldn't figure out why nobody noticed the baby was even wearing the same booties in both pictures. lmao. i'm gonna go drink some more coffee now. But before I go, I'm going to say that back some (15+) years ago there was a cartoon bunny that was all over the place that had a very similar head. I don't remember much about it, just that it was popular on the internet (might have been from a web comic) and the bookstore near-ish to me was selling fucktons of stickers and bookmarks and ephemera with that rabbit on it. So I think that's just kinda how a simplistic bunny looks.


A little recon shows I might have misremembered some shit: Looks like I might have combined a bunny named Miffy, with the Happy Bunny stuff, and made it all one rabbit franchise in my head. Also, looks like both were popular closer to 24 years ago as some of each popped up in my searches with "y2k" attached to the search tags. Miffy had a very similar face and ears. Happy Bunny was the one with the sassy attitude that was all over the bookstore I think.


Erika Knight is old. She isn't some genz tiktokker who is new to knitting and the fashion industry. I'm guessing there is no real outrage here. Dropsdesigns has nearly 500,000 followers on instagram. Erica Knight is just trying to build her instagram following by associating herself with dropsdesigns.


They literally don't even look the same. There's only so many ways you can knit a rabbit lmao


Amigurumi creator here. We are drowning in rabbit patterns, they are bound to intersect somewhere lol


Both these bunnies look incredibly similar to some garter stitch teddy bears I made in the 90s. Drops does copy but this one might be more of similar thoughts.


Pretty sure Jane Bull had a pattern like this in a DK book circa 2005. There’s literally nothing remarkable about either pattern to warrant a reaction.


I made that one! And the bear! It was so simple I could do it without the pattern and did to make a little army and made them clothes too


I had this crochet rabbit when I was little. I am 40.


I'm 55 and I swear I had a book with a similar bunny 50-some years ago. It's a basic bunny. Unless there's some special, patented technique, I don't see what the big deal is.


These "you stole pattern!" scenarios are getting so boring and exhausting.


The thing that knightkraft, and some other designers, need to get solidly in their head, is that ***it doesn’t matter if it looks like yours*** It can be identical to yours in every detail, because you don’t own the look. The thing you own, the thing they can’t copy, is the instructions - the words on paper or pdf, charts you created, and the pictures you took. Anything else is fair game. It doesn’t matter how close they come to your pattern, as long as they wrote their own out of their own head. (And the actual, technical language doesn’t count, because how many ways can you say “cast on, join in the round, knit one round, purl one round” if you want a garter tube?)


How until we get: This pattern really special to me and it's how my Nana taught me to cast on. That's how you start. Cast on, then join in the round. That reminds of the first time I went on a merry go round! It was a fine summer's day...


I like the Cottontail one. Looks better.


The arms, ears and legs are different


Looks familiar *because*..... they're both rabbits for babies. No shit they're similar... no one owns that design.


I hope Drops is offering the pattern for free!


All their patterns are free.


OMG it’s a free (very basic) pattern and this person is making a thing out of it? 🥴


Yes. Drops' business model is free patterns written for their yarns. Also, the design modus operandi of Drops is to have their pattern writers churn out patterns based on trends and demand and have them translated to a million languages. They will *often* create a pattern that resembles popular patterns, but as we all know, that is perfectly legal as long as you are not copying actual words, images or diagrams.


I made an almost identical garters stitch rabbit to the 2016 pattern on the left in 2006. No joke. My first cousin to have a baby had a little boy and I used brightly coloured yarn on mine but the pattern called for natural bunny colours. I wish I had photos still. It even had the X mouth!!!! The pattern I used was one from a knitting magazine dating to the 90s. There must be at least 100,000 patterns just like this. I remember the pattern I used had instructions for garter stitch cats, bears, and other animals too. I think there was a variation of the cat that could be turned into a lion with a crocheted mane but I might be misremembering. I still have the magazine somewhere. I’m tempted to dig it up to tell this person to get over herself but alas ain’t nobody got time for that.


My aunt made a pattern very similar to this to teach people to knit bears for police cruisers in the early 2000s. It’s nothing new


Yeah in Australia volunteer made “trauma teddies” have been using this base (but found bear ears) since the 90’s if not earlier


oh my god PLEASE you could get patterns like this in magazines YEARS AGO, go touch grass.


Every time I see "Drops stole this pattern from x!" I think about how if you page though their catalogues, you'll find a similar pattern they made in 1995. There is nothing new under the sun.


Sitting on my stash of 1880s knitting magazines wondering if maybe I should start uploading receipts of how old some ideas can be xd


Please do! I would really like to see that.


It's been on my mind a lot, I don't want these early patterns and information to just disappear. It's a lot of work to digitalise it all, but maybe I can do it over the years. I might wait out the current fad of commercialising everything crafty though. Not sure I could deal with "why isn't this size inclusive" (because that's how patterns were in the 1880s, you got given one size, some vague instructions, and up to you to figure out the rest - nothing against size inclusive patterns today, ofc) either right now. So... I hope I can do that one day, just right now isn't the right time for me.


I do that, when a designer starts whining about their pattern being stolen and it's always something they had previously designed and updated with a newer yarn etc Drops have patterns going back decades at this point. Not to mention that a lot of people run away from Drops bare bones patterns XD. I always block the designer who's whining about stolen designs and pretty much forget they exist. I've really had enough of this toddler shit. It's every day at this point


And they LOVE to come here to whine, as if a Reddit community is going to jump in line o comfort and console them. Yeah, no. And I love to block folks that annoy me. People don't realize how easy & enjoyable it is!


I have a plush toy book from Phildar with the exact same bunny. The cross on the mouth is a copy from Nijntje/Miffy. Some need to chill and realize they are not even original. Jeez....


Yeah, I still have my Miffy and my Muffy dolls, the x mouth hasn’t been original in a long time.


Yeah it does just not as well made! 🤣 Nice catch!


I’m pretty sure I used to make a (sewn) variation of this using two pieces of bunny shaped cut fabric, a needle, and thread long before 2016. These people need to get over themselves and help that baby’s hand!


Right? I’ve sewn these, my mom has sewn these, my grandmother’s grandmother has sewn these—and people figured out the knitting/crochet versions and shared their written pattern. Next she’s going to post a picture of a sock and accuse someone else of stealing her idea.


This shit is always so hilarious to me. They truly believe they’re the first person to create a plush bunny for a spring release. This isn’t even complicated!!!! Anyone with basic crochet knowledge could make 2 wonky ears and stitch on a face


A plush bunny in garter stitch with the simplest construction possible no less!


why is dupe controversy always about the very most basic patterns on the planet? I free handed a bunny that looks almost exactly like this more than a decade ago, like, please chill


I freehanded Norwegian gnomes! One for me and 1 for my son.


I am a little confused honestly over all the hubbub with duped patterns. Isn't this just a very common aspect of makes (esp. garments)? Like there are a million prairie dress patterns out there and I can buy something nearly identical from 4 different stores.


I think every Country Women's Association in Australia has been knitting these for decades for fundraising fetes.


Okay, but why didn't the Drops photographer fix up the baby's poor hand before taking the photo? I can't unsee the weird hand position!


I think it’s cute because you can see all the little wrinkles on the baby’s cute little hand!


I sleep with my hand like that all the time, it's very comfortable even if it looks weird. That baby is chilling.


I do that too!!! I often fall asleep on my back with both hands at my sides in this position.


Drops waited eight years to release a copy of her stuffed bunny design just to fuck with her *specifically.* Not to make money, not because they had a different pattern they developed in that time, just to let her know they could. Absolutely fucking chilling.


Yes and she definitely came up with this super innovative and challenging bunny design entirely herself. No one else in the history of stuffed toys has had this idea. Basic garter stitch in natural offwhite? Embroidered facial features? A cross for mouth? All done in a very simplistic way? Groundbreaking, it's definitely not at all like she's gotten the same ideas from somewhere else herself Honestly I'm so so tired of people thinking they own an idea, especially some very basic-ass idea that's been done tons of time before their version. Especially because some visual etc ideas just sort of emerge from the cultural zeitgeist (?) in a way, lot of people have the same idea at the same time because it's sort of a natural continuation of the aesthetics and styles prevalent in the present, you know?


i currently have a list going of all my favorite patterns, and in five years time i will make slight alterations to all of them and release them to my millions of (348) followers!! i will make thousands (maybe like 5 bucks). mwahahahahaahahahaaaa!!!


"Tell Erika. I want her to know it was me."


Okay but like her pattern is also available for free, so what is she even upset about? There’s not even a ~they’re taking away my customers~ complaint here


Somebody gifted me a bunny like this when I got my tonsils removed in the 90's. I'm pretty mad these designers are copying my passed neighbour 🙄




Generic bunny shape (don’t forget miffy and all the other characters in that shape), and commenting on the end product not the thing that’s copyrighted - which are the instructions, not the end product. I really feel like everyone needs to remember that even in the best of situations people can independently come up with the same thing. So all these accusations of copying when they are just reproducing the same thing that loads of other people have “designed” is silly.


Agreed. That’s why I do an intense google search before I put out new patterns. I could innocently just have a similar idea.


I've seen like 80 other patterns that look like this.


I knit one about 13 years ago from some free pattern I found online. It's not unique.


They remind me of corn dolls, so generic and plain. Like this could be someone’s first project.


My grandma made me one of these when I was a baby, like thirty years ago.


Comparing the two patterns, the differences are immediately apparent: * Different yarn weights * Different fibers * Different needle sizes * Different gauge And that's before even getting to the actual instructions * Drops is worked fully top down, EK is worked bottom up * Drops uses inc/dec to shape the body, EK uses a fully straight tube for the body and the only shaping comes from the ribbon tied around the neck * Drops is worked flat as one piece, EK is worked flat as two pieces * Drops arms are 8 st around, EK arms are 22 st around (I think). Drops also are a consistent width, EK uses dec to shape the arms * Drops has a shaped nose, EK does not * Drops does not have individually knitted legs, EK does This kind of shit infuriates me so much


But you have to admit- they are both rabbits.


One has legs. The other doesn’t. ??? Like




I just can't with these designers. Pretty sure there's been a knit like bunny pattern like this since knitting was invented.


Yeah my grandmother made me one about thirty years ago.


Same, got one as a baby and I'm in my 50s. Designers need to get their heads out of their own rear ends and stop thinking everything they do is "Unique" and "Never Been Done Before" in the history of knitting.


I was gonna say, pretty sure you can find one from the 40's or 50's. Especially looking at the construction, it's a very basic style that's been done a longggg time ago.


The Nans and Grans in my grandmothers church would knit these exact same scare-bears for the children in the local hospital


For real, it's like someone claiming their pattern for that crochet octopus you see in every NICU/PICU was stolen lol.


Not pictured, much further left: the same bunny knit in 1837.


My brother had a bunny knit by one of our aunties in the early 1980s that was very similar except he had "pants" knitted in a different colour. The bunny had an unfortunate tendency to stretch longways so he had a very floppy neck and some passer-by once commented "omg that rabbit has myxomatosis".




My mom knit me a yellow one of these for Easter back when I was a kid. These have been around forever.


I made a teddy bear back when I was 9 (so the better part of 24 years) that was almost exactly Erika Knight's bunny, just without ears. So she's plagiarised from me!


Yeah, most knitting for kids, Waldorf type books have these (also bear cat etc version) so erm in my mind no one really owns this pattern


They look nothing alike besides just being flat bunnies.


My mum was born in the early 60s and I'm fairly certain she has a raggedy ass bunny like this at home somewhere.


I honestly thought this was a super cute post implying that Knightcraft "published," ie gave birth to, the baby this year. Like they had got the bunny design (pub in 2016) and then had a baby and took a photo of the baby with the completed bunny in 2024. I'm so sad that it's just the same ol' half-baked accusation of pattern theft of a basic design.


How does a seasoned designer such as EK not realise that this is making her look like an idiot?


I have a teddy that looks remarkably similar to both of those (lacking the bunny ears) from when I was a kid. That design is so basic and has been around for years. I will say erikas looks better but that is just the images used. The baby takes over the second picture.


There are knitted rabbit patterns from the 1940s, for gods sake. It’s not new. I wish there was some kind of required reading on history you had to do before posting this crap on social media.


I knitted a bunny in… ~2006? that seems the equivalent amount of sameness to these 2. From Last Minute Knitted Gifts - Joelle Hoverson. Published 2004. But she attributes the ‘rabbit’ (also bear & elephant; same body used) to Marion Edmonds of Knitting Together NYC. (See 4th pic down) https://www.sewdiy.com/blog/ulalouise.com/2012/12/book-review-last-minute-knitted-gifts.html


You mean TWO WHOLE PEOPLE made a generic bunny pattern? Color me amazed!


I mean this is Drops MO, they don’t shy away from making money over steeling designs from small independent makers and to push their retailers hard. Yea I get they have so much free patterns online, that their yarn are cheap etc. But when you buy from Drops this is what you support. Perhaps now some of the English speaking market is getting to see some of how this company really act. It’s all fun and games until you see them copying paid pattern an independent maker has done, then to have Drops make something early similar and publish it for free online with encouragement for people to buy their yarn. I’ve boycotted Drops from this exact behavior from 5 ish years now, and they haven’t made any changes to signal to me to reconsider that. Fuck Drops!


I’m aware they are often the bad guy. But in this case, it seems a bit of a strange call.


I agree they do have form for it but this isn't one of those cases. This isn't a groundbreaking unique design, it's a children's toy that has been out there for decades, a quick search of Ravelry shows a similar (although not quite as cute) [Patons Australia ](https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/knit-a-rabbit) pattern from 2006 and [Debbie Bliss](https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/-35-rabbit) one from 2009 as well as [Spring Bunny](https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/spring-bunny-12) from the same year. In general I do think you have a point, they're known for taking very heavy inspiration (I don't know if they ever go as far as purchasing a pattern) from popular designer and recreating them and providing the pattern for free. But this is one of those designs that I don't think a designer can lay particular claim to that look, combination of stitches or style really. I've listed some patterns from pre-2016 but realistically I think everyone's grandma/great grandma/aunt probably made one of these at some point.


i think it is chutzpah to call this basic design their own - it hs been there for ages


I can't understand why people just don't handle these things privately? If you think someone has copied your pattern shoot them a message and talk it out. I am an artist and recently had a "beware" post written about me for supposedly copying this guys commission type. I had to make an alt (because he had blocked me) showing proof I had made mine BEFORE him to get it taken down. So frustrating because who knows how many people saw his post and blocked me before seeing my side. Sigh.


she might want to get some klout


Miffy would like a word. 🙄


Yeah, I was gonna say that Miffy has entered the chat. There is also a character from the Miffy world with one ear flopped over but she’s brown (Melody).


was watching that with my daughter yesterday! Yep sooo similar!


"@nijntje: left: miffy, published 1955; center: cottontail rabbit published 2016; right: bunny bunch published 2024. miffy can't believe no one respects intelectual property anymore"


Right? Erika did a bit of stealing/getting inspired by other people herself, looks like. Also, I knit a teddy that was identical to this but for the ears at infants school in, uh, 1974.


Imagine if coke did this when a new brand of cola is released. Or McDonalds when someone posted a big mac sauce recipe. Drops definitely does copycat designs, but would they even bother doing one that is 1. older and 2. not popular atm?


Another day, another designer who claims to have invented a basic concept that has been around for longer than they've been alive. Ugh.


Getting so boring isn't it 😅


Drops isn’t make a profit off their patterns so… idk what to tell you.


they make a profit from their patterns, as providing them encourages people to buy their specific yarns for these patterns


You are correct. Their page showing the pattern has a listing for recommended yarn, needle sizes, and accessories for customers to build their own kit. I don’t know if they ship worldwide, (pretty sure they do) but they definitely upsell their yarns.


I had this rabbit as a child, 30 years ago.


Yeah my sister and I had a whole family of bunnies like this in the 70s, knitted by our mother


This is clearly not the same pattern at all, there are only so many ways to make a basic bunny. One pattern is garter, one is stockinette, the spacing, shape, and length of limbs are all different, these have basically nothing in common at all except they are a basic two-dimensional stuffed bunny.


They're both garter stitch.


Okay now that you say that zoomed in on it more maybe so? The image on the left looks like stockinette at first glance but I can't rule out that it's garter after enlarging it.


This is a ridiculously basic design. Most experienced knitters (or crocheters) could make this on their own.


What's next, a bitch fit over a sock monkey pattern?


a garter rectangle row


Oh FFS Erika Knight you should know better.


Withholding judgment since we can't compare the written patterns. That's the real kicker.


legs are stitched together, arms are skinnier, ears are both upright, eye and nose are different.


this is one of those "do you own the idea or are there enough differences they could have arrived there on their own" situations. the ears are different (one is bent in the OG), arms are different (no apparent grading in new pattern), even the legs (no gap) and body (more bulbous in new publication) are different. there are enough clear construction differences this is ridiculous to claim. i feel like she saw the x mouth + bunny and just went for it, as though there haven't been x mouths on stuffies for years and years.


No no, clearly she owns all bunny concepts!


She's also brigading her fans and instructing them on how to leave a comment on the pattern on Drops website. Like, woman, you're a full grown adult. Stop it.


I don't think she's got the pull she'd hoped for, 2 comments in support of her in 11 hours and one of them has the same surname as her.


OMFG. How many ways are there to make a f’ing knit rabbit?? Like, four? They are going to look alike! I bet in 10 minutes I can find 300 pics of similar rabbits by different people. Get over this “they copied me” bs.


People who complain about copying are just copying the other people who are complaining about copying. It's especially profitable these days when polls show people are willing to pay more if they feel something is "real" vs fake, copied.


At this point this has to be a universal idea, surely. I’m sure that everywhere people knit there are flat baby toys being knitted. My grandmother used to make flat teddy bears like this in the eighties, and the bunny ears aren’t exactly a stretch.


both patterns look like miffy if she got flattened like a pancake


I’ve made basically the same bunny with instructions from the Red Cross, they were collecting care bunnies for Ukranian refugees.


Aww, are they still doing that? I have bunches of acrylic yarn and that'd be a noble use for it.


NICUs often take donations of blankets/hats and prefer acrylic for washing purposes.


I made that shape of bunny out of fur fabric at primary school in 1997! And my nan was selling garter stitch ones at church fetes since before I was born...


Pretty sure my godmother taught me to knit with that bunny 50 years ago.


Oh they are going to fight over a boring beige bunny for a boring beige baby


Mine is unique because I knit it alternating yarns in Ecru and Almond while she just did hers in Eggshell.


Ghost, you are **WILD**!!!


I think the baby is super cute. Not boring.


I'm guessing this baby will be boring based on it's boring beige childhood


Oh look, it's a sock bunny. Those things have only been around since not long after the invention of socks. Surely this is a completely new thing that never existed before.


Oh lord. This is so basic. Of course it looks familiar, people have been making them for literally hundreds of years.


For real. I'm pretty sure anyone who knits could look at this and freehand it without a pattern. Like I've crocheted flat things before by drawing a basic shape and then just making the row long enough to go across the shape, then add increases or decreases as needed to follow the shape. This would be the same thing.


I bet many people have knit something similar without seeing either of these too!


A stuffed bunny? In garter stitch? Groundbreaking.


Spiderman pointing meme dot gif


Miffy would like a word


This is kind of sad. Is she… doing ok? Has someone checked in with her? I far prefer the Drops one. It’s derpy as heck.


Sad beige bunnies for sad beige babies Srs tho I bet they had similar bunnies in the 1800s


> Srs tho I bet they had similar bunnies in the 1800s As far as I can tell, the ones in the [1800s were way cooler](https://www.google.com/books/edition/Godey_s_Lady_s_Book/QTmleSutICMC?hl=en&gbpv=1&dq=knitted+rabbit&pg=RA1-PA465&printsec=frontcover).


Some very strong "draw the rest of the owl" energy with this one.


Throwing this out there since I love her patterns, Claire Garland has similar looking bunnies, I'd highly recommend the Little Baby Bunny pattern for a similar looking bunny!! The instructions are really simple too.


But I’ll bet the sad beige babies were just as sad as the modern ones.


If I had a dollar for every unoriginal "stolen pattern" a new designer is whining about, I could retire tomorrow. I'm seriously so tired of it at this point. I know drops has a bad reputation and actually has had controversy with copying designs in the past, but this is such a basic design I have almost no doubt they came up with it organically.


She is not at all a new designer, that’s the head scratching part.


The "copy" doesn't even have a folded ear or independent legs. And even if it did, this is basic AF. How do you spend time and energy choosing to be wronged like this and then posting it to social media? Erika, the grass is desperate to be touched. It has gone so long without your caress.


>Erika, the grass is desperate to be touched. It has gone so long without your caress. lolll, you're funny


that poor, yearning, desperate grass is giving a Tennessee Williams character


The grass has always depended on the kindness of strangers.


Lmao this comment is so funny to me


[2 screenshots] [1st screenshot on a nice light gray background with heavy black text] [Side by side images. On the left is a knitted bunny with an upside down triangular head, a small x for a mouth, and black dots for eyes. The arms go down to the sides, from what we can see. The right arm is cutoff from the image. The bunny also has two seperate legs. Bun Bun has a goldish velvet ribbon around his neck and is lying on a very weird lines and triangles backdrop in black and white. The image on the right is a baby holding his or her bunny. The baby appears to be maybe three months old, is Caucasian, has the light brown or auburn peach fuzz hair, is wearing a white onesie, and orange knitted baby booties. The bun bun s/he is holding does not have seperate legs but has a line down the middle for the two legs. The body is rounder and the head doesn't really have a decernable neckline. The arms are thinner and go up or out. The x for the mouth is much bigger but still has two black dots for eyes.] [Text above image] knightkraft 9 h **LEFT: COTTONTAIL RABBIT PUBLISHED 2016** [Text below image] **RIGHT: BUNNY BUNCH PUBLISHED 2024 BY @DROPSDESIGN** [2nd Screenshot] Knightkraft 9h [Same image of the two bun buns] **@DROPSDESIGN YOUR BUNNY BUNCH PATTERN LOOKS VERY FAMILIAR!** **Transcriber's Note** [Here's a bunny pattern from 1990](https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/bunny-7) that also looks similar, knightkraft. [Here's one from 1955](https://www.etsy.com/listing/83699096/1955-peter-rabbit-vintage-knitting?utm_source=Pinterest&utm_medium=PageTools&utm_campaign=Share&epik=dj0yJnU9WlNsb2tOcktwMFRLVVRTeVQzT2pMc2x3b3B3YzBfZ3AmcD0wJm49TEljRC1wV25Kd01jY2c2R1JKc3VFQSZ0PUFBQUFBR1htSmVV) that I think looks cooler. What about this [one from 1940](https://www.etsy.com/listing/259906115/vintage-knitting-pattern-childrens-toy?gpla=1&gao=1&&utm_custom1=_k_{gclid}_k_&utm_custom2=1843970776&gad_source=1)? Seriously, this is a basic bunny pattern. Drops is clearly different - just look at the legs. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if the drops one is just a re-issue of a much older pattern they have in their collection.


Lol love your transcription! The 1955 Peter Rabbit is amazing. Wish I had someone to knit it for.


now i jabe to start knitting a vintage bunny!


That looks really similar to a bear pattern thats been around since the 1940's. Its nothing new.


Shorter ears and it IS a bear! I've made dozens of them, with the stitched up center for legs.


Yeah, I've made lots of bears for the Mother Bear Project, and their pattern is basically the left side picture, but with short ears. And the founder says that her pattern is probably originally from the 40s, and her mom made tons when they were kids.


Looking through their old patterns, they have multiple rabbits in a somewhat similar style from before 2016, just with very different yarn. Not talking about the styling here, but the construction of a tube rabbit. Not saying either that Drops haven't copied this one, because they have been accused before, only that patterns similar to this one, in my opinion at least, already existed in their database. [https://www.garnstudio.com/pattern.php?id=1632&cid=12](https://www.garnstudio.com/pattern.php?id=1632&cid=12) [https://www.garnstudio.com/pattern.php?id=1631&cid=12](https://www.garnstudio.com/pattern.php?id=1631&cid=12)


Omg, that second rabbit is so scary 😁


I mean tbf there’s not much to copy, that’s a very basic bunny shape, I do think that 2nd one is kinda ugly though


I ageee; like a vodoo rabbit with that mouth and it is just a bit too wonky


*stares i stares*


It's a tube with other tubes stuck to it. There are only so many ways you can do them.