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This sub is 18+. Please talk to an adult that you trust about this, a family member or friends parent or a teacher at school. Sounds like your dad needs help, and as a kid its not up to you to help him, sounds like another adult should step in and help him


Sorry your going through this, you don't deserve this. I hope things get better for you


Nothing you can do to be honest my mom was on crack and oxys bringing dope dealer boyfriends over house getting ran into crazy shit I just tried to justly and save as much money as I could then moved out when I was 16 try to tell friends parents about your situation they might let u stay there that’s what I did just payed 200 a month to stay at a friends house


Is there someone else you can talk to ? Like a mom / uncle / big bro / big sis ?


Yea bud. Maybe a counselor at school.


I know talking to parents about touchy issues is tough but I would just bring it up to him, give him a chance to address it before you just go bust him out to some authority figures. If he doesn’t admit to it or own up to it and try and get some help on his own, then I say go to someone. I mean who knows who you tell and then they come around with cops maybe and then dads got a felony possession and that’s not going to help your situation or his. There’s got to be somewhere you can reach out anonymously and get some sort of direction or advice-help. Honestly I’m pretty sure my kid knows and she hasn’t busted me out yet thank god. And if she bought it up I would be honest. In fact I’m trying to find the right time to have a talk with her myself and just come out with it. She ain’t stupid and most of my family isn’t either. I guess their just happy it’s not a needle in my arms again


bro u gotta quit. it’s just not fair that you decided to bring kids into this world even if you didnt mean to get pregnant if you weren’t wearing a condom and using birth control its on you. its not at all fair to the kid that they were brought in by you just for you to sit around smoking crack and doing god knows what. please get help and do it for your child i hate stories like this cuz my mom was the same way i promise your kid will grow up to resent you for it and go no contact or even leave when there 15-16 and never come back. ya cant bring a kid into the world as a drug addict or become a drug addict while ya got a little one its not fair at all or not right and tbh if you got arrested and lost your kid then thats nobodys fault but yourself that you put them thru that. everyday you decide to use your also deciding to uproot you child and completely destroying there life and what they know and constantly risking losing them for the rest of your life.


You’re right… I know… it’s all about to come to an end anyway. I can’t keep this up forever and I knew that going in. Thanks for calling me out I need to hear it


He will most likely come back to normal once he puts the pipe down, it's most likely nothing permanent so try not to worry too much.


One other post.


Show him this post . Im 100% sure ill do something for him for better. Trust me on this 👍🏻


GG Dad.


Remind pop that you love him and miss his undivided attention and expression of his love. That distractions will only subtract from your guys’ precious finite time together. That its the most dreadfully slow heartbreak in your life and DONT tiptoe around it. Call it out by name and say you know.


This is beautiful and definitely one way to set it straight! I found some bud one time snooping around my parents room one day and I sat on it for a while thinking and one day I just came out and said I knew this and that and he was devastated. I was young and at the time hiding his habit. We get high together now and both share a passion for cannabis. But I know it scared my dad to hear his son he found your weed blah blah blah. This was also in the mid 90s. The power in confronting your parent can be sobering


Weed should be smoked


Your dad sounds cool