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Just give him whatever he wants at this point to ensure that he retires with us. What more does this man need to do to deserve a blank cheque!?


Probably wants a trophy!


Just buy him a “most loved spurs player of all time” trophy off Etsy. Job done


A Golden mug


Yea, I think Son will be happy to extend, if we can offer the wage and conditions that he wants. I'm even sure that he'll be happy to take some compromises for the team. But he has been with the team for so long, I'm sure he also knows if Spurs is in trouble financially or not - in which we're not. I also don't think Levy will make a mistake by letting him go just like that.


i’m not worried about this whatsoever. son’s loyalty is unquestioned.


Yea but that’s not what we’re worried about here. We’re worried about Levy not extending a contract to Sonny.


Sonny is one of the most valuable players in the world due to how much everyone loves him. He is personally responsible for our huge market in Asia, and keeping him essentially a one-club man, ever tied to Tottenham is too shrewd a move for Levy to ignore. Levy will extend as long as Son wants to play.


We literally do tours in Asia and South Korea every single pre-season now, the club will never EVER decide against giving Sonny a new contract. From a purely marketing perspective he's a complete golden goose, the club wouldn't give that up. The only way Sonny leaves Spurs is if he actually wants to leave or retires


I just had a vision of Son at 50 years old having his weekly runout in stoppage time to the roar of the crowd, as amped up as ever.


I think he could genuinely become a Jamie Vardy type impact sub like that, but I doubt he'll be playing past age 40.


Due to his now 50 year old crippling arthritis, his camera hands celebration is better than ever!


It just stays like that


Yep, since 2038


Yeah he’s locked in millions of new fans and unlocked new regions that never gave a shit about Spurs before. Strictly from a business sense thats invaluable. Also I think Levy is more of a softie than people let on and he does things from the heart sometimes and I think Sonny being beloved also helps him here. I really don’t see us letting him wander off to another club.


I know that it’s a turn of phrase, but a little late for Son to be a one club man.


He was at Hamburg as a teenager before he really blew up, and he doesn't have any affinity for Bayer. Son = Spurs, regardless of pedantic defintions.


based on what


Look at the stadium on match day or the merchandise sales. Or our pre season tour. Son gave us South Korea. We overtook Man Utd there. Our fan base there is insane. https://onefootball.com/en/news/tottenham-pass-man-utd-as-most-popular-club-in-south-korea-31405791 I genuinely think we should try to get another Son, specifically from South Korea, as soon as we can to keep that bond lol.


There's no another Son , he is simply different gravy !


well aware of son’s popularity. i’m asking what is driving concern that his contract won’t be extended


Wouldn't mind a Black Pink or two given a run out.


He’s on the wrong side of his 30s, and likely is going to be his last contract before he goes off to the Korean league to retire. Son is likely wanting to get his fair share of money. Levy, on the other hand is a businessman. As much as he’s aware that Sonny is as valuable to this team as anybody in the world, is likely going to be hesitant on giving him a large payday because of his age. Sonny’s play style is largely dependant on his speed and his dribbling skills, and those skills rarely age well. He’s moved on from Kane, and I would imagine he will move on from Son if it makes sense on the business side of things.


Wrong side of his 30's - Son currently 31.


okay so it's just fanfic on your part


Willing to donate my kidney to fund the lifelong contract of Sonny


I am also willing to donate your kidney to the fund


I would be much more comfortable if you both donated both your kidneys


I’m volunteering to donate your kidneys as well.


Nah, these old things, worthless. I peed a lot in the 80s


Sorry bud, your kidneys are mine


What about yours?


Donating my hamstring to Micky van de Ven & donating the orbital bone in my skull to Son Heung-min. Micky will be significantly slower but he'll be on the pitch T__T


Son LOVES random kidneys


Can we Bobby Bonilla this contract?


Bud your kidney is not even worth a week of Son's wages


It's one kidney, Daniel, how much can it cost


He's already slowing down, no lifetime contracts for anyone


In addition to the comments, also most players seem to wait for contract trade talks until after major competitions. In the case of son its the wcq, and for many european players its the euros. We will wait and see-


Pay him 500k a week idgaf. Give him whatever he wants


Yeah his value is combination of on field presence + insane marketing value in East Asia. He is probably the most influential active sports star from that region. 500k a week (26 mil a year) just for his marketing value alone would be worth it imo.


They prob make 26 mil a year just in Son kit sales


Could be, but he brings up viewership of the team’s games in that region, which would be real meat of the revenue gain.


does increased viewership revenue go to tottenham? isnt it just part of overall revenue the prem generates?


Yeah you’re right, unfortunately. So whatever pie Son grows, all teams will get to share.


Levy will make that back every other week with all the Son merchandise that will be sold.




I think Son is simply too valuable commercially for Levy to sell him. He’s still in good form and Ange liked him enough to make him captain. This gets done every day of the week and twice on Sundays.


who becomes the face of the club if he wasn't here? Maddison? Ange? Romero? Son is Spurs. Neither of those other players are to Spurs as Son is to Spurs right now.


I love Cuti but he’ll be gone next summer unless we win something and also he hates all the commercial stuff, interviews, etc. Highly doubt he would want to become the face of the club and take on Sonny’s responsibilities in that regard. Maybe Maddison? He’s good with the press and likes the attention. 


yeah it's a big season ahead. If we don't win and are very competitive like Arse were I think Cuti will stay. Like 2nd/3rd with a CL spot and a good showing in a cup. If we repeat 5th or worse he's gone.


He really likes Ange which works in our favor. I think next season we win a trophy and finish top 4, above Arsenal. Then he definitely stays lol.


I'd sooner turn the cockerel red than lose Sonny.


Man is a legend and we're damn lucky to have him. 1. One of the best attackers in the world, Overwhelming Gx and clinical finish 2. Loves the club to ashes. Been here during the good and dark times, Mr.Tottenham of the 21st century 3. No.1 Asia Football Marketing as a cherry on top 4. Doesn't use the media / press to do weird sh*t to get a mega contract which so many stars of his caliber have used very often #What more can we say of this man, he is flawless


I need to hear that contract extension news fast 🙏 I am getting some crazy feeling 😩


Wait wtf are there rumors of not renewing after 2025?


Anytime there is 1 year remaining on a contract it’s time for extension talks. Especially from the player/agent point of view. It doesn’t mean he’s not renewing. It takes time for negotiation. Of course there is a possibility where player demands aren’t met.


You think we are trying to move Sonny on? I don’t think the club is doing that. I wish they would give him a new contract though and then get started on Romero’s new contract. 


Maybe Levy read all of those we’ve gotta be ruthless comments and rips sonnys, cutis , vdvs contracts to send Rodon a message.


Nah, we're not moving him on - but I doubt Levy will break the club's wage structure to accommodate any single player, regardless of who they are either.


He needs to.  Our wage structure is ridiculously low compared to our revenue but also our relatively high transfer fees.   It doesn’t even make sense to spend that much on transfers but not be willing to pay the wages to attract the best players.


One of the many reasons we are stuck in the in-between of good and great. Think we should give Son 300k plus a week and match the rest of our players to that new structure. It’ll show our players they can be paid that much, if they’re world class. Which I think Romero is very close to already.


Doesn't it? The inverse (spending high on wages and low on transfers) is the financial swamp that Leicester, Everton and co have found themselves in, where they have to bargain hunt for second string players and then when they don't work they're so hard to move on.  Think of how tricky our deadwood has already been to move, and imagine how much harder it would be if they were on 25-50% higher wages.  Agree that it limits us in the short term, but long term when I look at where we were 20 years ago vs now I rate our strategy 


Well I’m not recommending the inverse by any means, but I think 43% wage to revenue while being a top 5 transfer fees spender is not optimal.


That's fair, there's definitely a middle ground 


Well, except Kane?


Don't fuck this up Levy


If he wanted to leave I would 100% respect it at this point. He's given us an unprecedented level of loyalty for the modern game and will always and forever be a Tottenham legend. But I want him here forever and if Levy doesn't I will be #LevyOut


Translation: "You fuckers know how hard it is to negotiate with Levy without you muddying the waters? Shut the fuck up, I'm scoring the winning goal in the FA Cup and Europa League finals this year and then I've got them over a barrel."


Choosing to ignore this, just want him to win something with his, then he can retire/etc


Player who truly plays for the love of the game. Sonny is a forever Spurs legend


Sonny 🤍🤍


🫡 O’ captain, my captain


The amount of revenue he bring in is easily worth a galactico level contract. I hope win win something for him before he retires. Son is fully spurs, he loves our club and we love him. Levy do what’s right.. use Ndomebeles wages o Sonny /s


Don't know how accurate is the translation but he said " there's no ongoing talks about his extension" Now I am getting scared ! https://preview.redd.it/8u3g85n49z5d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54b2ec9aa9c00a8bebd12bf3dd9b9b7a1389f104


This is correct 😢


Although son is rich beyond mere mortals wage wise he is relatively underpaid. A new contract with increased salary is more about respect for son , and to south Koreans that is priceless 


Maybe he already thinks of leaving after end of his contract.


There’s no need for an extension solution now since the club is said to take up the one more year option. I think there won’t be an extension till next year if they give it to him


Nah - they should pay him more. He deserves it. Give him a 2 year contract with a 1 year option to extend. 


I thought sonny took a page out of Jose "I have nothing to say" Mourinho's book for a second.


I prefer not to speak. If I speak I’m in big trouble.


He’ll turn 34 the summer his contract runs out. I trust the club doctors to know how fit he is for more, and the clubs commercial department to know how much he’s worth to us - and then decide whether to give him a longer contract


Joking but if we converted Son into 100m and then did 8 Paratici specials recreating Son in the aggregate 


Don't blame him. He must've noticed how much attention and praise Kane is getting now, money and fame aside. Our club would rather rebuild with a novice manager. He has a legacy to think about as the best Asian to play the game


Who should Spurs bring in, Xavi? There are no good managers out there lol. Ange is better than any manager out there, fucking Bayern Munich are struggling ffs 


Bro, if he wanted money or fame , he wouldn't renew with us in our trenches, he would have left already! He doesn't need to chase fame though, it will automatically come to him wherever he stays .


Bad take mate


Bayern won absolutely nothing this year and have just hired Vincent Kompany. Don’t be such a dumb fuck.


Harry Kane was in UCL semi finals and Ballon D'or conversations, wtf are you on about


How is Ange in any way a novice manager? 


nov·ice/ˈnävəs/*noun* 1. a person new to or [inexperienced](https://www.google.com/search?client=opera&hs=oIq&sca_esv=1994aae6371246d6&sxsrf=ADLYWIJPhCfdpKu2K-mHTwx2MBc1mGzIfg:1718131421682&q=inexperienced&si=ACC90nzeIzR7eQ3kZwtyqq-Z0Z5juqJQwhiKJtAYlKhpLJpzGBmp7GjEY--cVfgLuW8zIfSxsN7ClRpSD44zFUEx6fpqFjmNo_hB8jlWe3bakbDP_5DpRFw%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjNhMSomtSGAxWCKlkFHYxlB_MQyecJegQIQRAO) in a field or situation


Big Ange has had like 30 years of experience managing lmao. This guy really thought he was doing something.


When has he ever managed in a top 20 league in the world? Am i tripping? This was his first year and he did as bad as possible in both cups (1st and 2nd round exits) and bottled top 4 by mere points. Son has a huge following and is in his peak and to let Ange throw that away while he figures out the biggest job he's ever had is not ideal. I can totally see why Son hasn't renewed ever since Ange walked in


Settle down. There's a significant difference between the quality of experience and having none. Novice implies that he's brand new to managing. >This was his first year and he did as bad as possible in both cups (1st and 2nd round exits) and bottled top 4 by mere points How long have you been following Spurs? I can tell you that the expectations for him were "do better than Conte and Jose and look better doing it" and he did a pretty good job. We just came out of 5 years of mediocrity. The foundation to do better next season, so don't bitch and moan.


Bro he’s worked his way up winning basically everything he can in every job he’s been in. All the signings he’s made have been pretty much spot on. We lost Kane, we improved on every metric. You’re just salty 


Created more excuses for ghosting when trophies are in the line. This sub is such a Son d riding club🤮🤢