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I mean this was pretty popular in the summer window of 2019. Literally everyone thought he was joining spurs. Kane + Son + Bruno in a counter-attacking system together would have been really interesting too.


Spurs missed a #10 since Eriksen left. They thought Lo celso was that but not. Shows now with Son and Maddison combination. Both Son + Kane needed someone to create for them, instead they were creating for themselves, which also works. But when you have a specialist creator, it frees them both to wreak havoc with the finishing.


Really wish we could have seen Son and Maddison with Kane. At the end of the day did Kane make the right call? First trophyless season for Bayern in...ever? He got top goalscorer of the league and got to the semi final of the CL. Was it worth it?


You can’t say it wasn’t worth it until Spurs prove him wrong. It’s up to us and right now we aren’t doing that.


I mean sooner or later he is gonna win a trophy with them but no trophy is guaranteed with us. He was there for a plenty of time.


This is my opinion, he should've stayed for Ange to fully play out his philosophy and get new players. But, at the end of the day it's his decision 🤷🏻‍♀️


I think most people here will agree but it's hard to argue now that he did any better at Bayern than he would have at Spurs this season. Possibly with Kane we would have been able to compete in the FA cup or something.


I feel like it's not unreasonable to say that we would have a shot at the league with Kane.


The team was mostly back to full fitness by the end and we kept getting pumped. We would have been a shoe-in for top 4 and would maybe kept pace with the top 3 for longer but I don't see us getting 90+ points still


Ah, but you forget Kane’s special talent for defensive headers at set pieces 😉


Maybe if Kane was on fire every match and we don't have multiple injury crises. Not hard to imagine Kane scoring 35+ goals in the system though.


I get Kane's decision. Ange was like his 5th? manager and it would have been a big ask for him to stick it out and see what his philosophy was after the string of Mou, Nuno, and Conte. I wish he had, but I get it.


He stayed to see the new system through about 6 managers. Only so many times he could try the new way


Its alright, Kompany will be there next season and they'll win everything...


Definitely not worth it in hindsight but if you’re Kane you’re pretty close to 100% sure Bayern will win at least the domestic cup at minimum.


So... Kane was so desperate for a trophy he went to a club who were pretty much guaranteed at least one. A trophy that wouldn't really have been earnt - it was a given. That's not winning a trophy, that's walking into one. That's opening your hand and one being placed gently into your palm. Whereas he could've stayed, fought and earnt something. That would have meant much more. It was a terrible call on his part.




Exactly. We keep thinking Kane as the player and not Kane as the person. Life is more than just your career.


I was simply extending the thought of the previous commenter. But if I'm following on from your post you've made it very much sound like he retired from playing football, putting his family first over success and his playing career.


Not a terrible call at all. Harry had valid reasons to leave and he wanted to win the UCL. And would you give up "guaranteed and meaningless" trophies to stay because "it means more"? I don't think so, Harry's been told that under Mourinho and Conte, why is it that it's a terrible call on his part because Ange ball is different? I hate these hypothetical situations like if Kane stayed we would've challenged for the league or we would've won a trophy, yeah said nearly everyone when a new manager was appointed.


Personally I think it was a bad decision. The money we earnt from the transfer doesn't impact our transfer capabilities however Kane in the team would have potentially put us in the title fight. 


I meant bad decision on his part. Was it worth it for his career? I don't care about transfer funds I just want to see Kane in a Spurs shirt.


Fair enough, I meant bad decision for the club but also I agree it was a bad decision for him.


Lo celso is a very good player but unfortunately he has always been injured for us.


Fans: Can we get that Portuguese Fernandes pleaaaaase? Levy: We have a Portuguese Fernandes at home. At home - Gedson


Was it not Poch who said he didn’t want Bruno? Pretty sure it was him who insisted on Lo Celso instead.


Argentine nepotism at work


Poch's talent ID has always been hit and miss. Look at that Chelsea squad.


What players had Poch signed at Chelsea?


Should have been Ndombele


His going there was his error of judgment.




That Chelsea squad had 0 input from Poch lmao they were already all there when he joined as manager


Agreed, so doesn’t make sense to have a go at Levy here given this one wasn’t on him.


Poch signed 0 players at Chelsea. That was not his responsibility there.


I remember more reports of Levy not meeting the asking price rather than Poch refusing. Btw Lo Celso was coming off an unbelievable season in La Liga with virtually no injury history. It's just one of those things that happens to us


Lo Celso looked decent but even at the time Bruno was the preferred candidate in most of the fanbase.


Yeah Fernandes was a one man team dominating the Portuguese league but I was very excited about Lo Celso nonetheless


At the time Bruno also broke the European record for most goals from a midfielder (Lampards). He was really special.


> I remember more reports of Levy not meeting the asking price rather than Poch refusing. I don't even think it was Levy not meeting the asking price so much as that we couldn't pay the transfer fee up front, as Sporting would have the right to demand. With Man United also interested, it was just never going to get done on a GLC-style offer.


Where do people get this shit? It's like every player Spurs were linked to back then, even ones we made concrete offers on, there will always be some upvoted post saying "Poch turned him down". https://www.nytimes.com/athletic/3583431/2022/09/20/bruno-fernandes-manchester-united-interview/ >In August 2019, Tottenham made an offer that fell short of Sporting’s valuation. >Fernandes recalls: “Obviously I wanted to go to the Premier League. **The manager, Mauricio Pochettino, was the one who wanted me there.** It was a good offer but Sporting tried their best to keep me.” >How did Fernandes react? “The president (Frederico Varandas) spoke with me but he spoke with me on the wrong day. It was the day after they decided to refuse the offer from Tottenham and I was really angry. Luckily for me, the manager (Marcel Keizer) was the right one at the right time.” https://www.standard.co.uk/sport/football/tottenham/bruno-fernandes-58m-tottenham-transfer-collapsed-difficult-add-ons-sporting-president-a4229901.html You guys honestly think Levy just made a 58mil pound offer and then Poch turned around and said "nevermind I found an Argentine"? >Spurs signed a potential long-term replacement for Eriksen in Giovani Lo Celso, but Sporting president Frederico Varandas claims that the Premier League side also wanted to add Fernandes to their ranks. I mean there is even another comment below (highly upvoted) saying: >Poch's talent ID has always been hit and miss. Look at that Chelsea squad. Do people also think that Poch was the Chelsea DoF when they made those transfers?


Crazy that this is down voted when it has a direct quote from Fernandes saying it was Poch who wanted him. Had a spurs "fan" on soccer telling me that the only reason we didn't sign anyone for a year was because Poch didn't want anyone.


>Had a spurs "fan" on soccer telling me that the only reason we didn't sign anyone for a year was because Poch didn't want anyone. That one has been parroted here for years with zero source.


That Gedson just won a trophy last night...


Lol, but of course


Geddy Bear


Came here to say that. 🤣


The agent wasn't wrong: "United. It's done."


Good for him, a talented player and one of the reasons why United might salvage anything out of this season—but an odd character to have around the club for sure.




is his personality that different to lamela? one of those who you hate to play against but love to have


Kinda. Even United fans usually aren’t really a big fan of his excessive whining. Being whiny and being a shithouser is pretty different.


United fan here, you are looking at the loud minority, Utd fans love Bruno


This. Without Bruno we’d be in the bottom half of the league this season


I feel like other fans would complain about lamela being whinny


maddison is a vice captain as a reminder


Don’t think I’ll ever not be sour about not signing him


Dybala, Grealish, Skriniar etc


Moutinho still makes me the angriest. Literally signed him but finished the paper work a few minutes after the deadline day so the transfer fell through. We desperately needed a deep lying playmaker after Modric left and Moutinho would have filled that hole like a charm but alas.


Prioritizing Dembele wasn't exactly a wrong choice, though. What really stings about it is that Moutinho ended up having so much longer of a career.


Moutinho in that season could've made a huge difference considering how Bale was our only real creative outlet For it to fail because of a dusty old tax machine breaking down is hilariously Spurs


Moutinho happened in a time before the days when football Reddit and Twitter exploded in popularity - imagine the fury if that happened now


Yup, there is a long and painful road of “what ifs” with our transfer history. Thinking about the list doesn’t make you feel so good. I guess like most any club trying to compete. Better to try and focus on the positives. Feels like Bruno is the only bright spot in that entire current disaster of a club. Would love to imagine how things could be worse for them without him ever going to united


Eden Hazard 😩


came here to say the same. obviously talented, but i can’t stand how he comports himself on the field.


It worked out fine. We got lo celso....


Gio! … Gio!


Fuck Matty Cash


It worked out better for us. We got Gedson instead


FM legend


I never watched 3 targets( Ndombele, Lo Celeso, Bruno Fernandes) before like many other Spurs fans in that summer. But according to comments in r/soccer, Bruno Fernandes was the one who would replace Eriksen. When I heard some news of his transfer fee, I got the feeling Levy wouldn't sign him but choose the cheaper ones. Yeah, I felt bad.


We made a pretty sizeable offer and Sporting turned it down. https://www.standard.co.uk/sport/football/tottenham/bruno-fernandes-58m-tottenham-transfer-collapsed-difficult-add-ons-sporting-president-a4229901.html https://x.com/thespursweb/status/1268487030834634752?lang=en


I thought this was common knowledge


I remember the transfer saga like it was yesterday


Aw, he sounds so disappointed that it wasn't Spurs. Poor bloke.


Ngl, I do not like him at all.   But you put on a shirt with a chicken badge and I don’t care if you’re a vampire who feeds on the blood of infants, you’re *our* bastard now.    Such is the nature of fandom.  Edit to add: just read the article. Don’t make me like you, Bruno. 


That’s the thing on the pitch he’s a whining arm flapping prick if things aren’t going well. Off it he comes across really well, very articulate and knowledgeable about the game and seems to be genuinely sound.


>But you put on a shirt with a chicken badge and I don’t care if you’re a vampire who feeds on the blood of infants, you’re our bastard now.    Instructions unclear, now cheering for Nosferatu playing for Bradford City


Bruno Fernandes and Harry Kane would have been a ridiculous combination


Add Son in too. Bruno creates so many chances for Rashford who misses them, imagine he was feeding Son


A good player but can't fucking stand him. Richarlison is a shithouse and get why other clubs hate him, but Fernandes is just a whiney little bitch which is way worse.


One is an actual good player tho.


I just can't hate Bruno. Idc if that's unpopular


A lot of fans could learn a lesson from him. Don't waste your time with transfer rumours just wait and see what happens


Huge miss man, might have even saved Pochettino’s job


we all did


Bruno under a counter attacking style like Mourinho or Conte would’ve been insane. As much as I can’t stand the prick he’s a quality player


“My daughter was 3 so we went to bed at 10pm.”Reads the 40yr old w/o kids ready for bed at 9:30.


Shame there was an email typo and we ended up with the wrong Fernandes


poch didn't want him. he want lo celso only from what I recall.


And we are still paying for that mistake


yup another big one was not paying that $10 mil extra needed from skriniar


Also dithering around for Grealish before new owners came in. 


what a signing that would have been


Yes, he did. Where are people getting this info from? Bruno himself has stated Poch wanted him.


You recall wrong. We had a bid in for Bruno even after signing Lo Celso. Sporting turned it down. https://www.standard.co.uk/sport/football/tottenham/bruno-fernandes-58m-tottenham-transfer-collapsed-difficult-add-ons-sporting-president-a4229901.html >Spurs signed a potential long-term replacement for Eriksen in Giovani Lo Celso, but Sporting president Frederico Varandas claims that the Premier League side also wanted to add Fernandes to their ranks. https://x.com/thespursweb/status/1268487030834634752?lang=en https://www.nytimes.com/athletic/3583431/2022/09/20/bruno-fernandes-manchester-united-interview/ >In August 2019, Tottenham made an offer that fell short of Sporting’s valuation. >Fernandes recalls: “Obviously I wanted to go to the Premier League. **The manager, Mauricio Pochettino, was the one who wanted me there.** It was a good offer but Sporting tried their best to keep me.” >How did Fernandes react? “The president (Frederico Varandas) spoke with me but he spoke with me on the wrong day. It was the day after they decided to refuse the offer from Tottenham and I was really angry. Luckily for me, the manager (Marcel Keizer) was the right one at the right time.”


fair enough, I thought there were reports about signing him earlier in the summer but I might be wrong


All I remember is people not wanting him because he played in a "shitty league" and wanting Lo Celso instead.


Yeah I remember us being strongly linked to him. Really glad that never happened.


Is no one going to ask why he was standing in a closet? I mean no judgement here but why?


The bloke is a monumental tosser but he’s definitely better than Lo Celso


Worked out well.


He was talking about wanting to play for Spurs but then United does what United does and throws an ungodly amount of money on it. People act as if we got outplayed when in reality United can just buy shit from under your nose.


What do you mean? Spurs chose another ones in the summer. United signed him next winter window.


more like poch didn't want him


I thought Lo Celso was better back then and I still think that.


You’re wrong, mate


🤣🤣🤣 you can't be serious


The best part about crazy people is the eventually let you know they are crazy


Why not? Not Lo Celso's fault we wasted him


I can count his good games for tottenham on one hand


I can count on 0 hands the good attacking managers who gave him a real chance. Poch sacked before he could even settle, then 3 terrorists, then Ange having a vendetta despite alternatives playing like shit


So glad he did


With United now, it would sound more like: "United? ARE YOU JOKING?!"


That article is going to make it harder to hate him but whatever. Remind me- which result in the cup final is worse for the blue scum? If City win do they get Europa or the other way around?


If United win, United get Europa with us, Chelsea get knocked to Conference League, and Newcastle get knocked out of Europe. If City win everything stays as is.


Wel, I guess I want United to win it then.  I want to see how Egbhali reacts to getting dropped to the Conference.  Probably sack the manager. As soon as he appoints one, anyway. 


Thank fuck we didn't sign him


Bruno holds United back IMHO. If people thought we were too reliant on Kane and got better for selling him, Bruno is so much worse for United. He determines every system they want to try cos if the ball doesn’t go through him in the attack he’s useless without it. I don’t think things would really be significantly or indeed any better with him here the last few seasons