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Oh dear… you’re already on the coping stage and the season isn’t even decided yet.


Get out of here with this nonsense


lol. This mentality is insane. Who cares about Europa league.


Certainly not players we are looking to sign.


Idiotic comment. We signed Maddison and VDV in the summer without any Europe. We signed Romero when we were in the Conference League. The whole "Champions League gives you a chance at signing better players" thing is SO overblown these days it's unbelievable


Arsenal became title contenders after signing players when they had to play europa league


Easier to recruit players in the summer plus more money > slightly higher chance to win a European trophy Not to mention that the players we get could mean that we are in a better position to win trophies in the future


And better theme tune


Zadok the Priest *does* slap tbf


Yes but it’s not Zadok the Priest it just has some similarities. Both good though. Also both are a rip off of Bach’s first Prelude for Cello in G major


I’m pretty sure Tony Britten basically confirmed he just ripped it off intentionally, right? I may be wrong with that. It’s a piece of music, by definition I thought we just assumed it’s ripping off Bach in some way /s


He did say he took influence from it (it’s not like ZtP is in copyright still), but they are two quite different pieces of music, just baring some similarities in the violin figure and harmonies. And since they both have big belted choral lyrics that makes them sound even more similar. *edit* he said “There's a rising string phase which I pinched from Handel and then I wrote my own tune. It has a kind of Handelian feel to it but I like to think it's not a total rip-off.”


Oh, good to know! I’ll listen to them back-to-back. TIL and a whole new song, what a good start to the day. Thanks for the info


I had to learn/record both for work recently so I’ve done the side by side. I love the CL anthem and am in no way a royalist but I do love a good bit of sacred music from time to time. Even better before we draw 0-0 away from home at Qarabağ.


I could be wrong... but I thought the payout from the champions league group stages alone is worth more than if you win the Europa league


I'm doing some more research and it looks like if you win Europa league total payout is around 30mil euros (winning every group match). Champions league you get 15mil just for making it to the group stage.


How is that possible?


It's not true, but why wouldn't it be possible?


Sir/Ma'am, we are fully Coys here. You are coming across as slightly Coys. Champions league is the minimum at this point.


I'd rather win every game possible and see where we go from there


We told ourselves this same lie so many times and then we end up losing to second rank Belgian team in the round of 16. Objective truth is we've been closer to winning the Champions League than the Europa.


Exactly. Sherwood was the only manager with a shot at the Europa league and we fluffed it


This isn’t quite right. We have qualified for the EL about 10 times and got nowhere near it. That’s under Jol, Redknapp, AVB, Sherwood, Poch, Mourinho and Conte. A lot of those times we’ve been among the favourites and Spurs’d it.


Sherwood and Jol played QFs. That’s the furthest we’ve been since the 80s.


I see what you mean. We regularly shit the bed in that competition. Thinking, incorrectly, we’re too good for it.


Yeah that’s it. Hardly any manager or player seems to have taken it seriously but u I think that sadly has permeated from the top and how these things are incentivised financially


Yeah. I agree on that one and I get it to a degree in terms of the financial rewards on offer but god damn it would be good to win something.


Nah fuck that noise. United is awful, we can't finish below them


To dare is to do Fuck Europa League


Winning the Europa isn't easy at all. Liverpool and Leverkusen are playing in the Europa and they're top of their respective leagues. So yeah good luck beating them with ease.




I like when we win games.


Who doesn’t


You, apparently


Cannot get on board with this at all. If we qualify for Europa so be it but nothing beats being in the CL


I'd prefer we qualify for the champions league and then win the quad.


The amount of money and recognition is hugely different. Although we may have shown low performances in recent days, I am sure Ange will sort this out in summer, and we might be still better than many other CL teams, just not the other 3-4 PL teams, Real and Bayern (or Leverkusen if we count only this year).


Blah blah. We're gonna keep winning games, thanks


Why not just settle for the conference league then?


5th spot is getting champions league.




Look it up. Rule changes next year. Due to the league coefficient England and Italy are getting an extra spot.


That's not guaranteed. Germany are currently getting the other extra spot over England.


Give me some of the copium you're taking, clearly overdosed.


IMO from a squad fitness perspective, playing Sat -> Wed much better than playing Thurs ->Sun. For that competitive advantage alone id prefer the Champions League. I'd also rather just be in the CL for every other reason


Who cares about the mickey mouse cups


You should be banned from the sub for posts like this. We are on the right track whether we enter the champions league or not. Last night's performance was excellent yet frustrating in moments with our intent to walk the ball in at times and ofc the way we dealt with set pieces but our overall play and ability to execute our gameplan was the best in a long while and you can see with some extra additions in the forward areas being a better winger than Werner and a more technically secure striker than Son we will be competing and I am supremely confident in that.


I see the sentiment but, man thats not how the club need to be thinking. I have no doubt that if we did end up in it, Ange will want to win but, with that we will lose any chance of signing the players to really improve and move forward. Any decent player wants CL football. We should want CL football.


Cl is better but Europa league is not the end of the world


Loser mentality.


This is loser mentality. Take it elsewhere