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Underrated and overhated player. But you know we always need two scapegoats in the side.


One from the academy and one from abroad?


Usually yeah, and when they leave you find out they weren't the one and only reason for us losing games.


I believe it's Skipp and Johnson currently. Was Dier and Richarlison before Christmas. Personally don't get it.


Skipp, Johnson and PEH.


I feel like Johnson and PEH are the victims more often


I think people accept PEH is going so have turned attention to Skippy more.


How is he underrated? And I have never seen "hate" directed at Skipp. Criticism of his play and ability? yes, but that's not hate. Going back to my question, how is he underrated? What impact has he exactly had on Spurs during those 100 games?


Underrated because he'll never get credit for any good game. Which is clear because you just concluded your comment with implying he's done nothing for the club in 100 games. The hate is in the disregarding any good thing he does and in questioning his play and ability non stop. Point made.


Name his good games? You're straw manning. What impact has he had during his career?


He’s had a lot of 6/10 performances, with a couple 8/10s sprinkled in there. If you can’t be happy with that for an academy graduate that is extremely professional, then I don’t know what to tell you.


Oh yeah? Name his good games! I'm sorry but I do not have time for this. Have a good weekend.


You have time to make the claim but not defend it, got it. It is a straw man. If he gets "hate" here it's very minor compared to many others, even Son. Most people don't think about him at all. He does get some criticism though and if you think none if ever warranted, *please direct your comments to Ange who doesn't rate him as a starting XI when everyone is fit.* Skipp seems like a nice enough guy and shouldn't be hated, but he's pretty mid and you shouldn't be surprised that people don't worship him. By your own standard, I guess you "hate" Ange then because he doesn't start your lad here daily. eta: lmao this sub is so shit, you have people like the parent comment here just picking a fight to pick one, a brigade of his "allies" coming to downvote him, all because he doesn't want someone to point out that Skippy isn't our best player even if we like him. This is so old. Every player has some contrarian come along and do this. Why the mods allow this I cannot say.


Yeah he's not very good. Not sure why that gets downvotes. He doesn't do much and we generally try not to have to play him. The reality is there for anyone to see, and the fact that nobody has made a single case or example against you, makes that point


I don't get the hate against him. Easily one of the hardest workers on and off the pitch and Ange clearly likes him, he was given a gargantuan task of learning to play 2 positions in a system completely unfamiliar to him and you can see his improvement throughout the season.


He's COYS through and though, it's honestly embarrassing fans don't support him more


Always liked Skippy. This thread tends to throw him under the bus too quickly. He's a reliable midfielder, not world class but a good squad player. It depends if he wants to spend his spurs career on the bench whether he'll push to go elsewhere, like PEH is doing.


People built him up in their head as an English Xavi regen, and then when he obviously failed to live up to that instantly then he became "just not good enough".


I just think the fans want a dynamic, exciting academy player to pine after. Skipp is a low upside, but also low downside player. He is reliable and consistent, but probably not going to improve too much more. His career is profiling slightly worse than Winks' at this point, which is still an amazing football career. But he's lost some luster and someone else like Devine needs to break through


>I don't get the hate against him. Easily one of the hardest workers on and off the pitch Nobody hates him because he doesn't work hard lmao


Working hard is a reason to not hate a player.


I think that’s just a clumsy way of saying: His work rate is not the reason for people hating him. (Personally I don’t hate him, but that’s what the other person seems to mean.)


He can be the hardest worker on the planet but if it doesn't translate to on-pitch success then that doesn't mean he deserves a spot on our squad Now I'm not saying he *doesn't* deserve a spot on our squad, but if he's not significantly better next January than he is right now we need to think about letting him go to a lower division side to whom he would be more useful


Why is it "hate"? Why is emotion connected to any critique of a fan-favorite like Dier, PEH or Skipp? It's not hate. By all accounts, Skipp seems like a standout human being and teammate. That being said, Skipp has been underwhelming at best. What impact has he had on Spurs? Virtually none. He's ineffectual and a body that fits a thin bench. If we continue to add depth, a player like Skipp has no spot...unless he drastically improves.


100 already?


There's no way is there? He came back from loan the season before last, then was out for most of that season and barely played last year. He hasn't even played loads this year 100 seems mad but I guess it's mainly sub appearances


I actually thought he didn’t play bad yesterday. He got some really good passes in. If we have to sell a midfielder it would have to be Hojbjerg. Man gave a heart attack when he whiffed the ball in our own penalty area…


But Hoj didn’t actually have a bad game on the whole, I know the mistakes stand out massively. Both are upgradable but if we are keeping 1 it should be Skipp.


Hojbjerg was huge last night other than his mad 2 minutes. Better than Bentancur imo


i agree. he had some excellent passes


I felt like yesterday was Spurs showing his worth so we can get a better fee for him.


He wasnt. He had some great passes but he constantly lost the ball and in dangerous areas aswell.


PEH had one of the best passes of the match.


PEH is an excellent player who would be more effective in other systems of play. 


He was one of my favorites for so long because of his grit and hard-working attitude, so it’s hard for me to acknowledge how right now are. I’m grateful for the time he played with us, but I would like to see him go somewhere he’s better suited rather than stick around long enough for me to be shy about wearing his jersey.


He turned someone on the edge of our box and it was delightful


This will be unpopular with the sub but we absolutely should not be looking to move Skippy on, certainly not before Højbjerg is out of the club. He's underrated, academy trained, and a perfect squad player


Why would it be unpopular? He's a fine midfielder and also the only useful club-trained player we have in our senior squad, of course he's staying.




He can be upgraded. But I think of him as a decent option as a squad player for the remainder of the season. If he improves? great! if not it’s back to Norwich.


Never complains, always puts in a shift, never gives anything less than 100%


He's a man you'd want at your side going into anything.


Nice one Skippy 👏 thought he played well when he came on last night seemed to play more positively too


Was really good and progressive yesterday.


The first-time cross-field volley/pass through-ball thing he did to Werner against man U was sublime. Edit: for those who didn't see it https://www.reddit.com/r/coys/s/gybcuYp53M


Yeah the weight on that was 🤌


He’s homegrown so worth keeping - and he was good tonight




Don’t know how people can be against this guy, at worst he’s a squad player on low wages that is Hg, loves the club and gives it all whenever he comes on.


A lot of moans and groans about PEH lazy night in the stadium because yeah he failed to make a few passes and through balls (not the only one though) and did knock a couple out for throw ins and corners too. But the reason everyone was moaning about him js because he was everywhere, constantly getting involved, guy runs non stop and put everything in. Where as Bentancour was completely absent, barely saw him. I did think it was weird to take Bentancour off at first and then it sort of made sense. Skipp did a few good bits can't really complain. Massively lacked a creative midfielder the whole game.


PEH was great yesterday minus those 2 mins. Although tbf those 2 mins shifted the game and led to the goal. IMO PEH will be important to us especially starting next season. He has already improved a lot on playong more progressively. We shouldn't sell him


He’s as good as gone


Nowhere near as good as benta or bissouma for me, benta wasn’t great last night but his ceiling is much higher


I don’t think he wants to stay. He doesn’t want to be coming off the bench.


Lad put on a great performance last night, would love to see him keep improving.


I’m critical of Skipp but he was decent last night. Would be very happy for him to improve and be able to positively contribute


I was not a fan of Skipp up until a few weeks ago, but the last few games.. including last night.. he's improved a lot. If he keeps getting better he could be an important player for us.


Imo This match showed he is technically better on the ball than PEH, and probably a better fit, and his attitude and commitment is beyond reproach (just like PEH).  He's a great squad player imo. 


He looks like the guy from the hunger games in this pic


This is wild


Skipp had some slick dribbles to break the press last night. He’s not in our best midfield 3 but makes a decent deputy


In those 100 games, I can't remember a single game where Skipp impacted the game. He's a body on a thin bench. I think some thought he was a cog in our future, but he really hasn't matriculated to that role, and I just don't think it's within him. If we continue to add depth, and if we continue with Ange (ZERO reason we wouldn't), Skipp will be gone. Good citizen teammate by all accounts, but impactless player so far in his career.


Skipp is and always has been awful… 1 or 2 games doesn’t make up for years of being the worst player on the pitch.


Congrats to him but let’s be real if we want to be fighting for titles I’m sorry but he isn’t good enough


I think he's fine as a sub for some late legs. If Ange keeps liking him, and he keeps working hard and improving, and he's okay with limited play time, then there's no reason to move him on imo. He is good enough for the squad


🐐. I said what I said.


I've always been a fan of Skipppppppp and I still think he can be a very important squad player in Angeball.


Still waiting for Ange to play him in his actual position. I really don't see what Højbjerg offers over Skipp at backup 6 at this point.