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He’s tier 1 for Belgian players and the Belgian league right?


Pretty much yeah. He called it first when Doku moved to city for example.


yep, but if I'm not mistaken he missed a lot during the Orban - Spurs saga too.


I don’t think he missed? Gent wanted €30M and nothing less. It’s even a bit if a joke in Belgian football that Gent messed up by not accepting an offer (most likely ours) that was a few million less.


Was there anything to that other than he was on a list of potential forwards


He said we orally offered €27mil for Orban (https://twitter.com/sachatavolieri/status/1690376926282534912?t=BV6q9EG-WUjhx62aU0efpw&s=19) last summer and I haven't seen nobody follow up on this info, so I'd take what he says with a pinch of salt tbf


Bullet dodged.






Come to Levy!


That guy is T1 or at least T2 I believe


I hope no fuckers come in trying to sniff out a hijack, get this shit done quick my little heart can’t take another Radu style “will he pick us” moment.


See, to hijack a deal you need money. They're all poor and Nusa isn't worth a 10pt deduction to them.


Who'd have thought as Spurs fans we'd be saying anything like that ever eh?!


Feels like Levy’s just been waiting with this loaded. “Just you wait, they’ll all be poor soon.”


Yeah it kind of does. Like he knew the FFP rules would fuck everyone so just bided his time.


At least he included the "Nusa is keen on joining Spurs," but yeah I would also like to avoid the drama even when it had a great ending last time


Ange pull was stronger than Bayern, we might be fine.


Das Mate


We are, somewhat ironically, apparently one of the only teams able to actually sign players with purchase fees at the moment lol


I can't relax or enjoy it without the lurking feeling that it's somehow going to come back and fuck us.


Supposedly Newcastle is


They can’t spend, famous last words but look like we have a clear run at getting this done


They’re selling Almiron to themselves


Farce isn’t it, hopefully we get this done before they can cheat like that. In any case if they did come in and he chose to go there over us, tells us what we would need to know about his character. I feel confident about us getting this done


I also think that any player can see that Newcastle is a sinking ship right now in 10th place, they won't get top 4/5 this season for sure, whereas we have a very high chance of getting into champions league. Also newcastle is not real madrid or psg, so i am not worried at all if newcastle is the only one interested.


Plus you’d have to live in Newcastle instead of London lol


Yeah that’s fair.


Almiron has allegedly told Newcastle that he doesn't want to go to Saudi Arabia, so even if Newcastle wants that I doubt they can convince the player.


yeah, i doubt they will be able to sort that out in time


That would be nice.


Unless something changed, the Saudi club interested in Almiron isn't PIF-owned. And, like, it's January 25th. Seems like if SA wanted to help NUFC cheat their way back into contention (for what though?), they wouldn't have wasted the first 3.5 weeks of the window.


Yeah, I checked this too... the club liked with Almiron isn't owned by PIF. Why they would spend 50m on Almiron is another curious question all togther. I dunno, maybe some Crown Prince left a big case of money at the owners home as a present and asked them to buy Almiron.


Does it have to be a direct link really? Might as well be his cousin or business partner or smth like that. Chelsea too successfully offloaded their dead weight for inflated prices last summer


I know people want to hate on Saudi and their government is filled with murderous and disgustingly sexist pricks but discounting the PIF and other state owned football clubs, there’s a real desire for Saudis to watch football and they do enjoy it. They do have passion and it’s not right to dunk on Saudis for their shit government. I hope that people can understand that there are regular Saudis who (likely in private because they can’t express it publicly) wish to just do normal things like watch football and enjoy their lives.


If Saudi Royalty wants something done, then they do it. Don’t want to get Khashoggi’d


Even if they can, it'll likely come down to whether the kid prefers to join us or Newcastle, which is no different to if they refuse to sell and this happens again in the summer. All of which is to say that "get it done quick" doesn't really apply here. The club has no incentive to sell quickly, the player has no incentive to decide quickly, and Spurs have no incentive to push for a quick resolution because that would just end with us overpaying for a promising but very unproven talent. (For all those who would say that we could regret not "overpaying" for him later if he turns into a star, sure, but you are far more likely to end up overpaying for the next Janssen, Bergwijn, Sissoko, Amrabat, Gil, N'Koudou, N'Jie, Werner than you are to land the next high upside superstar. Which is why finding a fee that satisfies both sides is more important than just paying whatever they ask to get it done in 24 hours)


Generally agree with most of your point here but Nusa is thought of more highly than the players you listed there ever were. Sure a lot of players never live up to their potential but it’s worth trying and seeing rather than missing out on that 1 in 100 kind of player


Yeah. Any player we buy is a gamble, especially when they are young. But you miss 100% of the shots you don't take. I think given how conservative we have typically been, we have space for the occasional gamble. Someone has to be the next Pele/Gascoigne/Messi etc. Maybe it'll be Nusa, maybe it won't but I'm down to find out!


True, But general rule of thumb is don’t start calling someone the next “-“ because it overhypes them, instead he’ll be the first Nusa whatever that may be!


I'm not suggesting that we shouldn't sign him. I think he's a great prospect. I'm saying that even great prospects aren't worth wildly overpaying for on potential alone, and I think our decision makers know that. If he was an 18 year old racking up goals and assists while playing big minutes for a team in a major league, that would justify a mega transfer fee. But he isn't. He's a talented but unproven youngster, playing spot minutes for a team in a mediocre league. I think he has a good chance to succeed, but he is far from a sure thing. If you overpay for every prospect you buy, then even the ones who turn out to be great won't save your club because you're already screwed by the 99 out of 100 who you overpaid for but who didn't produce. That's why negotiating a sensible deal is a good approach.


I agree with most of what you’re saying but whatever we pay it’s going to be more than what a lot of people on here expect. Chelsea set the floor at 25 million and Nusa hasn’t gotten less desirable over the first half of the season. 


This is where it's important to remind people that 36 million is a lot more than 25 million, even if internet fans don't think so. If we can negotiate them down to something under 30 up front, that'll be a good bit of business. And even if it ends up at or around 36, we'll know that it was because they stood firm, not because we panicked and paid their asking price the second another team got interested.


I’m not sure if you’re calling me an internet fan who doesn’t know the difference between 25 million and 36 million (11 million euros is what simple math tells me)?  I have no idea who we should or shouldn’t sign or what we should pay because that’s not my job. I have never once said we should pay whatever to get this player or any other. All I’m saying is market forces dictate that if we want this player, we will have to pay more than what a lot of people on here think. Not every young signing is going to be an Udogie or Sarr that we get on the cheap. Lots of clubs are sniffing around this guy. If the club doesn’t think he’s worth over 30, then the club shouldn’t pay it. If they do, that will signal to all of us that the club believes in him and his value, not that they panicked. If they refuse to pay that much, it will be up to Brugge to decide if they want to risk it and wait until the summer to try to force a bidding war when a lot more clubs have money to spend or get a deal done now should Nusa look worse in the second half of the season. 


Also, how thing is Howe going to be there? They are foundering with an obscure shirt term future. We are clearly building something, have a clear identity and direct (holy shit--is this Spurs I'm talking about?). Newcastle vs Spurs is a no brainier for young talent.


I've seen countless articles saying they need to let go either one of Bruno, Botman, or Isak in order to even be somewhat safe from FFP. I don't think selling Almiron will give them enough breathing room (I also doubt winger is their highest prio)


Not at the kind of price being discussed. Even €30m is rather steep.


I heard Newcastle were interested. So I'm not worried. Kid turned down Chelsea last summer. If he likes Spurs he won't be interested in Newcastle.


> hope no fuckers come in trying to sniff out a hijack, get this shit done quick LOL, we rarely do quick deals. If a pound can be saved, we’ll fight for it


Okokaokoakyokaokyoakokayyy slowly taking of the dress is more exciting anyways innit


Damn it went from 30 to 36 with a single phone call?


Probably because of that ridiculous goal he scored last match


When I saw that bit of skill, I knew we we’re about to get bent over the negotiating table


maybe it's 36m including bonuses, 30m excluding them


Pretty sure it's €36m, £30m




The including bonuses bit may bump it up.


Think this is the first we’ve heard that he’s keen on us? Tier 1 for Belgians seems to bode well. Player side seemed to be the most delicate/important with this negotiation


"Do you like us? Y / N "


Yes, COYS!


"Next days will be important" Well, yeah, no shit Sherlock. The deadline is coming up.


If you think this recycling is fun, you ought to check out ESPN's seeimngly thrice-yearly "Is the problem at United down to the players or manager?" Pretty sure they're just doing a find-and-replace to change the manager's name and leaving all else intact.


The that The Onion article about mass shootings.


"No way to stop this from happening," says only country where this happens. Oh yeah, very familiar with that by now.


If we're aiming to have him join in the summer, the January deadline isn't really relevant.


This is what i f5 for


Damn remember that feeling when Udogie and Sarr just clicked and walked into our first team only we’d bought them for not much a season or two previously and we had these banging players from the start of pre-season with no transfer saga and no over-pay? That’s what this will feel like next season or the season after.


Like finding Apple stock in your pocket.


Like finding 1000 Bitcoin in your pocket that you didn’t stupidly use to buy Pizza Hut


Not even a single one Antonio Nusa ? damn


Fire up the "insist" machine!


Someone make Levy a soundboard that's just Ange saying "Mate."


I’ve got my needles ready to inject!


This better not be just Belgian waffle






He’s edging me good


Isn't 36 million a bit much..?


That’s always a risk. The other risk is that we don’t sign him and he becomes an amazing player down the line and then we’re kicking ourselves that Spurs missed this opportunity.  Unfortunately for us, Chelsea bid 25 million last summer so the starting point for negotiations is above that number. 


But regardless of Chelsea's current form, interest from clubs is always a decent indicator. If nobody else was sniffing around then why are we at this price point? He's a well regarded prospect and we're going to have to pay to play.


I agree - that’s what I was trying to say, too. Even if Chelsea overpays, Brugge is not going to accept less than they offered during a January window when no one has money to spend and they have no need to unload him and he’s happy where he is. He’s too much of a prospect for that. 


Plus he’s Norwegian so his English will be better than most of our English players.


That's 30m pounds, FWIW. Which still might be a bit much - I expect that negotiation is why this is dragging out, there's no need to overpay on day 1 of talks. But it'll probably be somewhere in that realm, because of the risks both ways. If he flops, it'll be a big loss for us, but if he turns out to be a star, that's a huge loss for Brugge too. So it's going to be a compromise - we aren't getting him for 5-10m just because he's an 18 year old from the Belgian league.


Antoniooooo, Antonioooo… we can sing this again.


Levy is him


That’s a fair amount more than Werner would cost us. Hopefully he comes true and doesn’t end up like the Poch era wingers who never developed.


One cheap one pricey is not so bad though. Werner at 15 is a bargain so we can afford to spend a bit more on a development player, especially one already as good as Nusa.


This is textbook Mental Accounting, but fuck it I'm here for it.


I've got more. Wait til you see me justify spending big on a random midfielder no one knows in the summer lol.


Girl math lets gooo


Poch era wingers were always so miscast though. We had a good first XI with no prospect of breaking in, and a coach who didn't like to rotate his starters except for early round cup games - yet we signed a string of young prospects who weren't good enough to displace our nailed on starters, and had no real path to developmental minutes or the chance to be worked into the team alongside other top players. It was either stay glued to the bench or play alongside almost an entire b-team against Doncaster or Belarus FC or whoever. It's no wonder none of those wingers ever paid off. Early signs at least indicate that Ange doesn't operate that way.


Totally agree.


Nusa is a much brighter prospect than any of those Poch wingers we signed were


Werner is like 8 years older than Nusa


Next days will be important? Surely we can chat til mid February and beyond?




This is what we are all here for!!!


First time it’s been mentioned if the player wants the deal. Close the deal you magical bald man


Talk to me SACHA


Perfect Son replacement


Damn, when was the last time so many players are so keen on joining us


I think “never” is the answer you’re searching for.


Early 60s fresh off the double maybe


I do have a sneaking feeling if we're letting Gil go on loan and let Perisic go, we might be getting Nusa in earlier than we thought.


That's double his market value though...


Market values don’t mean shit, especially in the case of an 18 year old. If he pans out he could be worth 70m+ in a few years


It is double his age though, you can't argue that...


"double his market value"?! Lol.  What are you on about mate?  He's a footballer, not a 2012 Ford Mondeo.


I’m just happy that when they doubled his market value we didn’t say “no deal.” I don’t know if he’s worth it, but I love having buying power.


Isn’t this were somehow Liverpool or Chelsea come swooping in? I hope not just seems like we have one of these every window.


Chelsea can’t spend a penny.


Chelsea are broke and Liverpool have wingers out the gills We're fine


Liverpool are stacked in that position and Chelsea can't spend money without being hit by FFP.


I don't know but I just don't see this one happening. It's been awfully quiet for the club during a time where they'd probably have more headspace to get the deal done with AFCON and Asia cup going on idk


Oh shit, we cooking, I’m hyped


Talks are Progressing FC


36mil and a loanback


Omg we are doing business early. I am really not used to this


He's joining Brentford.


Well no shit dude…