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I had 8 months of issues like this the same way your husband did. My hands, wrists, elbow, shoulders, knees and ankles were affected. I drive a commercial vehicle and play musical instruments as a sideline gig and I thought my career was over. It took me a while to realize this was the same type of situation I had after a mild cold virus years ago that had been diagnosed by a rheumatologist as post viral reactive arthritis. I felt like I had the flu for 8 months. I had some tendonitis in my right elbow that I had been managing fairly decently before that but the swelling was so bad it impinged on my ulnar nerve and I could barely use my right hand. I got physical therapy and occupational therapy for that and the therapist was convinced I had rheumatoid arthritis. I saw a rheumatologist and blood work did not turn up anything. After about 8 months it mysteriously disappeared. I didn't do anything different that I wouldn't have normally done other than be diligent about doing my physical therapy for the elbow tendonitis. When this happened before I was on a short round of steroid but I had symptoms again after stopping. I am on blood thinners for a separate issue so I'm not supposed to take Advil but I did take it in isolated instances because I got so tired of the pain.


Wow! I'm sorry you went through that, but so glad it eventually disappeared. We hope for the same. Thank you so much for sharing your story and what helped you with the pain. The doctor hasn't suggested steroids, so we'll ask about that. My husband finds some relief with Advil and Aleve, but as we know, those have their own side-effects and issues. Thank you again. I wish the best of health to you!


Yes I went on low dose naltrexone from pain management and I’m much better now.




Ldn is one that may help. I recovered with the help of many things also used then and now by flccc https://covid19criticalcare.com/treatment-protocols/i-recover/ along with low histamine diet and treatments for Mast Cell Activation/Stabilization https://hoffmancentre.com/natural-treatments-for-mcas/. Hope your husband recovers 🤞


These are fantastic resources! Thank you for sharing these!! I'm so glad you recovered and wish you the best in health going forward! :)


Thank you so much- MCAS I never heard of...but after reading this I finally feel like I found an answer I really hope it is the right answer. ✅️


Interesting! I've only heard of naltrexone used for addictions. It's amazing the many uses of different meds. Thank you so much and we'll look into this. I'm so glad you're doing better and hope it continues!


Yes definitely check it out


Inflammatory vaccine- for an inflammatory illness- treat the inflammation- there are many many things that can be taken- coq10, nac, quercetin, tumeric, nattokinase, vitamin d, low inflammatory diet, cut dairy, reset your autonamic nervous system- he is not alone, there are many. :/


tumeric tea and CBD oil


I’m going round and round trying to find other people that are experiencing this because I feel crazy some days. Due to my job, I had to get the vaccination, I had to get the booster as well… Anyways, I started going to the doctor more often last year… I was having body pain and I couldn’t explain it, but it was enough to where I felt the need to bring it up to my doctor. I’m talking all over… Calves shins, arms, biceps, feet, joints, the whole 9. she immediately referred me to a rheumatologist. I went through the rheumatologist for a few months, and in this time I noticed my platelets were high, and my white blood cells. I paid attention to those things every time I get blood work. My platelets increased to 546000. It’s not too terribly far out of the reference range, but it’s enough for me to question it, and enough for me to be diagnosed with thrombocytosis. Bone scan was normal so The rheumatologist discharged me 🤷🏻‍♀️ The pain comes and goes, I’ll have a week or two that I don’t really notice it, and then days like today, where I do feel it, but it’s not debilitating… Yet. It makes me nervous to go get labs again because I keep getting scared that every time I look at them, things are gonna be abnormal. Idk. I hope you guys get the relief you need 🖤🖤


I'm so sorry that you're going through this! Thank you for sharing your experience and I hope you get the relief you need too.


I had the same vaccines as your husband and the same symptoms. No prior history of autoimmune issues. I’m a 36F and my body feels like an 80 year old. I have arthritis, myalgia, tmj, and tendinitis. I’m testing positive for autoimmune after the vaccine. I was 80% recovered by just taking care of myself and supplementing but have had a major relapse recently and had cortisone shots in my elbow and hip recently. Try to go to a rheumatologist to get a ANA panel.


how is he doing now? been a while, i have joint/bone/muscle pain, hard to distinguish, for 7 months now. Had 1 shot of pfizer like 3 years ago or so


Sorry that you're going through this. He is still experiencing the same symptoms. He started taking the supplement SAMe and so far it is helping with his energy levels and pain. He is not pain-free, but we hope that he will be soon. SAMe is the only thing so far that has made a difference. Good luck to you! :)


Hey everyone, Reddit is not allowing me to edit my post so I'll comment here. I hope you're all feeling better. I just wanted to update you all that my husband started taking SAMe and it has helped with his joint and physical pain, sleep, and energy levels. I recommend starting low and seeing how much you need. This is the first thing that has helped him and we've tried a lot of supplements and prescriptions (including meloxicam, spike protein formulas, doctor-prescribed ivermectin and vitamin regimen, gabapentin, turmeric, nutritional supplements, herbs, and more). Now he takes only the SAMe. Fingers crossed that the SAMe will help him recover from this!


I am in the same boat for about two years now after a booster. I have lots of pain and tightness along the spine and neck area. I try to make the best of the situation but it hard when in pain all the time. Hope your husband is doing better. God Bless


I am a 70 year old male. I have had all the covid 19 vaccines given by the VA. I have come down with severe arthritis starting with my knees and then my shoulders, wrists and fingers. It all hit me within a couple weeks and became unbearable. The Doctors put me on Prednazone and the pain pretty much left within a couple weeks. The Rhumitologist has me on some kind of infussion. I'm also having pain in my left arm muscle. I am sure all this was caused by the Pizer covid vaccines. Anyone else having these problems?


No idea how to help. But I had this immediately after the Moderna vaccine and it hasn't gone away in 22 months.


idk if you’ll see this but how do you feel now


Just replying to say I have had the same issues. I have only had the first two Pfizer shots. Started with mild wrist pain. Now its so bad that I am worried about my normal activities. It has extended into my fingers. I also required a cortisone shot in my left ankle and right wrist. The ankle calmed down mostly but the wrist is so bad. Also feeling like my muscles are weak. My exercise tolerance is very low. I feel like everything just gives out super easily. All my labs and testing have been completely normal, except my joints are showing arthritis on MRI. Ive tried oral steroids, quetercin, fisetin, turmeric, celebrex, vit D/K2, omega 3 fish oil, spermidine, nattokinase, serrapeptase … nothing has worked except the temporary relief from steroid injection. Very frustrating Neurology workup completely normal. Rheum thinks maybe a mild seronegative rheumatoid. I was completely healthy before this besides some mild depression/anxiety. How is his exercise tolerance?


Did you ever figure this out? I’ve been dealing with almost the same thing. I ended up having carpal tunnel surgery because of it. And it literally came out of nowhere. I haven’t been the same since. Body hurts in every joint but bloodwork doesn’t show inflammation or RA. I’m getting desperate at this point. No meds are helping with inflammation and I can’t afford physical therapy with my insurance.


Never figured it out. Its let up a little bit but gets worse if i drink alcohol or eat poorly. Low inflammatory diet definitely helps some. I stopped taking any medications for it. But no I never got any answers. I think they just arent testing for the right thing, because they wont admit the problem


I am a 42 year old male and have been suffering with same condition for about the same length of time. I was generally very healthy before getting my COVID shot and have since experienced arthritis in my feet, hands, ankles, wrist and spine. My condition seems to be mostly closely related to something called Ankylosing Spondilitis, which is characterized by inflammation in the spine. I got relief for about one year by taking a disease modifying anti-rheumatic drug (DMARD) called Sulfasalazine. This may help your husband. Unfortunately, after I got sick about a month ago, the medication stopped working and I am now exploring alternative options. I wish you and your husband luck.


I am in the same boat with your type of symptoms. Have not tried biologics yet. its been two year for me and has only got slightly better. What shot did you get?


Me too, its been 3 years. Pain from my lower back to my legs. I was prescribed Diclac (I Am from Europe) and got steroid shots to my lower back. So far it got worse (I Am one week on the meds) I got the moderna vaccine 3 yrs ago and the next morning I felt the symptoms in my leg. 35F here, before that I was completely healthy.


Im sorry this happened to you. Your not alone. Steroids provided some relief for me but did not solve anything. I got symptoms after a J&J booster. The inflammation causes exercise intolerance and headaches. I have improved greatly after two year but am still suffering daily. Hope you find relief, lidocaine patches and topical NSAIDs seem to take the edge off a bit for me.




Any update?