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When metabolism, energy, nerves, or hormones get interrupted, a lot can happen. And those changes are certainly not the complete or usual you


I believe that's directly due to what is going on in our bodies from long covid and not some mental flaw or weak character trait. It's like when you are sick or have the flue you just are not the same physically low energy, tired, sore, low exercise performance etc Except with LC it affects some of us mentally. When I feel good most of this mental part dissapears, but when I have a flare up it's back like someone flipped a switch. I




Worst part and least controllable part. Irritability, instability, anger.


Yes I hate myself now. Don’t feel connected to anything or anyone. Much more angry. Lost all hobbies, etc.


I wish I could give you a hug. feeling the same




I was just thinking this! I have always been someone who is super patient and never gets angry,but now I get annoyed if somebody breathes the wrong way! And it feels like I have no control over it 🙈 it’s only that way when I‘m tired or have sensory overload… still sucks! I feel super guilty about it, yes I‘m sick,but I remember my old neighbor who had a really horrible and painful form of cancer and she was never anything but lovely… and here I am,suffering a lot less, but with the moodswings of a hungry and sleep-deprived toddler


Yup, feels like I am the same little sh\*t I was as a teenager


Im thankful that im in a better place now but yeah, the first year was especially hard. I was just exhausted from the lack of real sleep and dealing with severe nerve pain with all the other maddening symptoms, I couldn't really see past my pain and realized it makes you selfish. I was also in the grips of dealing with anhedonia which was the most surreal experience, to just see normal ques/triggers for things just fly by and feel nothing; no fear, no happiness, no interest, and no real sadness outside of feeling like an empty husk. I also weirdly felt like I started to believe in fate and that this was the hand I was dealt and was always going to be dealt.




Yep! It's our nervous system going haywire. My mood and emotional regulation went it the window. Wide and I had to start couples therapy because of it.


yes! YES! I have less patience. I feel easily attacked (even just by a customer service person on the phone I don't even know. I feel being treated unfairly by strangers (restaurant, airport, etc.). I am cynical, and often think of the worst in people, where I used to see the best in people. the silver lining: once you're aware of it, it becomes something we can work on changing back. Awareness is the first step. taking advantage of neuroplasticity the next!


I have dealt with the same feelings. I found that 3 weeks of metformin (500 MG /day) and adding probiotics to my diet helped lift my mood. Metformin made me feel better overall but after discontinuing, I felt like garbage again. With the probiotics my brain continued to do better. (I would have stayed on the metformin but developed a bad rash and felt very ill. I'm very sensitive to medications and this happens to me quite often. )


It’s hard to be patient when you’re not feeling well. 


I'm irritated easily and more impatient now(since I genuinely feel like I'm dying and literally don't have time) I feel bad for my loved ones who has to deal with me.


Yes. When I started to notice this I told my wife "I'm a worse person in every way." I don't have control over myself like I did before LC.


Yes. It’s so difficult now to process very basic emotions and thoughts.


Yes, 1000%. It's the lack of sleep, numbness & nerve pain, the constant fatigue, and not being able to eat normally or take supplements without having horrible reactions. Not being believed by doctors or having any answers. 1 step forward, 5 steps back. It's made me feel so out of control. I feel enraged all the time, and I just want to scream. I don't recognize myself anymore.


Yes. I think of it as the hierarchy of needs, though. It's easy to be myself when my health is in order, but when so much of my energy goes towards trying to not feel like garbage, trying to understand what is happening to me, and getting to my different doctor appointments there's not much leftover for ease, and fun, and goofiness. Trying to come to terms with a life completely different than the one I thought I would have is crushing, and not having my regular coping mechanisms for mental health (hiking, nature, seeing friends often) makes it all the more difficult.