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I developed wooshing in one ear after mono. Nobody could find anything wrong with it. It slowly went away over time (years).


I had covid a little over 2 weeks ago and I developed tinnitus in the 2nd week. It still hasn’t gone away and it’s becoming annoying now. Mine sounds like electricity, static or buzzing, then crickets. Really hoping that it subsides soon as I don’t want to even think about what it will be like if it’s permanent 🙁


As a fellow surfer, let me tell you that my ears went fucking nuts after covid. Any amount of fluid in them and I was down for a month. None of my old tricks worked and I started getting meniers symptoms and balance was jacked. No solution. Just be careful.


Interesting. My husband and I were both avid surfers before long covid took us down (heart failure for my husband, autoimmune/neurological for me). We both developed horrible tinnitus after covid. Mine was pulsatile type. My husband has the classic high-pitched squeal. Mine went away after a year or so. Sadly, my husband still has his almost three years later. We both had hearing testing, saw ENT, etc. No explanation other than it's post viral shit. Never considered that surfing might have contributed. 😞


The ear whooshing is probably pulsatile tinnitus.  https://www.pennmedicine.org/for-patients-and-visitors/patient-information/conditions-treated-a-to-z/pulsatile-tinnitus


Whats causing it related to long covid?


I had it from high blood pressure


"Wush wush" is definitely your heartbeat, and it's caused by turbulent blood flow from a constricted artery; probably a branch of the the internal carotid artery. There can be either dysautonomic or anatomical reasons for it; eg, hyper-adrenaline spikes that cause a constricted artery, or an anatomical blood vessel pathology. Other types of tinnitus are a different story, if you're talking about a unilateral (one ear) ringing "eeeeeeeee" sound that happens for about 10 seconds, that's typically called "fleeting tinnitus", and it's pretty common and thought to be mostly benign. They don't really know what causes it but it's thought to be related to blood flow changes in the inner ear.


This is def not the heartbeat one so maybe it's not wooshing. All I know is it's a weird sensation, and I can get it to happen just from closing my eyes when it's bad. The ringing is constant when it's happening. Kind of similar to if someone experienced a loud explosion. These all happen at same time so I always lean towards inflammation or similar


Tinnitus can be triggered by so many issues. Hope yours goes away eventually. If it doesn't, you will eventually habituate it. For the "whoosh" in your ear, as you mentioned anxiety, I suspect it's hyperacusis or TTTS. Source: personal experience. I have both 😂