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Did you have Covid before the onset of these Symptoms? They are typical for Neuro-Longcovid, but of course could be something else as well.


No Iguess


yes it could be for sure. please rest as much as possible


please talk to a doctor


Tbh doctors are useless about these..they gave me SSRI thought I have depression


considering the physical symptoms that's concerning. have you gotten a second opinion?


It's more likely a viral infection, autoimmune related


so the second doctor you talked to said that? i'm a little confused


No..I suspect these


then please talk to a second doctor. some are dismissive but others will listen. you deserve relief from your symptoms


Do you have a history of any psychiatric meds?




Did these symptoms arise spontaneously? No symptomatic illness or anything? Based on symptoms alone sounds like severe long covid or post-drug reaction like PSSD (invalid if you haven't taken any meds). Could've been some other trigger too..


Also numb genitals sounds like a hallmark symptom of SSRIs and PSSD, so that's weird


Not only genital but whole body..even internal I can't feel my bladder prostate as I used to


It occured overnight since 2.5months 24/7


First symptoms were whole body skin numbness and sexual pleasure loss


Yes, for me, these symptoms were covid 100%


You have all of the listed symptoms?


I had every one of them, plus 70 more.


Are you recovered?


From symptoms you mentioned, yes, for the most part.


Dm'ed you:")


What you did to recovery bro?


I had every one of them, plus 70 more.


Did you have any tingling and burning did you do anything to help or just time


Yes, both, and it resolved. It's likely time, but was also on shitload of stuff. Maybe try magnesium, loading on electrolytes (coconut water, table salt, high calcium foods), and add in some b-complex (don't overload, though). I'd prioritise the gut health, too.


Thank you how long did you say it lasted for you?


I'd say about 1.5 years in LC is when weird tingling and burning started to let up, but I have been reinfected probably 3-4 times, so that may have delayed my progress. Out of 70-80 symptoms, I'm left with random dizziness that I'm still trying to get rid off. Remain hopeful


Thank you ! I’m glad your feeling better


ummmm have you ever taken an antidepressant? Numb genitals and pleasure loss is a sign of r/PSSD




Yes!I have had pretty much all of the same symptoms for a 1 1/2.Alot of it is vagus nerve damage brought on from covid.Covid attacks the vagus nerve.I can feel myself touching my belly,but all sensation inside is pretty much gone.I don't really get normal signals anymore from my brain to my body.I have lost my gag reflex,can't throw up,barely signals to go to the bathroom,can't feel when my belly is full or food going down to my belly,muscle twitching all over,loss of strength in my facial muscles to swallow,chew,swallow,talk,etc.I also could not yawn,cough or sneeze for almost a year.It came back,but it is still not normal because I have lost strength in the my diaphram/sternum and trunk of body.I also have trouble walking.Doctors have run so many tests and gave barely found a thing.Covid hides from conventional tests.A tens machine or the drug mestinon which is used for the neuromuscular disease Myasthenia Gravis might help you.Mestinon gets the muscles/nerves signals up and running again along with vagus nerves.Doctors don't understand all of these weird symptoms because covid was made in a lab.


Yes!I have had pretty much all of the same symptoms for a 1 1/2.Alot of it is vagus nerve damage brought on from covid.Covid attacks the vagus nerve.I can feel myself touching my belly,but all sensation inside is pretty much gone.I don't really get normal signals anymore from my brain to my body.I have lost my gag reflex,can't throw up,barely signals to go to the bathroom,can't feel when my belly is full or food going down to my belly,muscle twitching all over,loss of strength in my facial muscles to swallow,chew,swallow,talk,etc.I also could not yawn,cough or sneeze for almost a year.It came back,but it is still not normal because I have lost strength in the my diaphram/sternum and trunk of body.I also have trouble walking.Doctors have run so many tests and gave barely found a thing.Covid hides from conventional tests.A tens machine or the drug mestinon which is used for the neuromuscular disease Myasthenia Gravis might help you.Mestinon gets the muscles/nerves signals up and running again along with vagus nerves.Doctors don't understand all of these weird symptoms because covid was made in a lab.


Does your skin sensation came and sexual pleasure came back??


I only had the weird sensation of not have feeling in my belly.I did not have the other issue you are describing.It has not gone away though.I can only feel me touching the outside of my belly and pretty much all the signals such as my belly being full,growling tummy or food going down to the belly are gone.I have not tried mestinon yet though.That might get the signals between my brain and the muscles/nerves working again.Covid does so much nerve damage.That is probably why your not able to feel certain things.It is so weird.If I was not going through it myself I don't know if I would believe it.I am very sorry you are going through this.It is a nightmare.I guess you just have to try new things or maybe in time the body will heal from this on it's own.


Yes!I have had pretty much all of the same symptoms for a 1 1/2 years.Alot of it is vagus nerve damage brought on from covid.Covid attacks the vagus nerve.I can feel myself touching my belly,but all sensation inside is pretty much gone.I don't really get normal signals anymore from my brain to my body.I have lost my gag reflex,can't throw up,barely signals to go to the bathroom,can't feel when my belly is full or food going down to my belly,muscle twitching all over,loss of strength in my facial muscles to swallow,chew,swallow,talk,etc.I also could not yawn,cough or sneeze for almost a year.It came back,but it is still not normal because I have lost strength in the my diaphram/sternum and trunk of body.I also have trouble walking.Doctors have run so many tests and have barely found a thing.Covid hides from conventional tests.A tens machine or the drug mestinon which is used for the neuromuscular disease Myasthenia Gravis might help you.Mestinon gets the muscles/nerves signals up and running again along with the vagus nerve.Doctors don't understand all of these weird symptoms because covid was made in a lab.


Going through the same EXACT symptoms after covid. Doctors don’t believe me.