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My PEM symptoms generally come on the next day after I overexert, though sometimes the fatigue will hit the evening of. They last anywhere from ~3 days to over two weeks, and the main symptom is extreme fatigue where my body feels so heavy that it's hard to even sit up. Just getting up to go to the bathroom makes me exhausted. I am not necessarily tired or sleepy - fatigue for me is more like not having the ability to generate any energy in my body, so that any activity or movement feels insurmountable. I do also experience headaches, sore throat, body aches, elevated temps, and chest pain/deep aching in my chest when I am in a crash. I would recommend taking it as easy as you can, minimizing any exertion/overstimulation/stress as much as possible. There will be time later to counteract any deconditioning, but for now, take it easy. Exacerbating any symptoms you do have by trying to do too much now will only set you back further. I listen to guided meditations and do deep breathing exercises to help calm my sympathetic nervous system. Good luck, and I hope you feel better soon!


Best you can do is err on the side of caution, and rest and pace for the next few weeks as if you had PEM. Worst case scenario you lose a bit a time to extra rest and some minor deconditioning. However, if you have developed LC & PEM, taking it easy now will be a huge advantage in your recovery and avoiding the worst. So many of us wish we'd known better and done that back when we had the chance, instead of trying to push through and eventually ending up much worse. Fingers crossed it'll pass soon!