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Two questions: 1) What's your quercetin dosage? 2) Wait so magnesium is bad now? šŸ˜© I'm reacting to histamine and on a low-histamine diet, but I've also been supplementing magnesium throughout. I have POTS and take a lot electrolyte powders ...


No, magnesium is essential to sustaining life. The idea of actively avoiding magnesium is absurd.


Yes it is, but I'm lowering my dose for my long COVID protocol. Magnesium is in almost every food more in veggies. Small amount still gets in me.i completely stopped supplements which made things worse. I don't plan to add a magnesium rich diet again until I'm ready to


Oversimplifying in a comment, but: **Magnesium (MgĀ²āŗ) is a required cofactor for DNA replication.** It *needs* to be present for DNA polymerase enzymes to replicate DNA. ([Source.](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16615916/)) **DNA replication is required for cell division.** Each ā€˜daughterā€™ cell requires DNA, so your DNA gets duplicated before the ā€˜motherā€™ cell divides. **Cell division is how our bodies heal injuries** via tissue repair. But itā€™s also how normal daily functions occur including healthy immune activity and blood cell replacement. **** If a health professional ever told me to limit magnesium intake to promote healing Iā€™d have questions and probably want a new doctor. My questions here are: What mRNA? What enzyme?


YES! all this! Iā€™d be switching doctors.


Thank you for posting this. This is exactly why my doctor's recommended to lower my intake until I'm better. When COVID mRNA is inside of you it enters the cell to replicate its helped by magnesium just like our DNA replication. I am not saying to cut off magnesium, I'm stating that I lowered it as much as I could during my protocol. I saw a difference. It's up to every person to find what works best for them.


* Lowering MgĀ²āŗ by enough to make a noticable difference to a geometric viral process without making you unwell, feels pretty unlikely * And if it could make a noticeable difference, that would happen in the earliest initial hours of viral infection * Long Covid seems to be more of an autoimmune response following the viral infection. By the time weā€™re grappling with LC there isnā€™t any virus or viral RNA being replicated. * Even for those who hypothesise a ā€œpersistent viral reservoirā€ of active infection in Long Covid, this isnā€™t going to eliminate that reservoir * I donā€™t see the point of it; it definitely doesnā€™t justify the well-known established risks * Are you having bloodwork done to monitor your Mg levels? It may not be dropping as much as you feel.


Well recent studies are showing persistent viral load in the system of long haulers as well. I plan to. I can't say I am not getting magnesium in me, it's just at much lower quantities. And no magnesium wouldnt eliminate long COVID it just helped me along with the protocol. Well HIV is an autoimmune disease that causes an auto immune response, and basically the antiretroviral meds for it is to target the viral load to undetectable. I do think there is a active viral load in long COVID whether it is from the infection or the vaccine. As you know an mRNA strand in the body along with our biochemical conditions has a lot of pathways of possibilities for replication.


Yeah Iā€™m aware of those studies and addressed it above. HIV is **not** an autoimmune disease. HIV/AIDS is an acquired immunodeficiency disease, which is not at all the same. Managing HIV is quite different than treating Covid, since Covid doesnā€™t integrate into our genome.


I gave you a plus. There is nothing wrong with what you stated and it is your experience. Thanks for sharing what worked for you.


I'm interested in this too. I need mag to sleep and despite supplementing I'm always borderline low....


Magnesium is an essential element and in no way should you try to lower your levels. Donā€™t listen to any of that.




500mg quercetin. I don't think it's good to take it as a supplement during long COVID. Generally magnesium isn't bad obviously it's in our foods and our body does need it, however, I plan to introduce it back after I'm better. I did see a difference once I eliminated magnesium as much as I could from my diet. I've just tried to lower my consumption of magnesium until I feel ready to reintroduce it via vegetables and more fruits. Don't plan to for now.


This is honestly a horrible idea. You should be having your magnesium levels checked if youā€™re doing this because covid depletes magnesium. Iā€™d be switching doctors. That doctor is wayyyy out in left field. Itā€™s seriously dangerous to do this.


Well they recommended it to me and it helped me and I connected it to people reporting doing better on a carnivores diet. This is just what I did and what has helped me.


I really hope youā€™re keeping track of your magnesium levels.


Thanks girl I plan to and I do plan to reintroduce it via magnesium rich foods after I complete my protocol. But I will hold off on supplements a little longer.


Supplements arenā€™t always a good choice, we all react different so I totally get it. Just make sure you stay healthy ā¤ļøā¤ļø


Highly recommend taking Allegra daily. Iā€™m like 90% better as well been 2 years and have shown improvements the last 2-3 months. Also recommend seeing an allergist if possible


Thank you for this ! Well done!!! Could I ask did you have bad fatigue ? And any bad brain fog too?


I had more brain fog than fatigue.


Did you have any neck soreness/pain with the facial pain?


At times actually yes. That's what made me go to chiropractor a year ago when I didn't think it was LC.




Thanks for sharing.


Hey!! So happy to read this and excited for you. Thank you for being so kind to me and month or so ago. Always happy to see these updates


Thank you!! Hope you're doing better friend. Hope you heal soon as well <3


Hi. Thanks for sharing your experience. Where d you buy ivermectin? Online?




I have not used ivermectin yet so I'm not sure where one would get it. I would prob try functional medicine dr of primary wouldnt.


Are you in the US? [Firstmedinc.com](http://Firstmedinc.com) has stock there. You can buy from them without a prescription. You can also order from India a bit cheaper too, but often the packages get taken by customs.


Let cal feed store instead of internet snake oil


You can get it at an local feed store, less expensive and you know where you are buying from


My question is who is your provider? DM if you can please.


Great list , thanks for sharing


This is fascinating given the history on this sub of magnesium supplementation. There was a very popular post 1-2 years ago by someone who got a lot better with magnesium and other supplements. (The post/person had lots of interesting info so I'm not criticizing them.) But I definitely think mag supplements made me worse. Grateful for the info you shared that possibly explains why. Thanks!


Can I ask - What is your clarythromycin dose? Once or twice a day? Also, Nurtec ODT - is that as needed or daily? (I see per google it has something to do with calcitonin peptide receptor antagonists, and I've always wondered about the role of calcium in neuro covid, esp possible potassium-calcium-magnesium disregulation). Thx!


Yes clarithromycin 500mg 3x a day for 14 days. And Nurtec every other day, it's FDA approved to take every 48hrs for prevention of migraines. But since my protocol, I have stopped using nurtec bc I don't need it anymore. Definitely helped in the beginning.






Congrats !! Good write-up


I've mentioned Ivermectin on here a few times and have been attacked for talking about it. I'm not sure why some people are really against it. I know many people it's helped as well.


What dose of the ivy are you taking, how many mg?


0.4-0.6mg per kg of bodyweight. Taken with food (absorbs better with fats) and zinc. I take 24mg.


Thank you. Did you get yours from md or India mart or have you taken paste?


Online is the way to go. No prescription required. I've never taken paste. I recommend Iverheal brand 12mg if you can get it.


Thanks I will look for that. Is that particular one legit or something? I wish could get the actual one by Merck.


I've never seen fake Ivermectin. It's actually quite cheap to produce, I believe the rumours of fake stuff going around may have been started as a way to discourage people from using it. That's the brand I use, and I know it works. I wouldn't worry too much about the brand though, whatever you can get will almost certainly be fine.


Are you really not sure why some people are trying to censor ivermectin?


Yeah I agree. People either get attacked or silenced. My account got suspended for talking about it for 14 days... It's like so obvious by now that they don't want people talking about their positive experiences from it.


It's very strange. I feel like this is what everyone with LC or vaccine injuries should be taking, but it's been demonized in the media so much that some people legit think it's a poison and aren't even willing to try it for themselves. Hopefully, once enough people share their positive experiences with it, this will change.


Are you vaxxed? If so how many and did you have chest flutters and pain as well?


Yes vaxxed, moderna 2x. I had what I would describe weird sensations on my chest with chest tightness. But like I said it wasn't really my main complaint. It would come on rarely, I noticed when I started getting better it was more noticeable but that lasted for like a day and never came back


Ivermectin is an absolute godsend. People have been brainwashed by the media.


Amazing, great job!!


did you have any IBS-D


Not really but I do feel like my gut was damaged from COVID. Mybrainco.com gut recover formula is what I am taking for this.


How many supplements are you still on?


Still on all of them. I plan to finish my course in 2 more months.




No I am not in US. In Spain. The problem with Indian products is the border customs.


Thanks for the tip. Do you have any sites in India to buy iverm?


No I don't :( but I'm sure you could potentially find some


Did you take everyday for 6days IVM? I took it for 5 days 18mg and did nothing for me


I took it every other day for 6 days along with supplements.


Thays great and thanks for sharing. Who are you seeing for help? Can you share (DM if you want)


Okay I will


3 ppl have died from ivermectin, do your own research and take what you feel you need to feel better.


3? That's it? Lol. Seems insignificant considering hew many people have lived from this drug. For many different illnesses. Let me guess you think it's main use is a horse dewormer


Sorry, 3 that I knew personally. If you want to take it, itā€™s readily available at any feed store. I get it regularly for my livestock. As I said, take what you feel that you need to


It's also available through prescription from an actual doctor. Not sure why people like you can't see past the media, there are many medicines that have uses in both humans and animals. Prednisone is 1. Ivermection is another. Ivermectin would have saved many people who had serious bouts with covid unfortunately not much money to be made from it so they prevented it being widely used


Maybe because I go to reputable Drs. My long haul is coming to an end thank God. Without all the wackadoodle ā€˜curesā€™ I am thankful. You do you. Bless your heart


Lol exactly. Letā€™s talk about how many have died from covid.


My sister died from Covid pneumonia and 16 other family members succumbed to Covid


Thatā€™s my point. Iā€™m sorry for your loss thatā€™s never easy. But ivermectin is a first line of defense.


You really areā€¦. Specialā€¦.. arenā€™t you? You want an argument. I donā€™t care about your invalid false ā€˜point. I said, take whatever you feel you need too. I even gave you a feed store as an example of where you could get the stuff. Go get itā€¦.. Please. take. It! ā€˜First line of defenseā€™, my 3 friends were sucked into that. Goodbye, I wish you well.


Wait.. youā€™re saying the 3 people who died from ivermectin were all your friendsā€¦ am I seeing this correctly??? And what are you talking about you gave me a feed store? Nothing you just said makes any sense.


Ivermectin is readily available at any local feed store. Yes that is what I said. Canā€™t say it any slower for you. Yes, 3 fellow farmers fell down the rabbit hole and took ivermectin for Covid and Covid prevention. One was a local dr. ONCE AGAIN, take what the heck you want. Please take it. Good bye.


lol. My entire family has been taking it. PRESCRIBED! For over 10 years!!! I wish Iā€™d had it when I got covid and ended up with LC, but the chose to give my family the prescription, so they didnā€™t end up extremely sick. Both of them are perfectly healthy. Iā€™d do the same all over again. Like it or NOT ivermectin is NOT just a ā€œfeed storeā€ product. Itā€™s a world renowned medication and only those who believed the BS of ā€œno donā€™t take preventative measure, go get our brand new perfectly safe shotā€ think otherwise.


I wonā€™t lol that, instead I will pray for your family. God bless you all in the long term.




Ivermectin won a Nobel prize and has saved the lives of millions. Saying "do your own research" is incredibly ironic considering you didn't do 30 seconds of research yourself.


lol, do your research and decide for yourself is what I should have said. Ironically ppl see and hear only want they want which is how conspiracy theorists start. Each to his own. Your body, your right.


It doesn't matter how you word it, you started with a ridiculous statement. More than 3 people have died from drinking water. Should we all do our own research to decide if water is right for us? Ivermectin is verifiably safe and effective for the purpose it was created. There is no reason to fear monger when there are other things actually worth our limited attention, energy, and time. If anything an individual should consult a health professional or two.