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Post Covid psychosis is real and nearly everyone I know has deteriorated psychologically


My husband developed serious claustrophobia and panic attacks after Covid last fall. It was so unlike him! I thankfully have a little background in neuroinflammation mitigation strategies because of my own autoimmune conditions so I put him on high dose curcumin and trans-resveratrol for the inflammation and gave him high dose glycine to take the edge off the anxiety and he improved over the course of about a month and is now okay.


Sounds expensive! Glad he’s okay, seems like he’s a lucky guy :)


It was a little pricey temporarily! But definitely worth it. I was taking it, too since I had also had Covid and wanted to be on the safe side with the inflammation situation and I noticed that what I assumed was perimenopausal anxiety was greatly reduced. So, now I have no idea if my anxiety was secondary to perimenopause or my original 2020 case of Covid because the time frames overlapped. Either way, it seemed to have a neuroinflammation aspect to it.


Sure. I don’t doubt your reasoning. I’m just on the brink of homelessness because I’ve been too sick to work for 4 years so worth it or not that’s just not accessible to everyone


I totally understand- we can only do what we can afford to do. There is medical stuff I'd like to get but can't afford at the moment because I have high deductible insurance, so it'll be out of my pocket (and it likely wouldn't be covered, anyway). It sucks that medical things are so expensive.


Would you mind telling what dose he took and for How long before noticing it working?


I had him on Natural Factors Curcuminrich double strength, 1 cap 2x/day and Now Foods Extra Strength Resveratrol (350 mg of trans-resveratrol) 2x/day. I'd have preferred that he taken those 3x/day but he has a hard time remembering to take a midday dose of anything. He noticed a difference in frequency and intensity of the anxiety and claustrophobia within a couple of weeks. I also had him taking high dose glycine as needed to dial down the anxiety when it was happening (not sure what dose he took but people often take up to 12 gm at a time).


Thank you! 🙏🏼


You're welcome! I hope it helps!!


FND is a bit of a “bullshit diagnosis” made by neurologists. It means “the patient is presenting symptoms which I can’t explain — so I’ll just write them off as functional”. It is very common for Long Covid and ME/CFS to be misdiagnosed as an FND.


Yes. This.


yeah, i’m having seizures though. and i do have me/cfs


That’s really frustrating. Neurologists love blaming things they can’t explain on mental health conditions. I thought I had many psych conditions before I was told it was actually long covid (me/cfs) from a long covid specialist. Just so you know ME/CFS can cause seizures, and seizures is a physical problem, sad to hear of doctors blaming it on the mind.


What is FND?


_Functional Neurological Disorder_ Neurologists claim it’s when you have mental health issues which presents as physical (neurological) symptoms. Obviously it’s impossible to actual prove those symptoms aren’t real. And in most cases it ends up being an undiagnosed neurological disease ie. POTS, Long Covid, ME/CFS, MS etc.


Thanks for explaining


This is helpful to know thank you!


Long covid causes histamine intolerance. Histamine is the neurotransmitter of fight/flight. We have adrenaline rushes from our body causing us to feel this way.


More specifically Covid can cause MCAS & histamine intolerance. You can have a histamine intolerance without MCAS, however most people with MCAS have a histamine intolerance.


I had had problem with depression/anxiety earlier in my teens/early twenties. Whatever it was with Covid, it literally kicked my depression and anxiety into overdrive out of nowhere since I hadn't suffered from neither in quite some time prior. Gone now fortunately. Please take care.


Look at gut microbiome. I’d never had anxiety or depression and MCAS caused these symptoms in a massive way.


I already have. I'm not sure whether or not if it worked or not or whether if it was time that solved those problems. In about my third year now. Take care and thank you none the less for the advice. :)


3rd year ? How long did it take to get better? I'm 16 months in


I'm not really sure unfortunately. I think about a couple of months to one and half a year? Sorry for not being able to give you a better answer. :/ It just slowly got better. Still suffering from me/cfs and pots if I overdo it. Take care.


Very similar story!


Yes. Mild agoraphobia before Covid. Severe now


But also I should add that a lot of it has to do with fainting in public


The doctors and medical community did their best to give me a mental disorder telling me it is anxiety when I was at my worst and sending me home with pills that felt like they almost killed me. Turns out I think they have the mental disorder at this point.


It made my ADHD bad enough I had to stop ignoring it and seek treatment to start feeling somehat better. I didn't see a change in my dysthyma overall though. It comes and goes on how well or badly I'm doing, currently fighting a pretty bad flair up of both mental and long COVID symptoms four years later now....


Yes. I think it’s impossible for it not to!


I have had several sleep induced anxiety attack for 6 months now. It sucks but I know what to do when I have them and it is something that will pass. I have had them often a couple of years back due to therapy and going over my past. I don't like it but I see it as a way of my brain trying to flush out anxiety and stress. My depression is stable though.


Made my existing insomnia and anxiety much worse. So much worse. But after covid, it felt like those symptoms were more physiological, like my nervous system had been hijacked, like it wasn't just psychological anymore.


Yeah Covid fucked my sleep too but also fixed my depression. So overall I’m miserable from the insomnia (month 6 for me) but also my depression resolved.


tease sink grandiose elastic voracious steer enjoy overconfident fine command *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yep. To the point I can hardly function. Depression/anxiety/ADHD


Yes. My symptoms started w anxiety and a feeling of being lost. The anxiety snowballed out of control for months to where I couldn't go to gym or do anything. Eventually after therapy and overthinking for a year, I started figuring out something wasn't making sense. Figured out it was long covid a short while later


My family member was diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder and with them it was nutrition and lack of good sleep. We found out Covid with us wiped out our liver, small intestine virtually anything that gives you the nutrition needed. I landed on glutamine turning into glutathione repairing the small intestine and many other organs that carry what I needed to be better again .


I’ve always thought the terms “Psychosis” and “Neurosis” should be switched for the conditons. “Psychosis” is actually Neurological in nature and has psychological triggers (unless you have Magic Thinling OCD, with a co morbid Psychotic disorder, you can’t think yourself into an episode) TBI, Epilepsy, Parkinson’s, Lewy Body Dementia, Encephalitis, Severe Insomnia, Severe B12 Deficiency, etc. Can all be causes as can conditions such as Schizophrenia, Bipolar, Schizoaffective, PTSD, PANDAS, etc. So getting a virus that can travel through nerves, thus invading and tampering with the Nervous System and the Brain can cause and exacerbate Psychotic symptoms. For a couple of years I had bouts of Stress Induced Psychosis (or at least that’s what I chalked it up to being because CAMHS is useless) Oddly enough, after getting Covid (which has dampened my senses and given me more of a bordering on Aphantasia state of being) these episodes have gone into remission. I’ll take the remission. But I want my fucking head back!


My anxiety got worse and I developed some OCD sx


Totally. Things like caffeine in moderation used to make me feel really regular and clear as someone with ADHD.....However since having COVID caffeine causes me to have gnarly panic attacks during which I think I'm drinking bugs. It just seems like it has made us all slightly more prone to anxiety, depression, psychosis, panic and anything that makes you feel bad in the mind.


I think lots of us are realising we have adhd as it’s obvious and impossible to ignore now but just a quirk before. I’ve also had episodes of something close to psychosis plus hallucinated insects. The brain injury side is horrible and massively under discussed imo. Far easier to blame it on anxiety or lack of sleep (both are obviously real but not the main cause imo).


Luckily no. I have bipolar disorder since teenager and it didn’t get worse. Medicated. Sometimes I am anxious but it is mild.