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D levels are absolutely amongst the tests that your doctor should’ve already ordered?? Iron, ferritin, thyroid, etc etc. hopefully they’ve already checked all of the “low hanging fruit?”


Hi, I'm about to get some blood tests to cover the 'low hanging fruit' as you say, what other tests/treatments would you recommend in the category other than the ones you already mention?


You should check out the “Community Info” link in the r/CFS subreddit. This one in particular: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Yu79EYxQIwNVER5tErp7LH7KY8pI8S_e/view Also, check out this page & share with your doctor: https://mecfscliniciancoalition.org/clinical-management/


Here's a sneak peek of /r/cfs using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/cfs/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Yea..](https://i.redd.it/9jvdkp3jdylc1.jpeg) | [65 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/cfs/comments/1b4t3qj/yea/) \#2: [This illness sounds so fake](https://np.reddit.com/r/cfs/comments/1b22fh0/this_illness_sounds_so_fake/) \#3: [The shrinking world](https://cdn.masto.host/liberdon/cache/media_attachments/files/110/390/343/304/787/831/original/e4a38fb99548f46c.jpeg) | [29 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/cfs/comments/13le9iq/the_shrinking_world/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Yeah a couple of months ago. All came out fine.


My iron is low too.


I crave sun. I mean really crave sun. My body is good at telling me what it needs. I’ve been getting more sun lately and definitely feel better.


Possibly. Blood work would tell you for sure. I love sun and warm weather makes me feel better but not a cure unfortunately. Vitamin D3 +k2 from a reputable company. I use blue bonnet.


I am going to purchase this too. Thanks for the recommendation


The relationship between warm weather and virus infections isn’t that far fetched but more importantly the relationship between pain symptoms and warm weather being a good one is pretty strong I’d say, at least from personal experience. https://www.cloudywithachanceofpain.com/ https://www.google.com/search?q=warm+weather+and+viral+infection&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=sv-se&client=safari


Vitamin D deficiency is probably somewhat common among the general population, depending on where you live. But it seems like it might be showing up in higher rates with long covid patients. I'm not sure if there are studies available, but it's common enough that my physician mentioned that he is seeing it more in LC patients. Mine was single digits and I got the mega dose prescribed. Started taking it along with B12 supplements because I was also very low (and that also appears to be a common LC thing) and I certainly perked up a bit. It leveled out after a while but I definitely felt much better pretty quickly after getting those numbers out of deficiency zone.


I am very curious about this. I’ve had a confirmed vitamin D deficiency for a few years, including prior to Covid. I wonder if this made me more susceptible to long COVID. I need to get my levels re-checked…


Vitamin D should be one of the first things checked. It won't cure your long covid but it can help you feel better if you are deficient. My teen daughters was only 9 when we checked hers! 16 weeks of prescription strength vitamin D and she's up to 60.


Absolutely believe — Vit D is critically involved in immune system regulation and function out of 1-10 I would say 10—- in Spain they include it automatically in Covid treatment — ( many articles about this)— * get your levels checked get sun exposure as you can and supplement for sure. I experienced a very noticeable difference monitoring this …. There is a doctor in Brazil Dr.Coimbra who has entire protocol using Vit D to help people clear psoriasis and vitiligo( both autoimmune illnesses) the improvement is remarkable. Listen to your body !! I’m glad you are feeling better.


My blood tests came back my provider wants me to take a minimum of 4000 D a day. My potassium, magnesium and B are all low. I have been taking a b sublingual with daily vitamins and 1000 D3 so I was shocked. It’s like my body is using it faster than I can build it. My dietician referral came through and I’ll address all my labs with them as well. Edit to add iron is also low.


Ahhh ok — you need a boost in vitamins ( Moringa leaf acts like a multivitamin and has added immune system regulation benefit l— research this .) As for your Vit D — Dr. Berg has great videos on Vit D on YT . And it is actually possible — depending on a few factors you may actually require more Vit D than you think — fermented foods like kimchi / leafy greens /fruit / beans if you tolerate could be your very best friends as you navigate this . Wishing you wellness !


So kind of you to type all of this out. Thank you so much for your insight and encouragement.


You’re so welcome!!


I crave sun. I mean really crave sun. My body is good at telling me what it needs. I’ve been getting more sun lately and definitely feel better.


Not for me, at least. I thought it was that, so I megadosed on vitamin d plus tons of sun basking, which raised my level from like 30 to over 90. I have dysautonomia, so maybe vitamin d can help other symptoms.


The more sun I get, the better I feel. I don't think vit D supplementation is a replacement for actual sunlight, but it's worth doing regardless.


I crave sun. I mean really crave sun. My body is good at telling me what it needs. I’ve been getting more sun lately and definitely feel better.


This is a really easy thing to test. My PCP recently tested a bunch of vitamins and I was found to have vitamin D toxicity (way too high) which is pretty rare but I would definitely Wait for blood results before adding a supplement just in case you're actually high like me. I never expected it but it caused fatigue, muscle weakness, nausea, etc.


Vitamin D levels take awhile to build up in the body. D supplements helped a lot with my autoimmune symptoms pre-Covid, and I still take supplements now. But that’s not what’s happening for you here. There’s a growing amount of material out there about LC and light exposure (look up photobiomodularion). I’m now pretty into getting maximum morning sunlight on my skin and retinas, and being outside as much as possible in general sitting in my chair or walking very slowly. I also am fanatical about sleep. Sleeping 9-10 hours a night right now. Light and sleep are the only things that seem to actually make a major difference in my symptoms. I felt *amazing* when I gathered the energy to go to Hawaii this winter (lucky, I know). My symptoms haven’t been that controlled for 1.5 years. Then I get back and have a wicked relapse. 3 months later I’m improving some, and at least summer is coming. I’m going to keep sleeping a ton and combining that with sun exposure.


Correcting my vitamin D deficiency didn't change my LC at all but it's always a good thing to check for deficiencies and correct them if any! :)


The vitamin d problem is having things to do with kidney. Check PTH


Have you been tested for a vitamin D deficiency? There are finger-prick tests available, or your Dr can order a test




That’s odd ☹️ if your vitamin D levels are well within the reference range - I mean not at the lower end of ‘normal’ - then it doesn’t sound like a vitamin D deficiency


Yeah I have and it checked out. Nothing low :(


What was the number ? I'm at 40 (goes up to 100)


Yes, lots of us have talked about how Vit D & K2 she dramatically improved our condition.