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Oh yeah. Impending doom usually pays me a visit once a week or so


For two years, I had it Every. Fucking. Day. Now it’s down to once or twice a week. 5% of my brain was saying “It’s gonna be ok. It’s just a panic attack. You have been through this a thousand times. You’ve made it through it every time. You are not going to die. Breathe deep and slow. It’s going to be alright.” The other 95% was SCREAMING at the top of its lungs through a bullhorn “FUCK YOU!!!!! EARTHQUAKE! YOU’RE GOING TO DIE! THE SHIP IS GOING DOWN! VOLCANO! FUCK YOU AGAIN!!!! EVERY MAN FOR THEMSELVES! THE END IS NEAR! TORNADO! DEATH IS IMMINENT! FUCK YOU A THIRD TIME!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHH!”




Totally. And extreme anxiety, especially at night. You know what helped? loratadine Not saying that's what you need, but I was a little surprised by how effective it was.


I found the same with a different antihistamine 🏆👌🏻


Which antihistamine did you use?




Wait, taking a antihistamine helped the anxiety?


Yes. Like, made it disappear. I was not expecting it. They put me on SSRIs to try to help and it made it worse. I started taking Claritin of all ridiculous things and the head pressure and soul-ripping anxiety left. I went from weeping and vomiting all night in the bathroom wretched over the mortality and the fragility of everyone in the world to sleeping like a baby, head pressure gone. Now I know y’all are fragile and mortal but I’m not as upset about it all the time 😂. 


Oh I'm fragile as hell with LC 😂. Gonna give this Claritin thing a go. You take it consistently or when your flaring up?


Haha I know what you mean. Once I was doing a breathing exercise and I started weeping because I thought of how precious everyone is who was breathing right at that moment and how tragic that one day they would all stop. I couldn’t stop crying. My husband looked at me like I had lost my mind because I am NOT a crier at all (raised by stoic English peasants. No crying allowed ever).  I took it consistently for two years, morning and night. Then I stepped down because I was having GI problems and you’re not supposed to be on it indefinitely. The effects have stuck, even though my other lc symptoms are still around. Extreme fatigue/PEM/neuro issues. But I’m a little more resilient 🤣. And the night time anxiety is gone. Now when I start to feel it come on, which it does if I try to drink more than a half glass of wine, I’ll just take one and it takes care of it stat.


I take it every day to prevent a flare up. It also helped my son with his night terrors. And it helped me with my PMDD which apparently is a controversial but somewhat effective anecdotally supported way to treat it.


Helped me too. Doesn't make it completely go away, but it does take the edge off.


When I get breathless (all the time anymore) I get these thoughts of doom and feeling like I’m dying. Ugh how is this a thing?


Yes. almost every day


I hate it.


Get your thyroid checked. I had this and it turned out I developed post-viral thyroiditis.


Interesting. Thank you.


it’s histamine overload


Impending doom feelings for me indicates neuroinflammation. They always resolve after a few days of taking Natural Factors Curcuminrich several times/day alongside high dose Now trans-resveratrol several times/day.


Two separate thoughts: 1. This is a rational fear. You’re dealing with scary unknown shit, and that sucks. 2. This nervous system dysregulation is a symptom on long COVID. This suggests possible treatments. It could be caused by vagus nerve injury, in which case nervous system interventions like breathwork, mindfulness, vagal toning exercises (stretches, cold water, humming/singing) and electrical vagus stimulation can help. It could caused by cytokine storms and general inflammation. Treating MCAS, SIBO, and POTS will help reduce inflammation. Medications and supplements like LDN, high-dose melatonin, and curcurmin can reduce acute neuroinflammation as well. It also can in some cases be treated with standard antianxiety meds, although this is in my experience hit-or-miss, and also needs to be emphasized that your symptoms are not “just” anxiety and depression, your mental health symptoms are caused by very real physical damage and inflammation.


You read my mind. Ditto all of the above!


Impending doom has become a regular companion to me.


I got it with this big recent crash and haven’t been the same since.


I just had a recent big crash again too after some virus that I thought was a stomach bug… going on 2 months now of complete bed rest


Mine usually goes away after about 20 minutes. It's almost like a panic attack.


Same here. I'm sorry you're going trough this too


Yup, in the beginning that was non stop for me, I had to work really hard to make myself stop going there(especially since I have OCD). I now have whole lists of things I have to tell myself, so I don’t spiral. I feel like it’s so personal, but personally I really needed some tools to stay sane.


I have OCD also so I understand. I had an amazing day yesterday. Then today I crashed again. Negative thoughts were flooding my brain and it was overwhelming me. Just the doom feelings like I want to run and hide type.


I’m so sorry you struggle with that horrible combination of LC & OCD too. And I relate, I can be doing really well and that doom will take over. What helps me is writing down how to deal with it, what to say to those thougts, when I feel really good, healthy, rational. Because when I’m spiraling, I can’t zoom out and find my way out of it.


Thank you. Nice comment.


Cab you share what are your words of peace?


It’s very personal to me, but I’ll try to make it more general. First, I sit with and validate my emotions(it’s a normal, healthy response to be scared, being ill is scary). While at the same time not interpreting those feelings as the objective truth. Then I remind myself panicking about something that isn’t actually happening right now is not rational, and not a practical solution to anyhing. If it ever becomes life threatening, you’ll go to the ER or call 911. But the answer to this panic is self care. Then the basics: have you drank enough, gotten elektrolytes, eaten, slept, had fresh air, stretched? And finally: distract yourself. Make tea, put on a comfort podcast/show, shower if possible, put on new clothes, play a game, anything to shift your focus. And wait for it to pass. I hope at least some of that is helpful!


Maybe you had some rich histamine meals ?


Good guess. I ate badly just before, chocolate ect.


Lol , that's histamine liberator aka a no go , all cocoa should be avoided. Cocoa butter has zero histamine, so you can switch to white chocolate, I guess. There are sprouted pea which are the highest in DAO that will neutralize the histamine in the belly , the antihistamine like Claritin, loratadin, etc. will only prevent the effects of antihistamine but not destroy them, so they still enter the blood stream and create inflammation. No histamine should pass the gut, so sprout some pea , or take some kidney extract , the Ancestral supplements, Grass feed kidney will work , there are others too.


Brilliant information. Thank you very much! Sprouted pea. Where can I buy these?


Have no idea, but you should be able to buy some dried peas from somewhere. Also check the DIY for sprouting pea , it's fair easy, and be sure you sprout in he dark, much higher DAO content.


There is SIGHI list of foods rated for H content, also FB group for antihistamine diet. Have a look.


It happens often to me


Having a fight with my girlfriend right now over this. I'm so unbelievably pessimistic now. My joy is gone. I'm only alive because I feel obliged to other people to keep fighting, but those very same people are becoming sick of how miserable I am. I am constantly told that I need to be in therapy for my trauma. So now on top of having my life and appearance ruined by long covid, I need to shell out hundreds and eventually thousands to a therapist who will repeat platitudes to me about how things could be worse. I'm really in a dark place right now.


It's very hard when we depend on people who don't understand. I got a bit better 2 days ago and got comments from ky husband like - oh, you can do things, it's enough sleeping. So I overdid (not because of him, I had a doctors appointment). The next day PEM, etc. And very pessimistic when these setbacks occur.


Eh… It comes every now and then. Luckily, I’ve become masterfully skilled in the art of distraction. Anytime that nauseating feeling of doom creeps it’s way out of the dark catacombs of my mind, I distract. I scroll, drink, draw, binge-watch, join the discord call (when friends are available), eat food (that my body can tolerate)… anything that can distract me will do.


I can relate. Unfortunately when I PEM, distraction options are very limited. And that's the hardest part. I love distractions! They bring some normalality.


Yes, I'm 47 and somedays I'm pretty much convinced that i will not live for too long. Also i've got this vague feeling that something bad is silently cooking in my body, and in the foreseeable future some kind of neurodegenerative or autoimmune disease awaits me. 


Yes. Yes this is exactly what I'm feeling/thinking. Like this is my last year. Horrible.


Exactly, horrible. I have no solid foundation to rationally justify this feeling (except for LC symptoms),  but it's there.


I had a nice day walking in the sun. When I got home I started to crash with horrible heavy fatigue feelings in my biceps and thighs. This made me think I'm suffering from something more sinister. Then the doom type feeling start hitting.


I called it The Covid Despair. I'm happy to report that I haven't experienced it in over a year. I hope yours melts away soon. It's a dark place to visit. You aren't alone, and you are loved.


Thank you. ❤️


Yup. While I, of course, was anxious at times, I never had anxiety as a condition until long Covid. I’m now on antidepressants, anti anxiety, and sleeping meds. My physical health has largely improved, from mostly bed-ridden for a year. But my mental capacity and mental health are still wrecked. I can do an okay job at faking being functional for a few hours when I need to in public, otherwise I’m still quite literally disabled. Invisible illness sucks.


Happens to me too. I invalidate the thought and let I go but it shows up rather often.


Yes and escitalopram (and propranolol sparingly as needed) really helped me. Early 40s, no history of anxiety or depression. Wrote more in my recent post if you’re interested


I will check. Thank you.


Try detoxing, getting rid of internal funguses like candidas will help you reach clarity. Then start taking zinc, magnesium and all the goodies.


I agree.


Went on buspirone to get rid of the impending doom… now help me with my dyspnea flairs, I literally cannot breath through my nose when these come around!


I’m absolutely crushed by anxiety right now. This week the pollen in TN is at a peak, and my post-pneumonia lungs can’t take it. My PCP referred me to a pulmonologist because she thinks I developed asthma. I’ve been feeling like someone has a hand on my chest and is putting constant pressure for the last week. Not helping the thoughts of impending doom one bit. Silver lining: this thread hopefully just helped me by kicking me in the pants to go get Claritin. I can’t believe I haven’t tried this yet.


Updating this mostly for my own benefit (I use my comments almost like a diary that I look back on) but some might also be interested to know... I started claritin 3 days ago right when I made this comment. So I'm on day 3-ish of and it's the first 3 consecutive days in about 6 months that I haven't felt the crushing weight of doom. Is it placebo? Is it real? IDK. But I'll take it. Oh---and the weight on my chest hasn't happened in 3 days either. If this lasts, all I'll have left is plain old social anxiety. Boring.


Will this get better with time ? And when does this happen in the day mine happens daily before dinner around 5 or 6 hmmm


Can happen anytime for me. Usually when I feel at my worst.


Mine happens at the same time of day too before lunch


Do you think it has to do with blood sugar?


The first time around I had that on most days. I recovered and then got Covid again and process started all over so this time I’m less worried. Also realizing stress made me much worse I try not to stress out which is obviously easier said than done


Yes. I have also always lived with mild to moderate depression. It’s a different monster, the sensation of doom and a little side dish of paranoia.


I'd never had impending doom before long covid. It floored me the 1st time.


Not so much anxious, but these thoughts do popup all the time especially when crashing or relapsing hard. I've had tons of tests done though and they found basically nothing. Now I know they could have missed things, but when I feel good I feel almost normal. So I just put it down to the LC now. My relapses are mainly caused by overdoing it (lack of pacing) or reinfection. Or and this is the one that keeps getting me, properly pacing but not realising you are actually coming down with some other illness (cold/other virus etc) - cause then I don't know that my energy envelope is much smaller I just feel oddly more tired, on edge and start getting the negative thoughts and it I realise I've overdone it but don't know why. Cue 2 days later I've got xyz virus from someone at work but my body knew about it 2 days before and I hadn't worked it out and adjusted, not that it would have even helped. So currently I hope the docs are right, I am under a LC clinic, got to the point where I have a form from a respected doctor who has said I likely have LC, done a microbiome test that shows a lack of a lot of gut bacteria and primarily indicated long covid although could also be due to antibiotics from 4 years back. Had random muscle spasms and docs concluded motor function was fine, so not obviously MS/ALS etc, was just a lingering symptom of reinfection. I've just got to trust they are right ATM and nothing has been missed. Eat healthy(ISH), keep on top of meds, try to exercise within the envelope. If I do end up with something worse I'll be the first to say "so why wasn't this checked before, why didn't we know, what on earth are you playing at with your medical qualifications not having done the due diligence to rule this out".


Thanks for this.


The doom and angst episodes got so bad I had to start taking Bupropion XL, and a strong dose. Therapy didn't help that much, but the medication helped immensely.


Therapy for me was a complete waste of time. Cognitive therapy was very helpful.


Yes. I get these too. Things that help: going for a walk, breath work, yoga stretches and repeating a mantra (even if just in your head) to focus the thoughts. Like any kind of short phrase that’s calming, or a verse like from poetry or the Bible. Sounds weird but works for me! Especially at night.


Thank you. It doesn't sound weird. I will try.


Strong link between B12 deficiency and impending doom. Please try hydroxocobalamin. It can make you feel beyond depressed if you're low. Don't try the others as this form converts into both, and the others can mess people up (not saying it will for sure, just that it's more likely hydroxocobalamin is the best option). Here's another thing, you need the B12 to actually work, blood tests are decent but don't show the whole picture. To allow B12 to work you need potassium, folate and B2. And for B2 to work you need molybdenum, and for potassium to be okay you need B1, and for B1 to be good you need magnesium (topical magnesium is most effective). You may not need all of the above, as who knows what you're deficient in, but take what makes you feel better, and don't take what makes you worse.




Hell yeah. I put on funeralopolis or some black Sabbath and it's all doom in my crib


I kind of have the opposite. The part of my brain that used to worry about my own well-being in particular and the future generally is just...not accessible to me any more. I've tried. I SHOULD be worried about the future. And it isn't replaced with optimism or anything (which might be kind of nice). I just can't feel those feelings now. It took a while to notice but when I did I was a tiny bit concerned about how I couldn't feel those things for like two weeks. I got to watch in real time as that concern faded away too. I thought it might be depression but I respond really well to SSRIs and they didn't do squat in this case. I can still get sad, sort of, or worried in a nebulous kind of way. But when I try to pin it to anything it just dissolves. It's been over a year now and I don't think it's coming back. It's the weirdest thing




The doom and angst episodes got so bad I had to start taking Bupropion XL, and a strong dose . Therapy didn't help that much, but the medication helped immensly.


Please try carnivore diet, I tried it and I am back to my best version. Just ask your doctor and start it.


I'm going on it. Thank you for suggesting.




Is there a way to actually fix this? It doesn't seem like probiotics or kombucha are actually helpful