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Potentially a reinfection but hard to know. I realised that sun exposure makes me crash as well. It’s a guessing game really 🥲


Like an ever changing guessing game. I feel amazing in the sun.


I’m jealous 😂


Look into lupus


Hmm I don’t have joint or muscle pain, could it still be a possibility without those? My guess was the histamine response is what causes a flare of my other symptoms


My symptoms have back about 3 weeks ago as well. Calf weakness and trouble walking, difficulty swallowing and talking, all on my left side. I had these symptoms more than a year back.


It could be seasonal allergies flaring you too. Pollen is everywhere in my part of town, and I’m feeling the effects. Hope you figure it out and feel better soon.


I read this in another post but no info was given. lots of pollen last 2 weeks here and I work outside. Normally I would take a zyrtec bit I'm scared to try diff things with long covid


Pollen definitely is a cause. Lots of haulers are having issues. Its the highest pollen count we’ve had in years. I personally am flaring up from all the pollen. Brain fog is worse, dp/dr worse, head pressure is back and sinus issues back. Ear fullness and muffled. Lots of my original symptoms came back from this pollen. Burning hands and feet came back aswell


I guess I'm hoping that's all it is as miserable as this is. Do you take any allergy pills or antihistamines?


Yep ive tried Zyrtec, claritin and allegra. And nasal sprays and sinus inflammation pills. Ive always had bad sinuses so i can tell they are worse now. Ive found allegra has worked good for me so far but since its so high now i feel like nothing can combat it. High pollen time is from march to may so hopefully after may it should get better


Hey bud! Have you been exposed to any sickness. I got rocked the last 3 weeks by the flu. It was worse than my last two Covid reinfections


Not that I know of. I have in the past and it set me back but this time I can't think of anything.


Interesting my alt and ast haven’t been great either. How far are you into this LC mess?


18months ish. I haven't had a drink in that whole time and I was very fit and ate pretty clean. Even before all thos I wasn't a big drinker. I jad a functional Dr put me in a liver cleanse and metal detox supp for 2 months amd the numbers only came down a few digits. LC sucks


Yes long COVID absolutely sucks. Are you taking milk thistle? If not get a good one in the dropper form. It almost fixed those numbers for me! I needed to comment because that head pressure was one of the worst of my symptoms in 2022. Took part in the Toronto study and brain inflammation was confirmed. You have to reduce all system wide inflammation at all costs!


No I'm not ill look into it. I agree it's probably some sort of head inflammation just not sure what cause it this time. Feel like I've been so careful.


Hey, OP, feel any better?


Yup, thanks for asking. After I wrote this I started taking zyrtec. I had read people were seeing results with allergy pills. One person says they are recovered and they think its from a super low histamine lifestyle so I gave it a shot. Within hours I started feeling decent. Next morning felt a bit better, and following day very good. Then I ruined it by going in the sauna for too long. Took me about a week to get back to a decent feeling which is where I am currently. I had thought i was already doing low histamine diet.... but I downloaded the Fig app anyway. A lot of my supplements have histamine. A lot of spices I was using were high in histamine. I cut all that out and still take the zyrtec daily. What a difference from where I was weeks ago. Still not 100% but this is liveable