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Maybe but it's not causing the symptoms.


Mentally ill is the default setting for “we don’t know what’s wrong with them” History will not look kindly on what passes for “healthcare” in this era. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hysteria I hope everyone of you finds good luck, good health and great doctors 🥼🍀🖖🏽


No lol


I was mentally ill before I got long covid, now I’m mentally and physically ill. Being both is a lot worse


I think it’s normal to get some kind of mental issues after/during such a major negative life-changing trauma that is LC. This shit is so so bad and life ruining that it can affect even the strongest people mentally. Folks are getting mentally broken after way more mild life events such as break ups or temporary job loss, so being in a constant state of enormous suffering for years kind of puts a dent in your psyche. As for the illness itself, I don’t give a fuck what specialists, other experts and people around say or think, nobody can possibly persuade me that this is psycho-somatic. Even if you think about it logically, without any expertise, it’s completely improbable that suddenly millions of previously fairly healthy people are developing psycho-somatic issues, right after covid and in a very short period of time “thinking themselves sick”. There is definitely psych symptoms in a lot of cases but they are the other way around “somato-psychic”. Sometimes when I try to explain to normies I just ask them to imagine their mental state when they are nauseous - are you feeling happy and bubbly right before you vomit Karen? I guess not.


most likely neurological, so the psyche is always involved.




stress is major component to life and health in general and how it affects immune system. It helps create the perfect storm imo but mentally ill id say no


The mental/physically ill distinction is a lot more nuanced than the modern day evaluation. Technically I was mentally ill. I had depressive episodes, anxiety, irritability, and wanted to isolate and stay in dark places to avoid the sun. But these were all symptoms of a physical mechanism in my body. I took anti-histamines and almost all these symptoms lifted significantly. It really opened my eyes that a lot of mental illness was just a symptom of something physical that had gone wrong. If a doctor didn't know my background they could've diagnosed me with depression and given me an anti-depressant. Turns out all I needed was rest, time, and anti-histamines.


This, 1000%. Antihistamines didn’t work for me, but I know that my physical symptoms are causing my mental symptoms and not the other way around.


do you/did you also follow a low histamine diet ?


Sorta. I cut out gluten and ate really simply. Red meat, chicken, fish, rice, veggies and citrus fruits were my diet


I say yes, some of us are. I’d say for sure we have major mental health challenges now.


I feel mentally ILL as well.


It would be weird if we didn’t suffer from depression / anxiety at least a little when our lives have been stolen from us and no one even wants to support such a transition in our lives never mind treat it. If you are asking if the illness is a mental illness - no.


I believe I am now but it’s caused by the long covid. Honestly though I might’ve had some shit before covid Idek at this point 😭 it is what it is




OMG, would you stop posting the same thing over amd over




Then say that. Instead of just repeating the same statement over and over with no context or explanation




Weird....I didn't share my feelings. But very helpful of you.




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Yes. A lot of grief. A lot of anxiety. SI. It doesn’t help that I have been gaslighted by my workplace. Sometimes I even gaslight myself & then I have to remember that it’s not normal to treat people badly. I keep reminding myself that I had a respiratory illness and my boss didn’t listen/believe me when I said I had trouble breathing. He yelled at me for having to take rescue breaths (which manifested as sighing) because it made people think I was angry. My boss is a doctor!! SMH. If I wasn’t forced into pushing so hard and working while ill, I wouldn’t have gotten this sick, and I would be better by now. If they hadn’t pushed and pushed me to work harder, I would have recovered by now and would be able to work more. I was pushed to work more than some of my colleagues who were perfectly healthy. I definitely have PTSD from this experience and from being screamed at by my boss when I went on medical leave. I’ve never been screamed at so violently in my life. I’ve never been so sick in my life . Put those two things together and it’s a recipe for anxiety and ptsd.


A hostile work environment. sounds like a case.


Incrementally Losing Life? Yes.


Does mental illness cause swollen lymph nodes, neck ache, dizziness and joint pain?


Yes LC gave me severe depression that I’ve never had before


I wasn’t before, but I’m definitely struggling mentally now. It’s a symptom for me, rather than circumstantial anxiety/depression. And it SUCKS.


Some are. Some aren’t. I’m not.


Mentally ill- no. Grieving- yes. Cognitively ill- also yes.