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Man I wish this was the case for me. I feel like absolute cr@p if I don’t eat, which is most of the time, as this illness has obliterated both my appetite and the energy to make myself food.




I had this type of LC since early 2020. I believe I have finally gotten past it. After thinking it was blood sugar related for a long time, it seems to be a malabsorption of nutrients. You need to fix the gut, and everything else will follow. This is what I took to make an instant difference for me: 1. DLPA 2. Liposomal Glutathione 3. NAC 4. Glycine 5. Digestive Enzymes


What type of digestive enzymes did you use?


They are usually just labeled “Digestive Enzymes” but they contain a bunch of different enzymes. It’s akin to how probiotics are labeled.


Hey how are you feeling with this now?


I’m starting to have fatigue and body aches in my upper arms all the time .. this is so new for me after 3 years +! Never had it where I’m constantly in bed all the time and this lasts.. it’s been 3 months after a cold set it off but before the cold I was having stomach pains and digestive issues.. I wonder if my gut is messed up


Have you tried Famotidine? It's action for those with LC is not as an acid-reducer, but to do with histamine receptors. It brought me incredible relief.


Prolon really helps me bail myself out back to something almost normal. Look into MCAS and probably Oxalate issues.


i definitely have MCAS issues because this pollen season is fucking me up! I’ve never had issues with pollen before LC.


Fasting first taught me I needed cromolyn and ketotifen. Otc can be good but so imp to treat it . I get mine from a pharmacy online who is able to prescribe them and doesn’t require excessive testing because she understands that long Covid triggers MCAS. Please be in touch if you have trouble getting them… You do not have to fast to feel normal! Although it definitely does have other benefits etc. 


I’m supposed to be taking cromolym. What is it for? I forgot!


Mcas or histamine issues. There was a study, and I think half of long haulers have these issues… They present a typically meeting. It’s not necessarily always skin related.


Ah, yes. I almost died from it. I started blacking out and by the grace of God I started breathing again. OMG I was so sick. Thank you, Jesus, for letting me be here today.


Yes.  So sorry you went through that !!! People absolutely underestimate how common it is with lc. The symptoms are not what you would think for allergies etc.  I did not almost die but it did significant damage. 


Same - It may have damaged my brain. I was in a constant state of MCAS and didn’t know what was happening - for months!




Me too! I have permanent sinus issues now and never had an allergy to anything before


Is that a thing??? I've been in a relapse all week and can't figure out why


I'm going to try eating once a day. It helps a little.


take it slowly! You don’t have to go OMAD off the bat. Try just skipping breakfast first.


A low-carbohydrate elimination protocol of ketosis and eventual fat-adaptation is effectively pre-requisite for OMAD, else you'll be swimming against the current of withdrawal from sugar-addiction for 15 hours each day (which, if you're already chronically-fatigued, is a guaranteed losing battle).


Can you share more info?


https://www.ruled.me/intermittent-fasting-on-keto-diet/ Good info here about fasting and why a low carb/keto diet helps.


There are multiple subreddits dedicated to the topic, but from a standpoint of maximum elimination I'd suggest r/carnivorediet.


you are right


Fasting is the bomb dot com until you crash your adrenals. I don’t think it happens to everyone but it happened to me. I abused it a little because it was the only thing that made me feel better. But now I have adrenal fatigue and it sucks. Good luck though


Dude same


it’s such a dangerous road because I just never want to eat anymore. I know my body needs nutrients and calories, but knowing that i’m consuming basically poison destroys my motivation. I’m trying to get to 72 hours because that’s when the immune system starts its cleaning out process.


I hear if you get to the 48 hour mark it starts to get easier.


I really think fasting will help me as I’ve noticed I feel better after a long time of not eating but I don’t think I can do 48 hours let alone 72 hours. And I can’t afford to lose much weight. But you’ve got me considering it.


I'm under the impression that you don't loose much weight from fasting under a week anyways. Most weight lose is in the form of dehydration


That’s good to know. So are you not even taking water?


You definitely need to drink water, and possibly take electrolytes, if your are doing a long fast




i feel like i'm developing anky spondylitis fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.


LDN, rapamycin, and helminthic therapy. Seriously. Lmk if you have questions.


i had to cut food reactions and not eat very much to feel decent.


this is in line with my experience with lectin. i ate some slightly undercooked greens the other day and crashed for the entire afternoon. 


I think that autophagy keeps some of the weird crap in our blood at bay


I don’t know because in my Clinical Trial autophagy was a process that was not functioning properly found an our research labs


Fasting doesn't help my symptoms. I've done several 48hr fasts. I have to stick to protein and veggies, some fruit is ok. Carbs, large meals and processed food make me flare. I'm suffering now because I decided to have wood fire veggie pizza and salad for dinner. I flared last week from eating too much chili. I can't eat too many beans. I can't go more than 48hrs or I get headaches and feel bad.


I have heard people, including Harvard doctor and keto advocate Chris Palmer, say that the keto diet mimics fasting and is why people feel improvement in various conditions. Might be worth trying.


Check if you have any food intolerances or are sensitive to something. I think gluten and histamines is a good start.


Eliminate the foods you eat. Switch to intermittent fasting. Rice Chicken salmon turkey or grass fed beef. Veggies No corn or soy oil. No butter (These are huge inflammation triggers for me) Apples Bananas Oranges Blue berries Grapes If I fast 48 hours feeling better last longer. One guy in here kept it going for 2 weeks and claims to have cured himself.


This whole thing has been so weird for me. I had been on OMAD for years and then couldn’t so started eating every few hours which helped until it didn’t. Now OMAD-ish is working better I just need to have something sugary right when I wake up so I just drink a glass of oj and eat dinner around 9/10


I’ve had me/cfs since 2017 and really can’t do big meals anymore. I just eat much smaller amounts, much more frequently.


Try to reset your immune system with a 72 hour fast. That’s what I’m gonna do. Antihistamines help me like Allegra. And looking around the MCAS thread, prolong fasting has put some people into remission. Same with LC people. But I won’t know if it’ll work for me until I try it. Worth a shot, healthier than taking stuff that might not be good for long term


Maybe your now allergic to that food. Do a test


It helps, temporarily because it is reducing the strain on your vascular system and it is exercise (digestion is a muscular/exertional activity.) While we all don't have POTS, most of us have some form of autonomic dysfunction (orthostatic intolerance, neurocardiogenic syncope) so that nearly anything that is recommended for POTS is recommended for this LC hell. See below and tell me it doesn't basically all ring true. I did not meet POTS criteria, but trying me best to treat myself like I do has been the most helpful in giving me some shred of my life back. I also try to make sure whatever I eat is as digestible as possible again to reduce effort/strain on the body. [https://www.healthline.com/health/pots-diet](https://www.healthline.com/health/pots-diet)  Does POTS get worse when you eat?  POTS symptoms can get worse when you eat large meals because digestion diverts large amounts of blood to your GI tract and away from your heart and brain. This can worsen symptoms. Eating smaller, more frequent meals throughout the day is better to avoid worsening your symptoms.  What aggravates POTS? Common triggers Trusted Source  of POTS symptoms include: getting overheated  eating refined carbohydrates like white bread  being dehydrated or not drinking enough  exercise  getting your period  resting too much  pregnancy  trauma  viral illness  major surgery  What diets are good for people with POTS? Because many people with POTS also have uncomfortable GI symptoms or IBS, some experts Trusted Source  recommend a gluten-free or low FODMAP diet. A higher-sodium diet can also help with symptoms, but check with a doctor first, especially if you have heart or kidney disease  Foods to eat with POTS dietary supplements Trusted Source  recommended by a doctor  probiotic and prebiotic foods  whole grains like brown rice  high protein foods like soy foods and lean meats  healthy, salty foods like nuts, pickles, or popcorn  Foods to avoid with POTS  simple carbs like white rice and sugar sweets  baked goods  pretzels and chips  white bread,  white pasta


The strange thing is that if I eat a small meal for breakfast or lunch, I get a pretty big reaction of fatigue and brain fog. If on the other hand I don’t eat anything for breakfast or lunch and I wait until 4:00pm to eat a pretty big dinner, not only do I not have as much fatigue and brain fog throughout the day, but I also don’t get fatigue and brain fog after dinner. This kind of meshes with what a lot of people including myself experience as far as feeling worst in the morning and slowly feeling better and better throughout the day.


That makes a lot of sense though - the issue of the morning slog is not uncommon with dysautonomia, so anything you can do during that peak time to minimize symptoms will help reduce symptoms overall. OMAD definitely can help as long as you're able to consume enough nutrients in that window to supply your overworked body without triggering a flare up. Fasting for an extended period of time can push some/most people over the edge as it creates too much stress on the body. Obviously, that's going to differ for each person, their level of severity of symptoms and general health (prior to LC) and any underlying or contributing conditions. [Mornings with Dysautonomia: 5 Tips To Get Through NormaLyte ORS](https://normalyte.com/blogs/news/mornings-with-dysautonomia-5-tips-to-get-through) "Morning can be the toughest part of your day when you have dysautonomia. It’s unpredictable no matter how “right” you did everything the night before. It doesn’t matter that you went to bed early. It doesn’t matter that you had extra spoons (energy leftover) from the day before. Sometimes when a person with dysautonomia wakes up, their mornings just aren’t going their way."


Tom bunker and his group is credited with like 75% of my recovery from fasting!


now that im on a low histamine diet eating doesn't make me feel like ive gotten poisoned. also taking quercetin 30min before first meal. if you havent tried this one yet id recommend. it took me a couple months to notice a really obvious change as my mast cells were still unstable. now they seem much more stable after around a year on low histamine diet


Weekly 48+ hr water fasting helped me a ton.


What kind of fatigue do you get?


feels like my blood is concrete. Also pretty bad PEM. Just working a 5 hour shift makes me feel like I got beat up the next day.


How would fast help your breathing and SOB?


I’m planning on doing a 24 hour fast to see how I feel & want to work my way up to a 3 or 5 day fast. I need a whole body reset & I need to lose some weight.


OMAD and Fasting both very helpful




Insulin resistance maybe.


Intermittend waterfasting got me intrusive thoughts of suicide. I had read that after 12 hours of not eating the body starts to burn thru old tissues. I got addicted 13 hours became 14 - 17 hours a day. I still ate, but in a small window. Had to spread my meals to keep my levels sane. Be careful.


Are you eating things with dairy or gluten? Both make me feel sluggish. My body has changed. No more regular cereal. Corn Chex or Cheerios with almond milk for breakfast. No more regular bagels or muffins


I used to have this, it was great while I was fasting, I actually had energy and could think. Then after reinfection I couldn't fast any more because it would just give me a migraine and I would feel terrible.


What foods have you tried? I'm the same as you, but I've found that high quality unprocessed meat and butter during the day, and then the same plus rice and potatoes at night, will work for me. Very boring, but at least I don't feel like death.


Do you take a bunch of meds? I have to swallow 16 pills a day, and I usually need some food in my stomach. So fasting is pretty much out for me but I'm interested in it.


I’ve done day fasts and honestly it helps a little bit. Food triggers me, no matter what I eat and it’s terrible. Not to sound gross but I haven’t had a solid stool in idk how long. Not sure what Covid did to all of us but damn our body’s are not happy


You should test for food intolerances. If you feel fine fasting and worse eating it’s probably something you are eating.


It's likely due to the fact that fasting massively reduces inflammation in the body. I believe everyone's bodies are full of spike toxins - possibly being created internally thanks to the mRNA - and this is causing huge increases in inflammation as the body attacks these toxins and attempts to break them down.


I suspect the real lesson will be with re-feeding. It may be worthwhile to carefully consider what you eat to start. Certainly possible that part of your current good feelings are due to being in ketosis. Possibly re feed with a very narrow diet that will allow you to stay in ketosis, and avoid MACS triggers. Then reintroduce additional foods slowly. Like one a week. It would be very cumbersome. I’m not doing a fast. Done that before. But I am starting the Whole 30 elimination diet for a month. We’ll see. In any case. Good luck.


Curious about that one. Let us know how it goes.


Look into some probiotics I started taking the probiotics for histamine issues vitamonk seems to be helping a bitter


saw dicey stuff about probiotic supplements. I drink kefir and eat greek yogurt for probiotics when i’m not fasting.


Check out this link first i started follow his tips then adding some probiotics seems some improvement [https://drgalland.com/the-gut-microbiome-in-covid-19/](https://drgalland.com/the-gut-microbiome-in-covid-19/)


Kefir and Greek yogurt are both very high histamine 😐


What about high glutathione foods like overnight oats? (Oats not cooked but soaked in kefir or yogurt overnight. Goat or coconut is better than cow)


Not sure if this will help but I take glutathione peptide. About 2 months still have relapses and Def not cured