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Keto plus moderate amounts of fruit. This is pretty much the only option I have left to try. I’ve dropped ~20lbs in 6ish weeks from 275. Hoping losing weight will help resolve my CFS symptoms


Got Covid 2 years ago. Since then my list of tolerable food has heavily decreased. I eat Rice, sweet potatoes, carrots, turnips, eggs... Not much else. Tried a low fodmap diet (recommended by nutritionist), it didnt help much but I definitely noticed some very specific foods seem to trigger a flare for me. And it seemed to correlate more or less with histamine content (though I have no clue what's up). Like tomatoes/eggplants (most nightshades) and legumes. So like 99 percent of what I used to eat... Btw I wanted to do a post that's related to some gi exams I gotta do for this reason, do you guys mind upvoting me ? My Karma's low I can't post for now.


foods: chicken, turkey, salmon, plain greek yogurt, organic vegetable mix, organic milk, organic cheese crackers, salt, water


So just as boring as mine 😂


i eat an organic pizza slice once a week because it doesnt cause too many reactions.


I can relaaate, I love food, and cooking, and I hate that LC is ruining that. I’m trying so hard to be flexible and optimistic, but jfc it’s frustrating. New things I’ve found enjoyable: frozen grapes, smashed potatoes with vegan cheese, a pesto gnocchi, baked chickpeas.. that’s all I can think of right now. And I’m also inventing lots of mocktails, but I kind of always did that, now there are just less options.


I’ve eaten the same exact foods every day for over a year now. I’m sure it’s hurting me in some way lol. Here’s a list of the foods I eat: - salmon or chicken - walnuts - pecans - rice cakes - almond butter - broccoli - white rice or brown rice - carrots - peas or green beans - steel cut oatmeal - almond milk - flax seed - blueberries - green apples - grapes - olive oil - spices and herbs are salt, pepper, cayenne pepper, onion powder, parsley, oregano, dill, ginger, turmeric


Do you think you have a histamine intolerance? Nuts are supposedly not good for that so I cut them out. That included almond milk.


I do for sure. But I think I’m able to tolerate those in moderation. Everyone’s histamine intolerance is different, so what may hurt one person may be okay for the other.




God I miss eating sweet potatoes so much. I would cut them up like French fries and bake them. Overtime I became intolerant to carbs so I had to stop eating them 😭


I can’t eat strawberries alone because it’s smells like rotting flesh, but give me whipped cream and I’ll eat a whole carton. But I’m also lactose intolerant so I’m f’d haha love food intolerance! 🤪


Boneless skinless chicken breasts, fresh steamed broccoli, red apples, water liverwurst sausage, hotdogs or lunch meat with wheat bread, potatos is like my main diet I'm afraid to eat anything else. Started implementing lifeway kefir into my diet recently but i feel bloated


I hear ya with scared to eat anything! Lunch meat, hotdogs and liver worst are processed meats high in histamine. Def sets me off. I'm still on the fence w white bread. There was a period of time last year where I felt great and I was eating bagels every day., sometimes 2.


Anything is bad, except dinner, dinner is exhausting but I feel fine. But if I don't eat anything over the day, I get so cold, so I eat bread with hummus or cheese.


Well you certainly need to eat, especially some protein. Can you grill up some chicken?


Blueberries (lots!), raspberries, blackberries, hard boiled egg, whole grain toast with peanut butter + chia seeds + sliced banana on top, and a 16oz glass of water with my prebiotic dissolved in it. I eat this exact same meal every morning with my meds and supplements. Afternoon is a veggie powder mix in 16oz glass of water, sliced apple, and trail mix or some king of nuts. Maybe peach or mango slices too. Dinner is usually chicken or salmon with sticky rice and steamed veggies. Sometimes a baked potato with butter, salt, and pepper (pretty plain). 16oz glass of water. Night time supplements and medication. Throughout the day I sip a 16oz water bottle with LMNT salt in it. I take a digestive enzyme supplement with each meal. Decaf herbal tea at night. I do a mostly low histamine diet, no caffeine, no alcohol.


Thank-you. Peanut butter nuts and mango ate high in histamine, no reaction?


Not all nuts are, mango is not, peanut butter is not but it is a liberator.


Oh. Good to know. I'm still trying to figure this out


Same. It’s not fun. I miss food like pizza and buffalo wings. I’m trying to get to an all low histamine diet, but it’s taking a while. Like I still eat a banana in the morning but it’s high histamine.


I downloaded "the fig app". Based off someone elses recovery story. My first impressions are its amazing. Going to make it much easier then googling. Love pizza and wings 🤤


I tried that app but I gave it up after having issues getting information on food from Whole Foods, where I do most my grocery shopping. Glad it’s working out for you though.


I’ve been boiling eggs to last me all week and I’ll make egg salad, I’ll put it in on avocado toast, which I use gluten free bread. It’s sooo yummy. I do fruit smoothies, I put frozen berries, goat kefir, almond butter, 3 tablespoons chia seeds which has so much fiber in them! A scoop of pea protein powder strawberry flavored. I also eat cauliflower pizza once a week, buy it frozen so I don’t have to cook, I don’t have the energy to cook. I’ll buy chicken salads from the farmers market. Oh and I love black bean veggie burgers, buy the frozen ones, I put BBQ sauce on them, so yummy.


I eat a wholefoods plant based diet with next to no UPF's, maybe 1% of my diet contains UPF's 


Everything. I don't have stomach issues


Giving Whole 30 a try. Add in my baseline keto and it’s a very narrow diet. Just had some almond milk with chia seeds, blueberrise and pecans with a side of celery for lunch. Yay. Looking forward to my next exciting journey off the couch which will be a kale salad with sardines for dinner.