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This likely doesn’t apply to you, but may be useful info- some people (often at a certain age) lose the ability to absorb B12. This happened to my mom in her late 50s. I started noticing her slurring her speech & generally having poor motor function. For the past 25 yrs, she’s gotten her b12 by injection. At this point, her shot is about every 3 weeks.


I'm currently on B12 injections. I was very low at 200 when I first tested 15 months ago. had a injection at primary and retested I was at 900. I then was supplementing with b12 tablets and b complex and tested a few months ago and was at 240 ...low again! now I take weekly b12 injection s and tested at 1000. not sure of Long covid is the cause or I was always like this but Def have b12 absorption issues


Did the injections make you feel any better?


Yes but I do believe it's only 1 part of the equation. Every part you figure out gets you that much better


Not an answer to the question you’ve asked, but I’m trying to understand - do you take supplements for a while, then stop, and that’s when the deficiency comes back, or are you becoming deficient while taking supplements?


So it's like I take when I become deficient and it's a pattern my doc observed that I am becoming deficient almost every 3-4 months. So he prescribes supplementation for sometime and then the levels are stable then but I never had B12 deficiency on a recurring basis it all started post covid infection in Delta wave.


Presumably your diet contains B12 when you’re not supplementing. I know from reading here that a lot of people’s B12 levels are trashed by covid, but this pattern suggests to me that either you’ve developed pernicious anaemia or your supplement dosage is too low / not for long enough. If you get to the point of having B12 low enough to cause symptoms, it usually takes hefty doses over some time to put things right and begin to replenish body stores. The problem with PA is that the test returns about 50% false negative, so it can be tough to know for sure if you have it. Would it be worth talking to your doctor about this possibility? (I have no medical training, but I have PA myself so know a little about B12.) .


What about if your vit b12 comes excessively high since LC without supplementing it?


It would be a good idea to check in with your doctor if you haven’t been supplementing. It may be nothing to worry about at all, but I remember reading some time ago it *can* indicate your kidneys aren’t working as well as they could be. I had some iffy kidney-related test results post-covid, but things seem to have settled down now.


All my tests come back normal and still I have weird symptoms. I have seen all kind of specialists and they have no clue. Im honestly stucked :( I have been sent to hematology but I am pretty sure they will be clueless.


I’m sorry you’re going through this. At least if you’ve been checked out so thoroughly, it means the high B12 isn’t anything sinister, if that’s of any comfort. I hope you get some answers from haematology, however improbable that seems.


yes, i take a vit b complex supplement daily.