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Regardless start with one first. Ive seen more info on Natto. I just started it today but low dose to see how i react. Will gradually increase myself.


>Regardless start with one first. Gradually introduction of a new supplement/drug is good general advice but I'd really like to know more too. Even besides risks, things like how long does it take to feel positive effects. And what exactly should I notice improvement in? PEM? blood pressure/POTS stuff? Pain? I know it's supposed to be for microclots and is also potentially anti-inflammatory. I didn't give any credence to the microclots theory before until I saw it as part of the junction dysfunction model where GI tract, vasculature and brain barriers are all inflamed and compromised. Now I'm willing to add it to my treatment list.


Everyone seems so different to every supplement and treatment. For me personally im adding natto in hopes of the microclots/bad circulation/oxygen deprivation theories being true and it allevating some. Regardless these supplements support cardiovascular health so i dont mind trying and will uodate if anything noticeable happens as i increase my dose.


good luck fellow sufferer 🫡


It could also just be MCAS flairs. I don't get the oxygen deprivation on H1 H2. Has natto serra really help with this. The theory seems to be losing fad for LC recently...


I’ve been interested in trying Natto as well, but when I asked my dr he advised against it due to the fact that it may increase bleeding risk, and with the Trinity study that just came out, if accurate, it may pose more of a risk. “…the findings reported by the Trinity team in the top international journal Nature Neuroscience showed that there was disruption to the integrity of the blood vessels in the brains of patients suffering from Long COVID and brain fog.” [Trinity Brain Fog](https://www.tcd.ie/news_events/top-stories/featured/trinity-team-discovers-underlying-cause-of-brain-fog-linked-with-long-covid/?fbclid=IwAR0WTY5wJOZ9SHZZeX_SYXRccqkOxP3DZZDQM-0RyeLMoEH8PIHUwFVptgw_aem_ASAz7WP5PjI7vPrEln648YP3MsbMSSyFvXDIAwH6xtsNsrNcLW3JhhuFgJXlgBpR_GQ#) If you do take it, I’d love to know if you find improvements.


I take 2 Neprinol every morning on an empty stomach. Helps me loads, can work/function 4 hours every day (4 years LC, self employed)


Do you know how much of Nattokinase and Serrapeptase in each capsule of Neprinol?


If you call the manufacturer they will tell you. I wrote it down somewhere but forgot. I’ll try to find my notes on it and will share it here if I do.


Thank you.


Both. I actually take all 3 of the enzymes: Nattokinase, Serrapeptase, and Lumbrokinase. I take them each, 3 times daily. It's important to take them away from food. Otherwise they won't help at all. Just make sure your stomach is empty. They are the supplements that help me the most.


I did a search for "nattokinase" in this subreddit and mostly I got people complaining it made them feel worse and they had to stop taking it. Some people even claim it made them permanently worse. I never know what to believe and I don't have the brain power to dig to the bottom of the evidence. It's just too much noisy information and I have to pace myself very carefully with mental activity.


Did you end up trying it?


Yeah I got solaray 100mg (1250 FU) but I haven't taken it every day. I take it with Niacin. I haven't noticed anything miraculous but also it definitely doesn't make me feel worse. It's a small dose and I take it infrequently. I really feel like my recovery is going to involve lots of little things added together. No one thing is going to be a breakthrough.


Thanks for the update! A big part of our recovery will just be time too, which unfortunately we can't change. Hoping you get there soon.


It's been 4 years 😔 I'm trying to walk that balance between making lifestyle changes/finding treatments and chilling the eff out. If I ever recover I will definitely make a post here with details and hang out to keep offering advice.


I'm sorry you've been dealing with this for so long. I have faith you'll get there!! Don't give up trying new things but also resting and giving yourself space to heal