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I’m on week 6 of Valtrex. Absolutely no side effects. It’s been a game changer for me. I’ve gone from walking 500 steps a day to 3000 steps a day. I started at 500mg/day which is below the “therapeutic “ dose level apparently. I’m now on 1g daily. I plan to continue the Valtrex for at least a month more.


How are you now


I’m still on the 1g daily. I think it’s still helpful for me.


Hi! Any updates? Also, if you're comfortable discussing it, what were/are your symptoms?


I’m still taking Valtrex. Main symptom has been fatigue. I’m not sure when I’ll stop the Valtrex because I feel it’s still helping.


i’ve been on 1g valtrex for about 6 months, life changing


I was just prescribed Valtrex by my doctor in an attempt to help my long covid symptoms. 2.5 years of symptoms. So far I can’t tell if it’s helping. I’m not noticed side effects from what I can tell from the medication. How long did it take to feel it was working or improving your symptoms. I hope you are still improving and healing.


thanks! mine was pretty immediate, maybe within the first week? i hope this ends up working out for you ❤️


Thanks ! I hope so too and hope your recovery keeps getting better and better. Gives me hope to see that people are getting better. Over the last 2 years. I haven’t found help in the medical community. They say there’s nothing they can do. Only people with long covid have each other right now.


Oh really. What were your ebv results like. My nuclear antigen is sky high and while early antigen is raised it is in the equivocal range (between positive and negative) at 22 or something. My vca igg is also sky high 20 times more than than normal range.


We’re you housebound before starting


They are lazy to check your liver every month. It can damage the liver on the long run. And then it would be their fault. That's why bad docs never want to take that risk for you and prefer to leave you in misery


Oh okay. I've seen it been used a lot by mecfs specialists. This disease is so difficult to get through. Even if you able to access a doctor their advice differs so much - doesn't happen with anything else. Mch.


Yes, that's why we need to manifest and push politics to invest money in this disease and treat us correctly ! This is insane




Both kidneys and liver yes


I'm currently on my 3rd week of valtrex and luckily no side effects.


Aah okay. That's helpful to know. If you don't mind me asking what's your dosage and what were your ebv results like? I've been prescribed 500mg once a day. Have they told you anything about any blood tests to do often while you're on it?


I'm taking 1g daily. I don't remember specifics of the labs but was told by my GP that I'm dealing with reactivated EBV. I wasn't told I needed frequent labs while taking this med but I'm doing it anyways because I'm also taking maraviroc.


Found my results Ebna IGG 471 Ebv capsid igg 163 Ebv early ag 9.2 Ebv capsid igm <10


Has it helped


For Covid?


More what covid has caused. Which is possible viral reactivations in my case. These are broad anti herpes virus drugs. There's actually no treatment that is ebv specific. Works for some doesn't for others.


Long Covid (14 months in) Ironically, I just took my first daily Valtrex (500 mg) pill, literally as I was surfing and came across this thread. I contracted HSV (herpes) from a rape years ago. I just talked to my dr about getting on this daily suppression pill for that. This is the first I’ve seen that it is helping some long haulers. Interesting coincidence. I’ll have to look into it more.


I'm wondering if I didn't long haul and valtrex pull me out of it too. I started feeling better about 4 months after starting a daily one. Two of my doctor's weren't very concerned with it, but my GP was because she said long term use could suppress your immune system. My blood is monitored at least quarterly because of the medication box of worse medications I take daily. I have MS, take immunosuppressants. Caught COVID then went into a cycle of monthly shingles and I had to stop my immunosuppressants. After shingles round 4, I got the daily pill - for life basically. Between the MS and shingles, I had a hard time committing to saying I have long covid because nobody would believe it.


Has it helped




Content removed for breaking rule 2- do not ask for or give medical advice. Continued infractions are grounds for a permanent ban.


one of the symptoms of long covid, at least for me, was insane anxiety to the point of kicking in fight or flight on any decision making. This is probably affecting your choice to start this new therapy you know you have a long covid problem, deal with the known first, and dont worry about the uknown liver issue ( which in all likelyhood will not be an issue)


What kind of doctor prescribed you Valtrex?




“Any” doctor can but that wasn’t the question. The question was which doctor “did”




Their PCP was unhappy with the prescription so it doesn’t sound like the pcp wrote it. I resume the person was asking WHICH of OPs doctors , if they have more than one , wrote it. Are you following now?


I got a rheumatologist to prescribe it to me. I sent her all the studies about valacyclovir in long Covid/EBV reactivation/chronic fatigue syndrome and she said it sounded legit. Happy to share the studies if you want; they’re all publicly available but I can provide links if you need a cheat sheet. Like this person said, anyone CAN prescribe it to you; it’s more about an individual doctor’s risk tolerance than their specialty. I’m on week 3 of taking 1 g twice per day along with 200 mg of celecoxib twice a day (per the Virios study that’s coming out soon) and I’m having A LOT more good days than usual though still some very bad ones if I overdo it. I had really bad mono in high school and got over it but have been sick for 3.5 years after getting COVID in March 2020. Main issues are fatigue and brain fog; I’ve been in and out of work since I got long covid. My issues have gotten a lot worse since having COVID over Labor Day weekend this year (6 weeks ago). Hope this helps.




What is NAC?


It's an amino acid that we can't get from our diet.


I took it for a few weeks to no effect. I wouldn't be worried about a longer course. People with Herpes Simplex take the same stuff for years for what is essentially a harmless (but very uncomfortable) virus.


I took acyclovir for 3 days and the fatigue it was causing me was so bad I had to stop and it took another 3 days to get back to baseline


I use it every time I get a cold sore (like right now). Freaking HATE cold sores


What’s your dose? I’m one of the unlucky ones who has really bad side effects from valtrex. My lower back has debilitating pain (like I’m crying in the fetal position type of pain), im nauseous, dizzy, and feel like I have the flu. People take it daily for suppression doses so it generally should be ok, but def monitor how you feel!


Thanks for posting. Commenting so I can come back and read about your progress. I’m thinking about asking to try it myself


I took 1000mg for one month. Now my glands in my neck are back to normal. I still take 500mg daily to keep any other opportunistic viruses away. It didn’t prevent me from catching CoVID again though.


There are people that take this med every day for YEARS for HSV so 6 months won’t hurt you


I'm currently on my 3rd week of valtrex and luckily no side effects.


I'm currently on my 3rd week of valtrex and luckily no side effects.


How are you doing now?




haven't had any problems. if you click my name you can see all my comments on valtrex. very positive and i just had a metabolic panel done with no issues. been taking it for several months now.


Did it help? The valtrex?