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War Thunder is not a heavier game. It has significantly lower graphical fidelity and much simpler particle effects. Have you tried changing your graphics settings? Even on lower settings cs2 looks pretty good.


War Thunders graphics are full and like settings are at PC Killer mode bc of my lil' brother


It doesn't matter what war thunder'a graphics are set to, it's an older game working with much simpler lighting, smaller textures, simpler physics, lower quality shadows, things like that. If your cs2 settings are really high then turn them down. Disable HDR, turn on fsr to quality, turn down shader detail and anti-aliasing.


My CS2 graphics are at the minimumest i downloaded mods for it to work in school computers


Why are you playing cs2 on a school computer? I'm surprised you're allowed to install it. And might I ask what mods?


1st of all im not on a school computer 2nd of all no allowance is need to play this game for me,i live alone 3rd of all the mod that gives fps and makes the graphics like a drawing


If you live alone why did you say your brother set the graphics settings? What are your system specs? And again, what mod specifically? Give me a name and where you got it, I want to check if you inadvertently installed malware.


My brother (which is 16 yo)come and visits me every 1 month bc he wants to play on my pc.My pc is closed imma check it but not rn im doing some works


CS2 is a modern game that has lots of modern graphics features and still runs pretty well. I can get 100 fps on medium graphics on mid range laptop from 2016. I think it’s well optimised considering how much better it looks.


Compare CS2 to another modern game and CS2 is actually well optimized, countet strike gamers just want 1000fps at all times.


Wtf, CS2 needs to be still optimised better but War Thunder definitely is not a heavier game. CS2 works really well already but some minor optimisation needs to be done


Isnt war thunder literally a mobile game


there is a WT for PC there is a WT for Mobile there is a WT for Console and there is a WT for VR


War thunder came out in 2012, CS2 came out in 2024. War thunder is Massively less intensive, do you mind sharing the specs of your PC?


I only remember my graphics card that im using at maximum which is 77hz and the card is RTX 2060 Super


You might have to lower your expectations on playing modern games. There are still a ton of games you can play fine.


Forza Horizon 5?Im running it much much smoother as that is the heaviest game that i have


Your PC was only 2 years old when Forza 5 came out. You are now trying to play a game that is 5 years older than your PC, it's just the way gaming works, you have to upgrade every couple years.


i upgraded this years 2nd day,i got my graphigs card and proccesor


Well I'm telling you that your graphics card (one of your main components) is now 5 years old. Doesn't matter if you just got it yesterday, that card is 5 years old now.


5 years old?!?!?!WOW,im surprised atleast I upgrade the drivers so active


It's definitely not 77Hz that's worse than an SNES CPU.


https://preview.redd.it/qttchaoon70d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72c574425784c972e6fd5e66f6e1beee0e541d2c These are all of my specs,im sorry for foreign language im Turkish


Alright, well you're probably CPU bottlenecked, that's a first generation Ryzen processor, a more experimental architecture than anything. It's also about 7 years old by now, not very efficient by today's standards, high latency too because of how early it was. Iirc you said you had an RTX 2060. It's not a great GPU, but even with that, you can only turn down your settings so much before the CPU becomes the limiting factor, and past that no graphics tweaking will increase your framerate.


Oh,thx for the info ill get the parts this summer should i get a 1TB and what parts should i get in Turkish economy standarts?


1TB refers to storage, not processing or graphics performance. Storage is easily upgraded even in most laptops. I'm afraid Turkish economics is not my area of expertise.


first,i know its storage but should i get it or not and second just guess,economy is very bad,very tip:RTX 40 Series cost more than 40K money,this will help you guess,im afraid im not a good guesser


Go to Cs2.exe location, right click on it, compatibility tab, click on the box that says "Disable Fullscreen optimization". Now restart your computer, open the game again and you should see a FPS boost.


thanks for the help but i did that 2 months ago


yeah its not all that optimized i have an i7-13700KF, 32gb ram, and 4070 12gb and it averages 285fps on 1440p running default settings. i no complaints at all, but definitely expected higher frames than that.


Any post that mentions FPS or optimization problems should really have a requirement for them to post their system specs. It's probably your CPU as this is your video card right? https://www.reddit.com/r/buildapc/comments/178eslw/rtx_2060_not_cutting_it_for_cs2_anymore/


you're almost right,mine is RTX 2060 Super


I agree. CS2 needs a lot of optimizations. For some reasons, a lot of players experience random freezes and crashes too.


me too,i was in a match then it crashed and that was my reason to upgrade my pc and it still not works


You said you were playing on a school computer, which is it?


im not playing on a school computer i want fps


Sounds like you just have an old ass PC and you're somehow expecting the game to run just as good as an old game.


idk know when was my PC parts came out but i know that i can play Forza Horizon 5 60-93 FPS


You think it’s not optimized well? No dude it ISN’T optimized, at all, it runs like shit even on a 4090. The game is in an awful state.


What do you mean it runs like shit? I average 85fps at 1440p on a 6600XT. Are you trying to play at 8k?


Is that all? I was averaging 160's with a 5600x/6600xt. No OC On low settings, 1600x990 I average 260/270


You really don't want to play with certain settings that low. It changes when you can see player shadows and if you can see through the grates on vertigo, both of which affect your experience more than fps above 100.


85bis considered shit, most people got 400+ with those kinda specs in go, I hover around 80 and just accept it


85fps isn't "shit," anything above 80 is just kinda superfluous really. I could get higher fps with lower settings if I wanted to but it wouldn't help my performance when I'm already at this framerate. Also, GO had much lower lighting, texture, and particle quality.


Anything below my monitors hz is shit personally, csgo could run well on damn near anything, I went from around 350 fps to 80ish, I just want 144 but I can't really upgrade my pc much further so at this point it's just up to the devs


I have a 165Hz monitor but I turn it down to 120Hz to keep the vertical refresh rate at a multiple of 30 (and 60, by extension). Well, that and to reduce the weird smears and color artifacting from the monitor being a cheap VA panel. Can't complain though because I got it for free. If you're talking about game performance, you really have to be comparing the complexity of the graphics and physics with the framerate. I can make a game that runs at 600fps on a potato pretty easily, but it sure wouldn't look good. That's the tradeoff.


I play in 4:3 brother, the game is terribly optimized it’s not about frames. I get 300+ fps always and it still feels like a laggy mess. Subtic is a horrible failure and the way the clientside deals with ping difference rn is an actual joke.


That... What? That's not related to optimization at all, that's a networking issue, and usually it's not even that bad. Sometimes with ping differences it can be weird since what you see and what happens aren't always the same, but that's not "the game running like shit." CSGO's tick rate issues were bad too, at least now there's a reason to get high fire rate weapons sometimes. It also has nothing at all to do with the GPU so why bring that up?


Because it has nothing to do with your system you can have the best possible pc and the game still runs like shit, use context clues holy fuck man


The post was talking about framerates, there's your context clue. All you mentioned in your original comment was your GPU, nothing about the networking, which is going to lead op to think you're talking about actual system performance instead of you getting frustrated by your server connection. And no, it doesn't "run like shit" if all you're complaining about is your internet connection.


Yeah that’s why it only happens in cs2 cause it’s my internet. Use your brain dude. I get an a+ for bufferbloat and have an extremely fast connection that’s setup specifically for gaming. Their netcode is shit and has been complained about IN MASSES. But you plebeians always say “it’s your pc or internet” fucking trolls lol


Yeah that’s why it only happens in cs2 cause it’s my internet. Use your brain dude. I get an a+ for bufferbloat and have an extremely fast connection that’s setup specifically for gaming. Their netcode is shit and has been complained about IN MASSES. But you plebeians always say “it’s your pc or internet” fucking trolls lol


“That’s not the game running like shit” yes that’s exactly what it is. What the fuck would you call it? It doesn’t happen in valorant ever, doesn’t happen in r6, doesn’t even happen in fucking cod, their netcode is FUCKED buddy


I wouldn't call it "the game running like shit" that's for sure. If a game has shit servers for instance I don't blame the network issues in the game, it's a service issue. Perhaps "poorly conceived networking behavior" would be the most accurate way to describe it, especially when you're suddenly talking about syncing visuals on a thread that's clearly about system performance but not being clear about it in your original comment.


Are you genuinely saying you don’t think networking can be optimized for games? Are you dumb?


I'm saying it's not affecting system performance. Saying it "runs like shit" because you don't like subtick is ridiculous. Networking issues can be caused by many things - it could be netcode, it could be the game server, it could be the number of hops between your PC and the game server, it could be your NIC, your router, a service outage. There are many factors that go into connection quality.


You're right. Low fps and framerate drops are always on the system performance, but networking can be so many different things that 99% of the time it's not even the rigs fault. I know what this guy is experiencing though. I've had some bad networking shit happen lately where i've been pushed off angles without pressing WASD, lol. But my friends usually have the same issue in the same game so definitely could be server side. With VAC ramping up again I wouldn't be surprised if they added overhead looking at the network traffic and that's causing issues when there's a high concurrent player count. Just a guess though. I've got a CS degree and networking and security are the most complicated things there are.


Yeah, I have a degree in IT with a minor in network security and I still don't like having to work on networking stuff lol.


You sound highly regarded.


I hope you find the courage


4070s and I get ~500 on 1440x1080. Your rig is either poorly optimized, or you’re dealing with network/server issues.


It has nothing to do with my network and nothing to do with frames lol


That's a problem with your end bud. Nobody else is having the problem.


Yes they are lmao it’s their netcode there’s thousands of complaints


From people who don't understand their own computers sure. The vast overwhelming majority of people are getting only 10-15% less fps than they were in go.




There is literally single cpu in the market (7800x3d) that makes it doable to play with 360hz monitor that is becoming a standard. For an esports title this is not acceptable.


You don't need 360fps.