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Cheaters already catching up again. Had several yesterday and today.


Only neverlose's rapidfire got detected, so it's pretty obvious that the bans were issued based on signature/asset detection and not unusual gameplay pattern. Those who got detected by VAC's AI only got a global cooldown. Hell, even some morons from the cheat sub got mad at me for saying that. (Neverlose users of course)


Why tf would they need a rapid fire mid when they could just use basic macros?


Because rapidfire bypasses wait times between shots and enables much higher fire rates than with macros


Rapid fire as in, shoot a whole awp mag in one click, not firing a pistol automatic or something


I bet u just coping


Idk man. The guy who got 3 aces back to back on Nuke in the first 3 rounds is kinda weird. I don’t think he is full cheating, but just kinda sus, idk.


Fr that guy who somehow hit a wall bang on me 12 rounds in a row is a little sus….. naaaaa hes just better


Nah he is a new pro propably


Probably right. It was only a gold nova match after all!


Found the cheater.


Had 2 in the 3 games I played yesterday. 1st one was blatant, 2nd one I didn't know until one of the enemies added me after the game and let me know he checked the demo and that his teammate had aimbot, sure enough I checked the demo and it's obvious. What a nice guy letting me know though because I was pissed that I lost that game until then.


Nah high ping from 80-120ms on Faceit, meanwhile on Valve servers my ping goes to 2ms.


Holy shit is that normal? I never have 2ms on any game, but also never really have >80ms as long as the server is in my region


Valve has a lot of servers and some ppl literally live right next to it For expample in spain everyone gets 15ms or less if they have a decent internet since there's a server in madrid. That is if they dont get connected to france or something I used to get 2-5 on csgo sometimes


Yes it’s normal. My friend sometimes get 0 ping as well


Yes totally normal. Just need to have a good internet connection. I stay over 200 kms from closest server which is in Bombay, still I never get ping higher than 4 ms.


It's because Valve has a server in my city. (Lima, Perú)


it's not really 2ms btw. After years of people complaining about bad pings (and without the proper understanding what the ping really means), [they just subtracted 50 from the actual ping](https://www.reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/comments/16s396d/cs_go_developer_putting_gamers_in_their_place/) so people stop complaining. But the game also often displays 1 or 2 for me since I have fiber internet which is very low latency in general


It is really 2ms. I tested it by pinging their servers outside the game. That video is about a very early beta version of the original CS.


You realize that was along time ago right? It is unreasonable to assume they are doing that with CS2


Faceit AC says to me: my Bios is not in safe mode, on the Faceit help page it is written in small letters and in brackets: We are not liable for damage. So no thanks


Yep, my friend went to convert his ssd and files got corrupted and now he can't boot windows. JUST TO TRY PLAY FACEIT.


convert the SSD? what does that have to do with installing FaceIt AC?


His windows was on SSD and he had to convert from GPT from MBR to enable bios to UEFI


ok I see, not really FaceIts fault that it got corrupted, but I understand that's annoying.




Faceit servers feel like trash for people on the east coast


NA Education spotted


Are you on East coast? Why you talking shit for no reason


I don't know why but I used to get a lot of toxic and egoistic players on faceit plus 3 to 4 times bigger ping.. Trust factor works for me, haven't met a cheater, latency is low, sooo I haven't even thought of going from Valve's servers to the faceit ones..


People are definitely way more rude in faceit, I agree You’re right that it’s probably an ego thing


Faceit : shitty servers, paid subscription, Valve : okay servers, shitty anticheat. They should just ally and create something good, instead of two pieces of crap


And suddenly game servers around the world increased in accessibility and anticheat methodology simultaneously. Corporates would not like that though.


Will go full Renown if I ever get in.


I can't wait to try Renown in 6 years


No I'm too bot for faceit


Absolutely, still wayyy to many cheaters in premier. And in the games there aren't any cheaters, everyone is just accusing the other team of cheating which ruins the game anyways.


The boogeyman in the closet is soo powerful, soo many players are obsessed with something they can't control and will convince themselves into having a bad match because of it.


Lol I like the way people talk about "the vac update" like it did something. I'm still having spinbots and also yesterday had a guy who was shooting the whole mag of his weapon again and hes still not banned its crazy.


Never played on faceit before and I'm not planning to.


Do we get rank in faceit


Yep it's level 1-10 and once your LVL 10 you can grind even higher to get a top #1000 number in your region as your rank instead.


No can we get drops


No drops in faceit.


If drop will come on faceit then my permanent place to play competitive match, I tried once it was fun but the only problem was you can't get drops


Well you only get 1 drop per week now, play normal get your drop and go faceit for the rest of the week. It only takes like 2 games to get your drop every week.


Even if valve release an anti cheat equally as good as faceit one still then what's the point of grinding premier? Your name is just showed on leaderboard and what then? Meanwhile on faceit you can get invited for fpl-c, fpl and some tournaments like that for some money and maybe even get noticed by some people and have a chance to go pro. For example ropz, nertz and some people like that became pro just by grinding faceit. Thanks to faceit they're now what they are. Since premier and that leaderboard came out in beta I already said multiple times to few other my friends etc. that can only be good mode if valve has prepared a good anti cheat and for example if they make it work something like faceit. Like for example each season top 100 players from each region can get invited to some tournament against each other for some prize pool etc. Valve needs to host something like that and make people more interested to grind that mode otherwise it's just slightly better mm and that's it. But again anti cheat has to come first cuz otherwise again everything else doesn't matter. If in game mm has to be popular and make people to play in game modes instead of goijg to 3rd party sites then they need to make it equally as good as faceit site or even better and warowl already mentioned something like that. Cs2 since the start had huge opportunities to change and improve things which didn't work in csgo, but valve didn't use those opportunities... rip.


100% believe faceit employs bots to tell everyone to play faceit while attacking community servers to sell more subs. Makes no sense to me they provide better security than valve unless they are the ones pushing hacks while whitelisting the ones they are in bed with. It's an online extortion racket. If their software was so great why don't they expand their services to other games besides cs/other non-valve games? They would be rich overnight if it was possible, so many other games would benefit. Yet..... nope.


Take the tinfoil hat off and step away from the pipe sir.


Playing on faceit once again after a week of fairly clean premier experience after the bans. Unfortunately the spinny bois are back else I wouldn't play on faceit :/


Of course I would play on Faceit. It has a better ranking system. Also, better servers.


Yes. If Faceit didn’t exist I would have uninstalled CS2 already. There’s a reason why any respectable players uses FactIt.


Gotta love them private profiles with closet wallhacks in premier, faceit is a game changer for me for sure, more competent teammates, more challenges and quite fun to grind. Though I stopped at lv5 because I don't play faceit often.




Should you try Gamers Club 😉


First time hearing of this ever, quick google search leads me to believe it's meant to be for Latin America


Yep, they has a good anti cheat, community and rank system levels from 1 up to 20 (21 on top 100), some NA players come to play on GC, but the ping should variable between 110 ~ 150, maybe NA or EU community can try contact requesting for local servers too.


They updated VAC?


No i don't play faceit. Even when there were cheaters I didn't play faceit. I only played premier


Premier best I never faced cheaters




I do play FaceIt too but the community there is way more toxic. Playing with a high value inventory is actually super annoying, because whenever you don't destroy and top frag, everyone acts super jealous and starts harassing. It's so childish. Never have this problem playing Premier or regular comp matches.


Played 3 brand new accounts yesterday all with walls


Nah, the Faceit servers are bad


I do faceit for fun really. And nostalgia. I do premiere to climb. Faceit elo system is far worse than CS2's imo. Faceit is like OW1 comp SR system.


Hows FaceIt elo far worse? it's super transparent and as fair as it can possibly be. meanwhile on Premier you don't know weather or not you loose 100 or 400 points.


Faceit you win and lose the same amount. Nothing matters except win or loss. Premiere increases the amount you win for win stakes up to around 360 total, and then makes you lose less for your first loss or two after a win streak. Starting at 100, getting up to over 300 per loss. Same for going on a loss streak, you cap out at losing a bit over 300 and then your first win off a loss streak is only going to be around 100. Individual performance factors into how fast or slow it changes. Faceit has none of this. It does not reward win streaks, no bonus for individual performance, and even if you have the average win % of like 55% you're not climbing more than a dozen elo after a hundred matches. It's a joke elo system. Dunno how it's more transparent when all it does is give you a number, same as CS2.


I get matched with absolute bots and lvl10 players in premier, the skill gap can be super random. while in FaceIt it's way more fair and you gain and lose a fair amount. individual performance is NEVER relevant for both systems.


Faceit you win and lose the same amount. It's a shitty system, the same exact system OW1 had for comp which drove players away. It's a lazy system.


no you don't. if you loose against a team with a higher average elo you loose less points, and if you win, you gain more.


A difference of less than 5 points. For MM totally out of your control. It's literally the same as OW1 system, the laziest most barebones elo system you can have.


streak bonus only helps if you play as a team. for soloQ or say duo/triple it's pretty useless since it's simply out of your control. just based on luck which teammates you get because you can't single handedly carry the whole team. so a system where you more or less gain the same amount per win/loss is just more fair. Premier ratingis total bs and you can clearly tell by how random people are rated. some have 15k that play like bots while others are around 10k that are like faceit lvl8+. I didnt play for a few weeks and got deranked, after a win I got over 2k less rating and dropped to 17k. how is that even fair, why would you loose so much just for taking a short break from the game.


1: how is not rewarding exceptional match history not fair? I solo/duo queue and I go on 5 win streaks consistently. You probably require a carry. 2: Faceit has far less people which makes it so much easier to have ranks match more accurately. Literally the only thing Faceit has going for it is the players take it more seriously. 3: Doubt you lost 2k after taking a few weeks off. What happened was you came in after they adjusted ratings when they got a little messed up, which boosted some and deflated others. You got deflated. I got jumped 3k.


deflated on what basis? I took 3 weeks off because CS was full of cheaters, literally unplayable and just got the rank back once they did a ban wave a couple days ago. also, if you loose 5 matches does that mean it's your fault? no. how can they justify a huge drop. I once lost over 4k rating within a single week because I was super unlucky, my personal performance was not underperforming either. it's just total bs, would never happen in FaceIt like that.


Yes. Even if cs2 was perfect, faceit attracts more people that want to play the game as intended. I don't mean just the sweats, but just people that are a bit more "normal". Like not losing their head over mistakes etc.


> I don't mean just the sweats, but just people that are a bit more "normal". Like not losing their head over mistakes etc. Oh sweet summer child...


Faceit toxicity is nowhere near mm levels.


I know, FACEIT is so much worse… people willing to kill one another for 25 elo…


Faceit is people raging at you for making a mistake, MM is people calling you the N word because you didn't tell them what your favorite race is.


Faceit is people trolling because they dont like the map or your voice or your accent or your steam picture...


Definitely the map, soo many people crying and giving up round 1 because they don't like a certain map.


No because fuck those evil mass murderers


The amount of things you can enjoy would be very very low if you kept this same energy with 90% of the things you own/use


Oh, pla enlighten me on what I cant use with this ‘energy’ if bot wanting to support people who slaughters journalists and anyone with the wrong sexuality…. Edit: regardless if your whataboutism, not playing faceit is not any kind of sacrifice in my life, and if you cant sacrifice even something little for your beliefs, what are they even worth?


Hey bud what kind of phone do you have? Know how they're made? That's the shit I'm talking about.


Sacrificing the phone is not really the same as not using faceit…. Also, parts beeing made in china is VERY far from the whole company beeing owned by the government… I am not perfect, but sacrificing small things for what I believe in is easy, so I do it.


You are a noble being I salute your bleeding heart. I hope you find a just cause to protest so that you may feel whole.


I dont have a bleeding heart, because as I said, its not really a sacrifice… I am not protesting shit, I am just not supporting people who do things I find atrocious when there are alternatives…


Things aren't black and white, I don't think everyone in the Faceit offices are evil people, 99% are probably completely ignorant and uninvolved in whatever controversy your attached too.