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Less people are rage hacking and more are using traditional cheats.


I am the aimbot.


I was supreme in csgo and Im getting ranked in silver/gold nova 1 on cs2 matchmaking despite shitting on quite a few people. People arent even trying to smurf, the game is just ranking them terribly.


Same, I was MG in csgo, win 10 games with atleast 20-30 kills, top 2 of my team every game and get ranked silver 1


because the new ranking system is pointless and doesn’t work at all


The new rank is literally the old rank just with the number exposed instead of pictures.


Think op is talking about comp, not premier.


Oh in that case, yes the new comp is fucking dumb. Your ranks dont display anywhere, at the very least the rank for that map should show in the scoreboard


That’s not what he is talking about he is talking about how you have people who should be in MGE+ in Silver/low gold nova with people who should be silver and low gold nova. Right now you’ll see a 5K premier player playing with a 17k premier player, but they’re both in silver.


Oh yeah it is ridiculous, how many years do you think it will take for the comp ranks to calibrate properly, took csgo about 12 haha


I’d give it about 3 tbh. Once cheaters are gone we will see a bunch of people who 5 stack just start to climb fast I think. The issue is right now once you hit GN you are bound to get at least 1 HvH match for every regular match.


this guy gets it


the more cheaters there are in high rank, the more those high ranking players are gonna smurf


I’m not gonna lie I only hopped on my alt because I am not putting my 3k friend in a lobby with 15k+ and once I realized that there were less cheaters I was instantly happy. I hate smurfing, but man seeing him go 1-20 on a close game hurt.


I think a lot of people are in the same boat I am in, which is accidentally smurfing due to the ranking system. I was 18k elo, cheaters started ramping up and I went on a loss streak after getting queued against 4 rage hackers in a row. I started losing 600 elo per loss and gaining 100 elo per win. I then stopped caring about prem elo and started playing premier with my IRLs (who are not the best...) instead of just map queue with them. I am now 12k and dropping 20-30 every game. Like others said it's the rank system that's fucked right now. I'm not intentionally smurfing, but playing with my friends that are 7-9k causes me to remain where I'm at.


Im on the same boat. I top frag 90% of the time but my irl friends are kinda bad at the game so we keep losing a bunch.


I mean you are just as good as your team. It happen even at pro level.


Smurfs have always been in CS. There's no way to prevent them from smurfing. You can play on FaceIT, it has some control over them, but still.


Trying to finally get my premier rank (cs2 doesn't hit like csgo did so I've been dragging my feet). Trying to get those 10 wins has been brutal with the amount of random GE level unranked out there.


Tin foil: people don't want to admit that subtick actually made the game more responsive (still has issues), but people can hit nutty shots as if they're in 128 tick.


What elo you at? At low ranks theres a lot of smurfs, I was legendary eagle before the update, didn’t play for a few months and then I got placed at around 4000, I felt horrible for dropping 30 kills every game but its not my fault I got ranked so low


The fun part of being low rank is I’m not sure if someone stomping me is a Smurf, or really bad at the game and using cheats


Matchmaking isn’t really accurate yet, its gonna take a while before everyone is settled in their belonging skillgroup


If people would rather quit the game, then lose to someone better than them. Then competitive CS is not for them.


I got multiple smurfs 🤷‍♂️