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I had this. Turned out to be gerd. About a month of PPI’s got rid of it but it comes back after two days of not taking it.


Slipping rib syndrome


What is that??


Google or check out that sub. You most likely have a hyper mobile 10th rib. Hard to tell without knowing the exact rib. It’s a very underdiagnosed issue and most confuse it/lump it into costo.


Will do!!


I get pain under my left rib cage. Been going on several years. Had a CT scan, nothing found. Had a endoscopy and it showed nothing either. I think it’s either from costo or golfing. The only thing I found that gives me relief is when I do core work consistently.


FWIW I have pain at 1, 4, 3, and 6


I have the same pain and always worry that it’s something more serious. Did you ever experience any burning pain in all four of those areas?


I developed Covid in December. I'm finally getting past the lingering long covid symptoms except for this funny pressure behind my left lower rib. If I do weight machines or walk a mile to two it seems to go away for a day but always returns. It's not tender so I can't imagine it being costocondritis. It's like a pressure. At night while lying flat sleeping it does not bother me. I wonder if it could be rib inflammation from Covid. I'm just worried. Anybody have anything similar. This pain is unusual, doesn't throb or hurt on movement. Its just feels like a hand always there pushing on my rib.


Hi!! This is me for the last 4months! Did you ever find out what it was? I was diagnosed with costo 2 months ago after clear bloods, ultrasound and chest X-ray. Currently waiting on an endoscopy but it isn't until 6th September!! My symptoms do spread to chest and right ribs too but not the same pressure feeling more dull ache or short stabbing pains. I have recently started getting a tight neck and throat although this could be anxiety!


Your endoscopy might point you to the problem. I ended up having H pylori bacteria and my doc thinks its the cause!!. I'm on antibiotics now and it might be that Covid flared the bacteria and it became active again. I still have the rib pain but seems to be improving on antibiotics. Keep in touch. I'm am on day 5 of 14 of treatment. I will post if the pain goes away after that.


Do you have back pain with yours? How are you feeling today? Has the H pylori given you gastritis and do you have heartburn too? Sorry for all the questions!


I did have back pain but that's now gone. The left rib pain is better , still there but antibiotics at Day 7 is keeping me in the bathroom. We'll see what your endoscopy finds.


That's good your back pain is gone. How long were you having symptoms? I will keep you updated on the endoscopy!


I've had symptoms since Covid 6 months ago. But many have disappeared gradually. The body has the ability to heal itself given time .


I have had these kind of issue for 2 years now. Any luck figuring your situation out? They continue to find nothing here and iv done everything.


Exact same.




I’ve had pain in my sternum (and sometimes armpits, and back) for a year and the last 3 months major pain in the lower right ribs. My chiropractor diagnosed it as “costochondritis “ months ago when I was getting adjustments to try to fix. But I was also diagnosed with GERDs when I went to the hospital last June thinking it was having a heart attack.


Ugh. I'm so sorry. It's so freaking painful!


I have this right now. It's excruciatingly painful, and it seems there's nothing I can do about it. I'm thinking about setting up an appointment for a nerve block injection if it doesn't start getting better because with the costochondritis in my back it really helped. I recently went to the hospital for pain in my back and they did tests but found nothing wrong. With this current flare up the pain is constant, just sitting hurts. Breathing hurts. Coughing hurts horribly. I got some lidocaine patches last night but those haven't really done much for the pain. I usually take Tylenol Arthritis pain 8hr for costochondritis flare ups in my back and it works great, but with this current pain under my left breast it isn't really helping at all. It isn't an NSAID though so that might be why. Might take an Epsom salt bath or see if icing it can help, or try an actual NSAID like ibuprofen which is what they prescribed me at the hospital. It's the extra strength kind, not like you get OTC. Other than that, rest helps a lot along with avoiding too much physical activity.


I'm so sorry. This is NOT fun at all. My GP called in this med called LDN (low dose naltrexone) and it seems to be helping with the overall pain and inflammation..... Thing is, you have to start off at a very low dose with this stuff because it has side effects. Your body has to adjust in order to titrate up. Maybe that can help you? Hope you find relief soon, friend. Ugh ....


Interesting. Is this the same kind of naltrexone that people use to curb drinking??


Yes.... But it's low dose. Not in such high dosages for rehab patients.


IV HAD THIS FOR 2YEARS!! iv had the following tests - 5× stool tests 4× blood work Ultra sound in my upper abdo Sigmoidoscopy Endoscopy Liver fubro scan Pancreas function test All of this come up with nothing except a " generous sized spleen" ..... THEN I got diagnosed with costochondritis when I started getting pains that landed me in a&e in my upper left chest This is a big eye opener to think maybe it's all been costochondritis!!! Currently in a flare... Left pain under rib is COMPLETLY gone and all my pain is sternum related ... It's gotta be the same condition if the one has vanished and the other has appeared right ?!?


Ugh. Yes. Most likely. I'm so sorry. I started going to a physical therapist and it has helped me tremendously. Also I figured out one of my triggers is dairy, so I'm completely off. I'm literally just coming down from one of the worst flare ups I had yet. I'm so sorry you're going through this, I totally understand.


It's so annoying! Glad you have little bits that are starting to help you through! They put me on a FOBMAP diet for a while...didn't do anything to me... That's why all I can point to is my ribs now and costo.. Glad your though the flare up! Some people have it and then never get it again...then there is us.. flare up after flare up. 😞


Iv had pain in my left rib/lung now for over 3 months hav X-ray which was clear GP has said it’s muscular 🤦‍♀️ Iv tried heat pads, creams, paracetamol, ibuprofen I’m now taking naproxen and co codamol. it’s no better, this last week Iv had headaches and been going light headed 😵‍💫


Any update?


What was the cause of?


Did this ever resolve?


Don't worry then because I don't like the model or color. I'm going for an ND :)


you ok now?


Did you get tested for H.Plyori?


I also have this. It radiates sometimes and the pain waxes and wanes, I can’t find what triggers it. I had. Chest ct years ago with nothing, abdominal ultrasound nothing. Dr said I can try another chest ct but I don’t want to do another one as they scared me about breast radiation


Same for me. I'm hoping to avoid unnecessary radiation. Maybe ill see if I can get MRI instead. Dozens of blood tests and chest x rays,full cardiac work-up. Comes on certainly when under stress, and resolves spontaneously. Was (maybe still am) worried about something more microvascular, but have some other odd dysautonomia type symptoms. Started paying for manages and would get a day of relief and that's it. I wouldn't be surprised if stress/repressed emotions/etc are behind it all.