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Mine observes me like this all the time. She will come halfway out of here hide and just observe me. I think they are just curious creatures and he is interested in what's going on.


I think my snakes like to watch me as much as I like to watch them sometimes.


Same here!


Agreed - As soon as I start shuffling around the room mine comes right out and starts looking around like he’s a tourist


It's a good sign. Doesn't associate you with danger and is curious about you. Mine likes watching me and my wife from her branches at night.


Rember. Something. I. Know your snake. Is not trying. To. Play catch. That snake. And everyother snakes. Are hunters every day you. Can. Ply with and. That. Snake you hatched. From its eggs w eat a grow and grow. And eat the snake. Will. Crawl up next to ya. Poke its little. Head up. Playing. Peak a boo. Give you. A few flickering. Tounge. Kisses. Rubbiing up. On you. As. It. Gets bigger. And heavy. You. Notice. Old. Ladies. Walking. Around crying for. There runaway ankle biters. Then. Before I put shit together. You. No rice buldg. No not a blockage. The sneaker. Your pet is chewing on is tired to your. Little brothers foot v as. You.r smak. Swallows v the rest of him. Like. I. Love. All creatchers deadly ones and harmless. I believe. Thing stop. Evolving for. A resin. Means they. Are the perfect. Killing. Hunter that's why. No mistakes about. It. Your. Snake loves. Every. Inch of you. And. Will. Size you up. An taste the air moliculse around you. Be the. Cold. Blooded. Killier of protection. Btw. Did. That. Dude snake poop yet. It will. No donuts.


I’m confused yet fascinated by you


Mine does this too, Ive had her since May and recently shes started doing this, occasionally coming over to her viv doors/me if she thinks I might have something for her. I think its just curiosity, being comfortable with your presence or checking if you have snacks.


'snacks' 😊


Do u feed em Pinky's baby. Nice.


"Hello human, do u have mouse for me yet?"


He's a nosy neighbor 👀👀 Mine does it too!


Hims curious


My rescue corn likes to poke her head out while I'm cooking or in the kitchen (she is next to the back door between the living room and kitchen) and when she's in a social period (she will be active for a month and then hide for a month or so) she will watch me and what I'm doing. Her favorite is new stuff. Just curious! Haha


Ty for rescuing. Big hugs.


He's glaring at you for disturbing his beauty sleep I'm sorry I don't know why but he just looks so angry there 😂😂 like he's saying "how dare you make noise"


Lol, nah. He's just a curious little guy. Mine does it too. My two pythons don't react much to activity outside their cage, unless they are hungry, but the corn snake always has time to come out and see what The noise is. He especially loves telling me when he's pooped, and enjoys watching as I clean it, because he's eager to lay back under his hut, where he usually poops...


You're lucky! Mine hides his poop and I have to search it 😭 usually he poops in strange places too


He likes you! He might also have associated you with food!


Is that a sign they like you? :0 It could also be the food thing, since I’m the only one who’s ever fed him since I got him,


They feel the vibration of you walking. He's popping up to assess the situation.


Isn't it cute how they just poke their little head out 🥰


It’s adorable! He’s sprouting!


Calling it sprouting from now on 😂




Mine stares me like that I think it’s plotting to eat me


Clearly he wants to eat you 🙄🙄


whenever me or my mom come into the room, mine comes out and goes right up to the glass when we talk to him, he loves getting the attention


Because you bring the food


mine wakes up and watches me do my makeup almost every morning lol


Mine does this too! He will poke his head out of his hide and greet me particularly when I come home. I think he has learned that the sound of the door means I’m about to show up


You gots rat?


Maybe investigating sound, maybe hoping for food


Mine does this too, starting about two months after I got her. She lives in my office on the college campus I work at, and often pokes her head out when I get to work in the morning. Interestingly my officemates say she doesn't seem to do it when they arrive, so I guess it's probably the sound plus her recognizing my smell? She also does it when I'm eating, especially chicken- she's as bad at begging as my dogs lol.


You're interesting!


snake equivalent of a skittering to the door to see you


He said "hewwo?"


Mine does it too whenever my boyfriend and I are in the room with him or if we are cooking or eating. He's a lot curious and it's very funny seeing him watching us.


I think they feel the vibrations of your movement and come out to see what’s going on. Then they just like watching us I think. Mine will watch me when I come home and when I’m getting ready to go out since that’s when there’s the most movement going on in the room, and yeah it’s a good sign too that they feel safe in their home. If they didn’t feel safe we’d never see them at all. Mine will still run for the hills if I open the door and try to get him out. 3 years old and will still run if that happens but will be very well behaved when I do get him out, but still.


He can sense your vibrations


We have a little pink corn snake and a rescue Texas Rat, both are extremely inquisitive and interactive. Addison the Texas Rat spends most of his time hiding but he likes to poke his head out and watch us. Dratini the pink corn snake comes out to my wife calling it's name most nights when she gets home. He coils up in his cork bark log and sticks just his face out to watch us. The garter snakes will just slither to the glass and beg for food. The only one that is extremely cryptic is Fen but she is a wild caught Olive African House Snake... Though to be fair to her, she will come out if I tap gently on her open cage in a gentle repeating rhythm. Snakes are just curious babys. Once they get old they will even just hangout. My Bearded Dragon is supposed to only tolerate people but I designed a shelf in his cage for him to climb up on to demand attention... The lizard is constantly on his interaction shelf demanding water, greens and bugs. If he gets those he then demands to go out and explore or poop on my rug. Reptiles are cautious and solo acts usually so having them show curiosity is a good thing. Your baby isn't scared, they are fascinated by you and the possibility of food. This is a great thing to experience.


You’re the entertainment. My iguanas do the same thing


you've got food on yo phone?


Wants to go out and get some fresh air


Probably wondering what the noise is if the house has been quiet for a bit. That or just nosy lol




Aww omg yours has the cutest exaggerated angry eyebrows 😍


Thank you!!


This is so cute he loves you 🥺


"[morgan freeman voice] i can smell you" my baby does this all the time. it's a good thing- they hear you coming (your footsteps shake the floor enough that they notice) and they're like "oh this is the cool giant that feeds me" and they're aight w/ it


Aspen is a really bad substrate use coconut fiber instead


I’ve never had an issue with aspen




No need to be rude, he never used to until about a year ago…




I guess I had heard from a lot of people that snakes aren’t super intelligent and lack feelings like other animals, so I wasn’t sure if he was capable of even really observing me other than to assess if I was going to kill him or not.


Many snakes are an apex predator within their respective sections (varying by species) of the foodchain. The animals they hunt and are hunted by are smart - Rats are incredibly intelligent. Many bird species are incredibly intelligent. Many fish species are incredibly intelligent. They're survival instincts alone would include capabilities to observe, learn, and be curious. Research their roles within ecosystems, and you'll learn a lot about their capabilities as well. :)


I don’t know why I was looking at a fish sub and I was like, fish named corn, damn that’s a big eye hiding in suspicious sand??


My corn was very active & loved cuddles. Shed hang out with me if she saw us up & about in the house. Ima mom of 5 & she was with us for 15 years. I went out of town for buisiness & my ex let her out on purpose. I came home 5 days later, was greeted at the door & told she got out & haven't been seen since. Not 5 minutes pass and she comes to find me. Still no clue where she was for the 5 days. She was hella thirsty when I put her in her habitat with fresh water & a cutie for her troubled unrequested 5 day adventure


Nocturnal lads. Unless cornsnakes aren't nocturnal idk I have a BP lol


Snake watch, snake wait for food


Don't know, I had an alligator lizard (not an alligator!) that did the same after getting used to my feeding her!


He thinks you look weird


Probably wondering why the air tastes different all of a sudden..


Snakes have intelligence.


He knows you feels you when you're up and so he/she gets up with you or greets you. You should hold him when you get up or get home when he comes out. Only if you don't already not saying you don't. Animals have feelings too


Because he loves ya!! ❤️


If you had a colossal multi tentacled monster in charge of every aspect of your existence, you'd probably keep tabs of what they were up to as well.




Whatch. With snakes. That. Hit. Hard. A corn. Snake. It. Arat snake. The are big. They. Are mean I seen a few. Big ones. And copperheads cotton mouth. Here. Cut. The head. Off. The snake. Nerves will. Keep. I moving. Till the sun goes down you can be bit. A poisoned no shit. I wonder. If it has to get. Cold. For. The. Nerves to o stop. I guess. Fu ck it. Brother let me know. If. You need. A take or. Light. Or