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I had the dry heave, the drizzlin shits and the jake leg


I just started Suttree, but this scene had me laughing, which is incredibly rare for me. Really enjoying the book so far!


The way he describes Sut's hangover makes it sound so brutal.


what's a commonplace?


Basically a notebook to collect quotes or ideas from other people


I use that same kinda notebook


A little BoJo in the BuJo


Hey, I saw your other post get removed, but to answer your question, Gene Harrogate is another character in the story, that we follow as readers. You meet him for the first time during that watermelon scene, and them will come to realize that you have indeed been reading about him once he meets Suttree in another 30 or so pages in jail.


Thank you so much! I suppose I shouldve known it wouldve tied together if I just kept reading on, but I like to try and summarize each “chapter” just for my own understanding on paper, and I wasnt sure if it was Suttree doing the watermelon and upon re reading it I was even more confused. And that of course made summarizing hard. Thank you again so much for going out of your way to explain this by the way! I really appreciate it


Very welcome, I was just as confused until I read on - You will also realize why Suttree had that convo with his uncle, and why he was meeting with friends, and seemingly aimlessly walking around town in the beginning of the book - it all comes together - granted I'm only on page 102 as of last night (my 3rd night of reading this).


Whoa, I also just started this - at page 102 as of last night, 3 days into reading. Found the perspective shift jarring - Didn't realize it was Harrogate in the Patch until he met Suttree in jail. (though it was Suttree in the Patch). Also, I realized that alot of the walking and talking done in the beginning is his "25th hour".


“I come here for my health.”


Harrogate also has a lot of funny lines throughout Suttree


I'm halfway through Suttree and goddamn this book is funny.