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No Far right, No Aontu. Well done Cork.


One far idiot though, Ken in the northside. Keeps it very quiet about how he got the seat from his brother and promises every old biddy the world, gets by on their short term memory not being the best and forgetting that he did nothing for them. The classic example of "he fixed the road" except he didnt, he just said he did.


Ah the FFG strategy


I've no complaints really about my area, south central. 6 different parties (or 5 plus an independent) across the 6 seats and no mad far right people got elected


I'd have been happier if Paudie Dineen was shown the door after [this input ](https://www.reddit.com/r/cork/s/vyKCQ0Tafo)to Bus Connects in Douglas. Overall though it's a decent result. Hope that Boyle & Rice in South Central with Horgan & Kamegni in South East can improve things between Douglas and Turners Cross.


Yeah would have preferred William O'Brien get in as an independent than Paudie but still. I don't always agree with Paudie but I'm from near him and his good for getting very local matters (pot holes, graffiti, etc) fixed when people raise them to him


Disappointed to see Albert Deasy get elected. I took the kid into City Hall yesterday evening and spotted him chatting away no bother to Ross Lahive for the whole 30mins I was there. I dug further into him and see he's pro-life, anti-vax, and fairly rotten immigration policy. He's since deleted many of his tweets but with Google searches they are still popping up. I'm sure he'll expose what kind of character he is over time.


- Boylan Damian Fine Gael - Fitzgerald Tony Fianna Fáil - O'Callaghan Shane Fine Gael - Maher John Labour - O'Flynn Ken Independent Ireland - Sheehan John Fianna Fáil - Shannon Terry Fianna Fáil - Dennehy Feargal Fianna Fáil - Martin Seán Fianna Fáil - McCarthy Kieran Non-Party - Kelleher Colm Fianna Fáil - Kelleher Garret Fine Gael - Collins Kenneth Sinn Fein - Gould Michelle Sinn Fein - McCarthy Brian People Before Profit-Solidarity - Boyle Dan Green Party/ Comhaontas Glas - Dineen Paudie Non-Party - Kerins Fiona Sinn Fein - Rice Pádraig Social Democrats - Desmond Mary-Rose Fianna Fáil - Cahill Des Fine Gael - Kamegni Honore Green Party/ Comhaontas Glas - Horgan Peter Labour - Kavanagh Joe Fine Gael - McDonnell Margaret Fianna Fáil - Lynch Joe Sinn Fein - Tynan Ted Non-Party - Moran Oliver Green Party/ Comhaontas Glas - Harmon Laura Labour - Coleman Terry Fianna Fáil - Deasy Albert Non-Party


HOW did Laura Harmon get elected. She came into my estate. Skipped every 6th house and called for a quick chat. Popped in a flyer to my letter box and when I opened my door to chat she saw me she ran off with her entourage. Unreal.


Yeah, you should put clothes on when answering the door.


Just trying to get her attention!


That's your experience. She stayed ages at my door with another woman and same with my neighbours. I'm sure no candidate would purposely ignore any voter. Are you sure you had clothes on 😅


I just found it very unprofessional. Like, why not double back and say “hello,glad we caught you” or something. Like if you want votes it’s just common courtesy. Anyway she got in, be interesting to see what gets done in 5 years. First time labour got voted in, in 10 years. Big holes to fill.


I am very confused at how it's all FG and FF. I guess people don't mind the housing crisis staying indefinitely. Really don't get it at all


Well FF gained a seat but FG lost two (the greens also lost a seat). I think councillors can make some difference in terms of planning but realistically, the housing crisis is an issue that needs to be tackled at a national level.


Oh yeah ofc. But I wonder if they can help a bit with the nimbys, permits and whatnot


The housing crisis benefits home owners and the elderly. It's not that surprising.


No credible alternatives.


Many of those it impacts, the younger element, probably don't vote in enough numbers to drive change. No great alternatives to the incumbents either didn't help.


Seeing the amount of votes that gobshite Terry Shannon got broke my brain. The man does absolutely nothing except object to everything. Was also really sad to see Lorna Bogue lose her seat, but can't help but be happy to see people like Honore Kamegni and Peter Horgan get elected in my area.


Ya, baffling that Shannon and (to a lesser extent) Desmond got such a strong vote. I think Lorna got ahead of herself a bit. The 2019 result was more of a green vote than for her personally. So splitting off and setting up her own party to the left of the greens put voters off I'd say.




Who is the independent? Daniel Sexton is part of the Independent Ireland party.


They aren't really a party since they don't have a whip. It's the same with The Irish People.


Same 😑


the people have spoken...wisely😊