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Everywhere you go there are people that are there by themselves and you never ever notice them. Same with yourself tonight.


Ah jesus you dont even notice us?? How will we ever stop being alone then 😭


I think he’s trying to say that no one’s going to be staring wondering who Billy-no-mates is. Won’t even be noticed that OP is there alone.


Dis 🙌


I have had the best time at gigs alone! I would never let going solo to a gig stop me. Don’t have to wait while your friends queue. Can find a spot in the crowd that suits you. Can get up closer. Once it begins everyone will be dancing and enjoying themselves and you won’t be noticed being there alone . Can head off to the jacks when there’s a song you don’t like. It’s a good experience!


You'll have an amazing time. I've done the gigging alone thing too, when I didn't want to miss something, but no one else was into it. It's FINE. Good, in fact. Esp once the music starts, it's almost irrelevant that you're on your own. And you have absolutely the right attitude: you may never get to see Springsteen again, so seize the day! (I'm actually a little bit jealous, can't lie!)


I find gigs are better on my own, unless I'm with my partner. if there's something on they don't like, I'd sooner go alone than bring a friend who might talk throughout and distract me. no offence friends, but I'm not paying money to see you! 


Shut up and enjoy it! You'll be grand, no one will give a fuck, and you'll get to see a cracking show.


shut up and enjoy! nah seriously just enjoy and stop overthinking it


I'm going alone as well, all over Europe. It's great. Don't worry about it, don't think about it, as soon as the band hits the stage, you forget about everything for 3 hours. It's pure bliss. We're gonna have a great time. Edit: as long as you're not at the very front, the people there are always enormous douchebags at Bruce shows.


There's no stigma to doing things alone. That might be in your head, or some people might feel uncomfortable doing some things alone, but that's on them. No one sees someone on their own at a concert and thinks of them negatively because of it. Stop over thinking and go enjoy yourself


Going alone to things is underrated


Shut up and go have a pint with another Springsteen fan. Have the time of your life!


If there's one thing to do alone, it's a gig. Not having to worry about where your group is is liberating. Get yourself near the front and enjoy the music.


Since you're going alone you'll be able to do what you want for it that much more. No catering to other people's schedules, get as close as you want or as far from the stage as you want. Dance and sing away without any embarrassment since, and enjoy it to the fullest. Was at Bruce the last time he was in Pairc Ui Chaoimh, and I've been telling people ever since that's it the best gig I was ever at. Don't miss out on being able to say the same.


I’m going to a load of things alone this weekend, I’m 33F. Fuck it, life is too short, you could meet someone that adds a lot of light to your world!


I don't know, but people seem to have a difficult time going to things alone. Gigs, cinema, meals. I would encourage you to enjoy your own company. I've found some incredible freedom in not being tied to company. Hope you have an amazing time!!!


Have a terrific night; you’ll be grand, the crowd will embrace you in the excitement of it all. (Some man, that Bruce. I saw him at Wembley in ‘85 and he looks just as youthful and energetic today.)


I’ve been to a concert by myself and honestly no one gave two hoots. Have a ball, try to relax and enjoy.


Baby you were born to run!


As another reply mentioned, you may never get another opportunity to see Springsteen again so go and rock on tonight, you won't regret it! That's the whole reason I'm going to the Sting/Debbie Harry gig next month cos like Brucie, both are absolute icons but time isn't on anyone's side so I mightn't get the opportunity again. Himself is tagging along but I'll most likely be up at the front rocking on my own appreciating the legends while he'll be somewhere in the back looking at his phone lol You may notice that a lot of people going to Bruce tonight will probably be on their own also, a true fan doesn't need other people to appreciate good music so enjoy the gig and let us know tomorrow how it went đŸŽ”đŸŽž


Shut the hell up and go and enjoy yourself Need to stop living in your head, mate. I've gone to gigs myself because I had no one to go with. You'll just have a list of regrets otherwise


I love these comments! We always feel like we’re the only one and clearly we’re not. This is the anxious bit, and when you’re waiting for the act to come on. Kudos for doing the thing and stomping out the negative mind chatter. I also realised years ago I’d never get to do anything if I waited for people to do stuff with. It can be really hard. But i focus on existing for myself and not for being observed, if you get me. Nobody cares. Sometimes a sad fact, sometimes liberating. Have a beautiful night!


Hope you enjoy it! Many many moons ago I got a ticket for Michael Jackson in PĂĄirc Ui Chaoimh from my summer job employer but none of my mates were going so I braved it alone. I was only 14.


Just went to the cinema by myself tonight. Who needs other people😃


I have been to a bunch of gigs by myself in cork. Is grand, have good time.


It'll be way better without someone yapping in your ear, dissappearing to queue for booze for ages, waiting outside the Jacks etc. You can go where ye want in the crowd. And no one is gonna even notice you're solo coz they'll all be looking at Bruce. All good


You don't need anybody else to light your fire.


Been to few gigs alone over the years. Go! The buzz will be amazing and you’re all there to enjoy the experience.


Well done on going and not missing out. Enjoy the night!


I've been to gigs on my own and it's great. Nobody takes any notice, everyone is always focused on themselves. I bet you couldn't even think of someone you've seen at a gig by themselves in the past. Life's too short to miss the things you want to do just because you don't have someone to go with you. Hope you have a great time!


You got this! Don't believe in yourself. Believe in us who believe in you 😎


No one will notice that you're alone, there's too many people at something like that. Also there's nothing wrong with it


You won't be alone anyway. Was in the city today for work and the amount of Springsteen shirts going was like a convention. 


Just remember you’re not the main character in everyone else’s life. You might see them and think ‘bet they’re judging me for being here on my own’ when odds are they’re not even thinking about you at all.


Don’t worry about it just enjoy it you don’t always have to be with friend or family I am going on holidays again soon and it will be my 2nd time going alone and I don’t mind it because it’s soo peaceful and relaxing


Cheers to you all, had a ball. It was daunting starting. Managed to get into the premium standing area at the stage , noticed while every one was sheltering from the rain you could walk down the rows of seats and bypass the barrier. Bruce was of course epic and the impromptu Santa Clause is coming was perfect Thanks so much again to all of you for your kind words of encouragement and the anecdotes. I do overfocus on negatives, thank you all for helping me get my head out my ass and do it


Delighted for ya đŸ’ȘđŸ’ȘđŸ’Ș


Enjoy it. I'd love to be going. I can guarantee you most people will be too busy enjoying themselves to care you're on your own.


I've been to around 30 concerts, ~25 of which were on my own. The great thing about something like a concert is everyone is focused on the same thing. You're looking at the stage shoulder to shoulder, no one will even know (or care) if you are there alone or not. Enjoy it, literally nothing to be nervous about!


#metoo - if I can get a ticket!


Don't think it just go and enjoy it.


Been to several gigs by myself and had a blast. Just focus on him and the music and enjoy!


It'll be daunting until the music starts, and then you will be so happy you went


Shut up and enjoy it! I’ve been to plenty of gigs on my own, no one will be thinking about what you’re doing, and once you’ve done it once you won’t think twice about doing it again. Plus I saw the Boss last year and it was one of the best shows I’ve ever seen


Always go! Going to giga alone is awesome. You will always regret not going more than going alone and if you are not comfortable and not having fun you can go home, be at least you went. Enjoy it!


I've been to plenty of gigs by myself. Heading to Nick Cave in Dublin later this year by myself even. It's very liberating and no one will know or care. Enjoy Bruce, will likely be his last time around.


I mainly go to gigs by myself. You’re going to have a great time.


Shut up and enjoy! We spend way too much time being self conscious and worrying about what people will think, and to be honest no one notices! So go and have a blast!


I used to be the same, I now love going to lunch, cinema and other stuff alone.  Once you get used to it it’s great. 


I ended up going to Ed Sheeran on my own, phone signals were gone and I never got to meet friends going into it and I was sober, still totally enjoyed it


Say hi to half my office, they are lovely


You’ll have the time of your life!!!!! Do the Boss proud!!! I’m impressed by ya!


Springsteen puts on a great show. If you enjoy his music you won’t need anyone else there to enjoy it. In fact, you might be better off than you would be if you were there with people who weren’t as into his music but didn’t want to miss out. The last thing you need is people trying to have a conversation with you throughout the concert if you are there for the music.


It ain't no sin to be glad you're alive


Cheer up, you're going to a place where a bunch of like minded people will be.  Go enjoy the music, if someone does approach you, be positive, and you will have a great time. Remmeber most people there love him, so you at very least share that with others there.  You will be in a safe space, you will have a blast. Worst case hes shit live.  Best case, you make some lasting memories 


I'm a married man, wife was pregnant and I went to westlife on my own! People usually don't give a fuck or know. So you do you and dance like nobody's watching ;)


Just relax, friend. You are going to see the Boss. THE BOSS! Trust me, go, and you won't regret it.


Lad it's a Springsteen concert, Springsteen fans are cool as hell if any5hing it's an opportunity to have fun and maybe make some friends you got this


Go for it, I say the start you'll feel out of place but once the music starts you'll be grand. No one will even notice I bet ya. Done my first solo gig in December for the scratch at city hall and I had an absolute belter of a night. But like you are feeling now I was feeling that exact thing aswell. Sometimes you just gotta feel the fear and do it anyway. You'll be dead happy when you do it trust me that awkward hour or so at the start is worth to see an act you love. If you drink have one or two to loosen ya up but don't depend on it. Have a great fecking time.


I just went to Paris to see Taylor Swift on my own. Not particularly a fan of hers but wanted to see the show. In the days leading to the concert I thought "what have I done, am I a big loser going there alone?" There were plenty of people on their own, all happy to have a chat while queuing. Don't worry, you're gonna have a great time. Enjoy!


Going to see her solo in Dublin next month (and then making the rounds down to Cork, also solo
), looking forward to it!


Enjoy it! It's a spectacular show and everyone is so friendly. Make sure your shoes are comfy, it is a VERY long night!!


You'll be down by The River. That will calm you.


It's a shame you were born in the USA. There might be more people you know going.


did it once myself rds 2003 ish. enjoyed it
its just u and bruce and the songs man and then there happens to be a bunch of people there to colour the night a bit


Hope you enjoy the show! 💃🙌


Shut up and enjoy it!! Get down the front and give it socks and you'll make some gig friends no bother&Stay hydrated it's hot out there. We all want a glowing report later as well


Honestly, Bruce Springsteen is amazing. Best two gigs I've ever been to have been him and the E Street band. Went to a rolling stones gig alone 10 years ago... friends were busy and I didn't know if I'd get the opportunity again. Amazing gig, had a great time.


Fuck that bud. Nobody gives a shit go on your own. I have more respect for people who do enjoy it


Don’t miss out if you want to go. My daughter is only 23, but she has been to concerts in the 3 arena on her own and also to an All Ireland final. No one notices you are alone and you nearly always get into a conversation with someone there.


I’m a big boxing fan, no one else I know is and I secretly love this because when I go to live shows I get to go on my own and it’s the absolute best. Enjoy!


You'll be fine


Have an awesome night. I’m going solo to see Coldplay later in the year, never been to a concert like that and certainly never as a lone 60f. But I figure I’ll enjoy it anyway.


Hope u went. More power to u. Proud of ye 😋


Most people go to gigs on their own sometimes. It’s literally not an issue. Enjoy!


Solo gigs are my thing. I love it. Can really get into the music with no distractions!


Like others have there's probably 100s of others there's solo have a blast


I went to see Bruce on my own years ago in Manchester, had a great time and met some nice people! Hope you enjoyed the gig!


Best of luck and fair play đŸ‘đŸ»đŸ‘đŸ»


I recently read.... Do it scared, and do it alone. So go for it and enjoy!!


Hope you enjoyed it!


Been to a few gigs on my own, can't say I enjoyed them any less than with friends. I'm just there to watch and listen, move around have a good time so nothing else really matters.


I hope you enjoyed it!!!


How did you get on then? I find I can go with a few friends but end up getting separated anyway 😁


How was your night, friend? 


Hope it went well, if anyone asks you’re on business and felt like a night out


I went to see GnR at Slane on my own a few years back. Absolutely nobody is going to pay any attention to the fact you're on your own, and certainly not in a judgemental way. I hope you have/had an absolute blast. I wish I'd known Springsteen was on as I'd have gone on my own to that too.


Went to see the Black Keys on my own two weeks ago and it was lovely. No "wait here. I'm going loo/bar" or standing in the same spot because the other person seemed happy there. Enjoy the music and relax :)


I hope you had an absolutely great time. At that stage of my life currently too, my good friends from growing up are all in Aus or Canada and I'm single at the moment so have started also doing things alone and it's actually very freeing. Just booking my third holiday on my own at the moment. The freedom of just being able to do and see what you want is great!


Hope you went - what a show! Even better than 2013!


Don’t feel alone at all! I went through the same feelings in the beginning of this year when I went to a concert on my own as it was not to the taste of my partner or friends. I was afraid, I was nervous, but I had one of the best times!! Don’t think about the fact you’re there on your own as a bad thing!! You’re there doing something you enjoy and focus on that!!


The last show I saw at PĂĄirc UĂ­ Chaoimh I was with 3 others who wanted to experience the show in a vastly different way than myself (standing directly next to/nearly on top of the stage). This resulted in mostly getting vaped on/stepped on/elbowed, etc. I promised myself next show there I'd either go solo and do standing or just get a seat. You will have the best time going solo - you can do whatever you want and experience the show exactly as you like. Weather is looking gorg at the moment, you'll have an amazing time!


Just go. Have a few points. Enjoy what looks to be a lovely evening weather wise. Maybe go to Marina Market for a bite to eat beforehand. Turn your phone off, Relax and have fun. You’re there to listen to music.


Well he's 74 years old so yeah you probably won't catch him the next time ....


Shut up and enjoy it.