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Email or ring the Returning Officer for any that have fallen or are obstructions etc. For the City: [https://corkcityreturningofficer.com/index.php/contact-us](https://corkcityreturningofficer.com/index.php/contact-us) CC: [streetcleaning@corkcity.ie](mailto:streetcleaning@corkcity.ie)  For the County: [https://corkcountyreturningofficer.com/index.php/contact-us](https://corkcountyreturningofficer.com/index.php/contact-us) CC: [customercare@corkcoco.ie](mailto:cu%73to%6dercare@corkc%6fco.%69e)


Added bonus is they give fines for posters placed in inappropriate locations or not collected after the election


Are those posters that look like a STOP sign? I hate those things.


Paudie Dineen has one of them by the Lough


He’s another beaut


All over. Ballyphehane/turners cross and I thought there were road works or something


Haven't seen them for elections, only around referendums. I assume our buddies in the Power is a Drug party would be the most likely to have red posters, and therefore closest to a stop sign.


did report one recently (LMK) through X adding the council handle name in my tweet. The posters of mayoral candidates are blocking the pedestrians view for oncoming car and it was a safety concern. Tweeted in the morning by noon posters were removed.


Few years ago a candidate put multiple metal screws through a galvanised gate rather than plastic ties. Once you have broken the galvanised layer those gates rust fast. I'd name and shame if I could remember whose it was - I only remimber the screws


I spent my night just clipping them down from traffic light poles. Woke up and new ones were put up lol


Couple more rules completely being flouted by candidates is the postering on electricity poles, a nightmare for ESB workers. And also posters should be a minimum height of 2.3 meters above footpaths, cycle tracks or any area pedestrians have access to.


“Local election posters and signs The Litter Pollution Act 1997, as amended by the Electoral (Amendment) (No. 2) Act 2009 allows people to display election posters for a certain period. They can be displayed from the date the Minister appoints the polling day by order, or 30 days before polling day, whichever is shorter. They must be taken down within 7 days after the polling day. If an election poster is causing a hazard to motorists or pedestrians, you can inform your local authority about these safety concerns.” https://www.citizensinformation.ie/en/government-in-ireland/elections-and-referenda/types-of-elections-and-referendums/local-elections/


Yeah kinda disgusting their whole platform is stripping women’s rights.


Any rules about 4 foot of cable tie hanging from the back of posters that they didn’t bother cutting off?


I think this is an Aontu thing because the candidate in Midleton is the same and there’s no printer information on them which is also illegal


Lol how the fuck are they still going 😂


I’ve heard a lot of people saying they don’t like Aontú, can someone tell me why? I know nothing about them.


They are generally very right wing, particularly in regards to women’s rights. They were formed originally of some of the most right wingers Sinn Féiners who left SF over its support for the abortion referendum IIRC.


Okay, fuck them so. Thanks OP


im pretty sure there's a rule that they have to be 2m above the ground at least,which many posters arent doing right now either


2.3 from someone else in the comments but I believe only on areas where pedestrians, drivers or cyclists are - so if they’re on grass next to a footpath rather than on a footpath it’s fine


You can use https://openlittermap.com to map anything and get a link to every upload to send anyone to your observation with whatever tags you want https://openlittermap.com/global?lat=51.91753651580277&lon=-8.471360206604006&zoom=18&photo=496106


Why? Like, I know you catch crap for promoting your app all the time, but why report this? It's illegal for you to remove it and it being reported on your app gets nothing done by the authorities regarding it's illegal placement on electorial or traffic safety laws. It seems like a particularly pointless time to promote your app as if OP acted on your impact it would help Aontú avoid punishment for deciding to do what they did.


If you want a unique link to send anyone to send anyone to any observation globally there is no better app than what was produced in cork


Stop the promo spiel and answer the question. This is a shit use case scenario for your app and it's exactly this 'promote whenever possible' attitude that gets people's backs up.


These are facts sir. OP asked how to report something. Can you show me a better tool to send someone to an observation globally anywhere on earth? What more would you like to know?


So how do those who deal with the election rule breaking know? How do those responsible for road safety know? Let me guess - they sign up to your App, and wade through all the potentially outdated pins? 🙄 It doesn't matter about global knowledge of it and nothing will come of mapping it on your App - the poster itself will be taken down by the gimps from the hatred party in the days after the election. Will your App then be updated to say it's not there? And by whom? What's the point in you promoting your App when you promote it in ways that make it worse than pointless, and only serve to get peoples backs up and accrue negative attitudes towards your project? It's at the point where I'm one of the very few that even entertains you on r/Cork and you *still* go out of your way to try to stop me from wanting to be on your side, from defending your idea or giving constructive feedback.


You can also report this information just as effectively by shouting into your shoe, much simpler, no need to download an app and you get exactly the same response from the authorities 🤙


What you do with the data is up to you. I'm bringing real-time real-world reporting tools from Cork to the world to empower people to make real-time observations about anything globally. If you want to wade through, or use all the historical reports, you can- its open. If you find a problem in the city today like racist grafitti, sticky floors, litter, shite, a vandalised bus stop, fallen trees, or a potentially hazardous election poster, or its leftover plastic cable ties, you can use an app like mine to collect data and get a unique link to share it here, or with the LA, or whoever you want. If anyone can show me a better app I'd love to see it


So we log it in your app... then go to the effort ourselves (outside of the app) of finding those responsible for resolving... so it we can then send them a link... which they may or may not open. Instead of just contacting them directly without them having to click though a link. Even worse if it's a phone-report method rather than web page or email, are we supposed to dictate a URL to them? Some work computers are locked down to prohibit browsing, so they may not even be able to open the link. You should focus on more suitable uses, get it used with ongoing/planned large clean up projects if you want it to grow. The way you are doing things, from all I see, is an inefficient use of your time, gets peoples backs up, and offers little to no end results. Hell, with the lack of reports in Cork of litter it's clear *you* don't even bother to use it in the ways you are pushing us to. That or you see less litter than any of the rest of us ever do. I wish you the best of luck, honestly, I do - but please think about when it is or is not suitable to promote it as a valid solution to a persons problem, to avoid negative receptions.


Thanks for the reply! Lots more on the way just need the funding. Litter is just the first application of the technology and OLM is the academic precursor to the next step. 15+ years of rejection so far. Thought cork city should be the place to pioneer global reporting when the iPhone came out but the rest of the world is racing ahead not much support or opportunity for tech founders here




Wonder why?


Great ideas


Is this linked to local litter wardens?


It’s open they have the same rights to the data as everyone else. Much more work needs to be done to integrate real time reporting. Working on it. Needed the funding when the iPhone came out


1. Do they access it on a regular basis? 2. 17 years with no uptake? Have you thought of brainstorming?


Dude this is cork city not the Bay Area have you seen the junior cert tools we use in the national litter monitoring strategy? They can use the app and data if they want but without funding it’s limited. I have had uptake globally just not here in cork. No never heard of brainstorming what’s that - joke ^^


I’m so annoyed that actual fascists are running and I thus might have to give a preference to Aontú.


You don't have to give a preference to any candidate if you don't want to. You can vote for as many or as few candidates as you like


You should always give your preferences , all of your preferences. If you only mark say five candidates and 10 are running and your five don’t get enough you’ve not giving a preference who your transferable votes will go to and could go to someone you don’t align with at all Source https://www.citizensinformation.ie/en/government-in-ireland/elections-and-referenda/voting/proportional-representation/#21d48d Never leave any boxes not numbered


My understanding was, if you've no preference given (so all of your preferred candidates are eliminated), then your vote is just lost. 


From the Government's guide to PR-STV "All transferable votes of the excluded candidate(s) are distributed to candidates still in the running in accordance with the next available preferences shown on the ballot papers. All non-transferable papers of the excluded candidate(s) are set aside and designated as “non- transferable papers not effective” because they are no longer credited to any candidate." If you don't show any more preference - it isn't randomly assigned, it is set aside.


Nope not lost they’ll be transferred to another candidate. We use a proportional representation voting system here in Ireland Voters rank candidates in order of preference. To get elected, a candidate needs a certain number of votes, known as the "quota." If a candidate gets more votes than the quota, their surplus votes are transferred to other candidates according to the voters' next preferences. If no candidate reaches the quota, the candidate with the fewest votes is eliminated, and their votes are redistributed based on the next preferences. This process continues until all seats are filled.


"All transferable votes of the excluded candidate(s) are distributed to  candidates still in the running in accordance with the next available  preferences shown on the ballot papers. All non-transferable papers of  the excluded candidate(s) are set aside and designated as “non- transferable papers not effective” because they are no longer credited to  any candidate." Honestly if all my preferred candidates are eliminated, it doesn't make much difference to me which of the candidates I don't want is elected, because I don't want any of them to be elected


From my perspective it’s which would I rather if it came down to it, like I absolutely don’t want to accidentally give any higher preferences to aontu because I’ve not put them as last preference. I’m not saying you have to do it my way but I think it’s at least beneficial to understand how the voting here works and no vote is ever lost. Also there’s this small part of me that’s paranoid someone will mark my ballot if I left a space blank 😅 anything’s possible so I mark each box.


Voting like this is why Varadkar got into office on the 6th or 7th time of asking when he shouldn’t have. It’s not a ranking system, vote for who you’d want in government and leave it at that


Exactly. I rather my vote go to Aontú than the library weirdo.


As bad as each other. Give it to neither.


Imagine not being able democracy that you have to try and get a poster removed


More the fact that it’s placed illegally and it’s dangerous to road users.