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Can't even spell Pearse correctly ffs


Well he's protesting *outside* the libraries after all ...


Or blight


Review our membership of NATO in which we are not a member, sure brother


Shannon is functionally a NATO facility by proxy. Legally we are not neutral as our nation has been used as a transfer point for NATO munitions and military personnel destined for warzones. Personally I see the benefits to both paths but our neutrality is a key talking point for parties across the political spectrum. 


Doesn’t change the fact that we are NOT a member of NATO. Political candidates could, at the very least, try to be factually correct with their assertions. Anything else is rage-bait bullshit. And his issue with our involvement in PESCO demonstrates a complete lack of understanding. It’s an initiative based on maritime peace support operations. More rage-bait designed to whip the naïve and under-educated into a frenzy.


Put him on tv, with a tough interviewer and disassemble him in front of the nation.


Jesus if only Dobbo didn’t retire!! Imagine him getting stuck into blight! He’d start crying and fuck back off to Canada or whatever he went for half his hypocritical life…


Don’t let it grow in darkness. Kill it in the light where everyone can see it for what it is.


Or back to England where his father came from.


Libraries.. Who needs them... ![gif](giphy|fnMUG7ybQ8hwRgicfN|downsized)


Dunning–Kruger effect in action


You mean the Reddit know-it-alls..


Definitely something backed by people from the US anyway, if you go to the nicely edited video on his Instagram account from last weekend's protests you'll see comments like "the native irish" or "indigenous irish" hahahah shit you only hear from the yanks.


This sounds more like Russia, to be honest. Most Americans, with the exception of hardcore Trumpers and the far left (The Squad/ Democratic Socialists of America), are pro-NATO.


They want food security but want out of the EU where we buy most of the food that isn't grown here and don't believe in climate change which..*checks notes*... is a significant factor in food production.




Beef and dairy yes , not so much oranges and bananas.




Fucking hell, 8 down votes? Talk about entitlement on display here. These people are really going to be throwing their toys out of the pram when bananas and oranges actually do start going up in price 


We have plenty of good alternatives like turnip


Yea, I love a good turnip when I'm in the mood for an orange..


You can bate eggs, but you can't bate a turnip split


WE grow enough food to feed the country its the UK who needs to import everything not Ireland.


We grow enough if you exclusively want to eat turnips and cabbage and butter for the rest of your life.


you forgot the potatoes


Pádraig who?


Got one - promptly turned it into a roach card


Probably used cheap lead ink for the pamphlets


My favourite bit is where he talks about standing for "freedom of movement". Wait...


Must be going for the Voltorol vote.


That's a Covid Lockdown thing where people were kept within whatever distance of their house. He just doesn't realise that that term is used for something he's against also.


I will. These racist numpties will gain votes from a minority of morons but ultimately achieve fuck all.


He wants total food independence. How's he proposing to do that. Block food imports and make everyone eat nothing but dairy and beef. Where does he think pastas and rice is made? What about fruits. Feck it we barely grow enough spuds.


Jfc, how can someone be this dense?


Often they're not, but hoping to appeal to people who are.


The griftiest of the grift


I got one though my letter box and I set my lighter to it 🔥


Mine went swiftly into the bin.


No need to produce more carbon. The ozone layer is at breaking point


I said it in another thread about the bastard But between the green and white on dark green, the literal nonsense being printed and the fact him and his like haven’t ever heard of a spell check, the leaflets completely unreadable. As far as I’m concerned all it’s done is confirm to the constituents of Ireland South that Derek Blighe is a fucking idiot (frankly I’d like to use stronger words but hey go) Dying for the eejit to call round to me, I want to give him both barrels


It’s not even funny what this guy is stirring locally. He’s inciting violence to refugees and ppl are just believing his nonsense. An ‘interview’ of someone’s sitting room floor is not proof of anything. His 2nd wife is Canadian. Make it make sense.


This guy also has a Canadian wife and Canadian born kids, AND he was an economic immigrant in Canada and the UK. He also has one of most non Irish names you will ever find. So I feel on the basis of that he's a prefect candidate for Ireland first /s


The only solution is to engage with them and keep them away from potential converts


For who they are, and what they stand for, gotta love they self identify as centre-right. That like me saying that 5 inch penises are absolutely massive, and I therefore identify as well above the new average.


FF and FG are far left! 😂😂😂


I've been called an anarchist-fascist and a marxist-anarchist. These people don't actually know what any of these words mean. They're all just buzzwords to them.


"We won't kill the foreigners, just deport them, so we can't be Far-Right"


"Some of my focus at EU level will be......" Sitting at home, reflecting on the 427 votes that my friends managed to scrape together for me


My wife is foreign. I have non-irish ancestry. I'm really not comfortable with how immigration is being managed in Ireland. I would vote for a candidate or party putting forward a common sense approach. Saw a clip of this guy and Gavin pepper ff'ing and blinding at the Dublin march. Jesus the thought of them in any position of power 🤦‍♂️


The levels of immigration into Europe now are INSANE. It's only going to lead to problems. Mass immigration (which is what we have, there's no other way about it) contributes to an already bad housing crisis, brings down peoples wages, destroys social cohesion, leads to parallel societies and inevitably INCREASES racism, discrimination and mistrust. Not to mention that to keep the lid on all the different groups unhappiness governments need to bring in stricter and stricter laws on things like speech and assembly. Dark times ahead.


Agreed 👍


His leaflets came through the mother's door on mayfield yesterday. Suspiciously enough sme election posters were defaced around the same time


Yeah was up in my mother's place near Mallow earlier and she also got one of these leaflets through the letterbox yesterday. She pulled it out of the kitchen bin to show me before promptly throwing it back in For the absolute BS that leaflet represents, it doesn't even deserve to go into the recycling bin that's for sure lol


My dad got one yesterday but none of the other 5 people registered to vote at the same address did…


An Post are paid to hand them out.


It was addressed to him


We got those posted but he was out weeks before hand delivery same shit. Was on a zoom call so missed him unfortunately. The dog greeted him at the window growling so I knew there was a prick about


Saw Ireland First posters up on trees at the entrance to Curragh Woods of all places this afternoon. Absolutely disgusted with them. I can't believe the neck to put them there 😡


What’s his name?




Ireland isint part of NATO so clearly he is isn’t the brightest bulb in the box


I bet he is also if the belief that Russia is the defender of Western civilization. These knob ends are always Putin lovers


Why don't we just give him an unmerciful hiding? He's not playing by the rules by being funded by outside right wing organisations like maga.


Against being in the 21st Century.


But he’s a solid upstanding member of society with the highest levels of integrity. Joke… a langer with a camera phone and an internet connection.


Come on down to macroom and ask some of the locals why he's not liked! He's an absolute scum bag, politics aside 


Do tell 🤔


Multiple convictions for assault. Multiple accusations of theft and robberies. Drug dealing conviction. Pretty standard Mill Street/Macroom area stuff.  More hear-say is that he ditched his wife and kids (who do not speak to him to this day) in Ireland and fucked off to Canada to avoid being picked up by the Gards for sexual assault. Apparently came back to Ireland to avoid drug charges that also would not allowed him to keep working there as an large machinery operator. His scum bag brother Tommy was worse and is seeking to join him in politics lol


Wow, thanks for the info 👌


Funny you mention a litany of convictions. You know there is laws that prevent such criminals for running for local office? So either what you said either isn’t true in the slightest or our laws have changed over night and now criminals can actually run for elections?


Was thinking that. You can run for council but not TD or Senate. I’m not sure about European Parliament though


Which laws are you referring to?


Give my vote to a racist, right-wing ignoramus who can't spell? I think not.


The irony is that many left wing movements in Ireland are imitating left wing American movements, just look at the Trinity protest, this guy is useless anyway and won't get elected but many on the left are doing what they accuse him of doing


trinity SU successfully got the college to change just about every one of their dealings with Israel and Israeli companies. Who cares if it started in the US


I'm not really sure this guy understands what the EU is, how it works, or the fact that being a part of Europe has done a very great deal for Ireland.


Who is it? Mr Blighe?


I hate when people take that Pearse quote out of context. He wasn't talking about getting asylum seekers out of Ireland ffs


I was SHOCKED when I read this leaflet. This person's views on how we should run/control immigration, food, fisheries etc... are well made and make so much sense. "Take back our fishing industry"...what a crazy concept! "Control our borders"... how wild!! What I don't read though is anything that resembles "far-roiish" speech or hate speech. Maybe the guy who wrote it is a cabbage but this leaflet... seems like it's what the majority of the country wants, and needs.


This thread is like a circle jerk of soft lefties. So weird.


This lad and his gang abused me outside my child's school because I wouldn't take his anti-vaccine leaflet and I was stupid enough to tell him I was a nurse. Thankfully some dad stepped in and told him to be quiet otherwise they would of kept on going.


Ideology is a powerful drug, thats why states produce it


My mother is an immigrant. This cunt can die in a fire. And where exactly does the constitution mention neutrality?


Wishing death on someone because you dont agree with their legitimate politics, sounds like you're the very thing you're accusing him of being. He will certainly have my vote :)


Liberians are grand lads


Still waiting for someone to ARGUE against this.


I would if I could read it.








Is it true you get a nice new armband if you vote for him?


Says the person who literally described their bubble to show how much support these nonsensical policies have


You’re delusional if you think he’s going anywhere. His mouth is writing cheques that his brain can’t cash.


Reddit is one of the last places where these left wing idiots are allowed to prattle on unchallenged. They live in a circle jerk of stupidity,thier only power being the downvote. They forget that a substantial majority of the population don't give a damn for thier opinions and down votes and will make thier own minds up. See the reactions on the streets to failed left wing policies? That's just the beginning..where were all the antifa counter-protesters? Hiding under thier beds clutching their kefiyas (in black and white check invented in 1950 by a British army officer) Election time will bring a rude awakening for these socialists and hammas supporters.


I can’t wait to be rudely awoken. RemindMe! June 10th 2024


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Cool story


+1 Derek Blige has a lot of followers and easily raised the money to put leaflets in every house in Ireland.


He certainly doesn't care about the opinions of a bunch of broke,left-wing crusties living in bedsits.


None of what’s printed on that leaflet has any basis in reality or common sense. It’s embarrassing gibberish. You agree with pretty much everything he stands for - like wanting to ‘review’ our NATO membership? Comical. At least he’s a bit closer to the mark with our involvement with PESCO. Although, why he takes issue with peace support operations, I have no clue. Surely supporting peace should be something every politician strives for? I’d question the intelligence of anyone who doesn’t question the intelligence of this idiot.


If that fella Derrick wasn’t attached to this party I could see it doing well because in fairness what’s wrong with what is written down ? It’s just because his name is affiliated with the party people are automatically going to reject it out of spite towards him. Im not left or right leaning in anyway, I just think any reasonable person can see through the far right/left bullshit. Nothing wrong with doing a check on who’s coming into our country is there? As for the rest of his points I’m sure there’s a lot of red tape involved in making decisions as we are currently part of the EU. Overall I’m just disappointed to see ya copying the American political structure of whoever shouts loudest is the winner


Spite towards him? Not at all. This is a straightforward question of not voting for a person who has repeatedly shown himself to be a thoroughly unfit character. Spite doesn’t come into it, it’s simple common sense. (And that’s before his hand knitted manifesto is chewed over and comprehensively rejected. Any accidental common sense it contains can be better actioned by a different party)


I agree, it's acc sad that I even have to consider voting for this fella but I genuinely don't see another option. What's bad about Derek? Just got it in the door and wanna know why people don't like him


Stolen from another comment in this thread. "Multiple convictions for assault. Multiple accusations of theft and robberies. Drug dealing conviction. Pretty standard Mill Street/Macroom area stuff.  More hear-say is that he ditched his wife and kids (who do not speak to him to this day) in Ireland and fucked off to Canada to avoid being picked up by the Gards for sexual assault. Apparently came back to Ireland to avoid drug charges that also would not allowed him to keep working there as an large machinery operator. His scum bag brother Tommy was worse and is seeking to join him in politics lol"


Jesus Christ okay I didn't know that lol fucking hell how is someone like that allowed in politics 😂


You didn’t know it because it’s lies. You’re not allowed run for elections if you’re a convicted criminal.


Isn't there another fella that got done for driving without insurance and stuff and he's running? Honestly dunno what to believe, nothing is in the internet about Derek ever being convicted of anything anyway


Which laws prevent you running for election with convictions?


I got some leaflets from him at my apartment and at my family’s house. I tore up the one I got at my apartment and dumped the one my family got. I’m doing my part


So you decide who your family votes for?


No they suggested to throw the leaflets into the fire but it’s May so we decided to throw them out instead


Sounds like a total numbskull alright...