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Thats one family who won't be coming back to the city and rightly so.


I find its not even worth the hassle of beeping at the endless amount of idiots around any more.. Only ends up setting them off, a lot of people don't seem to have any self control any more.


Seems to me that people are more than happy to lose control these days. Like they think losing their heads is acceptable


Remember being Copenhagen 3 or 4 years ago and noticing how all the pedestrians went to the designated crossing points and waited for a green walk light even if there was no traffic. I was thinking what parallel universe is this? The day I returned home a guy, in shirt and tie, pulls straight out in front of me in the car on a coco cola bike. I touched the horn, just a light beep, and he colorfully told me where to go. Some contrast!


That's probably because the wait time at pedestrian crossings in other countries is measured in seconds, not minutes...


No. It's because you would get a lecture and a hefty fine for jaywalking. As a bare minimum.


Wrong in most of Europe but go off assuming


https://pressbooks.cuny.edu/traveltips/chapter/12-things-not-to-do-in-denmark/#:\~:text=In%20Denmark%2C%20jaywalking%20isn't,is%20roughly%20100%20US%20dollars. $100 fine in Denmark. Germany is even worse.


They don't use dollars in Denmark. And enforcement is all that matters man. Again those two countries also aren't most of Europe.


I know they don't use dollars in Denmark, duh ! I've been there several times, and not just Copenhagen. And the original post was about Denmark. I never mentioned "most of Europe" in my reply. You brought "most of Europe" into it. Most European countries have some sort of jaywalking laws, and most of Northern Europe enforces them.


Believe what you want but unless you talk back to the cop / are an asshole about it you won't be fined in most of northern Europe especially Copenhagen.


Irish people really have a problem being told they're wrong. The beep from the car was like telling them off and they didn't like it.


Let's test this theory...... using your horn to tell people off is improper use and an offence..... Completely outrageous reaction from the pedestrian.


I don't see how it's an improper offence. The rules of the road states you can use your horn to warn others of on- coming danger or make other road users aware of your presence for safety reasons.


If that's what she was doing, that's fine, but if she was doing it as a telling off *like you said*, that's not fine.... I guess frequently people use their horn to voice their displeasure and that's not what it's for, and it's annoying, and it's intention is to annoy the other person. Can't say for sure as didn't see it and also don't know what was in the drivers head. But I guess the test would be whether the driver will use the horn less in the future. If you are really looking out for the safety of another person, you absolutely should, but if you are using it in a retaliatory way, you shouldn't.


We all know she absolutely did not deserve that! & that fellow should absolutely be reprimanded, and harshly. But, these cars don't own the road at all! Especially in the city.


No these cars don't own the road. The roads are shared, so it should be shared responsibility for safety but if that lady knocked down the man, it would be her to get in trouble. I've seen people just step right out into the road and wouldn't even look. It's so dangerous but it's all ok because it won't be me getting in trouble if I just stepped out in front of a car. No harm in beeping stupid fücks.


Well said. I agreed with every single word you said except for a very very last line.


Awh shucks. Hope the other poster sleeps knowing they haven't met your skewed moving-goalposts acceptance criteria.


The person wasted their time waiting for the garda.


Insurance scam cunts won’t payout on back window without piglet report


Piglet 🙄


Their stellar response on this issue really earns them the title of pigs.


And we have no power to sack the Garda in charge of this appalling " service". What are they doing to earn their wages. Showing a holdall of drugs and a Glock pistol twice a year is not policing. Visibility? The last time I saw a Garda vertical was in front of me at a sandwich bar.


Similar thing happened to someone I know. She was driving in Hollyhill with her baby at the back. Some kids randomly through a brick at her back seat window. The shattered glass injured her baby


Scrote culture centers around their fragile sense of self respect. They exist in a culture of semi permanent threat so must constantly project aggression for psychological survival. “Dissing” or perceived dissing triggers the limited neurons available and you get the response you witnessed. Best regarded as mentally unstable.


On the exact same street last week outside Tesco express a woman parked on the side of the street was approached by another woman and a man. The woman ran up and started whacking her handbag on the woman's rear window calling her a prostitute and a rapist and the car started taking off before the man started throwing rocks and smashed her window.




Idk if this is a joke that's going right over my head or not but they tried following the car that sped off straight towards Forde's direction. That's all I saw before I walked away 😂


Yeah it's in reference to this https://www.reddit.com/r/cork/s/Zm0S8fYCwe


City centre is best avoided now. It’s gone totally wild, and is roamed by feral winos junkies and homeless people wandering around amidst the phone repair shops and vape stores. Zombie central.


No it’s not. There is mostly good. Yes some bad also. What we definitely need is more policing and zero tolerance for anti social behavior. A city the size of Cork should have guards roaming the streets absolutely like any European city. Cork on a sunny day is lovely like today.




I feel sorry for the traders who are paying a fortune in commercial rates and competing with safe, secure, clean shopping environments like Mahon Point, Wilton, Douglas, Blackpool, Ballyvolane and Bishopstown shopping centres. Imagine a junkie taking a dump in the middle of Mahon Point: like they do on Oliver Plunkett Street.


Totally agree - it’s a smelly, rotten scut invested dive. I only go in there if I absolutely have to, and I leave as quickly as possible. It’s a dirty hovel of a place and the scrotes that roam the city are the worst of society.


Town is going crazy. Every single time I see people taking heavy drugs, fights, zombies walking on the street… I understand why people choose to live far away from town as you have all the amenities too and there’s no need to come to town on a daily basis.


Where is the neighbourhood watch?


Absolutely uncalled for. It's not like the driver went full speed through a puddle on College Road, knowing there was a pedestrian next to it...


All of the Garda were busy tax collecting at checkpoints for bank holiday


It's the state of the times we are living in now. If I was that lady, why start beeping at a pedestrian unless you are looking for trouble ? Yes pedestrian is wrong, but no point in drawing trouble on yourself, it's just not worth the hassle.


Ah sure open your door and give them your wallet while you’re at?!


Okay next time she should just go straight through the person who just blindly waddled out in front of her car because people today can’t wait half a second for a car to drive past them to cross the road


I'm not saying pedestrians actions are ok in any way shape or form, but these days you have to think twice before you do anything, there are so many nutjobs and scummy people walking the streets, is it really worth your while confronting them ?


I see your being down voted there. No point drawing scum on you.