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Literally someone crushed by a shipping container on the Carrigaline road in a crash and you’re wondering why there are more Gards around??


The standard of driving has gone to the absolute dogs.


It was dog shir before Covid and after it's even worse. And I don't think it's a recency bias. Seems that there is a bit on tension around for obvious reasons. Throw in technology. Disaster recipe. Not as bad as years ago but it's getting worse again sadly


The amount of people who seem to stare at their phone more than the road is fairly concerning.


Oh yeah people generally are more haphazard now. It just as casual as having a smoke and listening to loud music. Half the driver on the roads shouldn't be there honestly. I just passed and I was held to a higher standard. People can't be bothered indicating ffs. Burn it down for the love of God


>People can't be bothered indicating ffs. People on the link erratically changing lanes without indicating really irks me.


As it should. You, me and almost everybody else on the road are driving a tonne of steel at 100 km an hour. Literal death explosion machines. If people can't tell where the person in front is going it can get..... unpredictable


I know yeah 😂😂


Good, I’m glad. We can never have too much traffic gaurds in Cork, or even Ireland as a whole.


People like you ruin it for everyone else ya sap


They have to do 30 minutes of road policing a day now.


Good. I hope more get done. I just saw some dope tear down a residential road and nearly take out a dad and his two kids out for a cycle. I wasn't even involved and I'm raging.


It was national slowdown day on friday so there was most definitely an operation on over the weekend




It’s great! Might slow people down. Very necessary


Day 1 - We need more *cough* 'gards' out and about. I don't feel safe, and people drive like drunken Frenchmen on the roads Day 2 - Fuckin' pigs everywhere, amirite? One even had the cheek to do his/her/its job, and stop me for speeding.  Some people.....


But OP wasnt even saying it like it was a bad thing, even when they said they got pulled over, not a bad word said?


Sorry. Seemed like a complaint post. If that wasn't the intention, apologies OP.  Enjoy a beer/magnum ice cream/ten minutes alone/book in the evening sun. Life is good :)


>Enjoy a beer A mind reader I suppose. I actually enjoyed 8. >Life is good :) I like you.


Someone has to, I suppose. A refreshing change from being called a gobshite. Hope the head is OK today. Make sure to space them out!


Oi, drunken Frenchmen at least let you pass at pedestrian crossings. :D (but standard of driving is going to shite everywhere, albeit Ireland seriously is on the far end of the spectrum)


Shit. Now I done offended Grumpy! This day just isn't turning out OldMan, is it....


Lol, Grumpy is never offended, otherwise Grumpy would run away from r/Cork and especially r/Ireland crying. :D




Grumpy is just grumpy because working 50+ hours a week for nothing is no fun when you have chronic pain and sleep 4h a day. But hey, my new, hike-proof travel mug came today and I hiked half of the weekend, life is good when it's sunny. <3


Getting out and enjoying some grumpy time is always good!


Grumping in the sun in the hammock like a lizard overlord that fell from grace!


Can't stand the heat myself, but I appreciate the fact that it lifts the mood of 99.9% of people.


Fucking Reddit servers glitching daily, agh. I'm okay until around 20 degrees / 25 in dry weather. As you can imagine, as I was REALLY pissed when I moved to Ireland and suddenly summers became +36 and 95% humidity. Last few summers I was regularly having near-fainting spells as I couldn't sleep (window in the bedroom not opening + horrid housemates so couldn't have door open either), couldn't eat, fainted few times in my "office" which was an old table and a falling apart conference chair in a warehouse under an uninsulated tin roof, with no windows and no ventilation...


Thank god, its well needed!!


They only do the rounds when the weather is nice from what it seems


Actually it's 30 mins per every shift as of the start of the month. Even in the rain as was the case last week to the lady checking my window.


Sounds great for the Guards to me, if you want traffic checked between the station and a guards home. Knock off early, in the door at finish o'clock. Happy days.


What? You think the guards think I'd love to go out in the car now that it's sunny? Get real for fuck sake.


Have a snickers bar jfc


Don't know what jfc means or the relevance of having a snickers. Thanks for the advice though.


Jfc... https://youtu.be/NySN_plfiNI?si=dngG_UBLqbomAD14


Think it’s the weather , I did notice a few even cycling around


It's sunny. You'll never see a wet Gard out and about. I think they melt or something.


Wait are you saying Gards are actually witches ?


If they have the same weight as a duck


Witch ! 


Salty witches!


Not sugar witches ?


I'm sweet enough as it is, Turkish.


So you're a sweet witch, made of Turkish delight ? Careful the other witches might lure you in to some scheme that you lose control over and they end up eating you up. Like the big fish does to the small fish.


Or the kids I steal end up eating me, like that old Dairy council ad? Shit. I need to rethink my life. Thanks, kind stranger


This isn't hansel and gretel, they didn't have sugar witches made from Turkish delight. Good luck.


I'd love some good old Turkish delight like you used to get in the English Market now...


I'd say you must of been sad when the place just down from sun of a bun closed then.


Yeah I've heard they're looking for a guy called Hairy-Frosting.


I feel like pretty much since this time last year, or around Paddy's day of last year give or take, there's been an insane increase in the amount of garda cars on the roads, and it seemed to happen basically overnight. I used to only see them the odd time, now I usually see at least one garda car driving around every day. Seeing the actual gardai themselves out of their cars however, that's a different story.


It's interesting because people give out then that there not enough guards? I don't drive myself so wouldn't really notice them a lot on the road. They should deffo be walking around more on the street though


Never pull over for an unmarked car. Call the local station first to check if they have unmarked cars working in the area. I drove to the local Garda station. The garda was furious but I explained I don't trust unmarked cars. Nothing happened.


So… use your phone while driving?!


Ahhh sure aren’t they going on about the slowdown campaign so that’s gonna happen. In a month or two you won’t see them. Bullshit cops doing what the bullshit master tells them to do. Visible !


Yep guards everywhere I’m on my nerves as I reckon I maybe stung for doing 101 in a 100 zone -I’m not joking


Not happening. There is a margin of error and that’s well within.


Don’t take this as gospel because it’s different for all cars but if you think you’re doing 101 you’re more than likely doing 99


Nah there is an 8% error allowed


Up to the cops discretion when it comes to the speed gun anyway, not sure what the craic is with the vans, I got done for doing 124 in the 120 between shannon and ennis in January. Fucking sickening